Dr. Jiang Is Pregnant With His Nemesis’s Child

Chapter 32

Chapter 32

When Shen Fangyu heard this, his movements paused and after a while, he tilted his head and said to Jiang Xu: “This matter is decided, It’s not like I don’t have a salary. I can just earn more when the money’s gone,” he then changed the topic: “Are you hungry? I’ll go get you something to eat.”

“I’m not hungry, Shen…”

Seeing that Jiang Xu was about to start talking about the house again, Shen Fangyu hurriedly walked to the kitchen. He entered the kitchen and accidentally found a stack of braised beef noodles along the wall, comparable to the giant tower of braised beef noodles in a supermarket.

Jiang Xu’s voice chased over, “Shen Fangyu, listen to me——”

“Jiang Xu,” Shen Fangyu interrupted directly: “What’s wrong with you, these instant noodles are all of one taste, don’t you get tired of eating them?” ”

“Shen Fangyu——”

Before Jiang Xu could finish speaking, Shen Fangyu walked to him in a few steps, and put his hands on his shoulders, “You should go and sleep, and rest more to recover quickly. The vagus nerve is easily excited at night, you’ll end up not sleeping if you’re not careful. Besides, even if you don’t want to sleep, our daughter should sleep, go to bed early and get up early to be healthy. Right, what do you want to eat for breakfast tomorrow?”

Shen Fangyu coaxed Jiang Xu back to the bedroom, pressed him to the bed, covered him, and quickly sneaked out of the bedroom before Jiang Xu found an opportunity to speak. He even politely helped Jiang Xu close the door. Remembering that the lock was broken, he deliberately reached out and held the doorknob tightly.

However, the prediction was wrong, and Jiang Xu did not hit him with a pillow today.

Shen Fangyu looked at the doorknob, and walked away. He was still enjoying how novel it felt when his stomach growled twice. He suddenly came back to his senses, turned, and walked towards the kitchen.

Jiang Xu’s kitchen layout was very simple and you can see the corners at a glance. He and Jiang Xu’s instant noodle pagoda mountain glanced at each other, and he finally chose to open Jiang Xu’s refrigerator.

Then Shen Fangyu, who was foraging in the middle of the night, saw what an empty granary was.

Jiang Xu’s refrigerator was spotless. It didn’t even smell of food. Shen Fangyu even wondered if this refrigerator had ever been used since Jiang Xu bought it. Even the samples placed in the electrical appliance store would not be empty like this.

Was Jiang Xu an immortal?

Shen Fangyu stood in front of the refrigerator with a shocked expression. After repeatedly confirming that there was indeed nothing to eat in the entire house except for the instant noodle pagoda mountain, he finally turned to look at the neatly arranged instant noodle wall.

While they looked at each other, Shen Fangyu seemed to see the row of braised beef noodles smile smugly.


Jiang Xu was not hungry, but Shen Fangyu was starving. He just had to start adjusting to the life of eating instant noodles daily.

Shen Fangyu took two packets, unpacked them neatly, and added boiling water.

The earlier incident had interrupted his work. Seeing the PPT from the students in the mailbox, Shen Fangyu glanced at the progress of their experiment as he waited for the instant noodles, and he showed an irritated expression, “It’s fine if you can’t do a shitty thesis, how do you fail to do a PPT?!”

Shen Fangyu put down the tablet depressedly and walked to the door of Jiang Xu’s bedroom with two bowls of fragrant instant noodles.

This time, he remembered to knock on the door. Unfortunately, he had no free hand so he had to use his knee. He forgot that the lock was still broken, and the door opened by itself with a little strength.

Jiang Xu, who was lying on the bed, glanced at him, and immediately opened his mouth, “Shen Fangyu, I don’t agree——”

“Don’t talk about selling a house.” Shen Fangyu quickly interrupted him, “Otherwise, I will go to Teacher Cui tomorrow and tell her that you injured your hand yourself.”

Jiang Xu was silent for a moment, “What about knocking on the door?”

“I really remembered to knock on the door this time,” Shen Fangyu shook in front of him with two bright red instant noodle boxes, “But my hands were full.”

He walked to the room, and Jiang Xu, who had been down, slowly sat up and said, “Take it out.”

Shen Fangyu: “Huh? ”

Jiang Xu pointed out the window, “If you dare to eat instant noodles in my bedroom, you will go out and sleep on the street.”

“Hey, I already said it, you are so messy so why are you acting like a clean freak?” Shen Fangyu said: “Seeing your bedroom messed up like this, I thought we were all the same. ”

After he finished speaking, he glanced at the bedroom and was about to complain about the plush dolls that made him have a nightmare, but found that except for the long-eared rabbit next to Jiang Xu, all the plush toys in the room had disappeared.

Fuck… It’s really haunted.

“Jiang Xu,” his voice trembled a little, “can you see the dolls in this room?” ”

“I put them away.” Jiang Xu looked at him indifferently.

Shen Fangyu: “…”

“You had a nightmare last night,” Jiang Xu continued to say, “The sleep talk was noisy. ”

Shen Fangyu was confused, “And you think you don’t talk in your dreams? ”

“What did I say?” Jiang Xu raised his eyes.


Shen Fangyu recalled the five-word sleep talk and felt that if he repeated it in front of Jiang Xu, it would be no different from belittling himself, and he bowed his head in embarrassment, “I don’t want to talk to you anymore.”

Jiang Xu’s expression showed he knew everything. “You’re an adult but are afraid of ghosts.”

Shen Fangyu heard this and his heart was filled with anger. He resolutely returned to the dining table with the two bowls of instant noodles, not leaving Jiang Xu a bowl.

After eating a late-night snack, he went to clean up the remains of the bathroom mirror, checked the follow-up meeting time with his students, and silently walked back to the bedroom. Jiang Xu had already turned off the lights.

He thought that Jiang Xu was sleeping, and was about to take off his shoes and sleep on his bed on the floor, when a faint voice suddenly came from the bed: “Shen Fangyu.” ”

“Are you trying to be a ghost?” Shen Fangyu, who almost had a cardiac arrest, covered his heart. He looked at Jiang Xu’s silhouette in the dark and said sleepily: “It’s so late, why don’t you sleep? You have to go to the clinic tomorrow.” ”

Jiang Xu was quiet for a while, Shen Fangyu’s eyes gradually became accustomed to the darkness, and he could see his expression slightly.

Jiang Xu said: “I have something to tell you. ”

“About the house?” Shen Fangyu made a gesture to plug his ears.

“It’s not about the house.”

Shen Fangyu breathed a sigh of relief.

“I asked Tang Ke, and his friend said that there was something wrong with the journal’s review. It’s hard to say when Dr. Kenn’s paper will be published. He asked me to prepare for the worst, and… there is one thing I haven’t told you,” Jiang Xu paused, “My visa to go abroad has not been processed even up to now. ”

“So, regarding your suggestion after the prenatal check that day,” he looked at Shen Fangyu, “I think that giving birth is probably the best choice at this stage.”

Shen Fangyu was stunned, he didn’t expect Jiang Xu’s words to end up with such a turn.

No matter what kind of objective reason existed, this was the first time that Jiang Xu, who was extremely determined to get rid of the child, had talked about giving birth to this child.

“I shouldn’t have pretended that I didn’t hear what you said.” Jiang Xu said: “Don’t sell the house, I can’t let you go bankrupt for me.”

“It’s not that I don’t want to sell the house… Jiang Xu,” Shen Fangyu shook his head and said to Jiang Xu: “Money is not a problem, this is what I should do to compensate you.” ”

As Jiang Xu listened, he suddenly became angry.

“What kind of hero are you trying to be? Who wants you to sell your house and car? Are you Yang Xier who sells her body to save her father, and I am Huang Shiren, the landlord bully who exploits you? If you are the father of the child, am I not? Don’t talk about compensation all day long and don’t talk like I’m a victim and you’re the perpetrator. I let you come to my house, tolerated you tearing through doors like a husky, but didn’t ask you to compensate me! Shen Fangyu, correct your mentality!”

*Yang Xier(the heroine) and Huang Shiren(the villain) are fictional characters from the story “The white-haired girl”.

He said everything in one breath and didn’t give Shen Fangyu a chance to interrupt him again.

Finally, he got to say what he didn’t say before.

Shen Fangyu looked at Jiang Xu blankly, and didn’t react for a long time.

In the past, Jiang Xu could solve problems by rolling his eyes and giving an indifferent expression, and would never say another word to him. For the first time, he heard Jiang Xu yell at him one word after another like a machine gun, and he was stunned for a while.

Jiang Xu finished the words that he had been holding all night and he also fell silent.

The two were relatively quiet for a while, and finally Jiang Xu looked at Shen Fangyu and asked, “Do you remember when we went out to debate on behalf of the school in our junior year?”

Jiang Xu’s decision to have a child and the long tirade about these two things left Shen Fangyu in a state of confusion, and he unconsciously nodded his head when he heard this.

“What did you say then?” Jiang Xu reminded him.

Shen Fangyu thought for a while, “I don’t remember.”

Jiang Xu: “…”

At that time, the topic of the final debate was the cliché “cooperation and competition”, and the argument drawn by the other school was that competition is more important, while A Medical University argued that cooperation is more important.

The debaters of the opposing school used the fertilization process as an example, tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of sperm competed, and in the end, only the fastest and best-performing ones could enter the fertilized egg and develop into a fetus.

At that time, Shen Fangyu smiled after listening to it, he stood beside Jiang Xu, and told the other party with a bit of arrogance.

“The real fertilization process is actually a cooperative process, countless sperm reach the egg cell and use their lives to dissolve the corona radiata and zona pellucida on the outer layer of the egg cell, so that the lucky one who is long overdue can smoothly contact the egg cell and complete fertilization.”

“The sperm that can really enter the egg cell is not the best, but the luckiest, because there are countless partners who work with it to create its success.”

“Without cooperation,” Shen Fangyu said, “no matter how strong a competitor is, it is difficult to succeed.”

The sunlight outside the window of the competition classroom fell obliquely on Shen Fangyu’s face, reflecting his eyes very brightly.

For some reason, Jiang Xu remembered that scene for many years.

He even remembered the color of the clothes Shen Fangyu was wearing that day, remembered that he didn’t button properly that day, and also remembered that he had a little cynical look, and a wry smile on his face.

…… He remembered that after Shen Fangyu said this to the other debater, he turned his head and glanced at him with a little embarrassment.

Unexpectedly, the person who said this had forgotten.

“Shen Fangyu,” Jiang Xu looked at him, “Pregnancy itself is a process of cooperation, I asked you to come to my house because you said…” He lowered his eyes, “You are also the father of the child.”

“You…” The room was silent for a moment, Shen Fangyu seemed to find things difficult to comprehend, and he gulped with difficulty, “What do you mean?” ”

Jiang Xu despaired at the understanding capacity of the person in front of him, he pulled the quilt expressionlessly, laid down, and turned his back to Shen Fangyu.

“It means that if you mention selling the house again, you can get out of here.”

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