Emperor’s Domination

Chapter 6267: Suppression

Chapter 6267: Suppression

Ye Sha was far from being in a good spot, unable to escape from the latches and chain. The struggle left it ridden with injuries. Nevertheless, it seemed particularly resilient and still screamed defiantly.

At first sight, the first to fall should be Li Xuansu since she relied on willpower alone to hold the chain. Once depleted, Ye Sha would be free.

"What's going on here? What a total mess, how did you lose control?" Li Qiye shook his head.

Li Xuansu became startled due to her current fragile state. When she turned around, something woke her up from her constant bewilderment.

The dark energy had left her confused but lucidity returned.

"You, you, are Prime Progenitor! A true immortal!" She exclaimed.

"Calling me a true immortal is an exaggeration, but people did call me Prime once." Li Qiye said with a smile.

"Sir, save me..." The mental tension broke as she finally relaxed, letting go of the chain and falling to the ground. She asked for help before losing consciousness.

"Clank!" The chain loosened as a result.

Ye Sha took advantage of this and mustered all of its strength, soaring into the air.

"Raa!" It glided downward, wanting to break Li Xuansu and Li Qiye to pieces.

"Bam!" Li Qiye lowered his palm, forcing the creature to the ground regardless of its power.

"Raa!" The furious Ye Sha spread its wings and released dreadful smoke. It gathered energy and spewed a black fiery pulse at him, destroying the seals around them.

Li Qiye didn't bat an eye and waved his hand, sending the pulse back into Yesha's mouth.

"Boom!" It exploded, disfiguring the creature's head.

Ye Sha understood that it was outmatched and turned to flee.

Alas, Li Qiye caught it by the tail and smashed it to the ground, causing it to vomit blood and become dizzy.

Its red eyes glared at Li Qiye, hating and fearing him at the same time.

"Control your mind, a soul has one too!" Li Qiye roared thunderously and woke it up for a split second.

It remembered who it was once but the suppressive force returned to dominate its mind.

"Raa!" It rolled on the ground, wanting to break free.

Its eyes changed state constantly from lucidity to rage. However, the red rage was winning.

"Mind, heart, truth..." Li Qiye sent a mantra into its mind, turning the tides of the mental contest.

Its eyes finally became clear, staring at Li Qiye as if asking for help.

Li Qiye saw its eyes and let out a sigh: "Fate keeps doing this to me. Fine, I'll help."

Ye Sha lay there and let Li Qiye pat it without resisting.

"Bam!" Its body crumbled instantly but somehow, an unknown power reattached the pieces.

"Oh? Not bad, but this is me we're talking about." Li Qiye smiled and became serious.

This time around, he prevented the reconstruction process and nullified the unknown power.

"Break!" He unleashed a palm strike toward the culprit and crushed it along with Ye Sha's body.

He refined the flesh and blood down to a single point, revealing Ye Sha's soul. It appeared illusory and could disperse at any second.

He immediately stabilized it and reversed time. Dao power changed the flesh and blood into a living human.

"Bam!" Li Qiye put down his hand and the person fell to the ground.

It took time and rapid breaths before she calmed down, having taken a trip to hell and back. Of course, this trip had lasted for eras and she would have been doomed without Li Qiye's interference.

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