Dragonborn Saga

Chapter 258 I Don't Mind A Bit Tickling


A BIG thanks for Nicholas Lloyd on Pat-reon.

Also, I Missed you, guys. That F5 sect, the exp and Thnx4chapter sect, the 'ALL YOUR EXP BELONGS TO US' guy.

I am making a Wiki for the novel cuz why not.

and as always...

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Three weeks have passed since I gave my first lecture and things have been going really well. My class got more popular and my students are actually fond of me... maybe they like my Light Emitting Screen and Slide Shows but their performance has become much better.

I think I started to like teaching too. Making people's minds work in a better way is really satisfying. I even ended up conflicting with other teachers in the Alteration and Restoration Departments for teaching their material in my class... I mean, how on Nirn can these students understand anything when you beans for brains are half-assing your work. Magic Archetypes are classified into schools to categorize them, not learn one and forget about the rest.

These guys are clearly out of their minds. No wonder magic is on the decline.

This is how my 'One School Theory' started conflicting with the current theme of the College.

Anyway, as much as I enjoyed it, all good things must come to an end. Today Laaneth returned and I gave a heartwarming last lecture. I was happy to see all these beginners have found their true calling in Magic in the first month. Some of them made their own Teams like 'The Arsonists' for Destruction Magic researching, 'Metal Heads' for Alteration, 'Sticks and Stones' for Restoration, 'One School Cult' for Mysticism. Pretty weird names but I am sure that their spirits must be overflowing with positive passion for studying... I am sure.

"Sis, what do you think?" Alina asked Jull as they were riding ahead of me together.

"Do I really need to say it? It is exactly what you are thinking." Jull replied.

"Damn! The S side of Jon is becoming more intense. He just taught some innocent students for less than a month and they all turned radical."

"Yes, not sure if being an S is good or bad at that point."

These two were getting along by calling me something impolite again. Well, it is hard to disagree in that regard anyway.

I was riding behind them as the three of us (besides Nefertiti who was taking an afternoon nap's nap in the Cube) decided to go on a journey together. This thing was planned only for us as we really wanted to have our time alone together away from this world.

Luckily, I knew just the spot.

We traveled on our Atronach Horses and Hawks for three days straight until we arrived at Eastmarch. There, we traveled to Darkwater Crossing area and headed to the Eldergleam Sanctuary, a well lit underground cave filled with natural beauty and is considered a sacred worship ground to Kyne. I visited this place less than three years ago when I discovered my new way of Meditation.

"What a beauty!" Jull was taken aback by the sight right away. She ran around the grove with Nefertiti while laughing together.

"So this is your idea for a vacation?" Alina stood beside me as we gazed at the Eldergleam tree.

"I don't have a better place in mind. The weather is great and the place is beautiful. I also know that you are a regular visitor to the place."

"Yes, here where I was recognized as a Child favored by Kyne. The Keepers also come here quite often."

"I see... we can spend some time around here then."

"Yeah, I know a place." Alina walked forward and started climbing the rocky way towards the Eldergleam tree. That road is normally blocked by the giant roots of the tree but once Alina got closer, the roots started moving out of her way.

"Hold up a minute! Did that just… Oh! I see… the Favored of Kyne thing." I remembered my girlfriend's ability is actually ridiculous once she actually uses it.

"Hehe, you will see my private place up the road." She said and walked ahead cheekily.

"Oh! I am more interested in the ones down the road, you know."

Alina stopped her pace and looked at me and shook her head. I, of course, couldn't help but to run up to her and carry her in my arms all the way up the road as she wanted.

Where we arrived at was the highest part of the grove beside the Eldergleam itself. There was a cave-like area on the top behind the Eldergleam's trunk and there was where we sat down together.

"A beautiful place indeed." I remarked as I looked left and right around me.

Alina removed her 'Fire Keeper Blindfold' and put her head on me, she yawned and closed her eyes while holding onto me.

"I am holding you so you don't go play with the kids."

"Pft! You are acting like that this early? Fine, princess. You have me for now."

--Hey, Jon. Where are you?

--Hooman is playing with, Alina.

--Let's look for them.

We could hear Nefertiti and Jullanar looking for us and I shook my head. It seemed that the private time Alina wanted would be cut short… or so I thought.

Alina just had to cast a spell on the Eldergleam and the tree's roots blocked the road up once again.

"Wow! I never thought you can do that?"

"I normally can't. This place is abundant with Kyne's power so I can wield power and control plants too."

"Oh, that is really amazing."

"I am safe to say that in this place, I am more powerful than the mighty hero of Winterhold, his lordship thane Jon Dare." Alina said so as she pushed me down and climbed over me.

"Oh! That so?"

"Mhm." She nodded.

"Fine… you know what! I am not even going to resist. Whatever it is you want, I will do for you."

"Really?... I have something in mind though."

Alina stood up and walked away. I too stood up and went after her. She went to the cave's wall and then walked through some moss that was dangling from the wall and disappeared behind it.

"Okay. I am coming."

I went after her to see that the hanging moss was covering a passage through the cave's wall. This thing didn't exist in the game but I didn't think too much about it. As I stepped in, I found… Alina's dress.

I giggled and shook my head but I had to keep up with her at this rate. The passage was a bit narrow and I found pieces of Alina's clothes everywhere.

When I arrived at the end of the passage, I found myself in a small room covered with all sorts of greenery. There were plants and flowers more exotic than the ones outside this room in the Eldergleam's cave but I was focusing on something else. From the cave's wall, there was a small stream of water coming probably from the river outside the sanctuary making its way to the other side of the room forming a small pool in the middle, there I saw a breathtaking beauty swimming in the pool. She was holding her hair with her hands to the back as she seemed to have taken a little dive.

She looked at me and smiled.

"Are you waiting for an invite?"

"... You know I don't do such a thing."


"Just holding my breath for a second… it may fly away if I am not careful around you from now on."

She smiled and her pearl-like glimmered, her black hair, her red eyes, her arched brows, she was just perfect.

She turned around and gave her back to me then walked out of the pool to the other side. Her naked body was insinuating me, no matter how many times I saw or embraced her, she is always as breathtaking as I first saw her.

"Won't you come and play?" She said.

"Play? Why not?"

She turned around to me not sparing the air in my lungs anymore. I took a deep breath when I saw her, hourglass-like figure, her fair skin that makes other women sick with jealousy, her well-endowed breasts, thin figure and tall legs. I can only have pity on her mirror, how can just a worldly thing be able to perfectly reflect all that.

She sat on a smooth rock and spread her legs then closed them right away.

"I will count to three. If you don't undress and come in front of me, you won't get a thing." She said.



"Count then."

She looked at me and I looked at her. She was stark naked and I was fully geared. She raised her face with a smiled and I lowered mine with a grin.

"... One…" she started counting for real but I didn't move.

"... Two…" she reached two but I still didn't move. She narrowed her eyes a bit but didn't hesitate to keep counting.

"... Thr… Woah!"

I teleported in front of her. She looked at me with wide eyes and my grin grew wider.

She saw me as naked as her and tilted her head. She then looked back at the place I was standing in to see my clothes just falling to the ground.

"Did you… did you just… teleport out of your clothes?" She was shocked for a second but it was very easy.

I only shook my shoulders for a response.

We giggled together about it.

"So… you said you will do whatever I want today." She said.

"I sure did."

"Well then…" She extended her hand behind my head and pulled me towards her while going down herself. She spread her legs wide in front of me and smiled.

"I want some of that."


"Yes, that."

"Okay, but I haven't shaved my facial hair a few days, it will be a bit… ticklish." I said.

"I don't mind a bit tickling."

"[I don't mind a bit tickling], title of your sex tape."

"... I don't even want to know what is that."

Her both hands pulled me between her legs and she locked with her legs on me.

As I was about to start, I remembered something.

"Oh, before we go on…"


"Happy International Women's Day."

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