Dr. Jiang Is Pregnant With His Nemesis’s Child

Chapter 42

Chapter 42

Shen Fangyu heard Jiang Xu joke like this for the first time, and he was stunned for a long time before saying, “You still look good.”

“You’re being perfunctory.”

“I’m not.”

Jiang Xu was too lazy to talk to him. Moreover, the tiger-skin green peppers was really delicious, and he was not interested in giving his attention to Shen Fangyu for the time being.

So he didn’t notice that Shen Fangyu had quietly put down his bowl and chopsticks and was watching him eat intently, as if he could see the flowers on his face.

“I didn’t expect you to like it so much.” Shen Fangyu suddenly spoke up.

Jiang Xu raised his eyes unexpectedly.

Shen Fangyu supported his head with one hand, and a memory flashed through his mind.

“Jiang Xu, do you know that when I was a child, I liked to eat the tiger skin green peppers made by my grandfather?”

He hooked the corner of his mouth and, for the first time, mentioned the affairs of his family.

“I heard that my grandfather learned how to cook tiger skin green peppers because of my grandmother.”

He glanced at Jiang Xu and then said: “My grandmother was a famous beauty when she was young. She was beautiful and had a big temper, but my grandfather… in our words, a strict wife control. ”

*A strict wife control is a man who is very obedient to his wife and always listens to her.

“Later, he heard from somewhere that if he gave his wife tiger skin green peppers, even a woman who looked like a tigress would become gentle, so he went to learn the art from a teacher and practiced this tiger skin green pepper from a restaurant.”

“My grandmother ate the tiger skin green peppers my grandfather made, and even though her temper never changed, she liked the taste so much that she asked my grandfather to make it for her for the rest of her life.” Shen Fangyu said with a smile.

“It is easy to change the nature of rivers and mountains, but it is difficult to change people’s temperament.” Jiang Xu said.

“Yes, besides, my grandfather was used to her temper; he even enjoyed it,” Shen Fangyu’s lips curled a little. “When I was a child, my grandfather told me that I must learn this dish, afraid that I would inherit his strict wife control’s genes. This way, I could make it for my sweetheart in the future.”

He looked at Jiang Xu with a smile, and because he was caught up in the memory, his eyes were particularly soft. He teased: “But I didn’t expect that the first time I made this dish was not for my wife, but for you.”

“Cough, cough-”

Jiang Xu, who was eating happily, suddenly choked. Shen Fangyu hurriedly withdrew his thoughts from the past, reached out to pat him on the back, and whispered: “You eat slowly, it’s easy to choke on pepper seeds. ”

After a while, Jiang Xu finally recovered from the cough. He silently put down his chopsticks, wiped his lips calmly, and said, “I’m done eating.”

Shen Fangyu thought that he was afraid of the pepper seeds, so he persuaded: “Don’t waste food just because you choked; just eat carefully; try to eat as if you are eating fish.”

Jiang Xu shook his head firmly, and walked to the bedroom without looking back.

“Picky eater.” Shen Fangyu finished complaining in a low voice, glanced at his back, then moved his gaze back to the remaining green peppers and sighed to himself: “Forget it, I’d better remove the seeds before cooking it next time.”

He stood up and cleaned up the table, put all the dishes and chopsticks in the dishwasher, and wiped the table with disinfectant water. He had just wrung out the rag when his mobile phone suddenly rang.

“Shen Fangyu? Do you remember me? “There was a somewhat familiar voice on the other end of the phone.

“Huang Bin?”

“Yes, yes, it’s me.”

Shen Fangyu was a little puzzled as to why Huang Bin would contact him.

Huang Bin was his and Jiang Xu’s college classmate, but he was not familiar with him. After graduation, Huang Bin did not become a doctor but became a medical representative. He had a flexible brain, and it was said that the business was booming. However, he already had fixed contacts at Jihua, so he and Huang Bin didn’t meet much after work.

However, Huang Bin quickly stepped into the topic, saying, “I heard that you and Jiang Xu are now in Jihua, and you are deputy chief physicians. Congratulations! ”

Shen Fangyu smiled and thanked him, and after praising Huang Bin’s achievements as well until the other party was elated, the man explained his intentions: “I want to bring my girlfriend to do an abortion. Can you… help me find a good doctor?”

This was a personal affair, and Shen Fangyu didn’t like to meddle, but Huang Bin was known for making people eat dog food. Even Shen Fangyu, who doesn’t check his friends’ moments, couldn’t escape his crazy bombardment of information in the class group. So everyone who graduated with him knew that Huang Bin has a girlfriend whom he has loved for many years and wanted to marry.

So Shen Fangyu asked, “Don’t you and your girlfriend have a good relationship?”

Abortion was not as trivial as it sounded, it would hurt the body to some extent, and if there were plans for the couple to get married and have children in the near future, there was really no need to go through this trouble.

“What’s the use of a good relationship?” Huang Bin said: “Her family has no power or connections, so she can’t help me in my career. And when she talks about marriage, she asks me to pay a bride price of 100,000 yuan, and she doesn’t ask herself if it’s worth it. It’s not like I can’t find another wife. And I can have a child whenever I wish to. ”

He had a self-righteous tone: “Shen Fangyu, we are all men. You know that if I have a child with such a woman, I will be tied up with her for the rest of my life.”

Huang Bin’s business was doing well; in addition to making people eat dog food, he also liked showing off his wealth in the group, so he was someone who could get 100,000 yuan.

When he heard the first sentence, Shen Fangyu felt that something was wrong, so he immediately pressed the record button, and the more he listened, the more he frowned and his voice became cold: “Huang Bin, do you know what you are talking about?”

He asked, “Are you a man?”

“What do you mean, Shen Fangyu?” Huang Bin heard the change in Shen Fangyu’s tone and became a little annoyed.

“Nevermind. Huang Bin, can you grow a conscience?” Shen Fangyu slowly took a deep breath: “Since you don’t know what it means to be responsible, I can only sincerely wish that you get sexual dysfunction, impotence, and may——”

Huang Bin hung up his phone and interrupted Shen Fangyu’s words.

“Damn it—”  Shen Fangyu couldn’t help but curse into the hung-up phone.

At the same time, Jiang Xu looked at the latest message on his mobile phone and frowned slightly.

Huang Bin: [Hello, are you Jiang Xu?]

Huang Bin: [I would like to ask if you can recommend some doctors who are good at abortion?]

Jiang Xu sent a short reply: “Send me the patient’s WeChat, and I will contact her directly.”

Huang Bin: [Yes! Let’s talk there]

With that, he sent him a personal business card.

Let’s talk there?

Jiang Xu felt that Huang Bin’s words were a little strange, but he didn’t think much about them. He didn’t know that Huang Bin had already contacted Shen Fangyu, but because he was scolded, he learned his lesson and chose to contact him via WeChat.

He opened the business card, clicked “add”, and the other party quickly approved.

Jiang Xu typed some relevant information and precautions, as well as the names of several doctors. He had just clicked send when he heard Shen Fangyu knocking on the door.

He glanced at the closed door and lowered his eyes. “Come in.”

Shen Fangyu would politely knock on the door as long as he was in the room; it didn’t matter whether it was the bedroom or the study. It stands to reason that Jiang Xu should have felt happy, but for some reason, the feeling in his heart was anything but that.

Shen Fangyu pushed open the door, and Jiang Xu withdrew that subtle thought.

“Why are you angry?” He could tell at a glance that Shen Fangyu was in a bad mood.

“Has Huang Bin contacted you?”

Jiang Xu gave him a look, and Shen Fangyu directly clicked on the recording and played it in front of Jiang Xu.

Jiang Xu’s face turned cold, and after a while, he said to Shen Fangyu: “Send it to me.”

After receiving the recording, he paused, processed Shen Fangyu’s voice, and forwarded the edited mp3 file to the girl who was thanking him.

Perhaps the recording had too much impact on the other party, as she did not reply again.

He handed his phone to Shen Fangyu, who went through the chat record angrily and returned the phone to Jiang Xu. His anger finally faded a little, only to find that he was still wearing an apron.

Jiang Xu also did not allow him to appear in the bedroom in “non-home” clothes.

Fortunately, Jiang Xu hadn’t noticed yet, so Shen Fangyu hurriedly put away his emotions and said, before Jiang Xu could notice that he was wearing an apron when he entered the bedroom: “I’ll go and change.”

Jiang Xu, who had noticed he was wearing an apron from the time he came in: “…”

He looked at Shen Fangyu’s back and shook his head a little helplessly. He picked up his mobile phone again, typed in his personal contact information, and attached a sentence that said, “If you need help, you can come to me”. As soon as the message was sent, he received a red exclamation mark.

——Huang Bin’s girlfriend blocked him!

Jiang Xu was silent for a moment. He deleted the last chat record that was not sent, put away his mobile phone, and did not intend to tell Shen Fangyu about this. He didn’t want to affect the man’s mood.

Seeing Shen Fangyu come over with a plate of sliced apples, he picked up a piece and handed it to the latter, picking a happy thing to wash away the other party’s bad mood. “Tang Ke said the results of the last prenatal examination were very good, and there was no problem with the NT examination.”

*NT exam measures The thickness of the tissue at the back of an unborn baby’s neck. Measuring this thickness helps assess the risk for Down syndrome and other genetic problems in the baby.

The crisp apple was sweet; it was as if he could still smell the fresh apple fragrance as it wrapped around his lips and teeth. He handed the fork back to Jiang Xu and said, “I know.”

Jiang Xu looked up with some doubt, and heard Shen Fangyu say: “Tang Ke told me. He also asked me when a Down syndrome screening could be done. Considering your special physical condition, he suggested doing another ultrasound.”

“Another one?” The number of scans that Jiang Xu has had has exceeded those of a normal pregnant woman.

Shen Fangyu nodded. “I also think it’s a little too much, but he said that if there is no problem with the 4D color ultrasound at five or six months, then we can go back to the normal frequency. So I think having one or two more is okay, just to rest assured.”

He added: “I looked at your schedule and made an appointment to go for an ultrasound the night after tomorrow. You need to do a blood test in the morning, so I will send you there. Remember not to drink water when you get up in the morning; I will take you out for breakfast when it is done.”

Jiang Xu liked to drink water when he gets up in the morning, but he doesn’t like to eat, so he often skipped breakfast.

After Shen Fangyu moved over, he would get up a little earlier than Jiang Xu when it wasn’t a day off, go downstairs to buy breakfast in advance, and watch Jiang Xu finish it. Over time, Jiang Xu developed the habit of having breakfast.

However, Jiang Xu was obviously concerned about another thing: “Why did he look for you and not me?” He was sure that Tang Ke did not contact him about the prenatal examination. “Why is he telling you everything now?”

“Of course, it’s because I’m more reliable than you.” Shen Fangyu’s emotions came and went quickly, and after Jiang Xu had fed him two mouthfuls of apples, he became provocative once again, “I wonder who pushes patients to follow the doctor’s advice day by day, and as a result, he is the one who disobeys the doctor’s advice the most. See how much you ruined your stomach by not eating, if it weren’t for me——”

Jiang Xu sat up abruptly, forcefully inserted the small golden fork into the apple pieces, and took the whole plate with him to the study.

“Hey, what are you doing? I am still eating!”

“You cut it for me; who allowed you to eat?”

Jiang Xu locked the door of the study. Shen Fangyu stuffed the last apple that Jiang Xu had given him in his mouth and said, while knocking on the door: “You are unreasonable, Jiang Xu, why can’t I eat the apple I cut? Besides, you just fed me—how can you turn your face faster than turning a page in a book? ”

Jiang Xu ignored him, but directly called Tang Ke, who was eating inside and outside and scolded his friend for siding with outsiders.

*Eating inside and outside is an idiom to mean telling another party about one’s situation.

Shen Fangyu outside the door realized that it was useless to knock on the door, so he directly took out the big killer—a portable stereo with decibels comparable to the handheld radio used by a half-deaf grandmother.

The familiar and surging “Ah ~~~” instantly surged through the entire room, breaking through the door panel of the study without the slightest hindrance, and burrowing into Jiang Xu’s ears. Even Tang Ke on the other end of the phone was startled, and he suddenly took the mobile phone away from his ear.

“Jiang Xu, what are you doing? Are you having a renaissance at home?” Tang Ke didn’t know that he was now living with Shen Fangyu.

“Even if you want to enjoy the theme song of “The Legend of the White Snake”, can’t you use a normal volume? I know that your house is soundproofed so you can’t disturb the neighbors, but my ears can’t stand it!”

The deafening sound waves were frantically attacking Jiang Xu’s eardrums, and he couldn’t even hear Tang Ke’s voice on the phone.

He glanced at the apples on the table, took a deep breath, and hung up on Tang Ke. He opened the study door with a heavy face, and the moment he met Shen Fangyu’s eyes, he lifted the plate and smashed it on Shen Fangyu’s head.

The brief peace fell apart, and the harmony between him and Shen Fangyu would probably never be able to last for more than three seconds.

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