Dragonborn Saga

Chapter 450 Desert Wind

*1st of First Seed (March), 4E 200*

Winds can be felt best at the turns of dusk and dawn. They can be gentler or warmer depending on the preferences of those who wish to train in the Adeptorium.

As the Core and Inner Adeptoriums were to train the disciples of the temple, the Outer Adeptorium was to train whoever wished to test their metal or the foreigners who came to practice the general arts of the temple.

The disciples were usually called the Adepts, the Outer Adepts were to train in the outer yards to learn how to draw on the Sand, harmonize with the Wind, foresee the Rain, read the Storm, sense the Sun and dance with the Two Moons.

Such idealism was usually associated with the sophisticated martial traditions of the Desert Wind Adeptorium, one of the four famed Martial Arts schools in Elsweyr.

The Outer Adept Jonya was one of the new additions to the Desert Wind Adeptorium and a very talented one. A large Khajiit like always drew a lot of attention with each fight he participated in. Now, he climbed the ranks of the Outer Adeptorium reaching the second rank and is about to challenge the first rank, Adept Tamara.

"Adepts, salute one another." An Elder Adept commanded the two Outer Adepts facing one another in the fighting circle.

The two exchanged salutations and were permitted to fight.

Jonya is a red-furred Cathay-Raht Khajiit, Tamara is also a Cathay-Raht with black-spotted golden fur.

"You are finally after my position, Jonya." Tamara said.

"Thanks for warning it up for me till now, Tamara." Jonya replied.


The two got the signal and moved at one another. Tamara took the chance and delivered her best attack at Jonya but the latter was very resilient and took her claws head-on while kicking her hip and forcing her to retreat.

A juggernaut like Jonya is very hard to push back even for the best Outer Adept, Tamara. She figured out that to beat his heavy style is by attacking repeatedly and rapidly.


She charged at him head on the lowered herself and double kicked at his fist knee while supposing herself on one arm then switched to a higher horse kick, a lower side kick and finished the combo with a roundhouse.

As her final hit was about to land, Jonya moved one step to the side and one step towards her burying his elbow into her abdomen.


Tamara felt like being struck by a battering ram as she was tossed to the back. Still, she landed on her hands and feet while glaring at Jonya.

She was putting on an act to show hostility but she was actually in pain trying to take a few seconds to recover.

Jonya didn't go after her and waited until she felt like going. She charged as she imbued her inner energy, the Aura, into her claws and waved them from a few meters away at Jonya.

Jonya's Aura reacted forming an exoskeleton around him in an instant shielding him from the claws.

The fight came to a halt as Jonya and Tamara stood facing each other.

"You mastered the Iron Will technique?" She asked.

"And you mastered the Flowing Claws, impressive." He replied.

"So it wasn't a lie when you took the tenth, ninth, eighth all the way to the second rankers by your own in one fight."

"Well, they came together after me when I achieved the eleventh rank. Something about me being not worthy for advancing to fast."

"Truth be told. We all thought you were relying on your Brute Force to climb the ranks. You rarely show a skill, Jonya."

"Oh please, if we don't compare the basics and keep using fancy moves, the true essence of fighting will be lost in translation."

"Well said." Tamara said, "But frankly speaking, a lot of us can't stand you, Jonya. You barely show understanding to the Dance of the Claws, you only joined the Adeptorium half a year ago, and you keep acting like a creep about other people's fur."

There were indeed a lot of complaints about Adept Jonya. He joined the Adeptorium not too long ago without much understanding of the Khajiiti Martial Arts yet he relied on his raw talent to climb the ranks in mere months while others have been struggling since childhood. He was not great in the Dance of the Claws which is the main Martial Technique in the temple, he also trains his own Aura rather than the Desert Wind Aura of the Adeptorium.

But the most annoying thing is…

"Complimenting others fur is a way to spread peace and love in the world. Fluff is Justice." Jonya spoke with absolute passion.

All the other Khajiit around him fell into a state of helplessness.

"Here he goes again."

"... He speaks the truth but… he feels like a pervert."

"Don't get fooled by him. The Fluff thing is blasphemy."

"Shush! Don't let him hear you. Haven't you heard about the last Khajiit who said that to him?"


"I did. They say Jonya followed him for three days and nights preaching about the Holy Fluff something… it didn't end well."

Back to the Fight, Jonya and Tamara engaged again in combat. While most Adepts would rely on their claws, Jonya was using his fists, elbows, knees, and kicks more often. He got scratched by Tamara a few times but he was the one pushing her back.

His style was avoiding brute force as much as possible as his superior strength gave him an overwhelming advantage and won't benefit his training, he relied on the choices of movement and the combat judgment.

If Tamara used her claws, he would counter with his fists; if she used her fists, he would counter with his palms; if she used her palms, he would use his claws. It was basically a rock paper and scissors game.

Still, as most Khajiit used their claws, Jonya would go with the perfect counter.

As the fight continued, Tamara's style was completely revealed and Jonya decided to end it.

She attacked with her claws from his blindspot but he quickly stepped behind her while attacking her with an elbow. She turned to face him with a wide attack and he moved with her back to back rendering her attempt useless while delivering a pinch the rear of her ribs. She tried the previous attempt again but Jonya kept stalking her then delivered a knee to the kidney. She fell forward but kicked at him with her leg only for him to step on her foot. As she was struggling for one more move, Jonya's hand pinned her head to the ground.

"You lost."

"GRRR!" Tamara growled and struggled to push back but to no avail.

"Hisssss!" Jonya hissed at her in a threatening manner with his Aura overpowering her.

It took a few seconds for Tamara to give up.

"Jonya won. Good fight." The Elder Adept announced the match over.

Many of the faces around the fighting circle were dissatisfied with the result but nothing much to do. Jonya became the First Outer Adept and his strength, speed and moves are all on a different level.

"Follow me, Adept Jonya." The Elder Adept said.


The Elder walked past the garden area with Jonya following and entered one of the caverns in the mountain surrounding the Adeptorium.

"Friend Jon Dare, that was a nice training today. I am sure Tamara and the others will learn a valuable lesson from today's fight."

"It is the least I can do, Elder." Jonya touched his face and changed his appearance from a Khajiit to Nord.

"I'll leave you to your business now, Friend Jon. Please join us tonight at dinner."

"I will."

The Elder left Jon in the place he is in to change his clothes from the Outer Adept robes to his usual. Jon was quick with it and soon returned to the outer yards. The place was open to the sky surrounded by barren desert lands and mountains. Its architecture was Ancient Khajiiti revealing the grand legacy of this place.

He walked through the large lands of the Adeptorium and arrived at a big area between the gardens were some Adepts were having a tranquility training in a Sand Garden. They were moving around holding canes and drawing swirling patterns on the Sand with them.

The appearance of this place resembled a Zen Garden and it actually had the same purpose, it is to imitate the intimate essence of nature and to serve as an aid to meditation about the true meaning of existence.

One of the individuals that were practicing in the Garden was Isha.

Jon remembered how annoyed she was half a year ago when she was told to draw lines in the sand. To see her right now having her way with the sand like that made him smile widely.

"Friend Jon."

"Oh! Grand Adept. It is nice to see you."

A male Khajiit in some fancy robes approached Jon and stood beside him.

"Thank you for accepting this one's request for exchanging with our Adepts. Their growth has advanced by leaps and bounds ever since you agreed to help us."

"Grand Adept, you are praising me too much. Ever since I came here, I have been learning a lot about Martial Arts, helping other Adepts is the least I can do."

"I see. Humble and Strong! Rare qualities indeed. This one's only regret is that we can't teach you the Dance of the Claws. You may have had a great insight into them if you were a Khajiit. It is really regrettable."

"I can morph into a Khajiit but that doesn't mean I am a one. It is sad but you still have Nefertiti."

"Oh! The little miss is skillful but really rebellious. Khajiit children have that phase too but she is overwhelmingly hard to teach."

"Sigh! Tell me about it. This girl used to be so sweet when she was young. They grow so fast!"

"Yes. This one's daughter was like that too."


The two doting parents had a nostalgic moment together.

"Master, we're back."

As someone called, Jon and the Grand Adept turned to the caller. It was Mirren and Miranda followed by eight Desert Wind Inner Adepts.

"Mirren, child. What took you this long?" The Grand Adept asked.

"Master, there was more trouble than we thought. The Argonian raiders won't simply stop crossing the borders. The Governor of Rimmen was making a fuss about and we had to observe the Border Pass for days." Mirren replied.

"Fine, let's continue talking in the inner sanctum." The Grand Adept said as he excused himself.



"How are things?"

"Not bad, how are things out there?"

"Not bad. Some troubles are happening in southern Cyrodiil and Black Marsh so we had to make so we were hired to investigate."

"It is good to be busy."

"Indeed. I'll go talk to Isha."

Mirren walked away from Jon and Miranda.

"And how are you doing?" Jon asked her.


"Should I tighten the ropes a bit more."


"Haha! You're enjoying it."

It has been more than half a year since the four arrived in Elsweyr. The only place that they can stay in was the Desert Wind Martial School, Mirren's and Miranda's home.

Jon has applied to learn from the Masters in the temple with the vouching of the Altmer twins while Isha was here for escapism and healing.

That was eight months ago.

Now, Jon has learned enough to become a secret mentor and donated some money for the temple to keep his identity a secret. Elsweyr is a territory that belongs to the Aldmeri Dominion after all and he is one of the most wanted individuals.

Ever since the events of the Abyss and the Ansei Pyramid, Jon didn't have any more progress in his 7th Labour. On the other hand, Isha has improved and started to find peace with her life but never spoke or wanted to hear about Labours.

And so the days went by. Mirren supported Isha to heal while Miranda got closer with Jon and kept their kinky play for the night when they are alone.

Still, it was year 200 of the Fourth Era and the time was closing. Jon was worried about his Labours and the time he is supposed to return to Skyrim but it was all unfolding without him knowing.

The Undead was marching and the hour was turning to the Final Labour.



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