Dragonborn Saga

Chapter 280 Hunting the Huntress

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*Bannered Mare Inn*

What happened in that night changed the perspective of Jon towards butts forever. He always focused more on boobs and looks but never cared too much about butts, until that night.

He woke up in the inn between Alina and Jullanar and started thinking. He looked at his hand and remembered the feeling of spanking that jiggly bubbly butt. He tried to remember the feeling but touching Alina's and Jullanar's butts but they didn't feel like that girl. It didn't mean that Alina or Jull had inferior butts but they were not meant for spanking. Alina's body is graceful and her beauty is her most lethal weapon, she always wears large dresses and wide robes but her body under all that is a wonder on its own especially her soft big boobs which are Jon's favorite, she was not much shorter than Jon and can be considered really tall among girls which made her Jon's perfect match. Jull was not any less in charm even though she was different from Alina, her different skin color, the athletic muscles that made the effort she puts in training turn into beauty, her choice of clothing which is always tight and fit, the flexibility of her body, even the difference of color in her eyes made them very attractive yet her butt was strong and firm, not fit for spanking.

The girl from last night, however, made Jon think for long. He wasn't sure about her identity because her face was covered with her hair after getting out of the river but he would recognize her body when he sees it again for sure. Not much shorter than Alina and not less athletic than Jull but her butt was squishy and lovable. It had great power.

Amidst his thinking, Alina and Jull woke up.

"Why are you touching our butts?" Alina asked.

"Hmm… I wonder."

Jon's reply made her look up to him weirdly. She normally sleeps with her body mostly leaning on him so they touch all night long but Jon's way of touching her butt seemed different than her usual treatment.

"He is discovering more about the 'S' inside him." Jull said.

She too was sleeping the same way on his other side but she was used to the 'S' side of Jon more than Alina.

"After last night, he surely feels different."

Alina and Jull remembered what happened last night after Jon returned last night. The three of them went into a wild sexual engagement but Jon was too hard to contain just by the two of them and ended up being put down before Jon was even satisfied. He calmed himself normally but it seemed that he was still thinking of something.

"Okay, let's wake up for now. We have important business to take care of with Ysolda and Akara. I am not letting them off no matter what." Jon shook the silly thoughts in his head and walked out of the bed with the girls after him.


*Jorrvaskr Meadhall*

In Jorrvaskr, the meadhall of the companions and their headquarters, Aela woke up in her quarters. She looked up to the ceiling and her head was completely blank, she tried to put away all the negative thoughts and walked out of her bed.

She was the rising star of the Companions even though she had her own style in doing things. The relation of her family to the Companion was deep and it was not strange for her to climb up the ranks on the fast pace she's on.

A year ago, she joined the 'Circle', a secret group of 'Companions' who carry the blood of the wolf and honor the Stag Prince Hircine. She was looking forward to this day ever since she was a child. Her training in the woods when she was young, the fights she has been through around the arenas of Skyrim, the trials she took to become part of the Circle and the thrill of being a werewolf who hunt in the wilds with superhuman power and speed, all this and that made Aela feel proud and invincible. She doesn't fear anything or anyone.

After she became a werewolf, every day was a hunting day, she adored the gift of the beast inside her and wanted nothing more than hunting after hunting. It was her game and her style.

Each night she was free in, she would go out and challenge the night with its terror. The night in the forests is the time when all the beasts rage through the woods and when the wolf packs come out to hunt. It is also the time when Necromancer and Vampires roam the land and she wanted nothing more than that. She would just hunt them all.

One day when some of her brothers and sister came back after a fight with a werewolf hunting Hidden Clan who call themselves the Silver-Hand, Aela's rage and bloodthirst were all aimed towards those hunters and she would go every night to look for them with another high ranking Companion called Skjor. Even though the Harbinger of the Companions told them to not go after blood, they would go behind his back anyway.

But last night, Aela the Huntress met killer in the woods during her normal hunting routine. That killer seemed to be an evil mage who hunt down an Orc and kept toying with him left and right. It was hateful how a predator would toy with his pray like that, how bored can a person be to torture his prey to death.

She stalked them and saw the mage kill the Orc and incinerate his body, the mage was unusually large and had a red hair similar to hers but just like all mages, there was no way he would rival her arrows… but reality proved different. His magic was advanced and unfathomable.

She had no brain for magic and to top it all, her arrows were turned at her. She decided that it would be wise to approach that mage and kill him in melee combat. It was a wise decision in normal cases but what she was up against was an irregular.

She was toyed with in melee combat and in long ranged combat, even the prey she was after started mentoring her about combat. The humiliation was… unbearable.

She was bested in both long range and close quarter combat, not having an idea what to do, Aela followed her instincts and fought like a beast but in the end, she was defeated.

Crawling out of the river after getting reduced to her human form, Aela's consciousness was hanging with a thread. She wasn't sure if she was going to get killed or will be spared but it wasn't up to her anyway and there is no way in Oblivion she would beg for her life.

The man who defeated her came behind her and she didn't think she would survive this but to her wonder, death never came. She looked back and saw the man who was looking at her body while narrowing his eyes, it wasn't the look of a pervert but the look of a scholar who was seeking enlightenment. Still, something was very wrong.

The man was looking at her butt and making a nod of understanding.

He then raised his hand and…


… he spanked her round butt.

Aela who was always a proud wolf was getting spanked on her butt in the middle of nowhere by a man who just defeated her.

Her head refused to come up with the explanation that she was going to get violated by a pervert but it did not come. The man spanked her another time and his eyes lit up. She, on the other hand, made a pitiful face and her eyes turned moisty.

The man didn't stop there, he held her waist and raised it making her body rest on her knees while her buttock was raised up and another spank came.

She looked forward while trying not to scream. It wasn't that painful but she was too helpless to retaliate.

A spank after a spank and the man would only stop to observe and change the way he spanks her. He would stop to complement the reaction of her butt.

What kind of pervert would go that far to test her butt's reaction to his spanks? Aela was completely oblivious to the potential of her butt that Jon saw. She was still in a sour mood.

After the man was done was spanking her butt in various techniques, he complimented her as a talented fighter covered her body with a cloak and healed her with Magic. She couldn't even muster the power to look up to him and could only grit on her teeth.

As these memories returned to Aela, her head almost blanked in anger from the shame she was placed in. She can't even tell her shield-brothers and sisters. Tell them what? A man she tried to kill defeated her and spanked her butt as a trophy? She can barely keep her dignity to herself.

She had many negative thoughts about what happened so she decided to drink them away. She climbed the stairs from the basement to the meadhall where other Companions gather all day. She looked for a place to sit down but as soon as she did, a tingling feeling came from her butt and caused her to remember what happened all over again.

She didn't want to be noticed by her friends so she stood up and headed out of Jorrvaskr, she didn't know where to go so she just walked towards the inn.

The Bannered Mare was the cities biggest inn but it would be empty at this time of day, everyone is working during the day after all.

Aela went in and took a few bottles of mead then sat alone in a dark corner, the tingling in her butt was not that bad away from the eyes of people. She opened the first bottle and started drinking her bad mood out.

Still, fate was not merciful to her. The inn that was supposed to be empty was indeed empty but there were people who booked some rooms there, she wouldn't normally be bothered but one of them who was coming down from upstairs was him.

The man who humiliated her and spanked her butt many times was right in front of her looking at her in the eye. His appearance was clearer than yesterday and he looked very familiar.

Jon too, realized that the girl who was hiding in the dark corner was the girl he spanked yesterday. He also took a good look at her face and recognized her.

"I see… so it was you." He said as he walked to her.

She was shocked the moment she saw him and froze without moving. Her heart beats raced and her she couldn't move a muscle in front of him.

His dominating presence was shackling her very soul. Her thoughts were also paralyzed by just hearing his voice.

Jon was a bit surprised to see that Aela was the girl with the magical butt from last night. He guessed the identity but it was still surprising. He knew her as the fierce NPC huntress who is very iconic in the game but she was still a timid girl in front of him after what he did to her.

He could only blame the inner 'S' that woke up last night and made him do such a shameless act. Still, that 'S' was waking up again right now.

As soon as Jon arrived at her, he touched her cheek with his hand and pulled her chin up with a finger, he then went on her lips with his thumb and felt their smoothness.

Aela was not resisting him and seemed to have been traumatized by yesterday. He sighed to himself and put his hand away. He found her very lovable and wanted her for himself.

"I'll be seeing you tonight!" He said as he turned around and went away.

As he walked towards the inn's entrance, a man came in and talked to him.

"Jon, they woke up."

Jon nodded only in response and followed the man.

Aela who was gazing at Jon looked at him with an empty mind but she realized something. The person who talked to the man called Jon is Wulfur, the friend of Farkas who was visiting Jorrvaskr the other day.

That Wulfur is the right-hand man of the famous and infamous Thane of Winterhold, Jon Dare. The man who came out of nowhere two years ago and shook the whole Skyrim in the High King tournament.

She realized why was the man so familiar now. It was him all along. Jon Dare!

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