Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Chapter 1283 Brink

Chapter 1283 Brink

As watching over Solon, Zelretch, and Director Atlasia for a few hours translated to literal days from Vahn's perspective, it wasn't long before he decided it was time to send them on their way. He was certain the Zelretch had mapped out much of the region by now and it was obvious from Solon's interactions with the Spirits that they were no longer as stressed out as before.

With Companions at their side, Solon and Zelretch returned to the castle shortly after Vahn shared his intentions. They knew better than to try and overstay their welcome so it didn't take them long to finish up what they were doing. The only one who took marginally longer was Director Atlasia as he was quite taken with many of Da Vinci's inventions. It was unfortunate for him that, while Da Vinci had no problem exchanging some information, she had no interest in detailing the intricacies of the most important systems she had developed.

By the time Director Atlasia had made his appearance, Vahn had been keeping Solon and Zelretch company for nearly twenty minutes. He used this time to inquire about their opinion on Avalon's development, earning quite a few compliments from Zelretch and a few dismissive remarks from Solon. The latter felt that Avalon should be home to only Spirits in the future as they did not want to see this land tainted by humanity.

In response to this, Vahn calmly explained, "Avalon will become a bastion for all species that seek a better future. I'm not going to discriminate and anyone based on the preconceived notions as that will only lead to a social divide later down the line. So long as they follow the laws dictated to them, anyone will be able to call Avalon home, at least for a short while."

To further clarify, Vahn detailed his intention to turn Avalon into a massive Academy and Sanctuary. The only permanant residents would those living and working within the castle while everyone else calling the island home will only be able to stay for as long as they are contributing to the system. When they were ready to move on from their studies, the people educated in Avalon would be able to make a name for themselves in the outside world using the knowledge and resources provided to them by the Empire.

Unlike existing systems, the Empire had the ability to supply the necessary resources for everyone to advance their research. The only restriction on resources would be the person's capabilities as, if they were unable to handle dangerous or delicate materials, they would not be given access to them. This would prevent waste and encourage those who sought greater heights to push themselves further.

Solon was obviously skeptical, as things rarely went as expected, but they could at least agree with the idea of making Avalon into a scholarly utopia. The Clock Tower, Atlas Temple, and Wandering Sea had been stagnating since the advent of the Modern Era so it would be extremely beneficial for the development of Magecraft to have fresh ideas introduced. This also explained why Vahn wanted to send his children to the Clock Tower as, in the future, the existence of the special class hosted by the Empire would serve as a vetting program for the first generation of Avalon Academics.

Understanding this, Solon asked, "How soon until you announce the existence of Avalon? Will you manifest a physical representation of the island in the real world?"

As most Subtextures of the world had an access port anchored within reality, it would be difficult for the Empire to exercise its authority if their power could not be seen. People may instinctually fear the unknown but, when you could see the wealth, power, and prosperity of another country, it increased the amount of influence you had on countries. After all, while power and authority were wielded by a select few, they could still be pressured greatly by their affiliates and countrymen. Even Vahn wasn't free from such influences as there were a number of people that could sway his opinion with just a few words.

In response to Solon's question, Vahn paused for a moment before answering, "Once the existence of Magic has been made known to the rest of the world, I will bring Avalon to the Surface. This island will become a symbol, the very heart of the Empire. Here, Magic and Science will blend together to create a world where all sapient creatures can survive and prosper. It will not be an easy transition but, for the generations that follow, it is our duty to make the world a better place."

Hearing Vahn's words, Solon released a heavy sigh before giving him a deadpan stare and saying, "Everything you say is extreme and overbearing...well, it doesn't really matter. Someone comes along every now and then to try and unify everyone under similar ideologies so we'll see how far you can go. I just hope you don't forget your current convictions with the passage of time..."

With those parting words, Solon passed through the gate that had been opened, leaving Zelretch and Director Atlasia behind with awkward smiles on their faces. The former seemed to want to pat Vahn on the shoulder but, after lifting his hand, he retracted it under the pointed gaze of Okita and Jeanne. As for Director Atlasia, he just lightly chuckled before commenting, "The Atlas Temple will be open to you in the future. For now, I'll be sending some students to attend the Clock Tower. I believe that the curriculum Madam Da Vinci has developed will revolutionize what it means to be a Magus. I'm quite looking forward to the results."

Like Solon, Director Atlasia left after his parting words, an expectant smile on his face as the cape he wore flared behind him. This left only Zelretch remaining who, prior to passing through the gate, asked, "Alaya isn't the only powerful force backing you, is she? I can sense something watching us, something horrifyingly powerful..."

Rather than answer Zelretch's question, Vahn just smiled knowingly as he turned his head toward the ceiling, expanding his domain through the castle to where Leviathan resided. It was actually weaker than entities like ORT and Alaya but it was still a Tier 5 existence. Since it had dominion over Space and Time, it wasn't that surprising that Zelretch was able to sense it observing him. Rather, if he was unable to do so, Vahn would begin to suspect that the Second Magic was a lot weaker than it ought to be.

Zelretch's aged body shivered as he turned his attention toward the sky, goosebumps spreading across his arms as the hair on the back of his neck stood on end. He couldn't locate Leviathan but, now that he followed Vahn's gaze, an overwhelming sense of dread passed through him. It wasn't as terrifying as the pressure given off by Alaya but, much like when he faced Crimson Moon in the past, Zelretch felt a genuine threat to his life.

After staring at the ceiling for a few seconds, Zelretch adopted a smile as he said, "Honestly, I hope a time where your backers are revealed never comes. It's a shame that I can't see the future along the axis of time you exist in...I'm certain it would be an eye-opening experience, hahahaha~"

Following in the footsteps of Solon and Director Atlasia, Zelretch passed through the gate, his laugh still echoing for several seconds until his figured vanished entirely. This left Vahn in the transfer room with Okita, Jeanne, Gareth, and a small entourage of Companions.

Once the gate had closed, Vahn visibly relaxed but, as there were still a few things that required his attention, he said, "We'll return to the Edelfelt Manor shortly. Before that, however, I'll be visiting the Daycare to spend some time with my children. The three of you should go relax. We'll regroup here after two hours have passed in the Projection. I'll send you a telepathic message when I'm preparing to leave."

Though they preferred to stay at his side, even Okita knew better than to stick around when Vahn was spending time with his children. He didn't like distractions and, with how they behaved, it made things a little awkward when he wanted to just cut loose. After all, he didn't really act like an Emperor when he was spending time with his children so having people wait upon him was troublesome. This was something they had become accustomed to so, after a series of bows, the girls departed, leaving their Master in peace.

Vahn appreciated the girls' understanding so, after picking up Skoll and a few other Companions, he made his way toward the nearest mirror that connected to the Projection. He was actually in a good mood but, knowing that major changes were afoot, he was a little worried deep down. Though there were no forces that should be able to oppose the Empire, that didn't mean they wouldn't try. There was always a chance that something would go wrong and, considering some of his children would be in the direct line of fire, Vahn couldn't help but worry.

With a lazy expression on his face, Vahn let his mind wander a bit as he muttered, "I'll need to have Da Vinci upgrade the girls' Companions with updated security measures..." Then, with a glimmer in his eyes, Vahn picked Alaya from his shoulder, making eye contact with her as he asked, "What do I need to give you in exchange for guaranteeing my children are safe? You might not be able to give me power, but you can grant it to others, right...?"

Alaya no longer resisted being handled so, even though she had a lazy and annoyed expression on her face, she allowed Vahn to dangle her as she answered, "The minimum amount of Magical Energy to make someone into a Counter Guardian is one-trillion units. As a result of your previous order, the reserves you had stockpiled have all but depleted at this point. I would also need to form a contract with the recipient of my power as the Counter Force can only be wielded by those that have a direct link to myself and Gaia."

Vahn wasn't really surprised by Alaya's words as her answer coincided with the conversations they had in the past. He also wasn't upset by the fact that his reserves had depleted as it went towards ensuring that tragedies all over the world were avoided. There had been millions protected by the intervention of Alaya at this point, greatly increasing his amount of Karma since it was by virtue of his order that their fate had been changed.

Since there wasn't a simple solution to the problem, as Alaya wouldn't accept outside mana from people like Maxwell, Vahn rubbed her head with his index finger before placing her back in her usual position. She wasted no time in nestling into his neck, her teeth pricking his without causing Vahn to flinch in the slightest. Rather, at this point, Alaya's presence had become completely natural, to the point that he would sometimes look around, feeling as if he had forgotten something if they were separated for too long...


Though his thoughts had started to wander a bit, Vahn's focus immediately returned upon entering the Daycare. There, he found Ereshkigal watching over most of the children on her own, assisted by Isanna and Naavi. At this point, both girls looked to be around eight years old so, upon seeing him enter the room, they sprung up with childish smiles, Isanna taking to the air as she flew over and hugged him with her tiny arms. She looked exactly like a childish version of Ishtar so she was an exceptionally adorable girl that always brought a smile to Vahn's face, even if he was always a little worried about how fast she was developing...

With Naavi always trotting over to be picked up, Vahn carried both girls in his arms as he made his way over to join the smiling Ereshkigal. She practically served as the Guardian and Caretaker of all the children as, while none of the mothers were exactly 'bad', Ereshkigal's maternal instincts were on another level. Thus, when others needed a break, she would always happily babysit, a loving smile always visible on her face. Since Vahn had a great appreciation for mothers in general, he couldn't help but see Ereshkigal in an increasingly positive light as time continued its eternal march forward.

(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Solon, the Skeptic','The 30km long whale that can destroy the planet is a scary existence? Never would have guessed o3o...','Ereshmama is best mama...?')

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