Dragon Ball Legend of Ayaka

Chapter 197

Chapter 197

After releasing the Thunder Shock Surprise, a large amount of ki was pumped out like a pump, Son Goku felt physically exhausted, but when he saw Cell in mid-air with only his head left, he showed a satisfied smile. As the saying went, the strong were always strong and the weak were always weak, constantly weakening Cell’s strength. Even if he regenerated his flesh, dealing with him again was not as difficult as before.

Without stopping, the ki in his body was stimulated to run wildly like a beehive, ready to give Cell a final blow.

“Super Kamehameha!”

A bright wave of ki cut through the sky, then struck at Cell’s head in the crowd’s expectant gaze.

Looking at the approaching ki wave, Cell’s two ferocious eyes bulged, his face full of incredulity, his whole face twisted and roared madly, “No! I can not be defeated here. I am the most perfect android!”

But no matter how hard he struggled, his head, which had lost its energy support, could not escape the fate of being destroyed.

The ki wave was approaching, and it looked like Cell was about to turn into flying ashes.



A beam of light knocked the ki wave over, and Cell’s head was caught in the hand.

Son Goku’s ki wave was actually deflected. The people who noticed this scene were stunned and then burst into flames, but what came into view was a dark green figure. After seeing clearly the person who struck, the pupils shrank fiercely, a look of horror appeared on his face.


Blocking Son Goku’s attack, Cell saved his head, and another Cell was born.

‘The second Cell?’

Ayaka’s deep eyes crossed a trace of coldness, “So it is, no wonder he was not found before! There is another Cell on the earth. Could it be that there is more than one Cell that came to this world? If that’s the case, then it’s difficult!”

The newly appeared Cell made Ayaka’s expression freeze, ‘was this the change that the silver-haired girl mentioned?’

‘A second Cell had appeared!’

This was what Ayaka did not expect. If there was a second, there might be a third. Her sense of ki quickly spread out, but unfortunately, the ki of the Cell was the same, and a single Cell was very wide, so if two Cell were close together, it would be impossible to tell if there were other Cells hidden on Earth!

“Eh, there is even two Cell!” Ayame’s eyes bulged out.

Everyone was struck by electricity, only to feel a bad chill down their spine, “This is bad!”

“This Cell’s ki is actually in full bloom, damn, so Kakarot will not be a match!” Vegeta was furious.

The host crept behind the stone pillars of the Ice King’s Palace, sticking out his head to observe, picking up the microphone to do with the intention of hiding very different actions, “Really unexpected, I thought Mr. Goku would win, I did not expect a twist, there is another Cell!

“You are also a Cell?” Son Goku’s eyes gazed at the figure floating in the air.

The green figure carrying the head of Cell in his hand smiled proudly, emitting a cold and bone-chilling aura, “Hey, how many years have I waited? I am finally out for this day! Haha, I’m beyond the state of perfect form. As long as I absorb this state of myself, I can become even more perfect!”

‘Oh no, we forgot that Cell could devour this move.’

Krillin and others’ hearts suddenly seized.

Ayaka’s face also became ugly. The strength of the lightning-form Cell alone she didn’t mind, but if there were a few more, it would be a mess.

What she was wary of was the Cell’s ability to devour. The Cell from different worlds could be said to have the same root. After devouring, it might appear two kinds: one was simply to increase the strength, no evolutionary effect, this was not enough to fear; and the second possibility was not what she would like to see, both devouring again to obtain evolution, then even it was her to deal with it, it would also be a great deal of trouble.

And intuition, combined with the words of the silver-haired girl, she told her that the second possibility was greater!

“You are the other me? You can’t devour me!” Cell, who only had his head left, finally had panicked and had already guessed what was going to happen next.

Although it was said that the Namekian had the ability to fuse, and Cell, who had inherited the Namekian gene, also had this ability, the fusion was to merge the two consciousnesses into one, without one giving up the consciousness voluntarily. Cell was proud of his superiority. Even if it was the same “self”, he did not care about it. Yes, the “self” that had evolved into the lightning form, what a noble existence, was actually defeated by the inferior Saiyan, such a “self”, how could the Cell of the other world accept?

It was better to become your own power!

The second Cell licked his lips, a cruel smile flashed in his eyes, ignoring the wailing of the head in his hands, “To be able to fuse into me and become part of my energy, isn’t it wonderful!”


A huge suction cup appeared and covered Cell’s head at once.

He couldn’t be allowed to absorb it successfully! At this moment, whether Ayaka or Dragon Ball warriors understand the consequences of the absorption of Cell, it was decisive.


“Spirit Bomb!”

“Ki Blast!”


Colorful waves of ki emitting various rays of light came in a concentrated attack. For a time, the sky was filled with all kinds of energy. Bright explosions and booms then rippled out, a violent gale blowing. The flat and feeble air seemed to crumble like a mirror.

Cell, who was devouring the head, was hit in the abdomen by a flashing figure and smashed to the ground like a meteor.


Ayaba, Ayaka, Son Goku, Vegeta, and others struck one after another. The sky was constantly detonated.

After half an hour, a series of attacks ended.

“Surprisingly …… it did not work!”

Krillin looked openly, and his face went white at once. Suspended in the air, as if the gods of the sky, the new Cell was majestic. At this time, the dark green skin color turned into azure, the breath followed by a surge of several times. And it continued to rise! The attacks were given to him by the crowd, he gladly smiled, but it seemed that it was not effective.

The sky’s aura changed abruptly and dramatically and became a complete stage for displaying the all-new Cell.

Feeling the extraordinary air pressure, Ayaka said in a gruff tone, “Cell has evolved again!”

The all-new Cell experienced the surging energy in his body, and he threw and closed his fist! Simple movements but drive powerful power.

The azure Cell looked at the fist with satisfaction and nodded lightly.

“Haha, this is the evolution beyond the lightning form? Surely it didn’t let me down!”

The head that was swallowed by the lightning-form Cell actually evolved beyond the lightning form! Slowly descend to the ground, with an evil smile on his cheeks. The golden eyes swept from the Dragon Ball warriors, and the bland eyes, but with supreme pressure, finally stopped at Ayaba.

“Ayaba, you are also here, huh? This is good. The people I want to deal with are all here at once!”

“You are?” Ayaba was a bit unsure.

“What, have you forgotten me so soon? You were the only one who could defeat me in the first place!” Cell shook his head in a self-effacing manner, not at all ashamed of his defeat back then, “It seems that the heavens have favored me. Not only did they not let me disappear, but they let me come to this world.”

“So it’s you, you’re not dead!”

“So Ayaba also came from another world?” Many people thought of this possibility flexibly. When Ayaba saw that it could not be concealed, she, fortunately, admitted it graciously.

Ayame then glared at Ayaba, “It’s all your fault for not striking cleanly and letting him come here!”

“Well, first think about how to deal with Cell!” Ayaka stepped forward and spoke up. The ki on Cell had become so powerful that she was afraid of it.

Ayame obediently turned her head and walked behind Ayaka.

“Humph, it looks like Ayaba in this world is also very strong. Do not worry. You will all die in my hands!”

Cell did not know that Ayaka was the main subject and mistook it for this world’s Ayaba.

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