Dragonborn Saga

Chapter 330 Crisis

1) This is IMPORTANT, guys. I made a big mistake! That's right, Don Dokhmesy made an Oopsie Doopsie. My Elder Scrolls calendar was a bit off and I kept writing (4E 197) while it should have been (4E 198) ... Jon was born on 181, one year after the Second Treaty of Stros M'akai. He was conscious of the reincarnation on 182, left Riften at 196, now it is 198 and he is 17, the game starts on 201 when Jon is 20. I will go and edit it later.

2) This is the chapter! Don't hate me after it. There is a catch for everything.

3) Big thanks to @Coffee_Fiend


The sky, lit; the land, scorched; corpses, charred and trees, burned. The scale of destruction was massive and the damage was fatal.

Jon landed beside the black sphere made of [Greed] and put his hand on it drawing it back to himself. Under it, there was Nefertiti in Beast Form and Wulfur in a bloody form.

"Doing good, man?" Jon asked.

Wulfur looked at the crater that Jon created with his attack and gulped hard. Just a moment ago, there were tons of Foresworn and many things around here and now it is just... well, let's just say that nothing will grow in this place for at least 50 years because of Magicka anomalies. Master-Class spells were nothing to scoff at, only a level below the Forbidden Spells and can pretty much be described the same.

"Yeah... Jon, our people. They..."

"I am sorry for your loss, Wulf. Truly, it was you or nothing."

"Yes... Yes..."

Wulfur was still in shock and seemed to be developing a trauma. Jon took his hand and started healing him to the best of his healing skills. Nefertiti looked around and saw something strange.

"... Look!"

She pointed at the ground where some tree started to grow in the crater. The three were taken aback as there was no tree that can grow this fast in reality but one was actually doing so.

Jon sensed something bad about to come and took the front.

"Nefertiti, my sword."

Nefertiti carried the [Cube] with her and from it, she took out [Bloodskal] giving it to Jon. He held the sword tightly and urged them to retreat.

Once the tree grew large enough to be almost seven meters tall, it started to transform and take shape as a humanoid tree with an animal skull as a head. The energy of that tree creature was eerie and dark.

"What in the..." Jon said.

"No! It is that thing!" Wulfur seemed on the brink of losing it. "Jon, kill it before..."

Just as he was about to warn Jon, the ground shook and roots came up from the ground like nothing the ever saw before.

A bunch of roots targetted Nefertiti and tried to form a prison on her but she sank in the Shadow and dodged the attack while growling at the Leshen. Wulfur was also targetted but already knew how to dodge the roots and kept dodging in zigzags. Jon's leg was caught by a root and thorns tried to penetrate his skin but the didn't do much damage, he just let out his Aura and obliterated the root and the ones that followed after it.

"Come out." Jon spoke in an angry matter towards the one who tried to control the Leshen and sneak attack them.

The Leshen stopped attacking and from the hole it grew from, a few figures came out. They were total of thirteen as signals as Jon detected. 11 Hagravens, 1 Foresworn and 1 freak looking thing.

"Okay, a cursed spriggan of sorts, some hags, a midget and... a cyclops?"

Jon's tone carried a hint of mockery but he was actually at a wrathful state.

"Him! It is him!" One of the hagraven pointed at Jon and said or rather screeched with her voice that sounded like a tacking raven or a very broken radio.

Disregarding their hideous appearances of one of those super ugly storybook witches, Jon spoke rather carefully.

"Excuse me, young ladies. Mind telling me who am I again?"

The hagravens were shooting resentful looks at Jon, he wasn't sure if it was the way they look or they are ready to suck his ghost out and trap it into a jar or something.

"It is him."

"Yes, him."

"The cat-thing told us."

"It did! It did!"

"Hunt him down, devour his flesh."

"Leave his head. His head is a trophy."

"But strong... too strong... Cat-thing didn't say that strong."

"11 of us. Only him."

"No, he has a spirit. A young fey."

"The other man-thing is also strong."

"Not strong enough. Only him."

"Hunt him down, take his head."

Trying to make sense of the conversation of the hagravens, Jon realized that someone came to the hagravens to deal with him. It was a 'cat-thing', probably a Khajiit. His head is wanted as a trophy for the kill too. Someone wants him dead badly, mostly Erikur but none in Erikur's syndicate is a Khajiit. They are not allowed in towns especially Solitude.

This eliminates some options but if a Khajiit wanted him dead then the Thalmor has a hand in it. Why? Elswyre is part of the Aldmeri Dominion and Khajiit do the shady work for the Thalmor.

As Jon was realizing that, Alaric who saw Jon for the first time realized something. He looked at the hagraven and asked.

"Wait! Matron, did you just say that someone wanted this man dead and we had to lure him by catching that man?" He pointed between Wulfur and Jon. "Wasn't it the will of the Old Gods?"

The hagravens realized the desperate tone of their war leader so they explained things to their own convenience.

"No, Blood Eagle."

"Dear, Blood Eagle, we matrons take no words from cat-things or man-things."

"It was a messenger. Yes, a messenger!"

"Cursed Blood doesn't like him. Cursed Blood wants him dead."

Jon and Alaric could understand what 'Cursed Blood' mean. Jon didn't really think too much of it but Alaric seemed to have believed the hags.

"Cursed Blood, huh? That sorry excuse of a Daedric Prince? Lord of Shit, Malacath?" Jon taunted the hags as he cussed swore at Malacath.

The Foresworn are Daedra worshippers and they call the Daedra 'The Old Gods'. They mainly worship Hercine as well as Molag Bal, Mehrunes Dagon, Malacath and Namira.

Still, the situation was going to get messier. The 11 Hagravens are strong enemies and Wulfur can barely stand.

"Nefertiti, take Wulfur away for now."


She jumped at Wulfur and took him in the [Cube] then went away leaving the space of Jon to fight freely. Jon may have used a lot of Magicka to cast [Supernova] that annihilated the Forsworn force but he alone was full of trump cards.

"Don't let the fey escape!" A hagraven shouted pointing at Nefertiti which irritated Jon.

"Get in line, will you?" Jon threw [Bloodskal] with all his might at the Hagraven splitting her head in half then pulled the sword back with a chain made of [Greed].


Alaric panicked once he saw a hagraven die. He looked at Jon with hate but realized that Jon was a bit too hard for him to deal with. He became fully conscious at the hateful mage that obliterated his army in one go.

"You! You won't get away with this."

"Watch me."

"You killed many Reachmen! I, Alaric will rip your heart out for this."

"Let's see you try!"

Jon launched [Bloodskal] towards Alaric to kill him the same way as the Hagraven but the large Leshen stepped in and blocked [Bloodskal] with its limbs.

"Get away, prince."

"Get away, get away!"

The Hagravens, that were controlling the Leshen, protected Alaric and concentrated at Jon. Now that ten of them remained, the needed to kill Jon as soon as possible.

Jon tried to levitate in the air but facing ten Hagravens proved to be a challenge. He waved [Bloodskal] many times and launched many energy slashes to face the large number of spells that were coming at him from every direction.

Just as he got the chance, he teleported behind one of the hags and waved her sword beheading her head clean.

"Marla! Kill him! Kill man-thing!"

The hagravens were angry for losing two of their kind in one day. Jon kept avoiding all their spells until he was about to kill another one but the Leshen interfered.

"Annoying thing!"

Jon avoided the Leshen's roots that were coming from all directions and jumped at the damn thing cutting it from the shoulder to the waist. Grosh tried to sneak up on Jon with his large club but Jon intercepted him easily.


"Grosh!" Alaric shouted as he saw his brother get Thu'umed again.

Alaric can be said as the only being who might have survived the [Unrelenting Force] three times.

"He can't shout again! Go on!" The hagravens pressured Jon more.

"Excuse me! YOL TOOR SHUL!" Jon shouted the Leshen with the Fire Breath shout and torched the creature like a dragon.

The Leshen got badly wounded and dived in the land again to suppress the flames. Now, the hagravens had no tank to stop between them and Jon.

Alaric saw the Matrons in a bad situation so he grabbed his spear and ran towards Jon like a hunter. Once he saw the chance, he performed his high leap to catch Jon off guard.


Jon sent [Greed] towards Alaric and grabbed him from the air then slammed him on the ground once then on the other side another slam and so on until all of Alaric's body seemed to be on the brink of collapsing.

Jon threw him away and focused on the remaining Hagravens.

"Dangerous! Use the curses!"

The Hagravens tried their best and took out back soul gems each. Filled with the soul of human sacrifice, Jon's skin crawled once he felt the foul energy in the gems.

"Damn you, fuckin witches! All-Maker!"

Realizing that he needed his Magicka more than his sword and Aura, Jon called for the blessing of the All-Maker, the [Root of Power]. His Magicka surged up in an unimaginable speed and all the Magicka around him was sucked towards him like a typhoon. The Hagravens used the Black Soul Gems at the same time and powerful curses were all cast at Jon.


The pain was unimaginable! Jon can barely try to stop all the pressure that came from the Hagravens' trump card. His vision was being blinded, his body was being paralyzed, his blood was starting to flow backward... all sorts of foul curses were thrown at him by nine angry Hagravens.

The sword fell from his hands and he held his head as if it was about to explode.

"Kill him!"

"Kill! Kill!"

"Damn man-thing killed Marla."

The hags were putting their all suppressing Jon and he was facing the nine of them with all what he could. The feet was simply unimaginable to block nine powerful curses with simply the brute force of Magicka.

"I'll fuckin murder you, bitches."

Jon got the hang of his Magicka and roared in anger. His first move was to reverse a curse on a Hagraven with all his power causing her to explode like a balloon.

The second move was by dragging a Hagraven with [Telekinesis] towards him and blasting her brain with a [Thunder Cookie].

The third move was by transforming [Greed] into a Blaster and shooting a bolt of Aura that tore a Hagraven by half.

Alaric was simply terrified. He would do anything to stop Jon now. Without realizing it, he was carrying a dagger and stabbing it at Jon's back only for the dagger to get dent when it touched Jon's skin. The skin of a Level 3, Jade Skin stage, Dragon Frame realm was simply not an easy thing to cut.

Jon looked at Alaric with anger and slapped him ten meters away.

There were only six Hagravens left any they were annoyingly powerful. A hagraven was a semi-daedric creature with a heart the condensed a higher form of spiritual energy but Jon can simply overpower that with his firm base that was built on tedious training and not some dark rituals.

The last showdown with the six Hagraven was a show of pure brute magic force. Jon's [Root of Power] was starting to slow down and fade and the Black Soul Gems of the Hagravens started to crack.


Jon forced all his might in one final push destroying three Black Soul Gems and causing three Hagravens to fall into a major backlash. He only needed to wave [Greed] like a chain sword and killed them in one go.

Now three Hagravens was very manageable. Jon's demonic mode was fully on and he smiled viciously towards the last three. He wanted to rip them apart left and right.

Alaric, whose body was barely moving, had a clear vision of what happens. He saw the last three Matrons at the tip of the reaper's blade.

He had nothing to do against someone like Jon. All his pride of being the leader of Karthspire Forsworn was getting shattered under the might of one Nord. It was a hateful feeling he never wanted to ever experience again but it helped him understand that he was not as powerful as he thought and if he can't kill a single Nord with Jon's level then there is no way that he will be able to slay a famous warlord like Ulfric Stormcloak.

Alaric lost his band of warriors to Jon and Wulfur and the eleven pillar matrons of Karthspire were reduced to three. He was devastated but the enemy was a true monster.

Crawling his body up, Alaric looked around with desperation until his eyes landed on something.

A Staff! One of the dead Hagravens carried that staff and used it to control the Leshen.

Without thinking, Alaric jumped at the staff and connected himself to the Leshen that was healing underground. He managed to move him underground easily and made a plan.

"Retreat, retreat to the rocks." Alaric called to the three Hagravens, who were desperate to survive. The retreated with him out of the crater while keeping Jon as bay as much as they could. The showdown switched from overpowering with force to casting quick flashes of destruction spells.

Once Alaric made sure that he is in the right spot, he made sure to stay close to Jon for the sake of his only gambit.

Jon didn't notice Alaric and the latter started controlling the Leshen under beneath Jon until he confirmed that Jon was fully focused on the Hagravens. He that they area they retreated to was directly under the mountain and made sure that he reached the blind spot of Jon then called out the Leshen.


The land beneath Jon shot up and countless vines warped themselves around his leg. Jon was annoyed by the fact and reached out to stop it but the whole Leshen came up and hugged onto Jon without any further notice.

"The hell! Get away!"

Jon struggled to free himself from the Leshen to focus on the Hagravens but he didn't notice what scheme was playing here.

As soon as the Leshen locked itself on Jon, it started to grow a countless amount of vines from its back. These vines connected themselves to the mountains and rocks around the place and started pulling at the same time.


The Leshen was in pain but all what could Alaric think of was the putting down Jon.

And so, he brought down the mountain on Jon's head.

Jon noticed only when it was too late.

"Shit! Get off me!" He exploded his power and sent away the Leshen not caring about the Hagravens anymore.

He was about to Levitate but discovered that Hagravens switched from offense to trying to stop him from using Magicka.


No levitation or teleportation available, Jon barely avoided a large rock that was about to squish him.

The fall turned from some rock fall to a complete avalanche. Alaric was in the heart of the danger zone following Jon.

Jon was enraged and tried to behead the insolent Forsworn but a large shadow dashed on and carried Alaric away, it was Grosh the freak.

Jon tried to avoid the avalanche but large chunks for rocks started to fall on him. His senses of crisis were on full alarm and used the Thu'um many times to push away falling rocks.

The Leshen brought itself together once again and attacked Jon to pin him down and it managed to do so. An enormous shadow enveloped the Leshen and Jon. He looked up only to see a large falling boulder coming at him.


The only thing he could do was to press his sword to the ground and try to shield himself with anything.


Not far from where Jon had the mountain on his head, Nefertiti was tending to Wulfur and the later was resting to the rock. They felt the strong shaking of the earth and saw a whole mountain fall towards Jon.

"Jon! NO!" Wulfur panicked and ran towards Jon but...


Nefertiti collapsed!


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