Everyone Wants to Pamper the Bigshot Researcher After Her Rebirth!

Chapter 142: Consecutive Kills

Chapter 142: Consecutive Kills

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

In fact, Song Fan didn’t kill anyone. She knew that she couldn’t get rid of the body in this situation, so she just stabbed the knife in a random place. However, Song Yin didn’t think so. When she saw the mercenary fall, she really thought that he was dead.

This knowledge kept hitting her brain, causing her to look at Song Fan with fear in her eyes. She tried her best to retreat, wanting to escape.

Now, Song Fan was standing in the alley with a knife. There was blood of the mercenaries on her body. It was scary to look at.

Song Fan tilted her head and fixed Song Yin with a chilling smile. As Song Ting and Song Kai arrived in the alley, this unsettling tableau met their eyes. Before they could fully grasp the unfolding situation, the remaining mercenaries surged toward Song Fan, acutely aware of her formidable prowess. Upon realizing that their only option was to engage her head-on, they attacked with grim determination.

“Be careful!” Song Kai urgently exclaimed, his concern evident.

However, Song Fan’s reaction outpaced their warnings. With remarkable speed, she launched herself into action, her blade swiftly dispatching yet another adversary. She then pivoted to confront the remaining assailants in the brutal melee.

Although Song Kai harbored a fervent desire to rush to her aid, Song Ting intervened, adamantly dissuading him with a stark reminder. “With your skills, you’ll be courting death if you get involved.”

Despite Song Kai’s exceptional athleticism, honed through countless schoolyard altercations where he had always emerged victorious, confronting top-tier mercenaries presented an entirely different level of danger. Even ten Song Kais would likely prove insufficient against such highly skilled adversaries.

Upon recognizing the gravity of the situation, Song Ting refrained from impulsive action. Instead, he closely observed the ongoing skirmish, searching for the opportune moment to intervene.

He stared at the people in front of him. When Song Fan turned around, he picked up a rock from the ground and threw it at him. The mercenary reacted quickly and dodged, but it was this small action that gave Song Fan an opportunity.

She flew and kicked the man’s head. This kick used her strength to the fullest. The man’s neck made a clear sound and he fell to the ground, unable to get up again.

At this moment, Song Yin noticed Song Ting and Song Kai. She shouted, “Big

Brother, Fourth Brother, save me! She wants to kill me!”

At this moment, Song Fan was busy dealing with the remaining people. She said to Song Yin, “Shut up!”

These mercenaries were undeniably skilled professionals. After witnessing the fate of their two comrades, they had initially maintained a cautious distance from Song Fan. They intended not to leave any evidence behind. However, they could no longer care about this now.

In a swift and calculated motion, Mercenary A took a step back, covertly extracting his firearm under the concealment of Mercenary B. His intention was unequivocal: to dispatch Song Fan with a single, fatal shot.

However, Song Fan’s reaction outpaced their malevolent intent. With uncanny speed, she retrieved a firearm from her backpack and discharged it in the direction of the two mercenaries. The unsuspecting assailants hardly had an opportunity to respond before succumbing to their demise.

The unforeseen revelation left not only Song Yin but also Song Ting and Song Kai, who stood nearby, in stunned disbelief. The presence of a firearm, unlike an ordinary weapon such as a stick or dagger, was a breach of the law in the Country.

With a pragmatic approach, Song Fan squatted down to inspect the mercenaries’ vital signs. Her initial reluctance to kill them had been apparent, considering the complications associated with disposing of multiple corpses in the alley.

However, when confronted with the mercenaries’ intent to open fire, she had been compelled to act preemptively.

The mercenary, whose neck had been grievously injured but was somehow still alive, struggled to draw breath as Song Fan approached him. She inquired with a firm tone, “Whose money did you take to kill me?”

Song Fan was acutely aware of the answer to her question, and she posed it intentionally to let Song Ting and Song Kai, who were standing nearby, to hear the answer. Simultaneously, Song Yin’s anxiety reached its zenith, as she dreaded that the mercenary might divulge her involvement.

In a hurried attempt to insinuate herself into the situation, Song Yin rushed to Song Fan’s side and implored, “Sister, this person actually attacked you. Let’s quickly deal with him to avenge you.”

Her words were laced with an unusual urgency. Song Fan couldn’t help but smile, casting a sardonic glance in Song Ting’s direction. She retorted, “You claimed I was trying to kill you just moments ago, and now you’re standing beside me. Are you no longer afraid of death?” With a dismissive push, Song Fan distanced Song Yin.

It was only at that moment that Song Yin realized the inconsistency in her earlier statement. In her haste, she offered a hurried explanation, “I was terrified. I’ve never encountered a deceased person before.”

Song Fan, preoccupied with the unfolding situation, had no inclination to engage in an argument with her sister. She pointed her gun at the incapacitated mercenary on the ground and issued a stern ultimatum, “If you don’t speak up, I’ll expedite your journey to the afterlife.”

The mercenary stared at Song Yin, his mouth moved as if he were attempting to communicate something, but ultimately, his life waned, and his head slumped lifelessly.

Upon observing this, Song Yin heaved a sigh of relief, recognizing that the mercenary’s silence would preclude any accusations of her orchestrating Song Fan’s demise. Her next step would be to feign vulnerability before her brothers.

However, Song Fan wasn’t prepared to let Song Yin off the hook so easily. She crouched down and commenced searching through the mercenaries’ belongings…

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