Dragonborn Saga

Chapter 428 Making a Scene

A/n: Double Chapter, daily + 5k bonus.

Big thanks to @Hastian056 on P4tre0n


Despite being the largest city in the world, the Imperial City had only one gigantic gate from the west accessible through a massive bridge that extends across the lake Rumare's western side to the western district of the Imperial City.

At the forefront of the bridge, the eye-catching luxurious carriage crossed the village of Weye, a place where travelers rest before entering the city.

As the carriage got on the stone bridge, Jon canceled the Illusion on the Atronach Horses right away reveling them as what they are. He wasn't armored or anything but rather wearing High-Class clothing that showed his status as a very wealthy man. The same went for Isha, who wore a Redguard outfit with eye-catching appearance; Miranda, who wore a slender Altmeri dress; and even Mirren, who dressed as a man for the first time ever since Jon met him.

"You look good." Jon spoke to Mirren.

The latter looked at him anticipating how Jon will come up with a way to tease him but Jon looked away focusing on the road.

Mirren somehow felt that Jon may have shown some resp...

"About our gay scene." But Jon opened up a subject.

""SHUT UP!"" Mirren and Isha lashed at him in a second.

"Okay... Sorry... Just saying..."

As the three were having it noisy as usual, Miranda decides to speak.

"You are not planning to hide?" She asked.

"This is the Imperial City, hiding is really a bad idea." Jon said.

The three looked at him and couldn't comprehend what he has in mind.

"Just think of all the fun we can have out in the open rather than just hiding." He said.

"What are you really after?" Isha asked.

"When was the last time Jon Dare was seen?" He asked.


"And which person did he come in contact with the most?"

"The Old Woman... I get it now." Isha understood what Jon was after.

"You are making an appearance here, in the biggest city in the world, to divert attention from the Old Woman?" Mirren asked.

"Yes. And it would be fun for my enemies to try and search every nook and cranny in the Imperial City to find me. It would take years." Jon explained.

"How long are we going to stay?" Isha asked.

"A couple of days, screw around, have fun and then disappear."

The plan was simple. The Old Woman, Barenziah was the last person who came into personal contact with Jon Dare. She usually treats people with coldness and is known for her high and mighty attitude even with how much she lost during the last 200 years. Jon knows how capable that woman is but his respect for her wouldn't make him want to cause her annoyance.

As soon as the fancy carriage crossed the bridge and its multiple gatehouses, the carriage was on the City Island taking up the road to the large city gate.

The queue of people and carriages trying to enter the city got disturbed by the sight of a carriage with a strange appearance being pulled by six Atronach horses and had no driver. Unlike Nords who frown on Magic, Imperials were fully open to the subject and mages with uncommon abilities are mostly idolized.

For that, common folk would try not to offend the mage lords and in Jon's case, they cleared the road for his carriage.

Jon's arrival at the large city gate, however, drew an equal amount of attention from the guards. An Imperial Officer blocked Jon's way and demanded.

"Halt. Do you have a permit?" The Officer asked.

Jon walked out of the carriage and silently passed his Pass with Telekinesis to the officer without speaking.

"Please refrain from needlessly using magic as long as you are inside the Imperial City." The Officer said.

Jon nodded.

The Officer was irritated by Jon's silent attitude but all he could do was to check the permit only to find it a Pass with the seal of House Vici.

"You are granted passage. May I inquire your name, what's inside the carriage and the reason why you are visiting the Imperial City?"

"Jon Dare, former Thane of Winterhold." Jon said while passing over two Badges with Telekinesis.

The first was from the College of Winterhold carrying his name and rank as an Expert Mystic while the other was from Shad Astula Academy carrying the rank of Honorary Member.

A former official and a member of two large institutes of magic being invited by House Vici, the Imperial Officer realized he can't mess that one up.

The Carriage's door was opened and the Officer looked inside. They introduced themselves with false names and prepared identities.

"Sir Jon Dare, it would be my honor to guide you inside the City." The Officer changed his attitude.


And Jon was finally let in.

Seeing the Imperial City like this was surely different from the outdated version in his mind. This city looked larger from the inside than the outside and the main road was bustling with life.

The first district anyone would go in is the Noble Plaza District formerly known as Talos Plaza District. It is the high-end residential area and also was the first one to access. Jon always thought it was a mistake to position the Nobles in such a place, especially since it is a busy area but according to the documents from the Great War, the Nobles showed one hell of a resistance during the sacking of the Imperial City when the Emperor had no choice but to flee giving their lives for the sake of many commoners.

Anyway, the carriage moved through the main street and arrived at the central plaza. The same old dragon statue was there in the center although many things seemed very different from the games.

"This way." The Imperial Officers led the carriage while riding one his horse. He guided Jon to parts in the city that Jon didn't even know it existed.

The area he was in was filled with large villas built on the style of the Imperial City and seemed to be the houses of the rich and powerful. The Imperial Officer stopped against a certain villa and talked to a guard. Right away, the gate was opened and the Imperial Officer took his leave.

"Jon, you really came!" From the large building right behind the gate, a certain young lady came out.

"Vittoria. You look lovely." Jon jumped off the carriage and walked to Vittoria.

The two got closer and kissed like lovers who haven't seen one another in a long while. Isha, Mirren and Miranda were at a loss for words how things developed that fast as they got down if the carriage after him.

Jon introduced them to Vittoria and the opposite then looked at the Imperial brunette. Her hair was in curls and she was wearing a red summer dress with white dots which seemed a bit sassy for this time period. Still, Jon loved it right away.

"Come on in, we're having a party." Vittoria led the way in the villa and the rest followed.

"I never expected to run into you." Jon said.

"I never expected to hear from you. You've been out just for two months and everyone misses you so much." She said.

"Not the longest I've been absent." He said.

"But it will be, right?"

"True. How is Winterhold?"

"Standing strong, Alina is really doing a good job and thanks to your divine protection sort of thing, no one even has the audacity to run wild in your turf." She said.

"What happened?" Jon frowned.

"Not much but a few weeks ago, I heard a report that some idiot came out and claimed that you abandoned Winterhold for good then tried to have his way with Alina. Just before Alina could rip him to shreds or Wulfur to make a human meat paste out of him, a glowing red sword came out of nowhere and made a mess out of the man."

"Oh! Bloodskal... I left it there."

Jon had a reason to leave Bloodskal behind and that was for this kind of situation. When he attained temporary immortality at the end of the Battle of Winterhold, he imbued some of the Cosmic Energy he gained from around the Tower into the sword giving it its own consciousness and power. The sword would defend his family in situations like that especially if one showed any malice towards his family.

"Do I have any big sword protecting me as well?" Vittoria asked.

"No... but as long as I am here, you should try 'that sword'." Jon said.

Vittoria acted dissatisfied and spoke.

"Humph, it is only natural. I thought you would have something special for my birthday."

Jon sweated profoundly and thought as fast as he could.

"Oh... Well of course. A gift is on its way."

Meanwhile, 50% of his focus was inside the Cube looking for something suitable as a gift.

"... Really? I don't mean to cause you trouble judging by how you were on the road but... did you really remember my birthday?" Vittoria said.

"Of course."

Jon avoided a crisis of his carelessness and followed Vittoria in.

As they bypassed the entrance, the villa seemed to have a large courtyard with a garden, a pool and many guests spending their time everywhere.

The thing is... barely a few of them really looked like high status or anything.

"As you know, I am a member of the cult of Dibella... the ones around here are my friends from the cult and from other noble houses but mostly there are artists, dancers, entertainers and bards." She said.

It was indeed that way, there were entertainment magicians who floated on the pool and made a show by controlling the water, there were bards singing, philanderers roaming around, drunk people, escort girls and boys, strongmen and comedians.

"Well... this party is lit." Jon couldn't help but praise. Even Jon Dare can't do such a large scale debauchery in public.

He looked at Isha and the rest.

"You guys can socialize but let's stay in each other's sight. Don't cause trouble... without me of course." He said.

"Let's go." Isha took Mirren from his arm and disappeared in an instant.

"Wow!" Even Vittoria had to praise.

"You can join us then." Jon took pity in Miranda and invited her.

Blending in the party was easy, activities such as throwing paintballs, interacting with mimes and tasting samples were really common. Jon also gave the death glares to some Skooma dealers.

What worried him, however, was a few vampires blending between the public but knowing that Cyrodiil's vampires don't eat where they shit made Jon just keep an eye on what matters.

As he finished a round of witnessing what the place has to offer, he went to a private room accompanied by Miranda and Vittoria.


(Part 2)

The private room had a tub, a bed, some liquor and some entertainment tools for various tastes. Jon sat on the bed while the two girls chose to sit on chairs.

"So, what brings you to the Imperial City?" Vittoria asked.

"I was around."

"Being around doesn't mean you can just use your identity in public. A Million Gold Septims are on your head, Jon."

"Well... You know the drill. One can't have much fun while trying to hide." Jon said.

"Fun... are you trying to cause a scene? Here? In the Imperial City? You know your enemies are simply everywhere and you have a few to no friends, especially after the way you rejected the Synod and dodged the Empire's summons." She said.

"Haha... The Imperial City is dangerous and all but it is the only place where the Thalmor can't run wild."


"When they here I am in here, they will spend every resource they have to act inside the city. Of course, they will pull every string and favor they have but they will be sure that I am hiding here." He said.

"... While you actually will be long gone?"

"Depends." Jon didn't deny or confirm.

"Hmm... You are playing a dangerous game this time. You can't dance on the edges without the fear of falling and you know I can't assist you if it is too risky."

"Sure. Still, part of our relationship is based on benefits." Jon said as he passed a flask of blue glowing potion to Vittoria.

She narrowed her eyes as she held the flask and opened it. The smell of the mixture inside made her freeze in place.

"This is..."

"As business partners, I am well aware that you have at least one or two agents in my organization for the sake of maintaining peace. I am also very aware that you are paying close attention to the new unrecognizable products in my organization, especially the ones that are not for sale." Jon said.

"Oh... You have to understand that..." Vittoria tried to explain.

"I do understand, I don't mind it for business sake."

"... Good. So, this is that product you are keeping behind tight doors." She said recognizing the existence of the Potion.

"I call it the 'Anuic Spirit', Magicka and Vitality Nourishment Potion for female use only." Jon said.

"Nourishment Potion? You're bluffing?" Vittoria could hardly buy it.

"Of course not. The potion is just an ordinary Regeneration Potion on its own but with another thing, it will become a Nourishment Potion."

The term Nourishment Potion is as fictional as the Philosopher's Stone in this world. Simply increasing your Magicka and Vitality by a Potion is the dream of every Alchemist there is. This potion is only an ordinary Regeneration Potion if not used with a Meditation Way and only by a Female as it contains a high amount of Natural Anuic Energy that can be transformed by a female to Vital Anuic Energy. Men can benefit from that by using exchanging their Vital Padomic Energy with Vital Anuic Energy through certain techniques during sexual intercourse.

[A/n: I may have not explained this before but Natural Energy is what exists in nature and can be absorbed by a certain gender. Vital Energy is what exists in the body and can be absorbed by the opposite gender. Blame me if it is too complicated!]

Jon explained that much to Vittoria whose expressions were baffled.

"What about the Male version?" She asked.

"There isn't any I'm afraid. We need an organic source but that is a bit tricky, sadly. Also... keep that in mind."

Jon pointed his finger at her forehead and used Telepathy to pass down a watered-down version of a Spirit Meditating Way to her.

Jon's plan was to rope in Vittoria further and make sure she is assisting his company wholeheartedly while he is absent. The Anuic Spirit potion can only be refilled at Winterhold now.

Also, Vittoria is cute.

"So... beneficial enough?" He asked.

"This is a nice birthday gift... and indeed. I will wholeheartedly assist you." She said sat on his lap.

The two seemed to be ready to go wild but they turned to look at Miranda. Jon signaled for her to come and sit on his other side.

She reluctantly came closer but Jon slapped her butt and pulled her right away.

"Oh! Wild." Vittoria seemed to like it.

An amateur like Miranda was under the mercy of two sex fiends at the moment. She was mostly enthralled by Jon's actions of how she loses control to him. Vittoria, on the other hand, had her favorite activity in mind and slipped between Jon's legs.

Jon was actually looking forward to that, Vittoria oral skills were what can separate her from the rest. For that, Jon closed the doors by Telekinesis and secured everything knowing that there is no 'too careful' in the Imperial City.


After some time, the three were lying in bed together. Jon exchanged energy with the girls and started circulating it for them inside their bodies. This action alone caused their bodies to hear up and they stuck closer to him moaning from pleasure.

After that was over, Vittoria was dressing up to go out first.

"You're still hard? Should I send you some of my friends?" She asked.


"Don't worry, I know your tastes, no escort girls. I'll arrange you some of my friends from the society. They may be bimbos but nobles at the end of the day."

"Sure. Why not?"

Jon didn't even think of refusing. More girls means more progress and of course he takes care of them in the end.

As Vittoria walked out, Miranda spoke.

"You're okay with that?" She asked.

"The Harem tag is there for a reason."

"I mean you are spreading information around about yourself that way?" She asked.

"That I am here having fun and not caring about the world? Well... I should live up to my reputation and stand out somehow." Jon said.

"I think you can stand out using better methods." Miranda said as she went up and got dressed.

Jon thought of how to stand out in the Imperial City as fast as possible but nothing came to his head other than making a big scene in a big party like this but fortunately for him, things were taking a better turn.

Vittoria appeared all of a sudden and looked at Jon.

"It's your two friends. They are having some trouble."

As soon as he heard so, he was in his clothes at once and walking out of the room.

Looking around at the bar area, there seemed to be some strongmen harassing Isha and Mirren. One of the men was knocked down by a headbutt from Isha and Mirren was locked down by another man.

"Those are?" Jon was already giving a sharp glare.

"The Arena's Red Team."

"Tsk! Weaklings."

Jon moved past the people standing around. Seeing the towering Nord coming by, everyone knew a scene is happening.

The Red Team saw Jon walking by and smiled like maniacs. Some Nords, some Imperial, a couple of Bosmer and an Argonian.

"What's your business, big guy?"

One of them stood up to Jon but his vision became chaotic all of a sudden as the world was flying everywhere around him then it just became wet. Of course, he was sent flying to the pool.

Another came running at Jon but was carried from his face with one hand and got tossed at the man who was pinning down Mirren.

Jon's actions were effortless as if he was tossing around children. The difference in power was pretty clear.

"How did those weaklings put you down?" Jon carried Mirren from his nape and got him to stand up.

"That man! He's strong." Mirren pointed at the man who was standing at the back of the lot.

He was a large brute Imperial just standing there as if nothing has to do with him.

"The fuck is your business?" Jon asked.

"The fuck is yours?" The Imperial man replied with a nasty smile.

"Oh, you'll soon know." Jon was about to go and give him a beating but Vittoria held him back.

"This is Darius, Champion of the Red Team." Vittoria came from the back with a weary face.

Jon looked at the Imperial man closely and assessed him. He was too large for an Imperial but he looked like one. Short black hair, rough Roman looks and all. A Champion of an Arena team should be a mighty warrior.

The man smiled and looked at Jon with an amused face.

"He is also the current Grand Champion." Vittoria added.

"Well ain't that lovely." Jon became annoyed.

A Grand Champion is so much the top title in the Arena meaning that this guy is the toughest son of a bitch in the Imperial Arena.

Jon gave up on conversing with the man who was just coldly staring at him.

"What did he do?" Jon asked Isha.

She stood beside Jon with an annoyed look on her face.

"He came after Mirren." She said.

"What for?"

"He said he wants him and..." As she was explaining, she got interrupted.

"He is gay." From the side, a short slim old man said.

Jon looked at the man, looked at Mirren, then looked at the Red Team's Darius.

"Well, I'll be damned!" Jon looked at Darius with a funny look. "No, you can't have him. His gay scene is mine."

""Hey!"" Mirren and Isha were not happy about it.

The Red Team's Darius walked to Jon and the two flexed their shoulders at each other.

"You better stand aside, boy, or you'll get these hands." Darius said.

"I don't even need to raise a hand to deal with you, my voice alone will do." Jon said.

"Oh! Have it your way, punk." Darius said while raising his hand.

"FU..." Jon was about to get rid of Darius but something stopped him.

"Why don't you too calm down for a second." The short slim old man from before appeared right between the two and pushed them away from each other.

The thing is...

Both Jon and Darius were pushed away four steps each by just and old man...

Just as if it is nothing.

"Oho! That was going to get dangerous." Somehow, even the old man was impressed by how he pushed the two.

"..." Jon couldn't comprehend how a monster like that slipped beneath his radar.

"Arena Master! Nice to see you here, sir." Vittoria recognized the man.

'Arena Master?' Jon didn't hear about the title before but it pretty much explained itself. The man on top.

For such a frail-looking old geezer to be the Arena Master, let alone he is a Wood Elf with such a cone-like weird hairstyle... Jon took a chance to realize how deep the Capital's water run.

"Lady Vittoria my dear, happy birthday. You look as good as your mother when she was your age maybe even better... Don't tell her I said that. I must say I was excited to see your invitation on my desk this morning, House Vici indeed has a lot of wine barrels lying around to spare." The old geezer turned out to be a chatterbox.

"Thank you, Arena Mas..."

"Must be quite the hard work maintaining the party. Look at all those big boys ready to chop each other's head. I feel so sad. Young men should drink together then fight... Fighting sober! HA! Tsk! Young ones these days."

"Arena Master, I..."

"Don't worry, I just came here to drink in peace. I didn't really want to cause a scene or..."

"Old man!" Jon spoke interrupting him.

"Hm?" The old man looked at the rude youngster.

"She wants to say something." Jon pointed at Vittoria.

"Oh! Excuse me!" The old man looked at Vittoria.

"... Arena Master, I would like to introduce you to my friend over here." She pointed at Jon.

"He is Jon Dare."

It turns out she was just trying to introduce him. Jon furrowed his brows but Vittoria winked.

"Who the fuck is Jon Dare?" Darius of the Red Team asked in dissatisfaction.

"You said Jon Dare?" The old Bosmer scratched his cone-like hair. "You mean the Junior Champion of Skyrim three years ago, the Thane of Winterhold, the Genius Mage of Winterhold's College and the Businessman you made a big deal with?"

Strangely, the old man recognized Jon to the point that made Jon shiver. He was not that famous outside Skyrim unless when it comes to the courts of politics.

"You know me?" Jon asked.

"Of course, I am an adoring fan of all the young Heroes like yourself. Say, want to join the Arena?" The old man asked.

Jon looked at the old man and smiled.

"Fine, but if you give me that bastard." Jon pointed at the Grand Champion, Darius.

"Humph! Dream on, Nord. I am the Grand Champion, you have to grind your way up to me." Darius wasn't even bothering with Jon.

Jon looked at the old man waiting for an answer.

"Hm... I can't just give you the Grand Champion. How about you grind your way up the ranks?" The old man said.

"How about you arrange all day tomorrow for me?" Jon asked, "I'll donate a thousand gold coins for the Arena."

"By Azura... You're staying..."

Jon smiled as he found a good opportunity to make a big scene... Maybe too big a scene.

"I am booking all the Arena fights tomorrow."

As Jon said that, the old man opened his eyes wide and took a deep breath in.

"Hahaha! Jolly good. One man against all odds starting from the rank of a Pit Dog all the way up. Haha! That's good, it has been years since anyone did that. Fine, you're up."

The old man was happy and cheerful. He turned around and looked at everyone inside the party.

"What are you waiting for? Spread the word."



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