Dragonborn Saga

Chapter 553 Hail to Ysmir

Chapter 553 Hail to Ysmir

(Season 7 Finale)

The Dragon Cult of the Wise Dragons is the most important faction in the Dragon Cult ever since the time of the Dragon Empire and the Events of the Merethic Era. Naturally, the Wise Dragons were those Dragons who exceeded the other Dragons in terms of Knowledge, they were the scholars among the Dragons, but their greatest purpose was to gather information and strategize. It was said that the reason Alduin was taken down was not entirely due to Paarthurnax switching camps but mostly due to the fall of Onikkeindrog, the Wise War Lord.

Onikkeindrog is one of the largest Dragons. Not only is he one of the most ancient but also the Dragon that comes after Paarthurnax in seniority. The nature of the Wise Dragons Cult is reflected by their Dragon Lords, who value tactics and like to dismantle their enemies before conquering them. This special trait of that branch of the Dragon Cult made the Nords target them before any others during the War in the First Era.

With the downfall of the Wise Dragons Cult, the Horde of Alduin was as blind as it was haughty, and they were being put down at a frightening pace. It is said that if Onikkeindrog had survived during the Dragon War, Skyrim might have been ruled by the Dragons until this very day.

No one is sure if it was jinx or some divine curse, but the Wise Dragons Cult was faced once again with a major setback. A very persistent Dovahkiin with pockets as deep as the Empire's coffers. Dragonborn Jon Dare. "YOL TOOR SHUL!" "FUS RO DAH!"

Even for a Dragonborn, facing the Thu'um of an actual Dragon was a feat to admire, Jon completely blocked the Thu'um of the Dragon he was facing with his own, equally even. Anyone can say whatever they want about this situation, but the Dragon was speechless. "Dovahkiin, hi los mul." (Dragonborn, you are strong) "Kogaan!" (Thanks!)

The Dragon felt the pressure of Jon's Thu'um and realized he was against an opponent of equal standing. But one thing kept the Dragon in shock, not just the Dragon but also Delphine.

Jon Dare is the Dragonborn.

This was a disaster served on too many shocking realizations.

Just before Jon throws the Daedric Halberd he just got at the Dragon, he switched the [Krilon] mask with the [Helm of the Dragonborn]. If there is anything to understand from this, then Jon Dare is not only a Tiger who got Wings but with his money and resources, he is running on a jet engine as well. He has the power, he has the money, he has the authority, he has everything.

Jon wanted Delphine to know this fact first hand.

Now to the Dragon. He shook his wing violently and freed himself from the Halberd by swallowing the pain and letting his wing through. Seeing how Jon killed the Dragon Priest candidate he wanted to take away, the Dragon was already in a foul mood.

If his failure was known by the other Dragons, he would be bullied to no end. "I am Trahdruniik, I challenge you Dovahkiin." "I accept."

And the man and the dovah charged at each other.

That was no longer a fight, it was a place of annihilation for any lesser creatures who may think of intervening. Jonrad and the rest watched from a distance where the unending shocks and tremors had a lesser effect. It is said that a fight between two Dragons is a verbal debate based on the power of each word and other than Jon, no one else is qualified to have a debate with an actual Dragon. "Nel Ven Qo!" (Fast Wind Lightning)

Jon couldn't stay still against the airborne Dragon and he couldn't fight him mid-air for an extended period of time, he needed superior speed and from the Thu'um he acquired it. Evading the Dragon shouts left and right, Jon moved like an ifrit on lightning barely perceived by normal people until he was the closest he could get to the Dragon. Trahdruniik ceased the chance and breathed Fire. "YOL TOOR SHUL!" "WULD NAH KEST!"

The moment the Fire Breath was sent at him, Jon jumped with the [Whirlwind Sprint] shout aiming at the Dragon right above. In an instant, he was right beside the Dragon. "Aaaand… HAVE A COOKIE!" [Greed] moved from Jon's ring and went into his gauntlets, applying the transformation on them. [Ahzidal's Evil Fists] turned into their second form, [Ahziad's Titan Hands], and Jon punched with his strong right at the Dragon's face enforcing it with a [Thunder Cookie]. *Kwaang!*

The clash between Jon's attack and the Dragon's head was like a thunderclap, except it was a thunder slap, and Trahdruniik was sent on the ground. *zap*

Jon teleported right where the Dragon was crashing and waited for him with double the amount of wickedness. "Double Cookie! Hot and steamy!" *KWAANG!*

Two [Thunder Cookies] hit the Dragon from the back, sending him toppling on the ground. *zap*

Jon teleported one more time behind the Dragon that was trying to gain his footing and held him from his tail. "And for the big finale!"

Holding the tail, Jon energized all his body with Aura and started pulling the dragon from his tail but… he couldn't pull the dragon at all.

Trahdruniik was curiously looking at Jon.

Jon awkwardly looked between the Dragon and the tail understanding that punching the dragon is easier than carrying him around. He silently put the tail on the ground. "Fine, let's do punchin…"

Trahdruniik didn't bother to hear Jon out and struck him with his tail. Jon barely managed to block it with his hands, but the force behind the attack flung him away at the nearby mountain.

No matter how many times he punched the Dragon, there was no way he could affect his tough scales with blunt strikes.

Now they faced each other again, concentrating hard on one another. Trahdruniik seemed to be trying to move things around with a shout. *Slash*

From behind the Dragon, a sudden attack landed silently on his wing, cutting it open. *ROAR!*

Trahdruniik didn't expect that someone would dare to interfere in a fight between him and Dovahkiin, but as soon as he turned to breathe his flames, Jon arrived in front of him with the [Daedric Halberd] stabbing at his neck.

Trahdruniik was suddenly flanked and couldn't fly before healing, so he attacked with his wing again at whoever attacked him first. The feeling of his wind landing never came, and another slash landed on the same wing preventing the wound from healing; Jon missed the first attack with the Halberd, and Trahdruniik seized the chance to escape from the situation. "WULD NAH KEST"

Shouting the [Whirlwind Sprint] and leaping up while doing it, returned Trahdruniik back to the air, but his right wind gave him no advantage in flight while it was injured; thus he landed on a nearby rock instead. From there, he could see Jon standing beside a large figure made of bone. [Wrath] held his hand up and summoned bone arrows to shoot at Trahdruniik, but Jon stopped him and looked somewhere else. "Your turn."

Trahdruniik didn't want to lose focus on Jon, but he had no such luxury now. The moment he detected magic nearby, he wanted to shout at it, but all of a sudden, the rock he was standing on crumbled to pieces. He flapped his wings and tried to avoid falling, so he pushed himself forward with his injured wing, yet amidst all that, he saw Jon's smile grow even wider.

Where he was going to land was the problem, and he can no longer stop it. Jon laid the trap very carefully, and Trahdruniik was too late to notice it. Trahdruniik crashed down, and the land retaliated at him and a hundred stalagmites rose from the ground. "HA! Eat that."

There was no turning back; each stalagmite struck Trahdruniik was as painful as the curse of a Daedra. Trahdruniik felt as if he was dying from the pain and roared in agony.

Jon was indeed calculative and cunning, each move was based on not just one plan but carefully laid down strategies he made beforehand. His ability to stop time in his mind and calculate the next action was addictive, and he would run many simulations in his head before doing it in real life; it was not a power or a spell but a broken ability he gained because of the Chaos Infection.

Now, even a Blood Dragon like Trahdruniik is no match for Jon's schemes. Jon fashioned this Master-level Alteration spell, which is called [Mass Stalagmites], to trap a Dragon in a tight situation once he lands. The perpetrator that cast the spell, on the other hand, was none other than Jon's favorite staff, the one which blew up the rock which Trahdruniik was standing on earlier, [Pride].

The staff flew cheerfully to Jon's hand from the hiding place it was into, and Jon faced Trahdruniik with a superior stand. "You lose, brother." Jon said. "…" Trahdruniik didn't say much and closed his eyes as if somewhat accepting the fate he was into.

Jon frowned and hesitated for a second, but he got his act together by the next and called forth a powerful [Lightning Bolt]. He was just about to cast the spell when… *ROAR* "YOL TOOR SHUL!" "YOL TOOR SHUL!" "WULD NAH KEST!"

Three sounded almost instantly catching Jon completely off guard. A Fire Breath towards him, a Fire Breath towards [Wrath] and a [Whirlwind Sprint] that brought a titanic dragon next to Trahdruniik.

Not one… not two… but three… three Dragons in front of Jon other than Trahdruniik. [Wrath] didn't react on time and was blown off to fragments, Jon suddenly felt the world darkening around him, and Trahdruniik was lifted from the ground by two dragon legs holding him from his back." "Thuri!" (My Lord!) Trahdruniik spoke, looking at the Dragon carrying him in shame. "Praan, Trahdruniik. Mu krif Dovahkiin." (Rest, Trahdruniik. We will face Dragonborn)

It was too sudden but it was all happening; two dragons attacked Jon while the third saved Trahdruniik. The Fire Breath ended and the Dragons landed away from the location which Jon was supposed to be in. The third Dragon carried Trahdruniik to a mountain top and put him there while guarding the wounded wyrm.

Looking at the place where they all attacked, there was nothing other than the raging flame and the fragments of [Wrath], which took a Dragon Breath head-on. The two dragons saw this scene and roared in ecstasy. Far away, the people of Winterhold fell into terror and wanted to run towards Jon's place, but Wulfur held up his fist for no one to move. Jonrad, however, moved on his own. [A/n: whatever between those « » is said in Dragon Language and I am too lazy to translate it.] « See that, Loser? We torched the Dragonborn to death! » The first Dragon said, this was Nahkinax whose name means Furious Cruelty. « Nahkinax, I don't see the Mortal. » The other Dragon was more self-aware than the first. He was Thurlotyol whose name means Tyrant of the Great Fire.

It took a short while for the fire to burn out, Jon couldn't be seen and no trace of him was found. On the other hand, Jonrad appeared behind the fire and with his katana, he erased all the fires with one slash.

The Dragon felt wary of how Jonrad moved and how he was unharmed by their fires, it felt a bit absurd, but what came next was a few levels beyond that in absurdity.

A shadow appeared after the flames were cleared. It was an actual animated shadow with a shape and a mass, nothing like this should be natural. The shadow looked left and right then back to Jonrad and nodded in appreciation. It then turned to the Dragons and started to transform.

The shadow returned to the ground as it should be and molded itself in darkness, and as if the shadowy figure was shedding skin, the shadow turned into Jon. A very displeased and angry Jon.

Just before he was attacked by the Fire Breath, Nefertiti dragged him to the Shadow Realm by switching him with his shadow. « So, even the Dragon can sneak attack? » Jon looked around and sneered, « I guess your origin is based upon the fact that each one of you is someone who betrayed Akatosh. » *ROAR*

The Dragons couldn't take Jon's insult with haughtiness anymore. The short-tempered Nahkinax spread his wings and dived from the peak he stood on towards Jon. « No, it's a trap! » It was Trahdruniik who was aware of the meaning of Jon's smile.

But it was too late, Nahkinax was but a few meters away landing towards Jon and Jonrad as the two vanished from their place and as if time was rewound, the Bone Colossus [Wrath] was back again in full shape stabbing with his bone blade towards the unaware dragon from the side. *Shriek* [Wrath] used his ability, the [Howl of Wrath] to cause more damage and stun Nahkinax, who was being completely pushed to the side, losing all balance. "YOL TOOR SHUL!"

Away from that, Thurlotyol tried to support Nahkinax by sending a Fire Breath at [Wrath], yet all of a sudden, the ground rose up and a Volcanic Aura destroyed the shout midway as Jonrad stood forward to face Thurlotyol. « Trahdruniik! Run! »

On the other hand, the third Dragon told the injured Trahdruniik to escape. The latter was a bit late to respond, but as soon as he tried to glide away, he found that his legs were sinking in shadow. He tried to move, but the shadow was causing him to be slower than usual. Looking around, he saw a creature that is insignificantly small, but the Aura of it was… an abyss. "GRON VUTH STAAD!" (Bind Stop Place)

A shout, that felt completely different to how the mortals normally shout, vibrated with an echo as it hurled towards the dragon that was trying to save Trahdruniik. The Dragons knew the technique that is exclusive to them and knew how echoing can empower the Thu'um. Jon completely immobilized the third Dragon from a sneak attack.

In a matter of mere seconds, Jon completely flipped the disadvantage into a complete advantage and put the dragons on defense with the best moves possible. « For someone who cussed us for dishonor, you are not much better yourself, Dovahkiin. »

Yet for no apparent reason, the third Dragon didn't show hostility like the others and simply spoke to Jon. « Oh, don't mind me, it is just that when you compare our sizes, you'd find it pretty distasteful for you to sneak on me. I mean… Dragons and all. » For a completely different reason, Jon replied in a mischievous domineer. « If we didn't do so, one of us would be dead. » The Dragon justified his reason. « Oh, a Dragon with a heart! How unique! »

Jon and the Dragon didn't seem to be backing in front of each other's words. The two were extremely wary of one another, even though the Dragon was bound by magic and the man was not able enough to one-shoot the Dragon. « You won't win, Dragonborn. I suggest that you start escaping while you still can. » The Dragon said. « Is that so? » « Do you need me to show you what happens if you don't? » The Dragon spoke with confidence, « Look around you, how long do you think your father can hold Thurlotyol? How long do you think your Undead Golem can hold Nahkinax? How long do you think Trahdruniik or I will be bound to your tricks? Look around you, even though you can trick the Dragons, tricks will be crushed with power. Dragonborn… no, Jon Dare, of all people, you must know that Might makes Right. »

The Dragon wasn't wrong… he wasn't wrong at all. Jonrad won't hold down a dragon by himself for too long while [Wrath] was already crumbling with the retaliation of Nahkinax.

This won't end well if it continues. « You're right. » Jon replied, « Only if I was a complete idiot, I would face the four of you head-on. »

There was no need to dwell on things. It even seemed that the Dragons knew his identity beforehand, but they would take this secret to the grave. Instead of going to the Dragon that was immobilized, Jon turned around with his Halberd aimed at the wounded Trahdruniik. « You! » « Eat shit. »

Jon charged at Trahdruniik, who was bound by Nefertiti and intended to take him down as fast as he could. With one of the four dragons down, it would be way easier to take the rest all down. Seeing Jon coming at him, Trahdruniik was struggling to free himself from Nefertiti's bizarre trap, but she was giving him no leeways. « Time to meet your mak… »

Jon was just about to completely obliterate Trahdruniik, but all of a sudden… "FUS RO DAH!"

The Dragon behind him shouted the [Unrelenting Force] towards Trahdruniik. Jon had no choice but to evade out of the way and let the shout hit Trahdruniik, who was not only freed from Nefertiti's trap but was also sent away in the air. "Motherfucker!" Jon couldn't believe Trahdruniik managed to slip away. Even now, the other Dragons were starting to gain momentum. "Nefertiti, take this to Wulfur." Jon couldn't stay like this any longer and passed the [Cube] to Nefertiti, who disappeared instantly, and Jon also moved right away.

He ran towards the end of the peak he's on and looked between Jonrad and [Wrath]. "Old man, how long can you hold up?" He sent a telepathic signal. "Ah! Take that you… oh, son! A minute! This bastard is tough." "We have 30 seconds before we are disadvantaged!" Jon replied and teleported towards [Wrath].

The first thing he had was to stop Nahkinax from gaining momentum. He ordered [Wrath] to retreat, and instead of trying to physically overpower the Dragon, Jon went for playing completely dirty. With [Pride] as a third hand and his own two hands working separately, Jon cast a barrage of spells at Nahkinax. [Dark Shard], a hedge magic spell that summons a crystal imbued with Daedric power to stun the target. [Encase], an alteration/conjuration mix up that reshapes the earth beneath the target using Daedric energy that can consume power. [Evil Cage], a spell that can put the enemy in a greater slowed state. [Soul Silence], a mysticism spell that disables the target's ability to use magic. [Seal Space], a spell that completely prevents teleportation or opening a portal in the area. [Burden], an alteration spell that causes the body to feel heavier.

The raging Nahkinax was completely immobilized and his titanic body was quivering on the ground. The only thing he could move was his eyes that stared daggers at Jon who was begging for breath too.

Jon overused his large Magicka Pool just now and started chugging on a potion while looking between the other three dragons calculating what to do next. At that same moment, Jonrad was completely overpowered by Thurlotyol and sent flying backward towards Jon. He landed badly, but he jumped right back up and looked at Jon. "Son, anything you can do, now is…" *ROAR*

But he couldn't continue his words, the shadow of Thurlotyol descended on them both at the same time, but that wasn't the worst of it. The third dragon freed himself from the bind and roared to heaven.

The roar was… mind-numbing.

The pressure was devastating.

This third dragon is not something they can face on this stage. "Son, go…"

Jonrad wanted to defend Jon from the two remaining dragons that were aiming all their anger at him, but that wasn't what Jon had in mind.

Two dragons about to destroy everything; two dragons were completely defeated. To a certain Dragonborn, these odds were… satisfying. "FEIM ZII GRON!" (Fade Spirit Bind)

Jon shouted the [Become Ethereal] shout not at himself but towards Jonrad. He barely managed to slip away from the dragon claws that almost landed on top of him. With Thurlotyol over them and the other dragon taking the sky toward them, the situation didn't look any good. "WULFER! THAT ONE!"

Jon was nearby lying on the ground as he dodged Thurlotyol, he called for Wulfur and aimed for one of the four Dragons. On a nearby mountain, Wulfur and the rest appeared with a weapon the world didn't see anything like before, and it was aimed at the wounded and retreating Trahdruniik. "FIRE!" Wulfur shouted and… *KABOOM*

The Great Dwarven Steam Cannon fired.

A masterpiece only Jon can design and only Wulfur can operate, the absolute monster of madness and genius was something that weighed seventeen tons and can fire cannonballs made of Cold Iron and Ebony alloy and take one whole week to recharge. If not for the runes Jon inscribed on the cannon, the sound of it would make the hearts and brains of anyone in the perimeter of a 100 meters explode.

Wulfur fired the cannon and ran away before parts of the cannon itself flew away from the pressure made by the explosion. It was a prototype, after all.

All four dragons realized what happened and were put in a very difficult situation.

Those four are the ones who remained from the Wise Dragons faction, a group that was once the heart and soul of the cult. Jon killed one of them not too long ago, and the others are either not revived yet or broke away from Skyrim long ago. If one of them is to fall now… "KES VULD STAAD!" (Limit Shift Place)

Finally, the third of the Dragons decided to use the fastest shout there is, the [Teleport] shout. He disappeared from where he intended to charge at Jon and appeared right above Trahdruniik. He held the wounded Dragon with his claws and twisted his body mid-air to throw him away.

And the cannonball arrived. *CRASH!*

It didn't miss… but it didn't completely hit either. It grazed the Dragon well enough to send him down with his consciousness almost fading. On the other hand, the cannonball landed on a mountain nearby and made its top flat. "THURI!" The falling Trahdruniik shouted. "Onikkeindrog!" Thurlotyol, who was trying to protect Nahkinax from Jon, lost focus on Jon and wanted to save his Lord. "AHAHA! Hot damn!"

On the other hand, Jon was laughing like a maniac villain who pieced everything together to beat down the hero. He barely managed to stand and staggered to balance as if he was drunk. It seemed that the battle took a toll on him, but he was healing himself despite the odds.

Seeing Onikkeindrog, the Ancient Dragonlord of the Wise Dragon faction, drop down from the sky; it felt to Jon like he was watching the most satisfying thing in the world. No dragon likes to see someone stronger than him exist, and that includes Jon.

The exhaustion and imbalance aside, Jon noticed Thurlotyol about to abandon his post and hurl to Onikkeindrog, that was not a thing he could allow. "Nefertiti, the golden scroll!"

He infused [Greed] into [Ahzidal's Evil Fists] once again to transform to the gigantic [Ahzidal's Titan Hands] and aimed his right hand towards Thurlotyol. With their additional function, Jon activated the [Flying Grip] towards Thurlotyol and held him from the leg. "You ain't going nowhere!" *ROAR*

Of course, there was no way Jon would simply hold down a dragon to the ground even in his best state, let alone the sorry state he is in. Thurlotyol didn't even bother and flew up with the almost weightless Jon hanging to him. "Hey! You shouldn't fly without a license." Jon said as he used the other hand's [Flying Grip] and held on the ground.

He barely found a holding spot and used all the power he has in his body to hold the dragon down to the ground.

Thurlotyol felt himself being held back and stopped his flight to try to free himself from Jon but the latter was pulling. It was almost impossible to compete with a Dragon on the physical standards, but when it came to impossibility, Jon simply had the right card to use.

His eyes darkened all black; the mystical tattoos on his arms and head started to come to life with an animated black as well. For a second there, Thurlotyol felt himself being pulled down. « Impossible! » The Dragon was completely stupefied. « Never say never, darling. » Jon laughed with a twisted look on his face as all those evil dark tattoos started to move as if he had a living organism under his skin.

The simple power of defiance he gained from the [Chaos Infiction] was tremendous and completely overpowered Thurlotyol on physical terms. *ROAR!*

And he was finally up, Nahkinax returned to the scene with unimaginable anger. « MORTAL! I WILL DEVOUR YOU! »

Nahkinax was one of the most infamous dragons, and he was the one that plotted the attack on Winterhold, he was also… « Hey! Aren't you that dumbass who crashed into my tower! » … that.

Jon's provocation worked on Nahkinax like magic. The beast, that was immobilized by all the curses that Jon threw at him, moved in a blind rage and opened his jaws wide to swallow Jon a whole. Jon didn't even dream of the chance to get Nahkinax so close to him, and now all he needed is to hold him for a few seconds.

Seeing the large monster open his mouth, Jon held his lower body up and then with the left leg, he stopped the upper jaw and with the right leg, he stopped the lower one.

This strange chaotic fight reached a strange stalemate. Jon holding down a dragon by a chain and stopping another from devouring him by his two legs. Thanks to the [Chaos Infiction], the situation was almost on equal standing for now, but once he is exhausted, he would be in trouble. "Let's see… between you two idiots, which one of you will kill me first. Will this bastard tear up my limbs or will this bastard devour me? AHAHAHA! SO EXCITING! BRING IT ON YOU FUCKING BUNCH OF LIZARDS!"

Jon finally lost his mind, he was laughing and fighting back as he put two dragons to their place alone. They couldn't kill him and he was playing them around like animals. The humiliation they felt was endless. "YOL TOOR SHUL!" Thurlotyol (who is being held from flying by a chain) couldn't help but let out a Fire Breath towards Jon.

Jon smiled widely as the Fire Breath was about to hit him and he sent back a reply. "YOL TOOR SHUL!" A Fire Breath from a Dragon and a Fire Breath from a Dragonborn collided together.

The winner was Jon.

Thurlotyol, whose very name meant Tyrant of the Great Fire, was showered with the Fire Breath of a being who is not a Dragon. "Hooman! No!"

And finally she arrived, Nefertiti saw the situation Jon was in and turned into a bolt of shadow towards him. "No, wait!" Jon shouted, "The scroll! You have it."

She stopped in her place and transformed into her human form, pulling out a golden-colored scroll from her shadow. "Use it! Now!" Jon called. "What?" She couldn't comprehend what Jon wanted almost for the first time of her life. "NOW! I AM LOSING GRIP!"

Jon felt the [Chaos Infection] was running low and that he can no longer maintain a hold on the two Dragons.

Nefertiti looked at the scroll in horror as she knew exactly what it was… but there was no time. "Jonrad! DO IT!"

From behind the smoke, Jonrad finally returned to the scene as the effect of [Become Ethereal] shout that Jon used on him was finally over. He snatched the scroll from Nefertiti and opened it. "You're mad, son?" As he opened the scroll, Jonrad couldn't believe the power in it.

This was no normal spell, it was something that Jon got from Divayth Fyr's dungeon, the [Lightning Strike Scroll]. "Now! STRIKE ME!" Jon shouted his lungs out as Jonrad wasn't able to bring himself to do it. "This is madness!" Jonrad was trying to do as Jon says, but this was impossible to do. "I'll do it."

Finally, someone stepped out to do the task. "Fuck!" Jon's face turned into a cringe as he would let himself be eaten by the dragon instead of letting her strike him. "Delphine?" Jon spat out as he sighed and surrendered, "I guess it is okay. Even a bitch can come in handy." "What?" "STRIKE ME YOU BITCH!"

Jon shouted at Delphine like a mad demon startling her to obey his word as she snatched the scroll from Jonrad. "No, wait!" Jonrad wanted to stop her. "Stop." Even Nefertiti would try to find a better solution to do this.

But the scroll itself was fast, as soon as Delphine used it, a wave of lightning vibrated around Jon without doing any hint of damage. "Huh?" "Hm?"

Everyone thought a large thunderbolt would strike Jon or something, but it seemed that the scroll was rigged or something… but it was used… *Rumble* *Rumble*

And the sky rumbled.

Everyone looked up to see what was happening. Even the Dragons can't ignore the storm when it is rumbling.

And the realization came. The scroll would only act as a signal to aim the spell and runes themselves would… gather lightning in the sky. « Something isn't right. » Thurlotyol tried to warn Nahkinax, who was trying to bite Jon. « Too late! HAHAHA! » Jon couldn't hold back his happiness now.

This was what he aimed for anyway. The best way to kill two dragons is by using one lightning bolt. And what is a better electricity conductor than a human being anyway? "HAHAHA! HERE IT COMES, BOYS! IT'S GONNA BE LIIIIIIIIT!"

And the sky lit… and the lightning fell… and it struck Jon… *CRACKLE!*

Jon, Nahkinax, Thorlotyol.

The three received the lightning at the same time… and fell to the ground, motionless, at the same time.

Two Dragons and a Dragonborn with one Lightning Bolt from Heaven. "HEH… HEHEHEHE! AHAHAHA!"

Jon couldn't stop laughing… he felt it… he felt what he needed… it is all here right now.

He moved despite being struck by a bolt of lightning that paralyzed two dragons. "AHAHAHA! IT IS NOT OVER! IT IS ONLY GETTING STARTED! GET UP BOYS! AHAHAHA!" Jon laughed to heaven like a mad man.

His appearance was not normal anymore. No, this was beyond being worn from battle.

His [Ahzidal' Armor Set] was obliterated, his [Helm of the Dragonborn] was completely broken to have. Most of his hair was burnt and his body was charred black.

But his heart… his heart was glowing white… it is as if people could see his heart absorbing all the power of Lightning that came from the sky. "He is in a Breakthrough!" Jonrad realized.

A Breakthrough… not a minor one between mere levels… this is a Major Breakthrough.

Jon is breaking from the Frozen Heart Formation to the Thunder Heart Formation level. His Spiritual Core is finally gaining its Spark.

And the Aetherial Tribulations are about to begin.

Not any tribulations we are speaking about. These are the last Tribulations, the Heavenly Lightning Tribulations. *RUMBLE!* *RUMBLE* "AHAHAHA! IT IS HAPPENING! IT IS FINALLY HAPPENING!"

Jon laughed as he discarded his broken gauntlets and walked to the immobilized Nahkinax. With what remained of the [Evil Sealing Chains], he tied them around the horns of Nahkinax and started walking to Thurlotyol who was also immobilized nearby. He tied the other Dragon from his head and pulled them all closer to him.

Looking back towards Jonrad and the others. "You should get out of here. This a special event."

Jonrad could understand without saying and didn't even look back as he retreated with the rest. What remained was Jon, who sat between the two dragons looking at them. "Me and the boys… getting a lightning shower together. You lot should be excited. This will be so much FUN! AHAHAHA!"

The two Dragons struggled to move, but they were beaten to the point of death. *RUMBLE!* *RUMBLE* *RUMBLE!* *RUMBLE*

The Sky was no longer answering to some half-assed Master-level spell like before. It was now going full conscious of a Mortal who was breaking the World's Limits. No Mortal shall pass mortality without going through the World and itself and Jon is no exception. There is no Fate to help him against the Aetherial Tribulation, there is no Destiny of some Hero when it comes to these important matters, it is but the man and his power against the World its-very-self. "Look up boys, there is a party in heaven being sung in our names. Even the Aedra and the Daedra can no longer contain themselves and want to join our battle. This is what glory feels like. It has been an absolute honor."

Jon smiled in a moment of sanity but soon after, his smile turned as mad as it can get and he faced the sky and shouted. "AKATOSH!" \u003c Blessing of Akatosh (Dragonsfire) activated! \u003e "ALL-MAKER!" \u003c Blessing of the All-Maker (Root of Power) activated! \u003e "TALOS!" \u003c Blessing of Talos (Stormcrown) activated! \u003e "AZURA!" \u003c Blessing of Azura (Dawn's Beauty) activated! \u003e "BOETHIAH!" \u003c Blessing of Boethiah (Berserk) activated! \u003e "MEPHALA!" \u003c Blessing of Mephala (Golden Tongue) activated! \u003e "SHEOGORATH!" \u003c Blessing of Sheogorath (Mad Champion) activated! \u003e

Jon looked to the sky and smiled as the wides felt warm embracing him. "Mother… KYNE!" \u003c Blessing of Kyne (Storm Child) activated! \u003e *RUMBLE!* *RUMBLE* *RUMBLE!* *RUMBLE*

The sky no longer stayed quiet as it rumbled with Jon as if answering his calls, especially with the last name that he mentioned.

His heart is true and for that, he will be rewarded.

He can now ask… ask whoever he wants whatever he wants. "Kyne… it is your son… Ysmir." He called.

He smiled and declared his demand. "SMITE ME!" (Season 7 End) ——————————— • Patre0n: bit.ly/4dx5dx • YouTube: bit.ly/2dx3dx • Discord: discord.gg/gKcKva7 • Instagram: @don_dokhmesy • Twitter: @eldokhmesy22

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