Dragonborn Saga

Chapter 256 Politics, Peace, Friendship

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I just burned an old lady to crisps… not sure how I live with myself after that.

"Is it okay?"

"Believe me it is, that old hag got it coming."

Alina and Bjorna appeased my conscience so I wasn't feeling down about it.

"Still, who was she for you to hate her that much?" Jull asked Alina.

"That woman is… was Groa Bloodsail, the previous matriarch of the Bloodsails and can be considered a legend among pirates. They say that she liked the Thu'um so much and spent all her age gathering Words of Power from the Clans by force. She was the main reason the Firemanes and the Bloodsails were on bad terms way before the Great Collapse."


"Really, if you are wondering why she is so broken, then it is because of Grandma Jenna." Bjorna said. "30 years ago, Uncle Balder's ship was intercepted by Groa and he was struggling to survive. He crashed on an island and got sieged for two weeks on it. It was when Grandma learned the news did she take ship with the finest warriors and beasts from the clans and swooped Groa's people from the face of Nirn, they say that Grandma destroyed Groa with Blood Magic causing her to not cast a spell ever again but that old woman's Voice was lively as ever."

I see, so Grandma Jenna crippled Groa's magic channels.

Figures… the Energy Channels of the Thu'um are different from the ones of the Magic Casting.

Anyway, I seemed to have killed an important enemy to the Firemane… today is the day as the Bloodsail Clan is finally wiped out from Nirn. Those descendants who escaped won't be a bother as long as they don't come after revenge.

With that, the alliance decided to gather the loot and they were all disappointed, only a few thousand gold coins were what I told Nefertiti not to take. They were not much but not too little.

"Thane Jon Dare, as a Law officer of the Kingdom, we demand that you push those uninvited band of troublemakers away. This is a matter of Governmental Authority and they have no say in it. The East Empire Companies have claims on a list of items from what the Pirates stole." Commander Fabian, the Breton Commander of the Imperial Fleet in the regional Northern Waters of Skyrim, started it with the Stormcloak.

"... Little man, don't think your fancy armor and words can make us move. This is a matter of Criminal Subjugation and we fought as much as you did. This is related to Windhelm taking damage from those filthy Blood Horkers for years, you are not denying us that." Captain Skegg, leader of the Stormcloak ships, reacted with no restraint.

"Tsk, crawl back to the cave you came from, barbarian fool."

"HA! Go suck on your mama's tits, tiny milk drinker."

And the politics started.

Yes, I said politics… that's how politics is done around here. Very honest, very loud, and never dull. Just imagine the Congress putting down their masks and talking their hearts out… sigh! The world would have been very fun.

Until the Imperials and the Stormcloaks run out of breath, I just remained there playing with Nefertiti who gets in a really good mood whenever she sees some foolish humans fighting each other.

As they finally found no meaning to their argument, they looked at me.

"What do you both want me to do? And why?" I asked them without looking.

"It is obvious, they don't belong here and they are interfering in your authority as Thane. Winterhold's business is not for Windhelm to the middle in. They should be removed from here." The Imperial Commander said.

"What? You Empire and your company have kept paying those pirate for passages since they first emerged. You are one of the reasons why Winterhold's condition got deteriorated and got run down by Pirates for years." The Stormcloak Commander said.

They both kept glaring at each other while waiting for my reply.

"You know what… you both are right." I said casually and looked at them with a grin. "I should just send you two home empty-handed with the same claims you just said..."

"Thane Jon…" "Jon Dare…" The two parties were infuriated and shot up from their seats.

"Silence!" Alina shouted.

With the Fire Keeper Mask on her face glowing, Alina exerted a heavy pressure that made them both sit down.

"Apologies, lady Alina." "Yes, Child of Kyne."

Man! Alina's status sure makes them tremble. She can just shout and those strongly headed fools just go silent.

That's a politician for you!

"Ehem, as I was saying, what you said is right. The Empire abandoned Winterhold for more than seventy years, way before the Great War while paying the pirates for protection which escalated to great damage to Winterhold, you can't simply demand what you paid willingly. And as for Windhelm, it is no more than the neighboring hold and it has no say in the matter. Japhet's Folly is under the authority of Winterhold and I am its Thane."

The two remained silent.

"Now, as the vault of the Blood Horkers was opened and the islands got searched head to toes, this is what all the three parties managed to find." I pointed at a piece of paper with the contents of the loot all gathered up.

Around 9000 Gold Septims and some gemstones and minor treasures which makes it all almost 17000 to 20000 Septims.

This is way too disappointing for the three parties. I bet that the East Empire Company moved its ships from Solitude to Winterhold with the cost of 2500 Septim at average and the Stormcloaks are in a similar situation.

Splitting that tiny amount of money won't even be worth anything.

"There are two ways out of this." I said and they listened.

"The first, we split the rewards by one fourth to East Empire Company and One fourth to Windhelm as the half naturally belongs to Winterhold as the one that contributed the most. This is the most generous offer you can have."

This offer made them groan in silence as it was really bad so they waited for the second suggestion I have.

"The second option, which is the best option for you both, is to leave all the loot to Winterhold and go home empty handed."

"Excuse me?!" "What?!"

The two commanders found it hard to understand and both looked at me.

"Exactly as you heard." I said.

"But… what is the meaning of this? Is that a threat?"

"Thane Jon, I understand that you are…"

"Okay okay before you misunderstand me, let me explain it to you." I cut their displeased words.

"Think of it that way, if you chose the first option, you two will return to your superiors with what? 5000 Septims at the very best? You and I know that this won't look good at all and you will receive some nasty comments, actually, it will be labeled as a failed mission."

What I said was not wrong judging by how they reacted.

"Now, let's see the second option, you will give up the tiny bit of loot to the Winterhold Administration that in the middle of a major renovation of the entire hold's economic and social infrastructure. You will write in your reports that the best judgment to make a good relationship with Winterhold is to give up that tiny bit of loot for the sake of 'Peace' and friendship. This will make Winterhold grateful to the selfless act you displayed and will surely be worth the investment."

The bets were all placed and I showed my hand, giving me this round will surely benefit them but there was more to that. The Empire and the Stormcloaks were always trying to pull Winterhold to their side now as it has a real value. If the other party chose to befriend Winterhold by giving up the loot and the other insisted on sharing then it is clear which party will be on the good side of Winterhold, that was what they were trying to do at first when they acted all hostile to each other and wanted to make me push away one side.

Now the table is turned, instead of 'Mommy or Daddy?' game to 'With me, Without me' game.

The choice was obvious.


"Did you just swindle the East Empire Company and Windhelm both at the same time?" Alina asked.

"I did."

"And it worked?"

"It did."

"And we got all the loot from Japhet's Folly?"

"We did."


Both of us were just standing there on the beach watching the Imperials and the Stormcloaks sail away to sunset. The two parties agreed to leave it all to Winterhold as there was no worth to such amount of gold. In return, both Windhelm and the Empire will have access to the docks in Winterhold with discounts and some minor privileges. Also, the East Empire Company will open a trading post in Winterhold. This was all part of what I talked with Vittoria Vici about and I just made it official.

The East Empire Company found nothing they claim in the loot as all the important stuff were all in the Haven Cube and the Stormcloak acted with respect so it all turned well.

What is left here is to clean Japhet's Folly from the bodies of the pirate, burn them, collect the loot, secure the island and rebuild its dock for my personal use and destroy the old fort. I am thinking of making a very big project on this island and renaming it to something else.

"Boss, there is a prisoner we found in the fort's dungeon." A man came to report.

"A prisoner?"

"Yes, a Nord kinsman that the Argonian pirates captured in the way to the island. Seemed to be of value to them."

"Well, if he is a kinsman then bring him to me. We can help him if he is an ally."

"Yes, Boss."

Alina and I locked arms and walked towards the central tent, there, the troopers brought a Nord man, tall build, brown eyes and hair, he looked like a warrior but I sensed a good amount of Magic power in him.

"Hey there, kinsman. I am Jon Dare, Thane to Winterhold."

"Oh! Hello, my name is Lanmas Sadar of Clan Sadar."

[A/n: Lanmas is a sponsored character.]

"Clan Sadar!" Alina reacted fast.

"You know of us, lady?"

"I am Alina Moonblade of Clan Moonblade, my betrothed Jon Dare is from Clan Firemane."

"Aha! A Firemane and a Moonblade, wel-met." The man made an understanding face.


"Clan Sadar is a famous clan, they are from the east of Riften's Hold and they are famed winemakers who have good relations with most of the clans." Alina explained.

"Oh, I see. If that's the case, then we are happy to help" I said.

"Thank you, really thank you. I overheard some rumors about the Thane of Winterhold from my captors. It seems I came across a hero."

"Thank you. We are happy to lend a hand, we are heading back to Winterhold in a day or two. Where are you heading?"

"Oh! I should actually go back to Morrowind." Lanmas said, "My employer in Mournhold must is expecting me a week from now and I am late."


"Oh… I haven't introduced my profession, I am a Companion from Jorrvaskr and got hired by a lady in Mournhold to act as her left-hand man for a couple of years. I have nothing to repay you with except more annoying requests to help me find my armor and spear but I will leave a good word for Thane Jon to my employer and she will reward you whenever you meet."

"Come on, no need for such a thing."

"A debt is a debt. The 'Old Woman of Mournhold' is a generous lady and will surely be thankful for saving me as I carry her errand."

"I see, I will take your goodwill then… the 'Old Woman of Mournhold'! Where did I hear that title before?"

I think I have heard it somewhere.

"It is the charitable lady that supported Servos and his sister to become Mages."

"Aha! Right."

The lady who helped Servos, the Spider Scroll inventor who we saved in Solstheim. He is now a researcher in Winterhold and is living a very good life.

"Well then, Lanmas. Welcome aboard."

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