Dragonborn Saga

Chapter 292 Mad Ideas

*Winterhold - 4000 meters above the sea level*



The world was witnessing the first recorded case of Skydiving in the history of Tamriel performed by two redheads, Aela and I, Jon Dare.




We were not panicking, Aela was shocked but we yelled to hear each other.



I held her hands and helped her adjust her body in a skydiving position under me and tied us together with [Greed]. I also protected our eyes with a spell.

Our balance finally settled and we started to freefall. The appearance of the world at sunset from above was purely magnificent.

There were no clouds but the air was freezing but we endured it.

"You like it?"

"... You… You are mad."


"No, I am cursing you, ice brain. You are truly mad."

"I am called Jon 'Dare' for Goodness sake!"

"Jon Mad."

"... Nope, I'll stick with 'Dare'!"

I couldn't see her face but she was surely making a complicated face.

"You know how to get us down safe?" She asked.

"What? Of course not? How can I?"

"Wa- Wa-it Wait a second! Not funny! You moved us up with magic so you can move us back down, right?"

"Well, in theory, if you teleport while moving, you will keep moving. We were still before we teleport then we started to fall. If I teleported us to the ground right now, we will be turned into a meatpaste as soon as we arrive."


She was now scared! I can feel it!

"But I can fly with magic so no problems anyway."


"Oh! Why so serious? Have fun, girl. You may never experience this ever again."

"I don't want to!"

"I mean you may not to because I may not be able to fly properly with magic then fall and crush and die."


"What? Can't take a joke?"


"Hey, I just got a wild idea."

"Don't want to hear it!"

"We can't just be the first couple who skydived in Tamriel… we can also be the first couple who had sex while skydiving in Tamriel."




And we landed with a parachute made of [Greed]. I could have just used [Levitation] spell but the falling force was too much to withstand with the lifting power of [Levitation].


"That was great!"

It was REALLY epic! As if gravity itself was helping us.

[A/n: for the sake of research, I researched it and it actually happened. My source? Check your history from last night.]

Aela seemed to have had her fair share of living for one day, she passed out right when her feet touched the ground even though she had strong orgasm mid-air. I took her into the Haven Ring and let her sleep.

"Damn, why does she like scratching my body so much?"

I had to heal myself after both times I've been with her because of how her habit of using her nails to dig into my skin when she reaches climax. In both times, we did something none have ever done before. Destroying a forest and skydiving, I just wonder what idea we may come up with next time.

Anyway, no one saw us when we landed back at Neo Saarthal. It also made me think of how should I fortify the city from an aerial infiltration. I started using my head as fast as I could and decided to enchant a new device.

As I jumped into the Haven Cube, I started looking around for my materials and gathered a big gem and many other tools.

"Let's see, a radar needs to be able to detect enemies. We have an [Hostiles Identifying Systemic Enchantment] in the [Tesla Towers] we hid on the Fort Wall. This enchantment required a weapon to work on and that enemies hostility must be directed to the personnel on the Fort Wall. It would be really complicated if I made one on all the entire city..."

My head started to work on the Radar device I was trying to invent using magic. In the end, I managed to mix spells like [Alarm] for hostility detection and [Soul Scry] to not detect anything other than Black Souls on one Gem then connected it to a Screen which is also connected to a [Magic Frequency Detection Tower].

The device will work but I am really depressed. I want it to catch spies too but that needs a very complicated enchantment.

I took another gem which was a Flawless Diamond, the size and the quality were both top notch. It was something that I kept hidden away from the girls.

A rare gem like that meant it can be enchanted way better than your common rubies. I put my heart and soul on it and started making an enchantment I was curious about.

I used the Binary Coded Enchanting method to make this one. An Enhancement to process the code into runes and another to make the code evolve and calculate for itself. In order to not let it go haywire, I needed to seal its potential because it kept evolving in the wrong direction.

I added that Gem to a Light Screen that can read the Binary Data and tried to give orders to set up a certain system of processing information. I made many trial and errors and removed all the commands I gave once and twice as I could feel something was missing.

I was trying to teach the enchantment how to 'curious' but it was rather misunderstanding me as if it was acting like… an animal!


I looked at the log of the soul gems I have and found what kind of a soul was that in the gem. A Grand Soul made of fusing many deer souls.

"Hold up a minute! Fusing Souls needs the same type of soul to success, as we can't mix a Lesser Deer Soul with a Lesser Wolf Soul to make a Common Soul. We need it to be the same kind of creature… can it be that the reason is the Soul Behavior?"

The [Soul Behavior], a term that is not really fixed or used and some think it is just a myth. The soul inside the gem dissolves to be a raw magical power but… what if that raw power still possesses some sort of awareness.

Old Soul gems are proved to not have [Soul Behavior] but fresh ones show some kind of it.

Then instead of using the enchantment with such a crappy soul of a dear, I can actually use a soul that seeks knowledge. Still, the only beings that seek knowledge are mortals.

"No no, that's dangerous! I can't do that! I took it upon myself to not ever do such a thing again after the thing with Azura."

Still… that took me to a dead end.

There are no other beings that would be prone to seek knowledge like mortals… or so I thought!

There is one type of beings that would do so… the Daedra.

Or to be more specific, the Daedra of Hermaeus Mora, Daedric Prince of Forbidden Knowledge and Fate.

And look who possess four artifacts of Herma Mora in his storage! Me.

My absent-mindedness took me in front of [Space 51] where I keep all the dangerous stuff.

The [Skull of Corruption], the [Staff of Sheogorath], the [Fork of Horripilation], the [Savior's Hide], the [Skeleton Key], the [Black Star] and my sith mask [Krilon].

These are all the Artifacts of Great Power that I have gathered from the places I went to. There are also some blueprints for my inventions as well as the books that Alfe gave to me and lastly, the [Black Books] which are the artifacts of Herma Mora I am after.

I looked at the four Black Books and I didn't really know which is which but I had to pick one randomly.


{Yes, Hooman.}

{Come to my location.}

I told her to come and she Teleported to my place using the Shadow Realm.

"What is it?" She transformed into her Human Form when she felt that there is a serious matter.

"Watch over me. I am doing something… crazy."

"... Should I bring Jullanar?"

"No, she must be busy with her spiders."


Nefertiti backed away and sat on the ground.

I sighed and picked a Black Book randomly.

The Black Book had an eerie sensation with its black outer texture that felt a bit moisty and tingling. On it, there was drawing of a grotesque slug being with a lot of eyes, tentacles and pincers as if a being of the Lovecraftian fantasies is coming to life.

"Here goes nothing…"

I opened the book and it led me to the first page, there was written:- "(Untold Legends) As the great ships of men crawled the waves to their destinies, there were, after long years, a number of tales lost in the mists of morning. Even after the forgetting though, wisps of story find ways to receptive ears as even the deepest of secrets never truly dies. When fires burn and the night grows soft in…"

Green tentacles shot out of the book and bound my arms and before I finish reading the first page, I didn't resist but I was not feeling well.

The tentacles reached around my body and my head and finally, my consciousness started to fade.

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