Dragonborn Saga

Chapter 376 Jon vs. Daedric Titan

A/N: 8000K votes extra of last week.


A Daedric Titan is not some your walk in the mill Daedra, it is the elitist of the elite. War slaves to Molag Bal, the first Daedric Titan was created from a Dragon captured by Molag Bal who wanted to know the secret of how the Dragons dominated the mortals. The Dragon didn't utter a word despite the torture and in the end, Molag Bal said that he would create his own Dragons from this Dragon.

He killed the Dragon, snared its Soul, then modified the Skeleton of the Dragon into a new form of four limbs and wings then dipped the skeleton in the deepest Azure Psalm pool for the end product to come out flying as the Daedric Titan.

In appearance, they looked like the Dragons but were smaller by half the size and their appearances were nightmarish. Still, they are most fearsome opponents one can face in this realm other than the high lords of Coldharbour.

The Titan that appeared in the Hollow City right now was a scourge among the Daedra, a being whose pressure put a stop to the battle immediately.

It landed on its two hind legs spreading its wings widely and swinging its arms around. It opened its mouth and a light blue flame came out and burned everything in sight.

Both the Soul Shriven and the Dremora spread around like ants in front of the mighty being whose height was over five meters. Those who didn't run or hide in time were burned by the essence drain cold flames that the Titan shouted.

Behind a certain broken building, four figures grouped up over a fifth figure trying to hold back a disaster.

Jon was triggered to the max once he heard the forbidden word. He launched a barrage of Lightning spells at the Daedric Titan that barely did any damage but was hastily pulled away by Serana, Xikil, Sir Cadwell and Mr. Skittles as soon as the Daedric Titan started retaliating.

"Hey, what's got to him?" Mr. Skittles asked while holding Jon's leg.

"I don't know. Boy's as mad as Sheogorath's jammies!" Sir Cadwell replied while holding the other.

"I didn't see him losing his cool like this before." Serana said as she was sitting atop of Jon.

"I know." Xikil said, "It is the 'Dare' word, it is his poison. You can't Dare him. That is why he goes by his other name."

"Aha!" Serana understood.

"We need to esc… NO! DON'T BITE! DON'T BITE! IT HURTS" Xikil was trying to muffle Jon's mouth but was bit by the latter.

"Found You!" The Daedric Titan noticed Xikil's screams and looked over the broken building.


Everyone on top of Jon spread around and Nefertiti enveloped Jon by his shadow and took him away.

The group kept hiding from the Daedric Titan behind ruined buildings and broken walls, they started to quietly sneak until Serana and Jon were reunited.

"What should we do? At this rate, we won't defeat it." Serana said.

"I know, but if we let go and fought with everything we got, our identities will be exposed right away. I don't want either your father or Molag Bal to know it was us."

"Yes, I know. You came up with that Sith scenario for this."

Serana and Jon seemed worried about their little scheme. It was true that they were not fighting at their full power. If they did, they may defeat the Titan but they will attract all sorts of bad attention.

"What if we used a large scale illusion array to block sound and sight?" Serana asked.

"The problem is the Daedra, if we killed them, their souls will go back to the Azure Plasm and reincarnate in the span of a few hours, by that time, they will report everything and come with greater numbers." Jon said.

"Too late! We need to act now."

"Fine. Give me a sec."

Jon used [Telepathy] to contact Sir Cadwell and Mr. Skittles. He wanted Sir Cadwell to rally the Soul Shriven and harass the titans to buy time for Mr. Skittles to create a [Muffle and Mirage] Illusion array.

In the meantime; Serana, Nefertiti and Jon were to take down any other Daedra beside the Daedric Titan. Nefertiti was doing fine on her own, she would dive in the Shadow, attack the Dremora and the Clannfear around without even the Titan noticing. Serana would morph into a flock of bats and fly around the Hollow City from above taking down any Daedra silently. Jon used [Wrath] to manipulate the undead and caused some chaotic situations to annihilate the Daedra around the place, he was also using a bow and shot down the Greater Daedra silently.

On the other front, Mr. Skittles was using a fancy set of Soul Gems delivered to him by Nefertiti to make the [Muffle and Mirage Array], a large array that creates a cloud of mist which blocks sound and sight. Sir Cadwell was commanding the Soul Shriven to sneak in the old buildings of the Hollow City and launch suicidal attacks at the Daedric Titans. They managed to lure the titan beside a certain large building then used some of the flask bombs that Jon provided to bring down the building on the Titan's head.


The Daedric Titan was infuriated to the max and spread its wings and flew up taking a full sight of the Hollow City. His target was the annoying people that were commanding the Undead and the Soul Shriven.

"Annoying ants! Witness the power of I, Balzar." It said as it started spitting blue flames left and right without a certain aim.

"Help! This one needs help." Mr. Skittles shouted as the building beside him started to fall.

"WULD!" Jon appeared beside him with a loud shout and punched the building with a [Thunder Cookie] blasting it to pieces away.

"Shit! I had to use the Thu'um." Jon was not happy about using it before the array was finished but one word in that mess shouldn't cause much of a ruckus.

"Wha… what was…" Mr. Skittles looked at Jon with wide eyes.

"Are you done?" Jon asked with a heavy tone.


"Good. Serana, let's roll."

Jon wasn't going to waste more time. He was going to give it his all with the Titan now that the other Daedra were all dead.

Jon, Nefertiti in her Beast Form, Serana in the Vampire Form, the Sin of Wrath Odokuro and Xikil were all standing in one row in front of the titan.

"What is this? What is the meaning of this?" Balzar, the Daedric Titan witnessed the sight of a Vampire Lord, a Dremora, a Greater Undead and a Werebeast all standing around a Mortal.

The Undead and the Soul Shriven all gathered behind Jon and roared in unison. The strange sight was out of context when people talk about heroism and whatnot, Jon's situation made him more of a Dreadlord surrounded by freaks and undead rather than a Hero surrounded with righteousness and light.

It was the Daedric Titan's time to look at Jon with wariness.

Jon pointed at the Balzar and spoke.

"Bring that son of a bitch down."

""""ROAR!"""" Everyone roared and mindlessly charged at the Daedric Titan who also roared back and spewed its flames.

The funny thing about this battle was its participants being all immortals other than Jon and Mr. Skattles. Still, immortals weren't all on the same level. Those Undead and Soul Shriven that charged at the Titan Balzar were nothing other than moth to the flame.

The destructive power of the Essence Drain flame surely killed the Soul Shriven but the Undead were walking unhindered, they are undead so there was no essence to speak about from the get-go. Still, even if they reached the Titan, there was no way they could best it in melee.

The Titan swung its axe-like tail and all the opponent's in melee ranges were shattered like glass, all except one. [Wrath] blocked the Daedric Titan with its large katana and faced it in 1:1. The Four meters tall Skeletal Undead vs. the 5 meters tall Daedric Titan showcasing a scary amount of power in one exchange.

"Pile of Bones, BREAK!" Balzar was infuriated.

"Mas…ter, Sa…id, Noooo!" Odokuro replied with a serious red light in its eyes.

The slow words of the Undead were completely the opposite of its speed, Odokuro was an extension of Jon's Will and Soul like [Greed] and bearing the sin of [Wrath] made it as swift as wrath should be.

"Serana, Nefertiti."

The two beasts charged at the same time. Serana swung her wings and reached above Balzar then used the Blood Magic [Vampiric Grip] to hold the horns of the Titan and press it down. Balzar looked up and raised its head against Serana's magic but a sudden attack came from his point blank, Nefertiti was appeared behind its hind legs and slashed them with her claws and Shadow Magic.


The Titan was about to wave its tail at Nefertiti but Jon threw the mass of [Greed] and it held to the Titans tail then morphed into chains and held the tail away.

As Serana managed to lower the head of the Titan, Odokuro moved as fast as it could and slashed at the Titan arms pushing them away, it then arrived beside the titan, raised its left leg and pushed the Titan further down and cut the massive katana at the titan's neck.


The metallic clash sounded as the Titan's skin and the Katana clashed hard. Unfortunately, the Titan's skin was simply too hard.

"Humph! Die!"

The Titan swung its wings and claws at Jon's comrades that were pinning it down and literally pushed them all away. It also prepared a strong Cold Flame breath to shower them with while they were stunned and defenseless.

"No, you won't. FUS RO DAH!" (Force, Balance, Push)

Jon finally took action rather than managing the battle. The Titan was simply too OP at this rate.

The [Unrelenting Force] shout clashed with the Cold-Flame Breath and the clash was in Jon's favor. Actually, it was too much in his favor that the Titan was stunned and fell backward.

"WULD NAH KEST!" (Whirlwind, Fury, Tempest)

Jon's [Whirlwind Sprint] charged him in a black beeline towards the Daedric Titan and they collided physically. Jon was more prepared and put his all in an overcharged [Thunder Cookie] that carried the wrath of heavens.


The sound of the clash and the flash that came out as if the Original Spirits were back at it again like how they fought in the Dawn Era. The Shockwave that hammered in the Titan sent it flying in a building for it to fall on its head.

Jon landed on his butt and stood up while rubbing it.

"See that, fucktard? I Dare!"

Jon was in an excellent mood after sending the Daedric Titan flying with a bang.

As Jon started to gather his strength back again, the land started to rumble.

"Motherfucker! Take a rest dammit, your daddy needs a breather!" Jon couldn't understand how the Titan was so lively.


The Titan went all out with a large scale magical attack, it swung its wings causing a strong wind to blow at Jon and used it Cold Flame Breath as a follow-up.

Jon cast the [Quadrant Ward] of his but the pressure seemed to be too strong, a flying figure crashed into Jon from the side and took him out of harm's way.

"Thanks, Serana."

Seeing its attack rendered useless, Balzar was infuriated.


Balzar opened its maws and used its race's exclusive magic [Swallowing Souls]. The Magic destroyed the Undead right away and started actually killing the Soul Shriven. The Vistages in their bodies were being pulled out by Balzar and swallowed to power him up.

"FUCK! That's cheating! Cadwell, RETREAT! ALL RETREAT!" Jon shouted and issued the command to retreat.

Without him saying, everyone was already running.

Nefertiti was stubborn as ever and ran the other way, she stealthy ran in the shadow then came behind Balzar and held its front maw falling with it down to the ground. Balzar crashed on its jaw and its magic was canceled.

The Titan opened its eyes and stared at Nefertiti who was in her Beast Form. The two beasts were having a staring contest.


The Titan growled at her.


She hissed back at it.

The staring contest was over and Balzar swung its claws at the large cat. Nefertiti was way faster and crashed her paws three times on the titan's head before escaping in shadow.

The Titan was infuriated more and more. It looked for a target but the target found him. Xikil was carrying a spear and jumping down from a high building towards Balzar stabbing the spear in its left eye.

"HAHA! Take that you sucker. I, Xikil will slay you and get back my glory."

The Titan reacted by catching Xikil in its hand, the spear fell down and the Titan used [Swallowing Souls] on Xikil.


The sight was horrifying. Xikil was screaming with agony with all its being. In its 200 years of life as a low ranked Daedra, it had never had the chance to participate in such a glorious fight yet against a foe such as Balzar, his immortality was being rendered useless.

The Vistage inside him was being ensnared to be devoured.

It was all too sudden.

He didn't know, he wasn't ready yet.

Immortal? Mortal? What kind of lie is that?

A being with no power over its essence is never immortal even if it has all eternity to live.

Such an illusion.

Xikil's Vistage was completely out of his body and about to be swallowed by another Daedra. It was about to… yet another changed happened.

Xikil's Vistage which was supposed to be going inside the Titan's mouth flew the other direction and entered a black gem with the shape of a star.

Jon was standing there holding out the [Black Star] and casting [Soul Trap] at Xikil's Vistage.

Xikil's lifeless body lost power and seized from functioning.

Balzar the Titan looked at the lifeless corpse and threw it away like a ragdoll.

"Useless traitor!" Balzar turned around and looked at Jon. "Lowly Mortal, you fought well but nothing you do can graze me. You will lose."

"I won't take advice from a shitty Daedra, lesser life forms like you should just act like the worms they are." Jon cussed back.

His habit of looking down on Daedra was as sharp as ever.

"Mortal! Don't you have eyes? Don't you see what I am and what you are? You are a Mortal doomed from the hour you were born, I am a Daedric Titan created by Lord Molag Bal to be dragons of my own. Dragons even mightier than those of Nirn!"

The words of the Daedric Titan Balzar echoed everywhere far and wide in the [Muffle and Mirage Array], it caused every being to shiver once they heard them in such a deep strong voice.

The Titan was satisfied with the expressions of terror that appeared on everyone's face but three figures were looking at it with scary faces.

'Scary' was an underestimation.

Jon, Nefertiti and Odokuro. Those three were actually part of one being whose core is Jon, they shared the same thoughts, mental state and senses. With their piercing gazes, the titan noticed what is wrong.

The Aura of the three beings resonated in an unforeseen feet and spoke in three voices at the same time with the same tone and volume.

"""Sahlag Deyra, wah zalk rot do faazrot do dii zeyliik! Naal faal Lok Avok ahrk faal Zul Kosil, Zu'u fent mur hin bein rii wah trof orin hin wahliik vis neh ris nii zek. Kren! Fah Zu'u, Dovahkiin.""" (Pathetic Daedra, to utter a word of insult about my brethren! By the Sky Above and the Voice Within, I shall render your foul essence to shreds even your maker can never put it back. Break! For I, Dragonborn.)

Jon's [Tyrant Aura] roared. Nine Fire Wyrms broke out of Jon's body and assaulted the Daedric Titan from every corner in its body.

A mournful roar came out of its mouth but other nine roars were ravaging through its inside… or rather, its essence.

A few seconds later, the Daedric Titan fell on the ground without a beat. Its very essence was shattered.

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