Dr. Jiang Is Pregnant With His Nemesis’s Child

Chapter 73

Chapter 73

After returning from the plum garden, Jiang Xu started ignoring someone.

Shen Fangyu was quite distressed about this, but there was nothing he could do. He had written numerous self-reflective letters and offered countless apologies, but in the end, he still had to face the fate of sleeping on the sofa.

On the fourth night of Shen Fangyu sleeping on the sofa, Jiang Xu was in the bedroom reading documents when someone quietly pushed the door open and sneaked in with a tablet in their hands.

Jiang Xu glanced at him indifferently and said without mercy, “Get out.”

“I want to share with you a super fun game.” Shen Fangyu stuck to Jiang Xu a d stuffed the tablet into his hand.

Jiang Xu looked down and saw that it was the same game he had played with Shen Fangyu before, and he was about to dismiss it with a disgusted look when Shen Fangyu held his hand back and said, “Give it a try.”

He reached around Jiang Xu from behind and placed his hand on the tablet, embracing him as he controlled the characters in the game to run towards the novice village and quickly selected a PK match with the village chief.

Jiang Xu hesitated for a moment, then clicked on several skills. Unexpectedly, the spider boss was KOed as soon as he released them, dying in a wretched manner, as if played by a third-rate actor on a bad movie set.

“What did you do to it?”

Jiang Xu couldn’t understand how the spider boss, which had been a formidable enemy not long ago, turned into such a weakling, looking as if it hadn’t eaten enough.

Shen Fangyu proudly said, “I spent money to level up.”

Jiang Xu: “…”

Turns out it wasn’t that it hadn’t eaten enough, but that it had eaten too much.

“I originally thought that I should be grateful to this game for creating our fate, so I charged 520 RMB, and then the system suddenly gave me a bunch of experience, equipment, and gift packs, and then… it turned out like this as you can see.”

Shen Fangyu charged 520 RMB and levelled up, and Jiang Xu now felt like he was the foolish one.

The world really changes, and people’s hearts are no longer the same.

He remembered the painstaking effort he had put into grinding monsters before, and he was slightly annoyed at how this unscrupulous game had drained his integrity. He tossed the tablet back to Shen Fangyu, looking even more unhappy than before.

Unexpectedly, Shen Fangyu still had to touch the sore spot, asking with concern, “Does your back still pain lately?”

Ever since the incident at the plum garden, Jiang Xu had developed PTSD towards the words “back pain.”

Every time the pain showed signs of reoccurring, Jiang Xu would think of the unrestrained indulgence hidden beneath the scent of plum blossoms, followed by a wave of embarrassment and self-blame, and then his attention would be completely diverted, forgetting the pain altogether.

The pregnancy-related lumbar sacral pain, which had been ignored several times, probably felt ashamed and disappeared without a trace, never bothering Jiang Xu again.

But this only made Jiang Xu more upset.

Neural pain is sometimes an extremely subjective feeling, easily influenced by emotions and mood, and difficult to treat with medication, similar to metaphysics to some extent.

Having been a doctor for so many years, Jiang Xu has told countless patients that this condition is difficult to cure and can only be gradually improved through careful adjustment, and it may gradually recover after the child is born.

Never did he expect that one day, he would really learn how to treat this condition, but he couldn’t say it out loud.

It was frustrating.

Originally, Shen Fangyu wanted to score some favor points in front of Jiang Xu, but he saw Jiang Xu’s face getting darker and remembered what Grandma Kang Kang said about pregnant women needing to sunbathe more, otherwise they may become depressed. So he carefully said, “When are you free? Let’s go sunbathe again ”

As a result, Shen Fangyu, a rookie player who had stepped on one landmine after another, was finally completely driven out by Referee Jiang.

However, what Jiang Xu didn’t expect was that on this very night, the pain that had subsided recently reappeared.

He lay on the bed for a while, but the resurgent pain became more and more intense.

Jiang Xu hesitated for a moment, then sat up from the bed with a heavy expression, not knowing whether to blame Shen Fangyu for his crow mouth, or to blame himself for relaxing his guard too early.

Wearing slippers and a coat, he walked from the bedroom to the living room, and looked down at the man sleeping soundly on the sofa.

After a while, he pulled Shen Fangyu out, moved over him and slept between him and the backrest of the sofa, then hugged Shen Fangyu from behind.

Sure enough, the pain eased again.

“… “ Jiang Xu felt that even the pain receptors in his own body were bullying him.

He had never felt so wronged in his life.

The next morning, Shen Fangyu woke up groggily to the sound of the alarm clock. He felt as if half of his body was lying on something solid while the other half was suspended in midair, and also felt it was a bit crowded.

He was dreaming of flying a fighter jet and thought it was normal to be cramped in the cockpit, but he couldn’t find his steering wheel when he reached out his hand. After fumbling around for a while, the steering wheel suddenly spoke, “Have you touched enough?”

Shen Fangyu was startled and opened his eyes, only to find himself face-to-face with Jiang Xu, who was very close. “What are you doing here?” he exclaimed, “Did you sleepwalk?”

Having rested for a night, Dr. Jiang’s back was no longer hurting and he had regained his energy. He kicked Shen Fangyu off the sofa with one foot, got up, and walked towards the bathroom without looking back.

Shen Fangyu, who went from being suspended in midair to falling flat on the ground with the quilt on his head, was dumbfounded and he scratched his head in confusion, “What’s going on?”

But regardless of Jiang Xu’s aloofness, starting from that day, Shen Fangyu regained permission to use Jiang Xu’s bedroom and bed.

Moreover, he unexpectedly found that Jiang Xu seemed to cling to him more when sleeping than before.

In the past, Jiang Xu spent 70% of his sleep time hugging the pink rabbit and 30% hugging Shen Fangyu. Now it’s still 70/30, but the order has reversed, with Shen Fangyu becoming the one being hugged for 70%, and the pink rabbit becoming the 30%.

This made Shen Fangyu feel inexplicably guilty whenever he looked at the pink rabbit’s face while making the bed, it was as if it was looking at a scheming and spoiled imperial concubine vying for favor.

So Shen Fangyu turned its face away and without any psychological burden, put on a domineering look of being favored by the king, saying, “Children should look away when adults are in love.”

Pink rabbit: “?”


At 9 a.m. local time in Country S, Dr. Albert’s surgery officially began, and the conference room of the Jihua Obstetrics and Gynecology was filled with people who received the broadcast link.

Jiang Xu entered with a notebook in hand, greeted Director Cui who was sitting at the head, and took his usual seat in the front row.

In order to protect patient privacy, Dr. Albert only provided two broadcast views. The first view focused on the surgical area, where the draping and disinfection had already been completed, while the second view focused on the cardiac monitor.

Dr. Albert introduced the surgery and patient condition, and the operating room quieted down. Jiang Xu opened his densely packed notebook and looked solemnly at the projection.

Due to the severity and high risk of this surgery, the doctors in the conference room were all quiet, even lowering their voices when whispering to each other.

The first half of the cesarean section surgery went smoothly. About half an hour into the surgery, the baby was successfully delivered.

During the previous discussions and analysis of Dr Kenn’s surgery, Jiang Xu and Shen Fangyu unanimously believed that the most difficult part of male cesarean section surgery was not delivering the fetus, but the subsequent removal of the uterus and bilateral adnexal surgery.

Normally, a person’s body has only one set of reproductive organs. However, when two sets of reproductive organs are present in the body at the same time, the original distribution of abdominal organs may shift due to compression, increasing the difficulty of surgery. Moreover, unlike common cases of sexual malformation, the fact that the patient’s uterus and bilateral adnexa are developed to a very complete extent and capable of conception indicates that the relevant blood vessels and nerves have also developed very well, at least to the point where they can provide sufficient blood supply for the fetus.

However, the excessively complex development of blood vessels and the various shifts in organ positions make it difficult to assess the organs, which is tantamount to completely overturning the anatomical knowledge that the lead surgeon has accumulated over the years. In short, the distribution of organs and blood vessels in the patient’s body is different from the surgeon’s previous knowledge reserve.

The magnitude of this difference directly determines the difficulty of the surgery. If the difference is not significant, the lead surgeon can carefully perform the surgery with slightly expanded experience and may achieve relatively good surgical results, similar to giving a student with some knowledge accumulation a slightly more challenging question. But if the difference is too great, it is like asking an elementary school student to directly solve advanced math problems, taking too big of a step and easily stumbling.

Compared to Dr. Kenn, Dr. Albert was undoubtedly a less fortunate one.

When the fetus was delivered, Jiang Xu’s expression changed as soon as he began to confirm the condition of the uterus and bilateral appendages.

Although Dr. Albert’s face was not visible in the video, Jiang Xu thought that Dr. Albert’s expression at this moment was probably not better than his.

The distribution of abdominal organs and blood vessels in this patient was very different from what was shown in anatomy textbooks. What’s more dangerous was that his two sets of reproductive organs were slightly adhered, and the distribution of blood vessels was unusually complex. At first glance, it was difficult to discern any clues.

Under such circumstances, the best approach was to give up removing the uterus and only remove the ovaries.

Since hormones that would have a subsequent impact on the patient’s body are mainly produced from the ovaries, if removing the uterus proved to be difficult, the next best compromise would be to first remove the ovaries, which was the most reasonable option in reality.

Sure enough, after Dr. Albert examined the condition of the abdominal cavity, he hesitated for a moment, then began to suture the uterus and prepare to remove the ovaries.

Although the volume of the ovaries is much smaller compared to the uterus, the blood vessels and nerves around the ovaries in this patient were densely distributed and difficult to handle due to their relatively small size.

Time passed by, and Dr. Albert frequently signaled to wipe his sweat in the video. Jiang Xu also felt his palms sweating.

The surgery reached the most critical step, and everyone in the conference room held their breath, even the rustling sound of taking notes stopped, as they all focused intently on Dr. Albert’s operation.

Finally, one ovary was successfully removed intact, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Jiang Xu subconsciously glanced at Shen Fangyu, but unexpectedly found that Shen Fangyu was looking at him too. Their gazes met across the conference table, and then they both looked back at the screen at the same time.

It was strange. It was just an ordinary glance, but Jiang Xu’s heart felt much calmer.

The conditions of the ovaries on both sides of this patient were not very different, and if Dr. Albert could successfully complete one side, the other side would only be a matter of time.

The doctors in the conference room, who had been tense for a long time, leaned back in their chairs during the short intermission, drinking water and catching their breath, relaxing as much as possible while racing against time, preparing to welcome the success of the surgery.

However, what no one expected was that before they could fully swallow the water, a sudden exclamation came from beside them. Then the second broadcast view of the electrocardiogram monitor was cut off, followed quickly by the surgical broadcast view being cut off as well. The projector in the conference room suddenly turned black, leaving a group of doctors looking at each other in confusion.

Because the live broadcast was cut off, they had no way of knowing what had just happened, but everyone had the same guess in their hearts – something went wrong with the surgery.

Jiang Xu was no exception.

He lowered his head and glanced at the densely written notes, suddenly feeling his heart beating fast for no reason, and his vision became somewhat blurred.

Even though he tried his best not to think that way, his thoughts uncontrollably slid towards the worst guess.

The constant discussions around him were ringing in his ears, making his ears hurt. Some people came forward to adjust the equipment, but in the end, they could only shake their heads.

“What’s going on?” Many people asked.

“It seems that it’s not just us, all the broadcasting links have been cut off.” This was someone who was already searching on their phone.

The conference room was in chaos, with all kinds of noise and commotion. Jiang Xu felt a sharp pain in his temples.

He calmed his mind for a moment, stood up with a heavy head and light feet, intending to go to the restroom to wash his face. But halfway there, he was suddenly hugged from behind.

Jiang Xu only stiffened briefly due to the stress, but quickly relaxed and turned around to lean into the embrace of the person behind him, allowing him to hold him face to face.

It was a familiar scent, someone he could trust.

He clenched Shen Fangyu’s white coat, and his fingers trembled slightly, like a drowning person clinging to a floating straw.

Shen Fangyu’s hand followed Jiang Xu’s back, comforting him with gentle pats, repeatedly saying in his ear, “It’s okay, it’s okay, don’t be afraid.”

Jiang Xu’s chin rested on Shen Fangyu’s shoulder, his head lowered, eyes closed, gently shaking his head.

Everyone who had watched the surgery was eagerly anticipating the broadcast page to light up again, but after twelve hours, the conference room remained dark, and the projector was still pitch black.

Shen Fangyu’s hand supported the back of Jiang Xu’s neck, holding him tightly in his embrace.

He kept holding on throughout this whole time, not daring to show any hint of his own fear in front of Jiang Xu.

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