Dragonborn Saga

Chapter 564 Sanguine 4 : The Celestial Orgy +18

Chapter 564 Sanguine 4 : The Celestial Orgy +18

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"It is a term that means…"

"I know what an Orgy means. All I'm saying is this situation is a Gangbang, you moron."

"How so?"

"I am one and there are twelve of them, you need to upgrade the terminology here. Also, why would I ravage those twelve women? This is not Molag Bal's realm last time I checked."

"But Lord Krilon, this is the only way to Preserve the Sphere of Corruption and Fetishes."

"Don't wanna."

"I beg of you."

The second stop was by far the most disturbing one Jon had to make. It was called the Celestial Battlefield and it wasn't in any way a battlefield.

The ones waiting for him there were 12 women of extreme beauty wearing the most exposing of clothing. The moment Jon saw them, he said "Wow, so this is where all the skimpy slooty armor mods I downloaded ended up!"

This Celestial Battlefield was also a realm that directly met the open space just like the Fountain of True Liquor. Those 12 women were the only ones around and each had a certain name.

"The Warrior" is a tanned redhead wearing bikini armor and holding a dull sword that she obviously can't even use.

"The Thief" is a brunette woman who came topless except for a quiver strap that covered a nipple and a short blade strap that covered the other, all while holding a bow and an arrow that were obviously toys.

"The Mage" was the one Jon liked the most since she is a blonde wearing a V one-piece bikini which Jon thinks to be superior to other forms of bikinis. She was holding a staff that had no gem on it.

Aside from those three, the rest were "The Lord", "The Lady" and "The Steed" standing behind "The Warrior"; "The Lover", "The Shadow" and "The Tower" standing behind "The Thief"; finally "The Ritual", "The Atronach" and "The Apprentice" standing behind "The Mage".

"Each of the Twelve women here corresponds to a Constellation of Stars and you, Lord Krilon, correspond to the thirteenth constellation you are familiar with the most, The Serpent. After all, it is your Birthsign." Gypsy said.


"In Culture, the Three Guardian Constellations are the Warrior, the Thief and the Mage and they protect their Charges (the rest of the Constellations) from the Constellation that seeks to swallow them all, the Serpent."

"I can already see where this is going."

"Indeed. Lord Sanguine is the Lord of Dark Desires and what is greater than the Dark Desire of the Serpent to swallow the other Constellation. Compared to the other two Rituals, this one focuses on how Lord Sanguine delivers his gifts."

"In other words; I must do it with the Warrior, strip the Lord of her power, ride the Steed and show the Lady who's boss then do the same with the other two groups?"

"Yes, you must ravage them all into submission. The Gifts of Lord Sanguine should make those women surrender to their desires in the most heartbreaking way possible. Just try not to kill many of them."

"Nah! I don't feel like doing it to begin with. They can't even fight back." Jon refused.

"Oh! Actually they can. Look over there." Gypsy pointed to the Warrior and winked for her.

The Warrior went and knelt in front of the Lord who gave her a ceremonial Accolade by touching both her shoulders with a sword. All of a sudden, the Warrior started gaining a lot of power and became nothing like the wuss she was before. She then injured herself intentionally and then turned to the lady, just by sharing a passionate kiss together, the warrior's wound disappeared like it never happened. The last was the Steed who pointed at the Warrior and pointed at another location causing the Warrior to teleport instantly.

"This is… awesome." Jon felt excited seeing that.

"The Warrior gains power from the Lord, heals by the love of the Lady and moves around using the Stead. The Thief gains advantage on the Tower, hides in the Shadow and heals by the Lover. The Mage gains power from the Ritual, heals by her Apprentice and channels even more power through the Atronach." Gypsy explained how it all works.

"This is fun. I still can kick their asses though." Jon said.

"Fufufu! Of course you can, that's why there are rules."

"I'm listening."

"The ritual is based on taking turns between You, the Warrior, the Thief and the Mage. Each turn is limited to one action in which they can use the powers of any of their three charges. The rules regarding you are that you can't take all of your items in the ritual and must go in naked, you have the chance to choose three of the items you own and as an advantage, you have the Ewer of True Liquor from the last ritual as well as the Girl you freed. The Liquor can heal you and the girl can do your bidding."

"I see… that's understandable." Jon thought for a while then nodded, "Alright, I know what to do."

"What are the items you will be using?" Gypsy asked.

"My staff which I call Pride, a gemstone which I call Lust, and a Lucky Coin. Also, the Girl will be carrying the Ewer, I don't need it."

"Suit yourself." Gypsy said then handed Jon a handful of dice, "Roll for Initiative!"

"Hm? Sorry, what?"


"8!" (Warrior)

"11!" (Thief)

"18!" (Mage)

"10?" (Jon)

"The Mage starts." (Gypsy)

"Wait!" Jon said, "I have a Feat called [Old Man's Coin] which lets me re-roll for initiative with Advantage after flipping this coin." (Jon)

"… Whatever!" (Gypsy)

"20!" (Jon)

"The Serpent may start." (Gypsy)

"I will cast [Tentacles Hentai] on the Mage." (Jon)

"That's not even an actual spell!" (Gypsy)

"Pride can cast anything." (Jon)

"Roll Accuracy." (Gypsy)

"18!" (Jon)

"You hit! Roll for damage." (Gypsy)

"20!" (Jon)

"The Mage is dead. She will be revived in the next round by any of the Charges if they survive this round. Thief, your turn." (Gypsy)

"Shouldn't they roll death saves?" (Jon)

"That's not a normal rules battle. Thief." (Gypsy)

"The Shadow will send me behind the Enemy and I shall strike him with my dagger from the back." (Thief)

"And you appear behind The Serpent. Roll for accuracy." (Gypsy)

"12!" (Thief)

"What's your Armor Class, Serpent?" (Gypsy)

"I'm naked… but it depends where the hit lands." (Jon)

"So let's call this a hit. Thief, roll for damage." (Gypsy)

"13!" (Thief)

"You do 13 damage to the Serpent…" (Gypsy)

"Wait! Did that attack just land on my butt?" (Jon)

"Y… Yes." (Gypsy)

"My Butt has maxed Armor Class." (Jon)

"What?" (Thief)

"It says here that the Serpent's buttock is… well, it is the hardest butt in existence, completely indestructible, can completely kill undead for good and has the ability to reflect damage by 100%. Thief, you take 13 damage." (Gypsy)

"Impossible!" (Thief)

"No one told you to hit my butt!" (Jon)

"Warrior, you're turn." (Gypsy)

"I charge with a flying kick towards the enemy's hot rod!" (Warrior)

"Eeeh! Can't you do anything but that… for your own good?!" (Gypsy)

"No! I shall smite his vulgar thing." (Warrior)

"Roll for Accuracy." (Gypsy)

"Argh! 10!" (Warrior)

"You miss! Be thankful for that but on the other hand, you land directly under the Serpent and gaze at his… Magnum Opus up close."

"This is so biiiiig!" (Warrior)

"Serpent, your turn." (Gypsy)

"I cast [Orgasmic Burst] around me. There is no accuracy for that cause it's AOE. I have 10 on Psychic Damage." (Jon)

"Everyone takes 10 Psychic Damage and enter a state of to erotic euphoria except for the Warrior and the Thief who have immunity against Mind Manipulation. The Mage resurrection is interrupted for this round since everyone is now stunned in orgasm. Third round. Serpent, I guess you are up again." (Gypsy)

"I use [Lust]'s ability, Venus, on all the Charges and seduce them to join my side." (Jon)

"What is wrong with this ability description?! Inside a Daedric Realm which belongs to the Daedric Lord of Dark Desires, Lust attacks are unavoidable? And unlockable?" (Gypsy)

"That's Lust for you." (Jon)

"Of course it is! Dammit! You have all the Charges on your side now. The Warrior and the Thief have no one left to protect and the Mage is permanently dead… The Serpent has…" (Gypsy)

"Wait!" (Jon)

"What?" (Gypsy)

"Ritual, I want you to revive the Mage." (Jon)

"Yes, my Lord." (Ritual)

"What is the point of this, you are winning?" (Gypsy)

"Hehehe! I still have a Feat called [An Offer of a Lifetime] for being a CEO of a multinational corporation and a man of law." (Jon)

"This is just broken!" (Gypsy)

"Warrior, Thief and Mage. I look at you and I see something good, something beautiful. I am trying to hold you at a disadvantage or use any sort of Manipulation on you. If you are to be my subordinates, I will give you back your Charges, reward you handsomely and we can all be on the Winner Side together." (Jon)

"I have 15 on my Perception to Investigate Motive." (Mage)

"He wants to sleep with all of the Twelve Constellations together so he can brag about it later on. I guess this counts as being honest!" (Gypsy)

"So we just need to submit to you?" (Warrior)

"If you feel like it but remember, it's all about having fun together. I don't even have any more plans than that." (Jon)

"Just that?" (Thief)

"Just that. Gypsy, is this game over?" (Jon)

"Fuck it! Yeah, it's your win." (Gypsy)


The festival back in the Party Realm was still going even wilder. The Daedric Princes resided in certain pocket realms and abodes overlooking the Party Realm. Amidst these places was a small abode which Jon designated as a spot where he can oversee everything. He stood watching how the fornication and adultery filled the realm below his feet with a cup in his hand.

"This quest is turning way better than the one it was supposed to be." He said as he gestured for the Nameless Girl he picked to fill his cup.

"You have managed to create a splendid party, my Lord. It is going to be remembered in the Revellands for ages to come." The girl said.

"You think so?" Jon looked at the liquor in his cup before swallowing in one go and feeling the burn down his throat, "I think this party is disgusting."

He threw the cup away and walked back into the abode amidst all the bodies around him raving between euphoria and madness.

"I never thought you would feel this way, my Lord. Is the party not to your standards?" She asked.

"Are you talking about the sex, liquor, skooma and that shit show down there?" Jon asked as he sat on the large seat and the girl walked to stick her body to his, "No, I am not that kind of guy. I may enjoy a bloody fight, a drunken rampage or a skooma prank but I will never let it consume me like this?"

"So my Lord is not a hedonist?"

"I may identify myself as someone who is true to his desires and may not mind it if someone called me a philanderer or hedonist but the thing about me is, I have my own brand of being naughty. This around us is simply a bunch of poor lost souls who are trying to find something they don't have, it varies from happiness to connecting with others to simply feel alive. They think that this is the way things should be while all they do is to consume themselves for a Sphere of Corruption and Dark Deeds. They don't control their fates as they think, they are just something as pretty as a candle in the right spot giving it glamour and beauty until… boot… it burns away."

"Then what is the point of life? Shouldn't we take as much as we can from it?"

"You never take anything without giving, you of all people should have known that already. You lived for centuries as a Maiden of True Liquor but you gave away everything in return. You are just a husk, my dear, a pretty one. The most humane thing to do with you is to twist your neck and prevent you from the suffering that is to come but I will not take the easy way, I'll leave you to Fate. You see, it is all Balance with Fate and Life. You never take without giving. They give away their essence for pleasure until one day they become husks even worse than you are. The difference between me and those hedonists in this realm is that I know my limits and I honor them by keeping them in balance with what I can give." Jon said as he stood up, "That's what it means to be in control. Always in control. Not even with the most insinuating women, liquor and power in the world."

The girl failed to understand Jon perfectly but she felt bad at the very least. Jon held her close and patted her.

"I am not a savior but I hope you find what you miss." He said before changing the look on his face to a naughty one, "Alright, enough with the heavy thoughts, let's see this party to an end."

Jon looked around him at the small party in his abode where the twelve women representing the Twelve Constellations were getting laid by twelve versions of him created by Lust. [Lust] was roaming around the area making the clones act more intensely and driving the Twelve Constellations insane.

"Do you want to feel something good?" Jon asked the girl.

"Yes, my Lord."

"Alright. Lust, send the feedback to her."

It didn't take an instant for the girl to start overheating and her legs to lose all their power. Jon held the Ewer of True Liquor from her and stored it away and before she could touch her private parts, he held her hands apart from each other. She tried to quiver and rub her parts as she was getting the feedback of twelve women getting laid by his clones. It didn't take her a few seconds before she and every other woman in the room started squirting to the point of madness.

"It smells nice in here."

At that moment, Gypsy walked in the abode and saw the thirteen women having a hard time gathering their power to do anything other than lightly touching themselves and roughly breathing.

The clones have long since disappeared as they were nothing but illusions visible only to whoever Jon wants to see. Gypsy assumed that Jon had let out the animal and wreaked havoc between every pair of legs of the thirteen.

"So the Second Ritual was about how Sanguine wants to Corrupt everything in the World, even the Stars in the Sky?" Jon said as he looked away from Gypsy to hide his expressions from her.

"Indeed and you are doing a splendid job in his stead." She said then removed the piece of her dress covering her crotch, "Want to have the fourteenth before we get going?"

Jon smiled faintly as he turned around to face her.

"Let's say… I am saving the best for last." Jon refused her with a wink.

She smiled widely and threw herself on him.

"I will do my best to serve you after all this is over, my Lord."

Each of them was smiling for their own reason not showing the other their true intentions.

"I am in for a reward." He said.

"Of course, you will be rewarded with the highest honor a mortal can achieve." She replied.

"Heh! We'll see."


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