Dragon Ball Legend of Ayaka

Chapter 205

Chapter 205

Android 18 knew that Violet was actually not difficult to understand.

In order to defeat Son Goku, Dr. Gero did a detailed investigation of the people around him. Violet as a former Colonel Violet of the Red Ribbon Army, there was a separate stack of information about her.

Just after the death of Dr. Gero, Android 18 crossed the line with the Red Ribbon Army, Violet was an ordinary human in the school district, and was not on her mind.

After learning the news that Krillin was going to marry Violet, the information about her only vaguely surfaced.

Android 18 was somewhat surprised to look at the small bald head in front of him, the clean face revealed a wonderful smile, even though the small bald head martial art was not good, he could not imagine that there was quite a set, unknowingly abducted Colonel Violet. It seemed like he had a good mouth.

Watching Android 18 derisive expression, Ayaka then showed a strange expression. She guessed more or less what Android 18 had in mind, except that the original Krillin’s skills in picking up girls should be used on her. She wondered what the expression of Android 18 would be when she found out. 

Krillin embarrassingly laughed, “I wanted to tell you guys earlier, but because of Cell’s matter, it got delayed. The wedding was held in Kame House, you must come!”

“We have known each other for so many years, of course we will go to your wedding. Well, there are also Tien Shinhan and Chiaotzu, who will go get them?”

“I’ll go get them, using Instant Transmission will be quick.” Son Goku wagged his finger and said.

The group nodded in unison, Son Goku’s Instant Transmission was incredibly convenient, and besides being useful in battle, it was also very useful in everyday life. Next, the group discussed what to give as a gift at the wedding.

Ayaka watched quietly, the corners of her mouth curved in a quiet arc, recalling the scene of her first meeting with Krillin.

At that time, Krillin could not withstand the bullying of his brothers, escaped from the mountain, thousands of miles to find the Kame House to worship Master Roshi as a teacher. Master Roshi made a problem for him and asked him to bring a beautiful girl back, and then he found Launch, but she picked him up before bringing him to the Kame House.

After all those years, Krillin became one of the toughest people on earth, successful and famous, and would soon be married.

Thinking about the past, Ayaka could not help but think of Launch and Lancy in the northern part of the North Area. They had been outside helping the North Kai manage the North Area for many years. Although they had often returned in the past few years, it was strange to miss them after being apart for so long.

“I will leave it to you to inform the acquaintances on Earth. Launch and Lancy have not returned for a long time in the North Area, I will go to call them and see how the North Area is developing by the way.”

“Sister is leaving the Earth? Take me with you!” Ayaba looked interested.

She was alone in the original world, without developing cosmic power, and now when she heard that Ayaka was leaving Earth she was eager to go with her to see.

Ayaka pondered for a moment, nodded in agreement, and saw that Ayame had glowing eyes and wanted to follow, so she said:,”I will leave for half a day, Ayaba and I will go. Android 17, 18, Ayame you all stay on the Lookout.”

Android 17 and 18 also wanted to see outside the Earth, hearing Ayaka’s words, they could not help but some disappointed “Oh”. Ayame plead, but when she met with Ayaka’s stern gaze, she immediately knew that there was no chance. Glancing at a smug Ayaba, indignantly grunted.

Ayaka a smile, taking Ayaba’s hand to launch the Instant Transmission, the two quickly disappeared from the Lookout.


The deep, quiet universe, the strange void was suffocatingly quiet, except for those stars burning in the sky far away, only some off-track blindly stray stars that would perish at some point.

In the dark, deep night, no one could tell what was hidden there, like a huge fierce beast flashing eerie eyes, prostrate on the side.

Since the demise of the Frozen Clan, the North Area gradually integrated into the new North Power jurisdiction, a few years down the road, even the chaotic and remote areas of the western galazy also calmed down and settled down.

With the Tree of Might Fruit, the girls quickly pulled up by more than twenty people to form a powerful army, under the command of Castro, Raner, Anteski, Zamboni, a few personal guards, the Spirit Leaf Forces were as powerful as ever, basically ruling the entire North Area.

Together with the North Kai’s secret planning, the Northern Area was a thriving scene.

This also made North Kai, who had been in an awkward position, gradually straighten his back among the four realm kings.

In the northern part of the North Area, the Spirit Leaf Planet.

In the control center that shone with colorful brilliance, Castro led his subordinates to review the data passed from all over the world.

He was glad that he had chosen to follow Her Majesty the Queen. Since he joined the Spirit Leaf Planetr, his status had changed drastically, from being the manager of a planet to a powerful figure above all others.

Since Her Majesty the Great Empress eliminated the Frozen Clan, the Spirit Leaf Planet’s strength had expanded wildly, and now it managed more than ninety percent of the North Area making it the premier superpower in the galaxy.

There was a shake in the void, two enchanting and beautiful young girls appeared. Because Ayaka appeared openly without hiding the ki, Castro first reacted instinctively, and when he looked up to see who was coming, he stood up.

Respectfully salute, “our Majesty!”

However, who was this young girl beside the Queen who looked exactly the same as the Queen, was she the Queen’s sister? His heart was appalled, he was like a little dust in the vast night sky in front of her.

Ayaka nodded lightly, fixed her eyes, she knew that Castro strength had reached 250,000!

In addition she sensed that there were nearly ten high-intensity energy on the Spirit Leaf Planet, all above and below 200,000, should be left on the Leaf Spirit Planet protection legion. This value was insignificant to her, but in the universe, it was already a rare master.

“Where are Launch and Lancy?” Ayaka asked.

Although it was also possible to sense directly, but the universe was so big that it was not as convenient as asking directly.

“Some time ago there was a little chaos in the western part of the North Area, the two adults followed Kai delegated to suppress.”

Ayaka was a little surprised, then understood that the western part of the North Area was not ruled by a powerful being, and had always been loose and disorderly. In the past, when the North Area was ruled by the Frozen Clan, the western region of loose disorder had been considered a rare happy land, but compared to now, it had become a representative of chaos.

Kai should also want to unify the western region as soon as possible!

Ayaka looked around the busy crowd, said admiringly, “Very good, to be able to manage the Spirit Leaf Forces in order, you guys are a great credit!”

Castro revealed a smile, Her Majesty’s praise was very flattering to him.

“Well, since the girls are not here we won’t bother much, you guys keep up the good work!” Ayaka said reluctantly and looked to Ayaba, “Let’s go to the western region!”

After Ayaka disappeared, Castro saluted respectfully toward the location where they had disappeared, then perked up and urged his men to continue their work.

The Queen’s affirmation refreshed him. His position was being consolidated day by day!

In the western part of the North Area, many light years away from the northwestern Planet Kuyus, which she had once visited. Somewhere in the dark red glow of the star system, on a grass-green planet, two warriors were facing each other, and the cosmonauts in armor were wielding their energy cannons.

Crystal bright columns of energy shot out from the energy generators of the arms. Boom boom boom, the sand flew away, a relentless energy through the battlefield, a cluster of four or five meters high fortress violently shaking, collapsed.

War was a giant crusher that engulfed life, mercilessly devouring a living life, accompanied by the cruel hiss of a ferocious beast, and everything in front of him was about to be destroyed. The war continued, and a large number of people fell, stepping on the bodies of their companions and enemies, as men and horses from both sides continued to fight, miserably.

The sound of shelling and wails of pain came continuously.

Ten thousand meters high in the sky, a large and two figures gazed down.

The broad and rugged figure rubbed his chin and laughed evilly, “Raditz, those people down there are really fragile, my lord doesn’t even have the desire to make a move!”

The long-haired man with a skinny figure skimmed his lips, revealed a smile and snickered, “Miss Launch has given us this galaxy to pacify, if we don’t complete the task on schedule, the crime is not small, can you stand Miss Launch’s wrath?”

Nappa smiled sarcastically, he naturally did not dare to disobey Miss Launch’s order.

“Alas, then let’s take action, these guys clean up in minutes!”

Ayaka for the sake of the same Saiyan, gave them each a Tree of Might Fruit, and then let them manage the administrative planet. With the quality of the fighting people, after years of hard work, the two have 1.5 million power level.

Unlike Krillin and others who had received the Sacred Water transformation, Nappa and Raditz’s qualifications, 1.5 million power level was almost the limit, compared with the past Saiyans, it was already a mythical and powerful existence.

Super Saiyan was not what every Saiyans could achieve.

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