Dr. Jiang Is Pregnant With His Nemesis’s Child

Chapter 26

Chapter 26

Outpatient building, obstetrics and gynecology department.

Jiang Xu had changed into a clean white coat, his cuffs buttoned meticulously, a cold stethoscope hanging from his neck, and a blue and white job tag pinned to his coat pocket.

Compared to how he was in front of Shen Fangyu, Jiang Xu’s temperament was much gentler now.

He took a sip of tea, pushed up his cool-toned half-rimmed glasses, roughly scanned the number of registered cases, and pressed the start button.

The first few cases were all reviewed in the morning, presumably after they had received their test results, and the first non-reviewed patient was a woman in her forties.

She walked in and stood in front of Jiang Xu, stroking the hair at her temples and looking a little embarrassed.

“Sit down.” Jiang Xu said.

“Oh …… oh okay.” The woman held the chair and sat down.

Jiang Xu looked at the name displayed on the computer screen and confirmed with the patient, “Ruan Xiufang?”

The woman nodded, “Yea.” She looked a little embarrassed.

“Where is the discomfort ?” Jiang Xiu withdrew his gaze from the computer and looked at the woman in front of him.

“I …… I ……,” Ruan Xiufang’s lips mumbled, unable to speak clearly for a long time.

“Just say it straight, it’s fine.”

Jiang Xu would encounter many such patients every time he sat in the clinic. Unlike other departments, many women were poisoned by feudalism and always had a natural sense of shame about visiting the gynecology department, especially older less educated women and teenage girls.

Shao Le glanced at Jiang Xu, who was holding a pen. He was wearing a mask, revealing only a pair of eyes, calmly waiting for her to speak. There was no impatience or aggression in the gaze behind the lenses which inexplicably made her want to trust him.

The Jiang Xu facing a patient was very different from the Jiang Xu facing a student, and this was something Shao Le noticed when she followed him to the clinic.

At that time, Jiang Xu told her that patients were often psychologically fragile, especially those who were brave enough to come to the gynecology department.

They were not students, they didn’t need to be taught strictly, so the only thing a doctor had to do was to spare no effort to help them.

Sure enough, Ruan Xiufang gulped for a moment, stared down at the desk, and whispered, “It’s just that every time I…I have intercourse with my man, it hurts so much, I don’t know what’s going on.” She looked pained, “I don’t want to sleep with him and he gets mad at me.”

“How long has it been?” Jiang Xu looked down and started making medical records.

Ruan Xiufang rubbed her hands together, “It’s been two or three months.”

“Do you bleed after intercourse?”

Ruan Xiufang was surprised, “How do you know that, doctor?” Probably having opened the box, her words flowed much better later and she said, “And I’m not regular with that either, I don’t know if it’s because I’m going through menopause.”

“Any history of HPV infection?” Jiang Xu asked.

“Yes, but that was more than ten years ago, and the doctor said it was because of a poor immune system,” Ruan Xiufang’s head was getting lower and lower, as if she was about to bury herself in her clothes “Is that why? But the doctor said it was cured.” She looked very puzzled.

Jiang Xu was silent for a moment. He stopped writing, looked at Shao Le and pointed to the examination room next to Ruan Xiufang, “Go and have a check-up,” he asked, “Do you need a female doctor to accompany you?”

Some patients were reluctant to have a male doctor examine them alone, and some felt that the fewer people around them the better, so Jiang Xiu would usually ask the patient’s wishes.

Ruan Xiufang glanced at Shao Le and nodded hesitantly.

Shao Le closed the door of the consulting room, opened the examination curtain, and guided Ruan Xiufang to lie down on the bed. Jiang Xu washed his hands and put on his gloves, he was about to get the instruments when the door outside was thrown open with a loud bang, and Jiang Xu subconsciously took a sheet and covered Ruan Xiufang with it. A man reeking of alcohol opened the curtain and came in.

“Who is Jiang Xu?” His voice was fierce.

“It’s me.” Jiang Xu gave him an inexplicable look, “Go out first, we’re doing an examination, we’ll talk about what’s going on later.”

Unexpectedly, the man became more arrogant at his words and walked a few steps forward, looking like he was about to hit someone, “Shame on you, a male doctor coming to the gynecology department, what the fuck are you on about?”

His words were so vulgar that Jiang Xu frowned, but the woman on the bed suddenly sat up, “Ma Hao, why are you here?”

“Why am I here?” The man with the strong biceps quickly pointed to the woman on the bed, “If I didn’t fucking come you’d have let this man touch you? Are you that cheap?”

“Ma Hao, what are you talking about!” Ruan Xiufang’s voice had taken on a crying tone, and she seemed a bit anxious and flustered, “He is a proper doctor, and I am also a proper patient!”

“Which decent man comes to the obstetrics and gynecology department?” said Ma Hao, pointing at Jiang Xu’s nose, “I don’t think you have good intentions.”

He came straight at Jiang Xu, and Shao Le went to stop him. Ma Hao glared at Shao Le, who suddenly appeared, and raised his hand to slap her in the face. But the next moment, a huge force twisted his wrist, and Jiang Xu pinned the 1.8-meter-strong man to the table.


He tried to struggle, but Jiang Xiu directly pressed one hand against the back of his neck, and used his other hand to clip his arm backward and pressed it against his back, his leg against his body, “If you try to do that again, I will directly remove your hand.” He said and made a move to jam his wrist.

The man’s face was pinned to the table and he was stunned by the unexpected reversal, “Aren’t you a fucking doctor? Aren’t doctors supposed to treat people and save them, why are you hitting them?”

Jiang Xu laughed in exasperation.


He switched one hand to hold Ma Hao down, his other hand flying to unbutton his white coat. Without releasing his hand, he took it off and flung it over the back of the chair. Before Ma Hao could react, he pressed him back down again, even more painfully than the last time.

The man above him was wearing a white dark-patterned shirt, with the cuffs turned up and buttoned above his wrists, showing strong, lean and powerful arms, and because of the force, blue veins could be seen through his white skin.

“Let me reintroduce myself, my name is Jiang Xu, a member of the A City Close Combat Association,” Jiang Xu’s voice was inaudible, “can I hit you now?”

“……” Ma Hao: why don’t you follow the rules?

Without waiting for Ma Hao to make a sound, Jiang Xu directly dislocated the other man’s wrist.

Ma Hao screamed from the sudden pain, and he was full of shock and despair. The man who came in raging and shaking his big biceps instantly became a quail, “Doctor …… Dr. Jiang …… I beg you to quickly let go of my hand ……it hurts ……”

“It’s good that it hurts,” Jiang Xiu said, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, next time your lover says it hurts, I hope you will remember how you feel now.”

Ma Hao’s eyes were tearing up, he didn’t care about resisting again and immediately started nodding, all his previous arrogance gone.

“Mr. Jiang ……” Shao Le who was beside him was dumbfounded. This was the first time she had ever seen such a situation, and she didn’t know what to say for a moment, “Is this really…is it okay?”

When she was studying, her internship hospital doctors told her that it was better to run away when she encountered medical trouble, but it was the first time she encountered such a tough fight with a patient.

Jiang Xu’s slender hand pressed Ma Hao to the table and he asked Shao Le, “Do you think he can still hit me?”

“……” Shao Le: forget I asked.

“It’s quite lively in here.” Shen Fangyu leisurely pushed open the door and leaned against the doorway with his arms folded to watch the drama.

“Teacher Shen …” Shao Le froze.

Shen Fangyu smiled at her, “If you are really worried about your teacher Jiang, you should stop watching the excitement and go call security.”

It was only then that Shao Le snapped to her senses. Jiang Xu was in control of the situation and didn’t need help, so she had forgotten to go and call someone.

She rushes out to find someone, but Shen Fangyu stopped her, “No need, I called the security office as soon as I heard the kick on the door,” he looked at Jiang Xu and raised an eyebrow, his tone extremely pompous, “Once again, kind Dr. Shen can repay a grudge with a virtue, how are you going to thank me? “

Jiang Xu glanced at him, a little unsure of the meaning.

At this moment, Ruan Xiufang also got down from the examination bed. She looked at her husband who was confined and then at Jiang Xu, and didn’t know what to say for a moment. After a while, she said to Ma Hao, “Good for you.”

“Who told you to disrespect doctors,” Ruan Xiufang said, “you deserve to get beaten up.”

“Wife,” Ma Hao was now subdued and didn’t dare to act arrogant, “Please beg Dr. Jiang for me, tell him to let go of my hand…”

His words had just fallen when several security guards with batons rushed through the door, and became dumbfounded. They looked at each other for a long time, and finally looked at Jiang Xu.

“Doctor Jiang, what’s going on here?”

Jiang Xu gently let go of his hand and pointed at Ma Hao and said to the security guard, “He tried to beat me up.”

Shen Fangyu raised his hand, “I testify that this is indeed the case.”

Shao Le: “I also ……”

Ma Hao: “?” Shao Le was fine, but where did this man who was leaning against the door to watch the fun come in?

Shen Fangyu curled his lips at him and smiled meaningfully.

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