Dr. Jiang Is Pregnant With His Nemesis’s Child

Chapter 97

1. What’s your partner’s name?

Jiang Xu: “Shen Fangyu.”

Shen Fangyu: “Jiang Xu.”

2. What’s your age?

Shen Fangyu (quickly answering): “Forever 18 years old.”

Jiang Xu (helpless): “Um…”

3. What do you like about each other in the physical aspect?

Jiang Xu: “Eyes.”

Shen Fangyu (speaking at the same time): “Waist.”

Jiang Xu: “…”

Shen Fangyu (pondering): “Oh…you mean in ‘body aspects’?”

Shen Fangyu (seriously changing his answer): “The little mole under his eye.”

4. What do you like about each other’s personality?

Jiang Xu: “Talkative, has a good temper.”

Shen Fangyu: “He’s like a small firecracker, cold on the outside but passionate on the inside.”

5. Who usually cooks?

Jiang Xu: “He does.”

Shen Fangyu: “I cook more often, but he occasionally helps. We eat at the cafeteria the most (laughs). Xiaoxiao’s meals are mainly taken care of by her grandparents.”

6. Who does more housework?

Jiang Xu: “Auntie.”

Shen Fangyu: “Yes, neither of us has much time, so we hired a housekeeper who comes once a week.”

7. How do you address each other?

Jiang Xu: “Name.”

Shen Fangyu: “The name most of the time.”

8. How do you like to be addressed by each other?

Shen Fangyu: “Fangyu gege.”

Jiang Xu: (hesitant)

Shen Fangyu: “He’s too shy to say (laughs), let’s respect Dr. Jiang’s little secret.”

9. What kind of person is your partner in your heart?

Jiang Xu: “A very good person.”

Shen Fangyu (horrified): “Can you not give me a good guys card?”

Jiang Xu: “…” (changes tone) “He has a good personality, outgoing, reliable.”

Shen Fangyu (teases): “Why does it sound like a leader’s evaluation?”

Jiang Xu (annoyed)

Shen Fangyu (laughs): “In my heart, he is the person who meets my aesthetic standards in every way, my favorite person.”

10. Who is more active when kissing?

Jiang Xu (points to Shen Fangyu): “Him.”

Shen Fangyu (laughs and lowers his head).

11. Where does the other person’s hand usually go during kissing?

Shen Fangyu: “I like to put my hand on his waist or back of his neck, and he likes to pull my clothes.”

Jiang Xu: “…”

12. Where is the usual place to kiss?

Shen Fangyu: “Not limited to any place, just… wherever the mood takes us, especially where there are not many people.” (Looks at Jiang Xu teasingly) “But most of the time it’s in bed.”

13. Have you ever kissed in front of Xiaoxiao?

Jiang Xu: “No.”

Shen Fangyu: “Can’t corrupt the kid.”

Mu Jiuchuan: “What about when the kid grows up?”

Jiang Xu: “That’s still far away.”

Shen Fangyu (laughs): “When she grows up and moves out, it’s just the two of us enjoying our own world.”

14. Who do you think loves more?

(They look at each other) Shen Fangyu: “Actually, I don’t think there is such a thing as who loves more. I personally believe that a relationship with uneven investment cannot last long.”

Jiang Xu nods and says: “Yes.”

15. What do you like to immerse yourself in now?

Jiang Xu: “Research papers.”

Shen Fangyu (laughing): “Isn’t it about who can persist for a longer time?”

Jiang Xu: “…”

Shen Fangyu: “Oh… He’s not saying anything because he knows he can’t outdo me.”

Jiang Xu: (gives a look like he’s about to assassinate him)

16. What’s is the most angering thing your partner has ever done?

Jiang Xu: “Selling his house.”

Shen Fangyu: “It’s not that bad. There’s nothing he has done that made me so angry.”

17. What’s the most angering thing you’ve done to your partner?

Jiang Xu: “I haven’t seen him angry since we got together. Maybe before we got together, when I broke a mirror.”

Shen Fangyu (feeling guilty): “He just said it… selling my house.”

18. What’s the most touching thing your partner has done?

Jiang Xu: “Finding research materials for me.”

Shen Fangyu: “He has always been very supportive of me, whether in front of my parents, patients or colleagues. It always moves me.”

19. What’s the wildest thing you’ve done together after being in a relationship?

Jiang Xu: “Ahem.”

Shen Fangyu (laughs): “The year after Xiaoxiao was born, we went back to the olum garden.”

20. What does Jiang Xu think when Shen Fangyu is taking care of Xiaoxiao?

Jiang Xu (sighs): “A doting mother spoiling the child.”

21. Who manages the finances at home?

Shen Fangyu: “He does, but we discuss major expenses together.”

Jiang Xu: “Mmm.”

22. How do you deal with conflicts when they arise?

Jiang Xu, Shen Fangyu: “We communicate.”

23. Will your family of three wear matching outfits when going out?

Shen Fangyu: “We don’t usually wear matching outfits when going out, but we might do it when traveling to other places with Xiaoxiao.”

24. What annoys you most when you were together?

Jiang Xu and Shen Fangyu: “No annoyances.”

25. Will Shen Fangyu coax Jiang Xu into wearing thermal underwear?

Shen Fangyu: “I do, but there’s a low success rate.”

26. Would Jiang Xu make Shen Fangyu take off his thermal underwear?

Jiang Xu: “Yes.”

Shen Fangyu: “Nowadays, he usually takes them off himself.”

27. Does the other person like to deliberately show affection in public?

Jiang Xu: “He likes it.”

Shen Fangyu: “He’s more subtle about it.”

28. What do you argue about?

Jiang Xu: “Xiaoxiao.”

Shen Fangyu: “Different views on education.”

29. What do you particularly like the other person doing?

Jiang Xu: “Cooking.”

Shen Fangyu: “Initiating physical contact with me…being clingy.”

30. What do you particularly dislike the other person doing?

Jiang Xu: “Wearing thermal underwear.”

Shen Fangyu: “He’s cute no matter what he does.”

31. What do you want to do most with the other person?

Shen Fangyu: “Accompany each other throughout life.”

Jiang Xu (smiling and nodding): “Yes.”

32. When can the other person make you laugh out loud?

Jiang Xu: “When he teases me or makes jokes.”

Shen Fangyu: “When he wants to make me laugh.”

33. When the other person is upset, do you take the silly route?

Shen Fangyu: “It depends on what he is upset about but I usually do. Speaking of which…” (looks at Jiang Xu) “He would search for really old-fashioned joke collections online and tell them to me. I don’t know if you guys would get it, although the jokes are really corny, it’s really funny because he recites them with a serious face.”

Jiang Xu: “…”

34. What would make you jealous?

Shen Fangyu (complaining): “For example, last time a patient added him on WeChat and sent him a lot of ambiguous messages at night.”

Jiang Xu (helplessly): “That was a long time ago.”

Shen Fangyu (ignoring): “What about you?”

Jiang Xu: “I don’t get jealous.”

Shen Fangyu: “…”

35. What should you do if your significant other is jealous?

Jiang Xu (helplessly): “Just sleep it off.”

Shen Fangyu (laughing): “Yeah, just sleep it off.” (emphasizing on the word “sleep”) “It renders him powerless against my initiatives.”

Jiang Xu: “Can you speak properly?”

Shen Fangyu (serious face): “I’m telling the truth.”

36. How is Shen Fangyu doing? Is Jiang Xu satisfied?

Jiang Xu (pauses for a moment): “Skip.”

Shen Fangyu (holding onto Jiang Xu, acting stubborn): “No skipping. I want to hear it too.”

Jiang Xu (helplessly): “He’s okay.”

Shen Fangyu (unwilling to accept it): “Just okay? Do I have to prove it to you tonight?” (eager to try)

Jiang Xu: “Shut up.”

37. When Shen Fangyu expresses love, does he do it before or after the deed?

Jiang Xu (complaining + ridiculing): “He likes to use strange terms of endearment.”

Shen Fangyu (recovering from being teased and clearing his throat to regain his serious expression): “I can do both. The words said after the deed are usually more tender, and the words during the process are said at a faster speed.”

38. Do you prefer the t-shirt on or off?

Jiang Xu: “…”

Shen Fangyu: “Actually, we both feel that it’s better not to wear it, but it’s more troublesome to clean up without wearing it. He may also be uncomfortable afterwards, so we only do it very occasionally.”

39. Does Shen Fangyu have any strange experiences?

Jiang Xu: “He has no experiences that are not strange.”

Shen Fangyu (raising an eyebrow): “Don’t you like them?”

Jiang Xu: “…”

40. What action makes the other person feel happier?

Jiang Xu: “Hugging.”

Shen Fangyu: “Hmm, doing it while hugging.”

Jiang Xu: “?”

Mu Jiuchuan: “Uh-huh, what position would make the other person more excited?”

Jiang Xu (seeking outside help): “Ask him.”

Shen Fangyu (staring at Jiang Xu’s profile): “The one where I can see the face.”

41. What small action does the other person do during the act?

Jiang Xu: “Kissing my fingers.”

Shen Fangyu: “He likes to grab the sheets, but I’m afraid he’ll tear them, so I like to hold his hand when he grabs the sheets and kiss it.”

42. What does Jiang Xu say when things get intense? How does Shen Fangyu respond?

Shen Fangyu: “If he can still talk, it means we’re not intense enough.”

Jiang Xu: “…”

43. What blessing do you want to receive?

Jiang Xu, Shen Fangyu: “May we have statistical data every year and publish papers every birthday.”

44. What is the biggest misunderstanding between the two?

Jiang Xu, Shen Fangyu (in unison): “He’s a straight guy.”

45. What will the other person do when you get sick?

Shen Fangyu: “Observe their condition, if it’s a mild illness, we will take turns helping each other with night shifts, so the other person can have time to rest. If it’s more severe, we will try to accompany the other person and help with things like buying medicine and making soup.”

Jiang Xu: “Yes.”

Mu Jiuchuan: “Oh ⊙⊙! You really do that?”

Shen Fangyu (with a meaningful expression): “It depends on the needs.”

46. What are your expectations for Xiaoxiao and this family?

Jiang Xu: “I hope Xiaoxiao can grow up healthy.”

Shen Fangyu: “I hope our family can be safe, healthy, and harmonious.”

47. Can you say something to Mu Jiuchuan?(the interviewer)

Jiang Xu: “Thank you for the interview. I wish you good health, success, and happiness for your family.”

Shen Fangyu: “ I wish you will never need to use the hospital’s parking card.”

Mu Jiuchuan: “That’s so touching, but taking a taxi is even more expensive QwQ, not to mention an ambulance.”

48. Does their mother have something to say to them? (Author)

Hulu Jiang: “Thank you for giving me a pleasant time shipping the CP. I hope everything is fine in the parallel universe.”

49. Will you be together forever?

Jiang Xu: “If he doesn’t mention a breakup –“

Shen Fangyu (interrupts): “Definitely!”

50. Finally, say something romantic to each other?

(They look at each other) Shen Fangyu (laughs): “I want to make you tiger skin green peppers forever.”

Jiang Xu (pauses for a moment): “I might get tired of eating it.”

Shen Fangyu: “Ah, this…”

Jiang Xu: “But not when it’s made by you.”

Shen Fangyu (can’t help but laugh): “Next time, let’s not pause for so long, okay?”

Okay, this time it’s really the end.😅

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