Fantasy Farm

Chapter 103 - Hexagram

Chapter 103 - Hexagram

Edited by Zaki

The park near the company was usually overcrowded in the afternoon. There were aunts dancing in the park square, mothers pushing their children to play in the park, and occasionally some students holding drawing boards. All in all, the whole park was very lively.

Today, the weather was too hot, and there were not many people in the park. Lu Qingjiu and Bai Yuehu went to the Old Tree and sat down on the flower bed next to the Old Tree.

The scorching sun penetrated through the luxuriant branches and leaves of the Old Tree, casting mottled light and shadow on the ground. Lu Qingjiu reached out and touched the trunk of the Old Tree, calling out his friend’s name.

But the Old Tree never responded. When Lu Qingjiu became a little anxious, Bai Yuehu stood up and said that he would go to other places first, giving Lu Qingjiu the time and space.

Lu Qingjiu looked bewildered, not understanding why Yuehu was doing this. So Bai Yuehu explained: “It may have sensed my breath and dared not speak.”

Lu Qingjiu: “Ah” He hadn’t thought of this at all.

“It’s okay, you chat.” Bai Yuehu said, “I’ll wait for you at the gate of the park.”

With that said, he turned and left.

After Bai Yuehu left, about five or six minutes later, the Old Tree’s voice really sounded behind Lu Qingjiu, but there was a trembling taste in the voice: “Jiu’er, you, are you okay?”

Lu Qingjiu said, “I’m fine.”

The Old Tree said: “Why did you come back with the Chief Dragon? Such a terrifying creature.”

Lu Qingjiu thought in his heart, not only did I come back with the dragon, but I also fell in love with the dragon. Of course, he didn’t dare to provoke the Old Tree. He just explained that Bai Yuehu was different from ordinary dragons. He had a very good temper and never did something to hurt him.

The Old Tree was noncommittal to Lu Qingjiu’s statement, but kept saying that dragons were very dangerous creatures, and from the memory inheritance, humans who made good friends with dragons would not have a good end.

Lu Qingjiu just listened with a smile, and Old Tree also sensed a certain kind of determination from his silence. After a long sigh, he didn’t continue this topic and talked about other things.

A year was just a snap of the fingers for a long-lived spirit like Old Tree, but unlike those years before, Old Tree also had a companion to keep him company, and it seemed that life had become more interesting and not as boring as it used to be. Lu Qingjiu was originally a little worried about Old Tree and Wu Xiao, but now it seemed that the two were getting along well, so he was relieved.

Speaking of Wu Xiao, the Old Tree seemed to suddenly have a lot to say, saying that the other party was a knife-mouthed soft-hearted person. Although he spoke caustically, he was actually very understanding and spent a lot of time chatting with him. With such a partner, he was very happy. But the fly in the ointment was that after Wu Xiao could hear him, he could also hear some other non-human creatures, and even saw them occasionally, which added a lot of trouble to Wu Xiao.

Lu Qingjiu quietly listened to the Old Tree’s rambling, and felt as if he had returned to the most difficult time in those years. At that time, he had just joined the company and was not familiar with his other colleagues, but met the Old Tree by accident. The Old Tree liked to talk, advising Lu Qingjiu to bring an umbrella on rainy days, and to put on extra clothes on cold days, which helped Lu Qingjiu get through the worst years.

At this moment, the Old Tree’s old problem of rambling started again, and it took a long time to realize that he seemed to talk too much, and he was a little embarrassed and said: “Oh, you didn’t remind me, I have spoken for almost an hour. .”

Lu Qingjiu smiled: “It’s okay, you tell me, I’m willing to listen.”

The Old Tree whispered: “No, don’t make that dragon wait.”

Lu Qingjiu said: “It’s okay.” He had come back to the city after a long time, he believed Bai Yuehu could also understand his occasional willfulness.

The Old Tree said, “You really don’t plan to come back.”

“I won’t come back.” Lu Qingjiu’s tone was very firm, “But I will come to visit my parents’ grave every year, and we can see each other once a year.”

The Old Tree let out a regretful oh.

Lu Qingjiu glanced at his phone, and it was almost time for dinner with Zhu Miaomiao, so he got up and planned to bid farewell to the Old Tree, saying that he would come over to chat with the Old Tree after dinner.

The Old Tree mumbled for a while, as if he wanted to say something.

“Is there anything you want to tell me?” Lu Qingjiu asked, “Just tell me, I’m listening.”

The Old Tree replied: “Yes, actually…”

Lu Qingjiu said: “En?”

The Old Tree said: “Do you still remember the divination I made for your parents?”

Lu Qingjiu said: “Naturally I remember.” It was a coincidence that if Old Tree hadn’t told his parents’ fortune, he wouldn’t have returned to Shuifu Village, let alone knew Bai Yuehu.

The Old Tree said: “Do you think that the hexagram is accurate?”

“Quite accurate.” Lu Qingjiu said, “My parents did not die by accident.”

The Old Tree was silent for a moment, but his voice was a little low, and he said, “Actually, a few days before you came back, I also made a fortune for you.”

Lu Qingjiu said: “How is it?”

The Old Tree said, “It’s not very good.”

Lu Qingjiu sighed: “Very bad?”

The Old Tree said: “I don’t quite understand it.” He began to babble, “The hexagram says to keep you away from places near water, but it also says that life is in the water. Isn’t this contradictory?”

Lu Qingjiu said: “What did the hexagram say?”

The Old Tree recited the hexagram: “When the water runs out in the land of poor mountains, in a village of dark willows, it is difficult to keep flowers tomorrow. If you do not enter the water, assistance is unavoidable, and the mountains and rivers will not be restored.” This hexagram was different from ordinary hexagrams. This way was unique to the Tree Clan and the hexagram was hidden in the poems. This method usually consumed a lot of their vitality, so the Old Tree would rarely read the hexagrams. So far, it was only three times, two times for Lu Qingjiu, and one time for Wu Xiao.

After the previous hexagram was calculated, it was over, but after this hexagram was calculated, Old Tree felt scared. He felt a sense of crisis that he was almost discovered by spying on the Dao of Heavens. And Old Tree didn’t understand why Lu Qingjiu had anything to do with the Dao of Heavens at first. He didn’t understand the reason until he saw Bai Yuehu coming with Lu Qingjiu.

The dragon race was originally born in accordance with the Dao of Heavens. To be precise, they were the race that upholds the Dao. Lu Qingjiu, who had a relationship with dragons, was also inextricably linked with the Dao of Heavens, so this was probably the last time he would be able to tell Lu Qingjiu’s fortune.

Lu Qingjiu recited his own hexagram, and felt that there was an ominous atmosphere in it, but after reciting it carefully, he felt a little confused. The first part of the hexagram seemed to say that the road ahead was very difficult, but the next few sentences hinted at the vitality.

Lu Qingjiu let it settle within him, and finally said, “I know, I will be careful in the future.”

En.” The Old Tree muttered, “You have a good nature, and there are always rewards for good people, nothing will happen to you.”

Lu Qingjiu smiled and hummed in response.

Seeing that the time was almost up, he bid farewell to the Old Tree and went to pick up Bai Yuehu at the gate of the park.

Bai Yuehu asked what they were talking about, and Lu Qingjiu told Bai Yuehu the hexagram that the Old Tree had divined. After hearing this, Bai Yuehu frowned and fell into silence.

The two of them walked downstairs to the company with such a strange atmosphere, and happened to meet Zhu Miaomiao who was coming downstairs.

Zhu Miaomiao saw that the two of them were silent, and asked in confusion: “What’s the matter with you two, why don’t you speak?”

Lu Qingjiu said: “Nothing. I am just thinking about what I am going to make you buy.”

Zhu Miaomiao said: “Hah, no need to think about it, I’ve already thought about it. With Bai Yuehu here, we must go to the buffet.”

Lu Qingjiu: “….” That was indeed quite reasonable.

Rolling up her sleeves, Zhu Miaomiao said that she had already inquired about the famous buffets in the city a few days ago, chose one with a reasonable price and good taste, and waited for them to come. Lu Qingjiu accepted the challenge.

This buffet was different from the Japanese food that Tai Feng had invited them to last time. It was hot pot and barbecue. There was a simmering hot pot in the middle and a plate of barbecue next to it. The food here was kind of fresh, both cooked and raw, all of which they had to get themselves. After taking their seats, all kinds of food were quickly piled up in front of them, so much that the waiters passing by were stunned, probably worried that they would waste it.

But soon, the puzzled look on the side turned into astonishment, because the plates piled up with food began to decrease rapidly, Lu Qingjiu and Zhu Miaomiao were soon full, and they both began to feed Bai Yuehu. One person would heat the hot pot, the other would barbecue the meat, and Bai Yuehu was responsible for eating with chopsticks.

“My god, Bai Yuehu’s appetite is too big.” Zhu Miaomiao marvelled, “Now that there are so many big eaters, I think he can live broadcast himself eating and earn money..” Bai Yuehu’s appearance, coupled with this huge appetite, no matter how you look at it, he would be a hit in the eating and broadcasting world.

Lu Qingjiu smiled and said: “If you want to do live food broadcasting, you have to find something to eat first.”

Zhu Miaomiao asked: “Buffets?”

Lu Qingjiu said: “One meal is fine, eating the buffet clean everyday is not possible.”

Zhu Miaomiao took a look at the way Bai Yuehu ate, and felt that it made sense. To be honest, she really kind of suspected that he would be blacklisted by the restaurant owner next time.

As the empty plates next to Bai Yuehu piled up more and more, the eyes of people around became more and more surprised, and some people even picked up their mobile phones to take pictures. Lu Qingjiu saw the situation was not good and asked Bai Yuehu to finish quickly. If he continued to eat, he would be surrounded by people in the restaurant, and the restaurant might end up closing its business by 9 PM in the night.

When the three of them left, they looked like thieves who had stolen something. They didn’t even dare to look around and left the restaurant quickly.

When they got outside, Lu Qingjiu asked Zhu Miaomiao if she wanted to eat a cone to help digest the food, and Zhu Miaomiao happily agreed. Bai Yuehu still seemed a little unfulfilled, Lu Qingjiu cheekily leaned over and touched his belly, feeling that it still didn’t feel bulging to the touch, his abdominal muscles were clearly shaped under the T-shirt, and there was no sign of softening at all.

Lu Qingjiu touched his own stomach, and felt a small food belly. When he pressed a particular point, he felt nauseous, so he quickly withdrew his hand.

“Let’s find a place to sit and digest food,” Zhu Miaomiao suggested, “There are several good bars open around here.”

Lu Qingjiu said, “Do you still go there often?”

In the past, work was stressful, and Zhu Miaomiao liked to go clubbing when it was her day off, drinking and dancing, and if she was lucky, she would meet a few cute little brothers who struck up a conversation. Sometimes when she was drunk, Lu Qingjiu would help to send her home, because of this, every time Lu Qingjiu would tell Zhu Miaomiao to be careful when she went to play alone.

“No.” Zhu Miaomiao shook her head, “I’m getting old, I can’t jump anymore, now I have to add goji berry to a glass of beer, by the way, I remembered that there is a bar with red dates and goji berry beer that is super delicious, shall we go?”

Lu Qingjiu thought that it was still early anyway, and he had nothing to do when he returned to the hotel, so he agreed.

The three of them walked towards the bar. Zhu Miaomiao picked up the phone while nibbling on a cone. After a long time, she hung up the phone and said, “Boss Wu knows you’re here and wanted to come over for a drink. Do you mind?” ”

Lu Qingjiu said: “Wu Xiao?”

Zhu Miaomiao said, “Yes.”

Lu Qingjiu said: “Yes, that’s fine.” He also wanted to chat with Wu Xiao about his recent situation. When chatting with Old Tree in the afternoon, he learned from Old Tree that Wu Xiao’s condition was not good recently, and seemed to be always being disturbed by nightmares, because the Old Tree couldn’t leave the park, he couldn’t find out the reason for a while, and was quite worried. Lu Qingjiu thought that since Bai Yuehu was here anyway, why not ask Bai Yuehu to help Wu Xiao take a look, maybe he could find the reason.

Zhu Miaomiao talked about Wu Xiao, saying that his temper had improved a lot since Lu Qingjiu left, and that he had become more amiable, and the atmosphere in the team was much better.

Lu Qingjiu thought to himself that this might be because people were in good spirits on happy occasions.

Entering the bar, Zhu Miaomiao ordered drinks and snacks. This time she chose a corner table with a fairly quiet atmosphere. A singer with a guitar sat in the center of the stage and sang a niche song that few people had heard. Lu Qingjiu drank the goji berry and red date beer that Zhu Miaomiao had mentioned, but he didn’t expect the taste to be much better than he imagined, and he felt quite warm after drinking it.

Zhu Miaomiao ate potato chips and said, “Wu Xiao is here.”

Lu Qingjiu followed Zhu Miaomiao’s line of sight, and saw Wu Xiao. He had changed into a white shirt and jeans, and his tall and straight figure attracted the attention of many people as soon as he entered the bar. Of course, the most beautiful one had to be Bai Yuehu, although all of Bai Yuehu’s attention was on the fruit plate in front of him.

“Long time no see.” Wu Xiao sat down beside Lu Qingjiu and greeted him warmly.

“Long time no see, President Wu.” Lu Qingjiu smiled.

Wu Xiao frowned: “No need to be so formal, who is your President, you have already resigned. Just call me Wu Xiao.”

Lu Qingjiu responded with a smile.

He didn’t know if it was his own perception, or the lights here were too dim, after Lu Qingjiu sized Wu Xiao up, he felt that the other party’s complexion was a little ugly – he had purplish dark circles under his eyes, and he looked a bit haggard. Lu Qingjiu said: “Haven’t you rested well recently, why do you look so tired?”

Wu Xiao massaged the corners of his eyes, and said helplessly, “Yeah, I haven’t had a good rest recently.” He said and glanced at Zhu Miaomiao.

Lu Qingjiu understood Wu Xiao’s meaning, and said, “She knows everything, just tell me.” Wu Xiao was probably worried that Zhu Miaomiao didn’t know about those non-human things, so he gave Lu Qingjiu a look.

Wu Xiao heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the words, he raised his hand and unbuttoned his shirt, and sat down on the sofa without maintaining an upright sitting posture: “I can’t sleep recently, I always hear some kind of voices chattering in my ears.”

Lu Qingjiu: “Chattering?”

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“That’s right.” Wu Xiao said, “Sounds like human voices, but I can’t hear what’s being said, I feel I am going to have a mental breakdown.”

Lu Qingjiu asked: “Exactly how is it causing trouble?”

Wu Xiao replied: “I can’t say it well, anyway, it’s like talking to my ear.”

Lu Qingjiu ate the apple that Bai Yuehu fed to his mouth: “When do you usually hear these voices?”

Wu Xiao said: “Before I go to bed, I’m usually fine, but as soon as I go to sleep.” He rubbed his head irritably, “I also asked the Old Tree, but it said it couldn’t figure it out.”

Being able to hear the content of non-human beings was both good and bad for him. The good part was that he could communicate with the Old Tree without any hindrance, the bad part was that he would be forced to hear a lot of voices he didn’t want to hear, and sometimes he would also get into trouble that he shouldn’t have gotten into trouble with.

Lu Qingjiu said: “This sound is only heard in your home, or is it also heard when you sleep in other places?”

Wu Xiao said: “Both, but it is usually louder when I am at home.” His expression was helpless mixed with pleading, obviously he regarded Lu Qingjiu as a savior, “Qingjiu, you must help me, if I can’t get rid of these voices, I’m going to have schizophrenia.”

Lu Qingjiu said: “Yuehu, is there any way?”

Bai Yuehu was still busy with the fruit plate, and when he heard Lu Qingjiu’s question, he reluctantly put down the toothpick in his hand and looked at Wu Xiao.

Wu Xiao’s back was chilled by Bai Yuehu’s cold gaze. It was the first time he saw Bai Yuehu, and he noticed the unusual aura on Bai Yuehu as soon as he sat down. He was still considering whether or not to greet Bai Yuehu, but seeing that Lu Qingjiu didn’t intend to introduce him, he simply gave up. At this time, being stared at by Bai Yuehu with unkind eyes, he actually felt a sense of crisis that scraped in his back.

“Ah, I forgot to introduce him.” Lu Qingjiu said, “This is my boyfriend, named Bai Yuehu.”

Wu Xiao was stunned, as if he was taken aback by Lu Qingjiu’s straightforward introduction, he was quiet for a while, and then whispered: “You are gay.”

Lu Qingjiu said: “It should be.”

Wu Xiao: “Then previously as well you….”

Lu Qingjiu said: “Only when I met him did I realize that men seem to be fine too.”

Bai Yuehu stared at Wu Xiao coldly and asked, “What’s the problem?”

Wu Xiao quickly shook his head to indicate that there was no problem at all, and he also saw that Bai Yuehu had to help him in this matter, not to mention that Bai Yuehu was a man, even if Bai Yuehu was a grass on the side of the road, he had to say that the two people are really very good match!

Lu Qingjiu smiled and told Bai Yuehu not to scare Wu Xiao, and Bai Yuehu looked away.

Wu Xiao felt his back was wet with sweat, and he didn’t know what was going on with him. He was obviously used to tense situations, but he was frightened by the eyes of the person in front of him and fell silent. It seemed that the survival instinct engraved in his bones was telling him that he must not move, if he moved, his head would be bitten off!

“I can’t see the reason.” Bai Yuehu said, “His aura is very chaotic.” He raised his eyelids lazily, “He went somewhere he shouldn’t have gone to.”

Wu Xiao laughed awkwardly.

Lu Qingjiu hurriedly asked where Wu Xiao had gone, Wu Xiao stammered for a few sentences, seeing that he couldn’t muddle through he had to confess, saying that after he was able to understand the conversations of the non-humans, he discovered a very interesting place. There was a place where a bazaar would open once in a while, and the non-humans in it would sell a lot of knick-knacks in the bazaar. After he found out, he was worried that the Old Tree would not let him go, so he concealed the matter. He went there secretly a few times. The first few times there were no accidents, but after he came back last month, he began to hear strange voices in his ears, and he didn’t dare to tell the Old Tree, so he could only bite the bullet and hold on. He planned to find a time to come to Shuifu Village to ask Lu Qingjiu, but he found out that Lu Qingjiu would make a trip in August, so he didn’t go over there.

After hearing this, Lu Qingjiu and Zhu Miaomiao both showed expressions that you really know how to die.

Zhu Miaomiao said even more bluntly: “President Wu, I didn’t really think you would be like this. You are such a calm person, but you still have this childlike innocence.”

Wu Xiao coughed dryly, with an embarrassing expression on his face, and said, “Isn’t this curiosity?”

Zhu Miaomiao: “But you can’t risk your life to be curious.”

Wu Xiao said: “Miaomiao…”

Zhu Miaomiao: “Yes?”

Wu Xiao said: “You asked me about the cleansing seaweed, I bought it from that market.”

Zhu Miaomiao: “…..” She was silent for half a minute, and then said in a low voice, “President Wu, next time take me along with you as well, okay?.”

Wu Xiao: “Heh.”

Lu Qingjiu, beside them, couldn’t stand it anymore and said, “You two are more or less the same, what kind of cleansing seaweed can be exchanged for a life”.

Zhu Miaomiao replied softly, saying that the cleansing seaweed was very useful, blackheads were all gone after one use, and it was a beauty tool when paired with honey from Lu Qingjiu’s house. All the ladies in the company wanted to get it, unfortunately it was only a small jar.

Lu Qingjiu heard the melancholy in her tone, and was quite exasperated at her.

Wu Xiao got excited, and introduced several interesting little things, such as a comfortable cushion to sit on, a sachet that could make dreams come true after smelling it, and an apple that could never be eaten. Lu Qingjiu clearly noticed that when Wu Xiao introduced the endless apples, Bai Yuehu’s eyes, who was sitting next to him, lit up very obviously, full of expectation.

Lu Qingjiu: “That’s almost enough ah, are you here to sell amenities or to solve problems ah!

Wu Xiao quickly shut up, saying that he came to solve the problem.

“Let’s do this. Let’s go to your house and see these items.” Zhu Miaomiao was already gearing up, “Didn’t you say that the situation at home is the most serious? The source must be at home.”

Wu Xiao: “Shall we go?” He looked at Bai Yuehu and Lu Qingjiu.

Bai Yuehu didn’t speak, but Lu Qingjiu already knew what his vixen was thinking at this time, and there was a bit of doting helplessness in his tone: “Okay, go and have a look.”

Zhu Miaomiao: “Yay!”

Wu Xiao: “Yay!”

Bai Yuehu reservedly didn’t yay, but the shining eyes had already yayed for his mouth.

So the four of them settled the bill, went out and got into Lu Qingjiu’s minivan. Sitting in the back seat, Wu Xiao casually asked when Lu Qingjiu bought this car, and if it was quite new.

Lu Qingjiu said very frankly that this car was not bought, but it was a shapeshifter.

“Which animal shapeshifted?” Zhu Miaomiao excitedly said, “Is it a horse?” Just like the white dragon horse drawn in the comics.

Lu Qingjiu said, “No.”

“Then?” Zhu Miaomiao asked.

Lu Qingjiu said: “It’s a slug.”

Both Zhu Miaomiao and Wu Xiao were stunned, as if digesting the name slug.

Afraid that they didn’t understand, Lu Qingjiu explained thoughtfully: “The common name is slug.”

The next moment, Zhu Miaomiao screamed sharply in the car: “Ahhhhh, shut up, stop talking, I don’t want to listen, I don’t want to listen!”

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