Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Chapter 1342 - Ascent Into The Heavens...?

Chapter 1342 - Ascent Into The Heavens...?

Though the pleasure offered by Illya's body was overwhelming, Vahn wasn't just going to let himself fall into Cath Palug's momentum. He knew the mischievous creature was the fault for what was happening and, though he didn't blame it for wanting to feel good, reason told him not to let it take things too far.

After taking a few deep breaths to calm himself down, Vahn began to gently stroke Illya's hair and back, ignoring the assault on his lower body and calming whispering, "Calm down...focus on the moment, not the pleasure...there is greater meaning behind the emotional connection than the sensual bond we share...I know you can both hear me...follow the sound of my voice...relax your body..."

While Illya's mind was overwhelmed by the sensory overload, Vahn knew that Cath Palug would never truly lose itself. It was just having fun but, upon hearing his voice, it obediently sat within the back of Illya's subconscious, allowing her body to be influenced by the calming energies he was sending into it.

Though Cath Palug could be a little extreme at times, Vahn had managed to cultivate its Loyalty to a value of 139,412 over the last two years. It had been following a similar developmental route to Fenrir so, while it was prone to acting on its emotions, it was obedient when he spoke directly to it. In the future, once he managed to teach it a bit, accidents like this would, hopefully, become a thing of the past...


It took a few minutes but Illya eventually returned to her senses, her ears drooping slightly as she breathed heavily against his bare chest. She actually blamed herself for letting Cath Palug get out of hand but, as they had both been looking forward to this moment, Illya couldn't hold it against her eternal companion. Rather, the pleasure she experienced was something that was now carved into her body and mind so, even if it was only a little, she was grateful for its presence.

While Illya would never vocalize these feelings, Cath Palug was obviously aware of her unvoiced acquiescence. This caused it to laugh playfully within her mind but, still following Vahn's orders, it didn't intervene any longer. It had already helped Illya through all of the most embarrassing parts so, from this moment onward, it would just enjoy the ride.

Just as it was aware of her thoughts, Illya knew of Cath Palug's intentions so, before she raised her head to meet Vahn's gaze, she internally thanked it for taking her this far. She had honestly been a little afraid of doing something wrong so, now that she had Vahn's startling hot member gently pulsing in what felt like her stomach, Illya was able to calm down a lot. Rather, feeling how deep he had penetrated into her, she couldn't help but question the capabilities of her own body...

Deciding to learn more about herself at a later date, Illya enjoyed Vahn's caress for a while longer before ultimately licking his chest to alert him to the fact she had regained clarity. For reasons she would never fully understand, it was easier to communicate like than rather than use actual words to convey her feelings. Words could be strangely embarrassing while actions always conveyed the desires of a person directly, avoiding the need for complex explanations entirely.

Vahn had come to understand Illya's quirks well over the last couple of years so he understood the actual meaning behind her awkward suckling. He moved his hand beneath the location of her tail, using it for extra leverage as he began to gently rock her hips. She didn't have the courage to move on her own so he would need to take the lead, even if her unique constitution removed the need for any movement whatsoever.

Since he knew Ilya had certain expectations about sex, Vahn wasn't going to just sit quietly as her insides writhed about him, effectively milking his penis. She might never admit it, but Illya was a borderline masochist so he would need to be a little rough in order to 'prove' that he wasn't just pretending to be enamored with her. This was an expression of her lack of self-confidence as, in stark contrast to how she behaved at times, Illya had never gotten over her fear of abandonment. In fact, reminiscent of Liliruca, her Love parameter had been stuck at 99 for a very long time, a fact Vahn was intent on changing...

To this end, Vahn ultimately tightened his grip around the base of Illya's tail, eliciting a pained moan that was accented by sensuous undertones. He began to guide her in larger circles atop his lap, culminating in a deep piston that pushed at her infinitely flexible insides. In a way, this actually annoyed and excited Vahn a bit as he knew her body was literally changing its structure to match his size and shape. As for why he was annoyed, well, part of him had gotten used to being able to knock at a woman's cervix, something that wasn't really possible with Illya as her womb itself had effectively latched itself to the tip of his penis, matching his movements...

Still, it was a truly interesting experience so Vahn wasn't going to complain. Rather, he was quite enjoying himself and, based on her loud cries, Illya was feeling it even more than him. Though her teeth had broken skin a few times, inflicting wounds that healed at a much slower pace, this was actually tamer than Vahn had expected. He had fully prepared himself to have literal chunks of his flesh torn away and, if necessary, he was willing to do the same if it meant the peculiar duo was fully satisfied...

Compared to his expectations, Illya's 'play biting', following by her suckling on his blood, was more adorable than perturbing. It encouraged him to put more effort into his own endeavors so, feeling her insides begin to undulate, he surprised Illya by forcing her against the bed without minding the fact her tail. He was intending to perform what was known as a mating press, taking advantage of their difference in size to pin her to the bed with his weight...

What Vahn didn't expect was for Illya's tail to rapidly increase in size and volume, turning into a fluffy plush cushion that quickly supported her body. This was yet another example of the curious nature of Illya's body but, knowing he would eventually learn all of her secrets, Vahn wasn't in a rush to investigate now. Instead, he linked his hands with Illya's, bringing them above her head so that she was completely pinned as he began to gradually increase the rate of his pistoning.

As the change in position had been timed with her building climax, Illya instinctually locked her legs around Vahn's waist the moment she was pushed down. This made his movements a little harder but, having experienced a similar scenario hundreds of times, Vahn knew a few methods to get around this instinctual response. He hiked his knees up progressively until Illya's thighs were lifted from the bed, forcing her pelvis at an angle that made it difficult to easily lock her legs around him.

Since it was uncomfortable to be forced into a position where slight pinching occurred, Illya's hips began to wiggle about in an attempt to find a more comfortable position. This was an involuntary response so, even while her body was spasming in an intense climax, it was possible to guide her to slowly spread her legs to allow for easier movement. As a result, her legs ended up splayed out to the sides and, while she was still awash in the echoes of her previous climax, Vahn resumed his movements with fervor, now having 'overridden' her natural inclination to wrap her legs around his waist...

This was just one example of Vahn's experience manifesting and, even if he couldn't see into the inside of Illya's body, his status as a God of Sex wasn't an empty title. She might not be willing to vocalize them but he could feel her desires transmitted directly to his mind, urging him to take progressively bolder actions. This was her first time so he was willing to go a bit further than he normally would if it meant the experience was more memorable. At the very least, he would not stop until her Love parameter finally broke through the threshold, even if it took the entire night to convince her...


Vahn his main body was tending to Illya, Vahn's second vessel had been celebrating Arcueid's induction into the Empire. The welcome banquet had been going on for hours and, while most of the people present had considerably high tolerances, many people had gotten drunk. This made the atmosphere more festive, enhancing the taste of Circe's and Medea's already delicious food.

The only unfortunate development was the fact that, despite his efforts to appear as a paragon of calm and composure, many of the girls realized what Vahn must be doing behind the scenes. He could feel their own desires swelling up and, while nobody was openly discussing it, he knew a silent debate was going on to determine when the party should end and who should accompany him for the evening.

Illya wasn't likely to be pacified any time soon so Vahn couldn't help but be in the mood to share his love. Since he was sensitive to the wants and desires of others, his own were given fuel and, if he had the capabilities, Vahn would make love with everyone simultaneously. Unfortunately, this was still beyond him so, while he could overrule their decision, he ultimately allowed the girls to determine for themselves who would accompany him. This actually made things more exciting as it was almost like winning a mystery prize, one which he would undoubtedly enjoy quite a bit...

Eventually, the banquet was finally brought to an end as the men in attendance began to feel the tell-tale signs of something 'amiss'. The only one among them who didn't seem to mind the odd atmosphere was Astolfo but, considering he had enough alcohol to down an elephant, this wasn't too much of a surprise. Fortunately, Catherine was able to pull him away without too much of an issue as his uncouth and unrestrained behavior was only exacerbating matters.

When the only people left were the adult females, and Vahn himself, Artoria was the one to break the silence as she said, "Tonight is a special occasion. We are welcoming a new resident into our home, an important event during these chaotic times. In order to strengthen our bonds, all that are willing are invited to a rendezvous within the main chambers. If you are uncomfortable with sharing intimate moments with your fellow sisters, please remind yourself why you have chosen to follow Vahn in the first place..."

Of all the outcomes he had expected, Vahn had never imagined that Artoria would essentially open the floor to all-comers. It wouldn't be his first orgy but, with the number of women present, even he would struggle, at least a little. It was fortunate that he could use his Divinity to link the senses of his women so, even if he wasn't directly making love to them, they would be able to feel what others were experiencing. This, combined with the fact they would be tending to each other, made things a little easier on him.

Ultimately, the ones to accept Artoria's offer were, surprisingly, only Gray, Nobunaga, Kenshin, Lakshmibai, and, by default, Arcueid. As for his usual entourage, they never really participated in sexual acts, the obvious exception being Gareth who, despite her willingness, didn't want to get in the way of others having fun. This was the same for most of the girls in the Menagerie as, over the last couple of days, Vahn had been spending a lot of time with them.

The only person truly on the fence about the matter was Aoko who, for a brief moment, seemed to hype herself up to participate in the event. In the end, however, she got cold feet as the idea of sharing the same bed as five other women was a little too much for the current her. This decision was largely influenced by the participation of Nobunaga who, sharing a lot of similarities with her, had taken a few liberties with Aoko's body whenever the latter let her get away with it.

Since her instincts told her that Nobunaga would be 'targetting' her, Aoko wasn't able to muster up the courage to participate, even if part of her felt compelled to do so. Instead, she pulled aside Vahn as the latter was preparing to return to his quarters, a fierce look in her blazing blue eyes as she said, "Don't think this is over. The next time you have a free moment, I'll...I...just you wait and see what I'll do...!"

With those final words, Aoko left the dining room with a huff, following after the Menagerie group who had decided to go view the moonlit sky together. Many of them cultivated Yin Elemental Laws so it was a good opportunity to cool off while marginally increasing their strength. Since it was something they could all do together, it had become a relatively common occurrence over the last few months. Now, Aoko would be joining them, her ignorance propelling her forward as she was completely unaware of the fact that the girls from the Menagerie generally cultivated in the nude...

(A/N: My brain feels like it is going to explode xD. For those wanting to see depictions of the events between Vahn, Aoko, Semiramis, Medusa, etc, please be patient. There are a few other things planned before those arcs come full circle x_x...)

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