Dragon Ball Legend of Ayaka

Chapter 227

Chapter 227

“Cousin!” When Little Gohan saw his cousin coming, he rushed up from the sky with a smile.

Ayame caught Little Gohan with a smile and stroked his head. She liked this little cousin very much. She looked at the rock not far away and spread out her hands. A strong aura swept away the dust on the rock like a strong wind.

She sat down and briefly explained the matter.

“… That’s it.”

Gohan nodded. She knew that her aunt was planning to let everyone participate in the World Martial Arts Tournament. When she thought about how everyone would compete in the same arena, her calm heart immediately became fervent.

On the side, seeing that Gohan and his cousin had something to talk about, Biddy stood quietly to the side and listened, lest she leave a bad impression in front of his cousin. Her thoughts couldn’t help but run far away. She was envious of Gohan’s cousin’s generosity and ability to use ki skillfully. As expected of a family, they were so powerful! He didn’t know when he would be like them.

As for participating in the World Martial Arts Tournament, her bright eyes couldn’t help but widen.

“Older cousin of Gohani, when you mentioned the World Martial Arts Tournament, would Mr. Son Goku and Miss Ayaka also participate?”

Biddy asked in surprise. Those people were known as martial arts grandmasters, especially Son Goku, who was also known as the god of martial arts, a famous figure.

Ayame had noticed the girl beside Son Gohan early in the morning. She rolled his eyes and understood. Then she looked at Son Gohan with a bad look, and Son Gohan immediately blushed.

She coughed lightly. In any case, she was an “elder”. She had to have the demeanor of an “elder”.

“Of course, the World Martial Arts Tournament must be attended by them!”

“That’s really something to look forward to!”

There was a look of excitement on Biddy’s face. Mr. Son Goku and Miss Ayaka were her idols since she was young! Ever since they showed their strength in Cell Game, they rarely participated in these martial arts competitions. They were usually invited to be important guests. The number of times they took action could be counted on one hand. After all, when it came to their strength, it was a little bullying to compete in the same stage.

And this time, they were actually preparing to participate in the World Martial Arts Tournament. It was really exciting!

After leaving Mount Paozu, Ayame did not stop and went to Kame House and the desert in the northwest.

“Participate in the World Martial Arts Tournament?” Krillin was a little surprised after hearing the news. He thought of the rare opportunity and quickly agreed.

Krillin and Violet’s daughter had long purple hair. The little girl saw Ayame for the first time and could not help but look at her curiously with her fingers in her mouth. After a while, she began to cry and make a fuss. Krillin smiled apologetically and hurriedly ran over to coax her.

“Krillin has become a healer.” Ayame smiled and left using the Air Dance Technique.

Headquarters of the Capsule Corporation.

Vegeta was naked in the Gravity Chamber. He waved his arms, sweating profusely. The level of the Gravity Chamber was adjusted to the highest level. It was difficult to move, stuffy and heavy. The entire space was a strange dark red color.

“It’s not enough. Kakarot and Ayaba must be undergoing even more harsh training. This level is not enough to surpass them!”

Vegeta panted heavily as he continued his life and death training.

He had made great progress in the past few years. While recovering his confidence, he also had more motivation to endure hardships.

Beep! Beep! Beep! The communicator on the outside rang. Vegeta let out an “En.” He removed the gravity setting.

He walked out with a towel draped over his shoulders.

“It’s you, it’s really been a long time since we last met!” he said with a smile when he realized that it was Ayame.

After Trunks was born, Vegeta’s personality changed quite a bit. Although he was still as arrogant as ever, he was no longer so difficult to approach.

Moreover, he keenly felt that Ayame’s bloodline should be quite noble.

After listening to the purpose of Ayame’s visit, Vegeta laughed out loud, “Interesting, the World Martial Arts Tournament. At that time, I will justifiably defeat you!”

“Mom won’t be defeated by you!” Ayame said speechlessly.

“You have neglected training with Gihan for the past few years. Although the world is peaceful, don’t leave your training behind. Otherwise, you will suffer in the future!” Vegeta said coolly as he wiped his sweat with a towel.

“It’s rare for Vegeta to care about people! Hmph, I haven’t put in much effort these past few years!” Ayame thought to himself.

Biddy ran home in high spirits, then rummaged through her things to pack up her clothes. In the next few days, she planned to live in the house of her classmate Gohan and receive better guidance from her classmate Gohani. She hoped that she could perform better in front of her idol at the World Martial Arts Tournament.

“Biddy, what are you doing? Running away from home?” Satan asked nervously. His daughter was so old, but she didn’t quarrel with him!

Biddy glanced at Satan and said snappily, “Dad, I’m going to live in my classmate’s house for the next few days to prepare for the World Martial Arts Tournament!”

“Didn’t you already get good results in the last group? There’s no need to mobilize so many people in this conference, right?”

“It’s different this time.”

Biddy looked serious. “I heard from my cousin that Mr. Son Goku and the others will also participate in this conference!”

“Son Goku will also participate?” Satan was shocked and stood up from the sofa.

Satan was not as arrogant as he used to be. Ever since he suffered a crushing defeat in the 24th World Martial Arts Tournament, he had changed his past. He tried his best to advance to a higher realm in Martial Arts. A few years ago, he climbed up to Korin Tower and accepted Korin’s guidance. After obtaining a good result in the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament, he became famous again.

Later, when he wandered the world, he was finally fortunate enough to receive Mr. Tien Shinhan’s guidance. Now, his epower level had reached 18000 J, and power level was 180. He could be considered a rare expert on Earth.

“Wait, who is the classmate who you are talking about? Does he want to live in his house?” Then he was shocked and said nervously, “Don’t tell me you like him and don’t want your father anymore!”

Biddy looked shy and said angrily, “Gohan is the son of Mr. Son Goku. I just want to learn martial arts from him.”

“Isn’t Son Goku’s son the abnormal child in the game? Is he your classmate?”

Satan was shocked. His daughter had such a strong classmate, but he had never known. “I made a mistake!” Satan was extremely upset. If he knew that his daughter and Son Goku’s son were classmates, he would not have to run all over the world. If he wanted to train, he could just ask for guidance!

“Ha, not bad, not bad. Don’t worry and go. Dad will not object!” Since he was going to live in the other party’s house, it meant that his daughter had a good relationship with Son Goku’s son. If they developed, wouldn’t they be a family? Well, very good, very good.

Biddy had no idea that he had been sold off by Satan generously.

On a mountain not far from Mount Paozu, Ayame gracefully landed on the ground and walked to a luxurious villa.

In the courtyard, Ayaka, Launch, Lancy, Android 17, and Android 18 were drinking tea and eating snacks comfortably. The gentle light shone down, and it was warm and comfortable.

“Have you informed them?” Ayaka glanced at them.


Ayame moved the chair to his mother and sat down generously. “They will all participate!”

Ayaka nodded. “In the next few days, you have to train as hard as you usually do. There might be some changes in the World Martial Arts Tournament this time.”

It was a pity that Ayaba was not here. Otherwise, the seven beauties would be gorgeous and beautiful. They could really be called fairies descending to the mortal world.

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