Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Chapter 1356 - Frustration

Chapter 1356 - Frustration

Contrasting her earlier bravado, it didn't take long before Aoko was shaking her own hips; her cries a mix of frustration tinged with impassioned moans. She didn't know how to properly find the release she instinctually craved so, with Vahn's energy wreaking havoc throughout her body, it took most of her willpower just to avoid imploring him to move. To make matters worse, Vahn would periodically guide her hips with his hands, much to Aoko's chagrin. During those moments, she felt closer to the release her body sought but, before she was able to obtain it; Vahn 'tormented' her by relinquishing control back to Aoko...

Eventually, Aoko was filled with a very strong desire to just punch Vahn but, instead, she slowed her movements; biting her bottom lip before complaining, "It isn't fair...you must be cheating. How am I supposed to be able to win against this...?"

Accompanying her words, tears of bitterness began to build in Aoko's eyes as she sincerely didn't want to lose herself to pleasure. She wanted to be in control but, the more she moved around, the weaker her body felt. Her tensions seemed to increase without limit but, no matter how close she got to the release her body craved, the further the goal felt. It was frustrating because she wanted to be seen as a strong woman, not a pervert that begged and pleaded for release...

Just as it felt like the tears were going to escape her eyes, Vahn reached up to gently wipe them away. He was considerably calmer than Aoko; another fact that frustrated her; so he had enough wherewithal to comfort her, saying in a soft voice, "Having sex isn't about obtaining victory against the other person, Aoko. It is a method of displaying affection, bringing together difficult to explain emotions and expressing them in a physical display of intimacy. Though it can be fun to make a game out of it every now and then, the whole purpose is to prove how much we love each other..."

After dealing with a few proud women in the past, Vahn knew it meant a lot to some females that they were able to take control in the bedroom. This was especially true for those that had directly competed against men throughout their life, comparing their accomplishments in an ongoing effort to prove themselves more capable than their counterparts. Even he, long ago, felt the need to prove himself to his partners so Vahn could empathize with Aoko, even if he could never fully understand what she had gone through...

Using the moment when Aoko didn't quite know how to respond, Vahn placed his hands on her waist, his voice taking on a hazy quality as he said, "I want to see it...your feelings. You should watch me closely as well...my eyes hide no falsehoods, Aoko. Here, in this moment, they reflect only you, a beautiful woman I am absolutely smitten with..."

Though there was a chance he would upset Arcueid with his choice of words, Vahn didn't think she would be particularly bothered. Soon enough, he would shower her with the same level of affection, slowly reducing the distance between all three of them. For now, he couldn't allow Aoko to feel as if her value was somehow reduced due to her inability to take charge. He needed to change how she viewed sex as, once she built up some confidence and gained a bit of experience, they would be able to have a lot of fun together.

With Vahn slowly rocking her hips, Aoko couldn't help but bite her lip once again, her brows creased as she fought to keep her eyes focused on him. Her instinct was to close her eyes and give in to the building pleasure but, seeing the intensity in Vahn's gaze, she couldn't take her eyes off him. He had always felt somewhat distant and uninterested in the past but, now, at this moment; Aoko could see the passion in his eyes; her image reflected in his gaze.

For a brief moment, Aoko felt as if she had stepped back in time to the night before the world was forced to change. She remembered Vahn escorting her around, how happy all the Spirits were, and, most importantly, how beautiful that moonlit night where they stood on the hill together had been. She realized after the fact that she had made a small misunderstanding but, instead of pushing her away, Vahn accepted her feelings; all while choosing not to exploit them. Rather, he tried to prevent her from rushing into things, giving her ample opportunity to interact with the others before making her final decision...

Remembering the various ways he had cared for her, the distant image of Vahn that had started to seed itself in her mind slowly faded away. Instead, she saw an impassioned youth, his eyes blazing with desire as he sincerely tried to convey his emotions, not through words, but action. This small change in perspective caused Aoko's body to rapidly heat up and, before she even realized what she was doing; Aoko pinned Vahn to the bed, pressing his hands down with her own as she stole his lips.

Though he could never be truly comfortable being pushed down, Vahn didn't mind Aoko's fervor as it was infinitely better than her morose streak from before. The way she greedily sought his lips, all while leaving the movement of her lower body to him, caused his own tensions to steadily build. He had been reserving himself before but, now that her switch had been flipped, Vahn let his fingers dig into Aoko a bit as he began moving his hips to strike her weak spots.

Surprised by the sudden change, Aoko had to separate from Vahn's lips to released a gasp of sheer incredulity as it felt like electricity had struck her body. Then, with another rhythmic thrust, the same sensation passed through her body; compelling her to scrunch up in a vain attempt to restrain his movements. At the same time, she closed her thighs with a bit of force; straddling Vahn's hips even tighter as she buried her face into the nape of his neck...

Vahn enjoyed the way Aoko's bright-red hair cascaded from her head and shoulders, trembling just a little with each of his movements. There was something about red hair that fired him up so, in order to capitalize on the moment before Aoko stopped restraining herself, Vahn pressed his thumbs into the pressure points near Aoko's pelvis, reducing the strength she put into her powerful thighs to make it easier to move.

Once Aoko let herself go completely, her power as a Tier 5 entity would surge forth, potentially even turning the tides. Since it never occurred to most people to use their full power during sex, she had actually been holding herself back considerably in order to make things 'normal'. This wasn't really a bad thing, as most people wanted their first time to be normal, but; when it came down to it, Aoko was anything but normal. Just going by the fact that her first partner was a literal God of Sex made this readily apparent but, even without that, her status as a Tier 5 Magician already elevated her to a level even Vahn couldn't reach...

Now, Aoko's hair had started to glow slightly and, despite his efforts to relax her muscles, the energy within her body quickly returned function to the numbed nerve clusters. Vahn was skilled enough to easily override these resistances but, until Aoko had let herself go, he had to be patient. This didn't mean he had to be passive, however, so; with a better angle to work with, Vahn quickly brought the red-haired beauty to the release her body craved; coinciding with his own voluminous release...

Feeling something hot spontaneously fill her insides, Aoko's first instinct was to lambast Vahn for cumming without letting her know. Before any words could leave her mouth, however, Aoko felt a surge of pleasure rob the ability to speak from her, the waves of her own climax tossing her about without mercy. It was unlike anything she had ever experienced before so, for a time, the only thing she could do was cling to Vahn as her spirit seemed to momentarily leave her body in a desperate attempt to escape the tumultuous sea of pleasure...

Vahn used the time when Aoko lost her faculties to move into a seated position, hugging her body tightly while taking a few deep breaths to calm himself down. Aoko's body actually siphoned off his energy when he released himself inside of her, nourishing her own body while leaving him drained.

Fortunately, Vahn had expected something like this to happen as Aoko's body was suffused with a considerable amount of Yang Elemental energy; a rare quality for a woman to possess. She lacked the 'virgin yin seed' that most women possessed, likely as a result of her body absorbing it when her power was maturing. He speculated this had something to do with her use of the Fifth Magic but, as even Aoko failed to understand all of its complexities, it was impossible to be certain.

All Vahn really knew was that Aoko's body was exceptionally 'greedy', even if her nature was that of an earnest and caring person. He had more than enough energy to spare but, to prevent Aoko from falling into an endless abyss of pleasure, Vahn had to forcibly sever the flow of energy, something that made Aoko released a frustrated moan as she put more strength into her arms. She didn't know what had changed but, with the sudden severance of energy, it was like falling from Heaven down to Earth in an instant.

As if she had a bucket of cold water poured over her, Aoko immediately regained her senses. Her body was still awash in the echoes of her earlier climax but, remembering what Vahn had done, she gave him a pointed look and complained, "You came inside me..." Though it didn't really bother her all that much, the fact Vahn did so without asking permission or warning her made Aoko feel a little annoyed.

Instead of denying the obvious, Vahn simply smiled in response to Aoko, admitting, "I did. Can you blame me...?"

Hearing the unexpected question, Aoko was momentarily at a loss. Then, after quickly reaching her own conclusions, a small blush spread across her cheeks as she murmured, "If you're going to be so careless, you had better be prepared to take responsibility."

It was now Vahn's turn to be at a loss but, realizing Aoko was essentially giving him permission to freely impregnate her, a glimmer flashed across his eyes. At the same time, his dragon, enjoying the warmth of its current home, twitched in response. This caused the blush on Aoko's face to become more prominent before; causing Vahn to nearly burst out laughing; she clenched her insides as if to answer in kind...


With the 'formalities' out of the way, Vahn enjoyed making love to both Aoko and Arcueid, their escapades lasting for nearly an entire day. This was possible due to Arcueid's ability to control the flow of time within her Marble Phantasm. Aoko also had the ability to alter, reverse, accelerate, or even freeze the state of her body. She used this to perform feats like preventing her own climax, extending the duration of especially pleasant orgasms, and supplying herself with an inexhaustible amount of stamina.

The most surprising use of her abilities, however, was when Aoko overlapped a thousand versions of herself onto the same axis of reality. This placed her in a state of pseudo-incorporeality, a form that generally made her immune to any kind of damage. Now, she used it to experience something even Da Vinci was unable to comprehend; first by overpowering Vahn, secondly by experiencing what it was like to climax as a thousand people simultaneously...

Fortunately, even though she had effectively overloaded her senses beyond conceivable realms of pleasure, Aoko recovered almost immediately as a quirk of the ability. There was always at least one version of herself that served as a 'baseline', a form she could instantly revert back to if her enemies somehow found a way to inflict her with something like a potent curse. Then, in what appeared to be an instant to other people, the afflicted versions of herself ceased to be; replaced by new versions of herself that were completely unaffected.

Using this ability, Aoko could effectively guarantee her 'victory' but, as could be expected, using such an ability for a long period of time came with a cost. Though she was effectively invincible during the ability's activation, Aoko's body would rapidly heat up as a quirk of overlapping thousands of Magic Circuits into a focal point of Space and Time. She managed to siphon away the vast majority of this heat by constantly replacing different versions of herself but; after a few minutes had passed, in real-time, Aoko would have to deactivate the ability to prevent her brain from being damaged by the strain and heat.

Despite this apparent weakness, Aoko was actually able to revert her 'real' body back to a point where it was unaffected by the overload but, for a very brief moment, she could be killed by a truly capable enemy.

The fact she was willing to reveal these things to him left a deep impression on Vahn's heart but, given that she only did so after effectively 'taking' him; he couldn't help but feel a little bittersweet about the whole ordeal. Since that minor victory essentially allowed him to do whatever he wanted after the fact, however; Vahn quickly got over it...

(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'A pride not easily relinquished...','Vahn and his talk-no-jutsu...','The Fifth Magic is quite OP o3o...')

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