Dragon Ball Legend of Ayaka

Chapter 225

Chapter 225

King Norah did not know that Ayaka was currently thinking of going back to comprehend the problem. As the king of a large region of space, he had all the conceit he should have. He had been in a high position for a long time and had developed a habit of looking down on the weak. He waved his arms in a generous manner and smiled as he pressed towards Ayaka.

His attitude seemed to only treat Ayaka as a seasoning that he had in his spare time. It was a dish that could be cooked whenever he was happy.

Little did he know that his behavior in the eyes of Ayaka was like a clown, and a tomb that had long been dug was quietly placed in front of him.

Of course, even if he knew how terrifying Ayaka was now, it was too late.

“It can be considered to be buried with the souls of billions of Saiyan people!” In a gentle voice, Ayaka’s figure flashed and disappeared into thin air.

Only then did King Norah feel a little surprised. His eyes widened and he hurriedly looked around. However, he could not find any trace of the other party no matter what. Not good! A bad premonition rose up. He thought with a calm face, ‘Did I make a mistake? The other party can go as fast as the wind under my eyes. How can there only be 20 million power level?

His thoughts quickly turned. The more he thought about it, the more shocked he was. This young girl was at least on par with him. She might even be stronger than him!

“Useless piece of trash, this time we’ve been screwed over by the ship’s data!”

King Norah had an ugly look on his face as he cursed. He wanted to go back and make those technicians suffer. Such an important thing had actually gone wrong. It almost made us laugh. King Norah did not acknowledge that he had made a joke just now. He arrogantly thought that the girl had been scared away by him.

At the same time, he had to think about it carefully. The galaxy was neither big nor small. There was actually no rumor about such a powerful expert before. It was as if he had appeared out of thin air. There were serious loopholes in the information collection! Of course, he also thought of the possibility that the girl came from another large galaxy.

The vast universe had many large galaxies like the galaxy. Although King Norah dominated the galaxy, he did not dare to claim that there was no existence stronger than him in the universe. The more he thought about this girl, the more he thought that she was the daughter of the poweful families of other large galaxies. Only those powerful forces with deep foundations could nurture such a descendant.

He did not know that Ayaka had really appeared out of thin air. He would have left immediately, but he had stayed because of the destruction of the Saiyan Planet.

Thinking of the girl’s origins, King Norah was a little lost in thought. Suddenly, his expression changed. His eyes shone as he looked to the side. The girl’s graceful figure suddenly appeared, and a slender arm stretched out towards him.

His five fingers curved, and a finger lightly flicked at him.

White light flashed, and the entire face of King Norah stiffened. He felt as if he had suffered a thousand catties of force. His body suddenly paused, and like a cannonball, he sped away, turning into a beautiful straight line in the vast and silent starry sky. Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! A horrifying visual effect bloomed in the universe. The flying ship along the road was directly hit by King Norah, and a series of sparks flew out. The bright sea of fire connected into a straight line.

In front of him was a meteorite with a diameter of tens of thousands of meters. When King Norah crashed into it, the meteorite disintegrated like a loose plastic bubble. With the force of the meteorite, the Norah King finally stopped attacking.

From the moment Ayaka disappeared to the moment he appeared, to the moment he gave King Norah a flick of her finger, it had actually only been an extremely short moment, but even so, the outcome of the two had already been determined.

“Who exactly is this girl?”

With just one strike, King Norah became timid. The clever him quickly realized that if he had thought that the young girl was on the same level as him before, then he was 100 sure that he was not her match.

He was extremely conflicted in his heart. Just imagine, he had just picked the fruit of victory to eliminate the Saiyan Dynasty. How powerful and domineering was he? It just so happened that not long after, he actually met an opponent he could not defeat. It was too unlucky!

At this point, saving his life was the key. Looking left and right, King Norah was looking for a way to escape.

Suddenly, a cluster of light shot over. The dazzling light shone so brightly that he could not open his eyes. He hurriedly reached out to block it. He could vaguely see the scene through his fingers. This time, his heart suddenly trembled, as if he had seen a ghost.

He discovered that the terrifying woman had appeared on his right side at some unknown time. There was also a bright and bloody energy in her hand.

“Star River!”

A cold voice transmitted through space like a wave, actually learning the specialty of King Norah.

King Norah was stunned. There was no time to dodge. That mass of energy suddenly shot out, turning into billions of dazzling lights. For a moment, it was like the stars in the night sky, or like the ethereal and clean snow lotus above the Heavenly Mountain. In an instant, the beautiful and beautiful scenery bloomed in the starry sky.

Without the slightest pain, King Norah’s consciousness was in a trance, and in the next moment, it sank into eternal darkness.

After quietly looking at the place where King Norah had disappeared, Ayaka calmed himself down, turned around, and disappeared into the universe.

“Your Majesty, he has fallen!”

The alien on the spaceship fleet looked at the scene of King Norah disappearing in disbelief.

“The scouter can’t detect Your Majesty’s energy. King Norah is really dead.” The alien looked on in a daze.

“Run! If you are too late, you will be killed by that female demon!”

Someone suddenly shouted. Immediately, the entire square formation fell into chaos. At the moment of life and death, all the people of the universe drove their spaceships and fled. They scattered like birds and beasts. King Norah’s fleet collapsed in an instant. It was only when they had escaped a certain distance and confirmed that they were safe that they could not help but feel a sense of lingering fear. They did not expect that the mighty King Norah, who was like a god in their hearts, would actually fall.

The faith in their hearts collapsed!

After ruling over half of the galaxy, the force that was even more powerful than Spirit Leaf Force completely collapsed, and the divided forces each took their own place, and the galaxy fell into a new round of chaotic warfare.

However, King Norah was miserably harmed by his own behavior. If the Saiyan Planet had not been destroyed, if Ayaka had not appeared coincidentally, and she had known about the matter of the Saiyan Planet, King Norah would not have ended up like this, and perhaps he could have continued to be free and unfettered for a long time.

When the king of the northeast of North Area learned of the news, he was extremely lucky. At this time, he had escaped a disaster and built a foundation for ruling North Area, but he could not escape the death of the future nemesis of beauty.

One peck and one drink, could it be that he was determined?

The hell.

Coming out of the space-time gate again, Ayaka was delighted to find that she was no longer in the vast space of the universe. With a slight sense, the Ice King Divine Sword let out a soft cry of joy, as if it were communicating with her.

“I’m finally back!” Thinking back to the scenes of time and space shuttling back and forth, Ayaka couldn’t help but let out a long sigh of relief.

To develop one’s potential into a state, and to inherit the divine might of the Grand Kai from 15 generations ago. Overall, she had gained quite a lot. But… it was still better to come back! What puzzled her was this incomparably mysterious time and space gate. How could there be such an existence that reversed order in the Dragon Ball World? For countless generations, not even Supreme Kai had discovered it.

Turning back to look at the mysterious gate of the white jade stone, the golden edges were like exquisite works of art, beautiful and full of vitality.

Suddenly, she keenly discovered tiny cracks, and then they gradually expanded. Then, in a magnificent storm, the space-time gate turned into specks of glittering and translucent auspicious light, as if it had completed the mission and disappeared.


Ayaka looked at it in astonishment, and then shook her head. It seemed that she could not figure out the origin of the space-time gate for a while. Then, she walked along the narrow corridor. She could shuttle through space and time, but she did not know how long it had been. No, it should be said that the time she came back and how long had it been since she entered?

When she walked back to the small valley where Bardock lived, she heard the voice of a girl like a silver bell before she arrived.

“There are other people’s voices here?” With doubt in his voice, Ayaka continued to move forward, and a few familiar figures entered his line of sight.

Ayaba was currently sparring with Bardock with all her might. The two figures continuously exchanged blows, causing a strong whirlwind to sweep through the entire valley. Beside them, Son Goku and Ayame watched attentively, occasionally revealing expressions of surprise.

However, Ayaka knew that Ayaba was still a little lacking, far from being a match for Bardock, and was currently at a disadvantage.

Noticing that Ayaka had appeared, Ayaba and BBardocka Durk stopped. A gust of wind blew over, but Ayame had already turned into a ray of light and pounced towards Ayaka.

Ayame, who caught the young swallow returning to the nest, hugged her gently. The young girl’s elegant body was pressed against her body, and the soft and delicate touch from her body made Ayaka know that Ayame had grown up.

She smiled at everyone, “I’m back!”

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