Dr. Jiang Is Pregnant With His Nemesis’s Child

Chapter 67

Chapter 67

The conference room of A Medical hospital.

As soon as Jiang Xu stepped in, Yu Sang said in shock, “Brother Xu, you’re here too?”

Because Shen Fangyu had been invited to attend a mini-conference organized by the big shot, the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Jihua had also received a link to the internal live broadcast, so that they could observe the proceedings.

“Don’t think that Senior Brother Jiang is like you,” Zhong Lan laughed, “many bigwigs are presenting at this conference besides Brother Shen. Wouldn’t it be a loss not to listen?”

Jiang Xu was silent for a moment, not telling the two of them that he had actually come to listen to Shen Fangyu’s presentation.

The only reason was that before he came, Shen Fangyu had bombarded him with countless messages, as if he would die of heartbreak if he didn’t watch.

He sat down at the front of the conference table, took a picture of the projection screen, and sent it to Shen Fangyu, signaling that he was watching.

But probably because he was already in the preparation stage, Shen Fangyu did not reply to his message.

It was not long before it was time for Shen Fangyu to make his presentation.

As soon as Jiang Xu saw the clothes he was wearing, he remembered the time Shen Fangyu had taken the black suit out of the wardrobe when he was packing his bags.

Shen Fangyu complained that black suits were the most boring suits, not only were they expensive, but they also made one look like an insurance salesman. Furthermore, it made him, a young man in his prime, blend in with the crowd and lose any sense of uniqueness.

But it was the rule of the conference, and one has to wear a suit for formal occasions.

But …… Jiang Xu scanned the man on the screen ……it wasn’t as bad as he said.

On the contrary, Jiang Xu felt that he had not disappeared in the crowd. Suits are very difficult to pull off and a little bit of a bad figure and shape can show up.

Shen Fangyu, with his broad shoulders and long legs, was the perfect model.

His young professor temperament matched the black suit, and he stood in front of the podium like a cypress, his English flowing naturally and casually. It was very pleasing to the eye.

It was only halfway through the presentation that Jiang Xu realised that he hadn’t listened to a single word, and his eyes had been fixed on Shen Fangyu’s body.

Shen Fangyu usually dressed in a casual or flamboyant manner, rarely wearing this kind of clothes. But now that his clothes had suppressed his flamboyance, he suddenly had a refined and elegant air.

It’s rare but eye-catching.

When he got to the key point, Zhong Lan and Yu Sang raised their mobile phones to take a picture of the PowerPoint page he was presenting. After a while, Jiang Xu also took out his mobile phone and took a picture.

Only after taking the picture did he suddenly realise what he had done and he calmly put his mobile phone upside down on the table.

In the photo, only the edges of the brilliant PowerPoint page were left, and most of the picture was taken up by the presenter.

Perhaps it was because of Jiang Xu’s photography skills or because Shen Fangyu was a really good-looking, but the man in the photo was elegant and graceful, with a little smile on his lips.

Jiang Xu rubbed his brow.

He had been a bit inattentive lately. First, he forgot to watch the operation that time Shen Fangyu helped him out, and now he forgot to listen to his presentation.

Jiang Xu felt that his dedication to academic excellence had been seriously affected by Shen Fangyu.

He knew he was indulging his emotions, like walking a tightrope on a cliff, not knowing when the wire called “reason” would break and he would fall.

But he was a bit tired from the number of times he had to calm down and restrain himself, so he decided to indulge himself today and leave this picture.

Shen Fangyu’s group mainly works on molecularly targeted therapeutics for cervical cancer, which belongs to gynecological oncology, while the rest of the presenters were reproductive specialists.

Jiang Xu didn’t deal with reproduction and he was about to leave when he heard that other presentations were on reproduction, but then Albert, a scientist from country S, made an unexpected revelation.

–He came into contact with a man with a uterus and bilateral adnexa two years ago, and through his trials, he had managed to achieve IVF on this particular patient. He was now due to give birth and Albert would be the main surgeon for the operation.

He had planned to wait for the birth of this child before publishing a paper that would have made a splash in the world, but he never expected Dr Kenn to publish a paper on the successful delivery of a male pregnancy before he did.

This made Dr Albert, who had done more work than Dr Kenn, very unhappy. After all, even if he finishes the operation successfully, and even if he had one more technical difficulty than Dr Kenn with the artificial insemination, it would be very difficult for him to catch up with Kenn as the first author.

Not all scientists are willing to sit on the bench. Some prefer to do their research quietly, while others, like Dr Albert, pursue to fame.

So Albert, with the consent of his patient, announced that he would perform the operation in public. He used this mini-conference to send invitations to all the doctors attending to observe the operation in country S. He intended to make use of these outstanding scientists from all over the world to build up further momentum.

It was clear that the years of preparation and Dr Kenn’s success had given him a lot of confidence, and he was now hoping to use this as a way to expand his influence and make up for losing the chance to make a splash.

After the presentation, it was time for a private session. The live broadcast in the Jinghua conference room cut off and Jiang Xu’s face did not look good.

This Dr Albert was too full of himself.

Despite repeatedly emphasizing that the patient was well aware of the unknown risks of pregnancy, he had arranged for artificial insemination because of the patient’s repeated and strong desire to have children.

But a doctor who is supposed to save lives and help people should not take such a huge risk to help a patient who is very unsuitable for pregnancy for the sake of his own fame and fortune.

About an hour later, Shen Fangyu, who hadn’t returned his message, finally called. Jiang Xu answered the phone and was about to speak when Shen Fangyu answered first, “Do you want to ask about Albert?”

He and Zhang Cheng walked out of the meeting, holding a file containing a lot of information and notes he had just written down after talking to others in this conference.

Dr Albert’s speech had brought the atmosphere to a climax, so much so that the rest of the session was almost entirely devoted to the topic of male fertility.

Dr Albert was a flamboyant man who enjoyed being flattered, and because of this excitement from being surrounded by others, he was much more generous than Dr Kenn who was secretive.

The professor from country M who organised the academic conference originally wanted to invite Dr. Kenn to present, but Dr Kenn, who was also in country M, didn’t even reply to his emails, almost infuriating the professor.

Shen Fangyu originally wanted to use the conference as a way to get in touch with Dr Kenn, but only after he arrived did he discover that the man had no intention of sharing or meeting, and all the emails he had sent had gone unanswered.

Unexpectedly, he met lDr. Albert, who was about to do the same operation.

After Shen Fangyu explained his intentions, they exchanged contact information and enthusiastically gave a number of valuable experiences, while other attendees also shared their insights and experiences.

He told Jiang Xu about what had happened and shook his kraft paper bag back and forth in his hand as he said, “I’ve written down everything I need to remember, and I’ve written down everything that’s easy to forget, so when I come back..… we’ll have a little meeting to discuss it.”


The other end of the phone went quiet, and Shen Fangyu paused in his flinging of the bag of papers. After a moment of silence, he asked, “Don’t you have anything else to say to me?”

He deliberately led the conversation to the topic about “coming back”, because he wanted to hear Jiang Xu say “come back early”, or at least “have a safe trip”.

The venue for the academic conference was the professor’s suburban mansion, and after the discussion, the professor kindly invited his guests to stay overnight at his home and join him tomorrow for a round of golf at his private golf course.

However, for Shen Fangyu, even if the President of country M came to see him, he would not be able to stop him from going home.

As the professor’s manor was on a large piece of land facing the sea, no cars were allowed to enter and there was no place to park nearby, so Shen Fangyu met the driver he had booked in advance on a side road not far from the mansion.

He called Jiang Xu as soon as he stepped out of the venue, and when he and Zhang Cheng walked down the road, they saw the driver sitting in the car and waiting for them not far away.

When he used to go out alone, whether it was to nearby cities for competitions, to city A to visit his parents and brother, or returning from those places, his grandparents would always say to him before he left, “Come back early and stay safe.”

According to the elderly’s superstitious belief, there are many ghosts on the road who like to catch wandering souls. Especially for lighter souls, they are more likely to be possessed. Those who have expectations to return home will have a burden on them, making their souls heavier, and able to ward off ghosts and safely return home.

Since the death of his grandparents, Shen Fangyu has been travelling, going to conferences and exchanges for over ten years, and no one has ever said this to him again.

As a doctoral graduate with many years of education, he should not believe in such things, but probably Jiang Xu’s words “go early and return early” before he came evoked those memories of his past. He wanted to receive some well wishes from Jiang Xu before he got on the car. It was as if this was the only way he could get on the car to the airport without worrying.

Country M was in the north, and the weather was already cold. He was wearing a thin suit, and the sea breeze was so cold that he could exhale white mist when he spoke. He had to rub his frozen hands together with his file.

It was only when Zhang Cheng began to wonder who he was talking to on the phone that Jiang Xu finally asked him, “When are you coming back?”

The question was light, but Shen Fangyu could hear the helpless smile in it.

The corners of his mouth rose uncontrollably, and his body felt like it was wrapped in ten down jackets; he wasn’t cold any more.

“I’m going to the airport now.”

“So fast?” Jiang Xu was clearly surprised.

“Didn’t you want me to go early and return early?” Shen Fangyu raised his eyebrows, “I’ll be there after a night’s sleep, and according to the time there, I should be able to see you tomorrow morning,” he said, and then demanded, “You can now say ‘safe journey’ to me again. “

The other side obviously didn’t care about his greed and hung up the phone with a soft “tsk”.

“Who was that?” The more Zhang Cheng listened, the wider his mouth opened, and he finally he couldn’t help but ask.

Shen Fangyu’s eyes had a smile as he locked the phone.

“A very difficult person to catch.”

“You,” Zhang Cheng said, dumbfounded, “I wondered why you’ve been looking at your mobile phone all this time you’ve been in country M. It turns out that you have someone in your heart.”

Shen Fangyu was in a very happy mood because of the phone call. Although he hadn’t received the “safe journey”, he was happy that Jiang Xu had taken the initiative to ask him when he would be back.

In addition, he had gotten a lot of important information so his heart was now full like a ball of cotton candy and everything he now saw seemed to be filtered. Even the driver’s red hair looked brighter compared to before.

For a moment, he was overwhelmed with enthusiasm. The driver was a Caucasian man, so he didn’t notice that the red-haired driver’s face looked much paler than before.

Shen Fangyu opened the passenger door as he hummed a song and dropped the bag of documents into the front storage area.

He had just fastened his seat belt when something suddenly touched the side of his neck.

It was cold and hard.

At the same time, a clear and low voice came to his ear: “Money.”

Shen Fangyu’s heart skipped a beat and cold sweat sprang up on his back.

His heart trembled and he slowly and stiffly moved his eyes to the rear-view mirror.

Then he saw the black pistol at his neck.

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