Dr. Jiang Is Pregnant With His Nemesis’s Child

Chapter 37

Chapter 37

Fortunately, Mother Jiang was just a little emotional, and there was nothing wrong with her heart. The two doctors gave first aid on the spot, and not long after, Mother Jiang calmed down and pointed at Jiang Xu’s nose: “You… You…”

“Mom,” Jiang Xu tried to whitewash himself at this time, “I really have nothing to do with him; if you don’t believe me, go to my bedroom and see, he usually sleeps on the floor.”

Mother Jiang stroked her heart and said, “I’m not going.”

Jiang Xu remembered that he had stopped her from entering the bedroom half an hour ago, and his intestines were almost twisted from regret. If he knew, he would have let her take a good look at the two beds in the bedroom and directly confessed.

He wondered whether Shen Fangyu was someone born to restrain him; as long as he was with Shen Fangyu, his sober mind could become unclear.

Shen Fangyu noticed that something was wrong with the conversation between the two. He covered his hand with a pillow, and quickly typed a message to Jiang Xu.

—What’s the situation?

Jiang Xu heard the mobile phone ringing and took it out to take a glance at it.

“What are you looking at?” Mother Jiang asked with piercing eyes.

Jiang Xu said calmly: “Something is going on at the hospital.”

Then he first neatly cut to the address book and quickly changed Shen Fangyu’s name to “medical representative Mr. Zhang,” and then replied to his message.

—My mom thinks that the two of us are in a relationship.

Shen Fangyu’s hand trembled, and the mobile phone fell on the sofa. Father Jiang, who was sitting on the side, glanced at him, and Shen Fangyu suddenly felt a chill go down his back. He picked up the mobile phone and continued to type blindly:

—Does it hurt when your dad hits someone? Do I have to make an appointment with an orthopedic expert in advance? That way I won’t delay getting treatment.

—I don’t know, he’s never beaten me.

Good student Jiang Xu added another message not long after:

—But my uncle used to be a thug.

Shen Fangyu: “…”

“Uncle, auntie…” he said with a bright smile, “you really misunderstood, Jiang Xu and I are ordinary colleagues, I asked to live in his house because I owed money and sold my house. I had no place to live for a while, and Jiang Xu was kind enough to take me in.”

“Since you are ordinary colleagues, why would Jiang Xu help you?” Mother Jiang was indeed someone who had watched “Young Bao Qingtian” and “Detective Di Renjie” a lot, and she immediately discovered the loopholes in Shen Fangyu’s words.

Shen Fangyu ruthlessly poured dirty water on himself, saying, “Because I owe loan sharks, I had not yet gotten the money from selling the house when the debt collectors came to the hospital and Jiang Xu happened to see it.”

“So now that you’re living with Xiao Xu, what if the debt collectors come to his door?” Mother Jiang glanced at Shen Fangyu, and worried about her son.

“Don’t worry,” Shen Fangyu said, “Jiang Xu is so good at fighting, those people can’t beat him.”

He then took out a yellow piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to Mother Jiang Mu. Jiang Xu recognized it at a glance; it was the ticket that Shen Fangyu kept as a “souvenir”.

“You see, there was a patient’s family member who wanted to bully Jiang Xu not long ago, but he directly fought back regardless of the punishment. He is a very righteous person; he couldn’t even bear to see those debt collectors bullying me with violence, so he let me move into his house. Many people in the department got to know about this, and they all praised Jiang Xu’s kindness. ”

Jiang Xu: “…”

Can Shen Fangyu be bullied?

He was really good at making things up.

“You mean, everyone in your department knows that you live together?” Mother Jiang was a little convinced.

“I don’t know all of them, only a few,” Shen Fangyu knew that the lie should not be too deadly. “After all, I also want face, I didn’t want this matter to spread.” He added: “Fortunately, I have paid back most of the money, and also applied for a single dormitory with the hospital. I’ll be moving out in a while.”

He then called up the previous application record to show Mother Jiang, “Look, if I really have a relationship with Jiang Xu, why would I move out?”

**(I think it’s a record from when he was preparing to sell his house previously.)

After reading it, Mother Jiang handed the mobile phone to Father Jiang, who was a little presbyopic. He took off his glasses, carefully looked at the application record, and saw that it was indeed from Jihua Hospital, so he returned the mobile phone to Shen Fangyu with a better expression.

“It’s a good thing to help your colleagues,” he said to Jiang Xu, “why were you being secretive?”

Shen Fangyu quickly answered before Jiang Xuyu could open his mouth, “He was probably afraid that you two will say that he is nosy, no parents are willing to let their son live with a person who owes loan sharks, right?”

He paused and complimented, “People are afraid of getting into trouble nowadays, so they teach their children to value their lives more. Parents like you two are not common.”

Sure enough, Mother Jiang had a smile on her face after hearing this. She even pointed to Father Jiang and said proudly: “His father was also brave enough to save a drowning high school student, and he was commended by the district chief.”

“Really?” Shen Fangyu glanced at Jiang Xu with genuine surprise.

Jiang Xu was also stunned by the story Shen Fangyu made up and was listening to it with enthusiasm, so he did not react to the words his mother had just said and nodded absentmindedly. Only to hear Mother Jiang suddenly ask: “Then why won’t you get married because of him?”


His mother’s ability to grasp details was too strong.

What’s going on? He couldn’t make up stories like Shen Fangyu.

Jiang Xu hurriedly gave Shen Fangyu a look.

Shen Fangyu was also stunned.

What does Jiang Xu’s not getting married have to do with him?

But at this time, he didn’t have time to think, and casually responded: “He just uses me as an excuse. Anyone being pressured to marry would use any excuse not to get married. He probably saw me pass by and mentioned me casually.”

Jiang Mu nodded, as if what he said was quite reasonable.

Shen Fangyu breathed a sigh of relief, and Father Jiang didn’t question anything for a while. Just when his heart was about to go back down, Father Jiang suddenly remembered something and asked tentatively: “The… are those baby and toddler products in the room also yours? ”

Mother Jiang had fainted too early, so she didn’t see those things, and she was now puzzled: “You have a child?”

No way?

Shen Fangyu was shocked.

He had rushed to the corner before they entered the door and covered everything with a plastic bag. In addition, Mother Jiang suddenly fainted, so there was some chaos, but Jiang Xu’s father still discovered them?

‘Your father’s eyes are too good…’ Shen Fangyu glanced at Jiang Xu.

Jiang Xu explained in a low voice, “My father was labeled the best class teacher every year. ”

Shen Fangyu: “…”

‘I see, so the good eyesight would catch all the naughty students.’

He took a deep breath and said, “They are mine, I bought them for my daughter. I was afraid that the debt collector would trouble her, so I sent her to a friend’s house in the meantime. I just didn’t have time to give them to her.”

Mother Jiang breathed a sigh of relief and completely let go of her worries. How could a person with children get into an unclear relationship with her son?

However, Father Jiang spoke a little hesitantly: “But, with your situation… Why buy so many things? Shouldn’t you save money? ”

Shen Fangyu laughed dryly, “No matter how hard life is, a child shouldn’t suffer, right?”

Mother Jiang’s hanging heart relaxed, and her voice became kind, “Xiao Shen is right,” she nodded in agreement, and she said with concern: “What about the child’s mother; doesn’t she care about the child?”

Shen Fangyu said without hesitation: “Dead.”

A dead person was the safest accomplice. Anyway, his “wife” had already , “died” when he bought the bozai cake; a second time won’t hurt.

The Jiang couple suddenly became a little embarrassed. It was not good to ask more, so they apologized with somewhat sympathetic looks: “I’m sorry, Xiao Shen, we misunderstood you.”

Shen Fangyu hurriedly waved his hand, “It’s okay, it’s okay.” Then he tilted his head and saw Jiang Xu’s inexplicable expression.

Seeing him look over, Jiang Xu twitched the corner of his mouth and repeated his words: “Dead? ”

Shen Fangyu said solemnly: “Well, she can’t die once again.”

Jiang Xu splashed the tea in his cup onto Shen Fangyu’s face.

“Xiao Xu, what are you doing?! How can you be so rude?” Mother Jiang hurriedly stopped him: “Why are you rubbing salt on Xiao Shen’s wounds?”

“I didn’t mean anything,” Jiang Xu said calmly. “I’m toasting on behalf of his wife.”

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