Fantasy Farm

Chapter 120 - Extra 3 – Yin Xun

Chapter 120 - Extra 3 – Yin Xun

Edited by Zaki

For Yin Xun, life in Shuifu Village was very ordinary and dull.

He left early and came home late, planting fields with poor harvests. His relationship with his neighbors was neither good nor bad. Just like this, Yin Xun had almost no sense of belonging here, even though he was born here and had never left this place. His childhood memories of the Mountain God were blurred, and he had heard almost all the descriptions of the man from his Grandparents. When his Mother abandoned him here as a monster, Yin Xun already understood his fate. He was destined to never leave this place, this prison.

Due to physical problems, Yin Xun could not cook food, so he ate raw food most of the time. Potatoes, sweet potatoes, tomatoes and cucumbers were dug out from the ground and put into his mouth to eat a few mouthfuls to satisfy his hunger. Although he was not starving to death, he was not living a good life either. Occasionally, when the harvest was better and there were more vegetables, he would hitch a ride on someone else’s truck in the village and go to the town to sell it and buy some delicious food.

Fortunately, there was enough food on the mountain to prevent Yin Xun from starving to death. However, the most frustrating thing was his body, that would not die. He was different from ordinary people. Unlike normal people, his body was made of strange jelly-like objects, not only did he feel very little pain from injuries, he would also recover automatically after a while. Although he didn’t know what he was, Yin Xun realized that he was definitely different from normal people.

A life as calm as water makes people extraordinarily desperate. Just when Yin Xun thought he would live like this for the rest of his life, a miracle suddenly occurred – Lu Qingjiu came back.

Lu Qingjiu was Yin Xun’s childhood friend. All his happy memories were related to Lu Qingjiu. When he learned that Lu Qingjiu wanted to return to Shuifu Village and would never leave again, Yin Xun was overjoyed. The happy memories of his childhood came to mind again. Yin Xun ate the food Lu Qingjiu made for him, and for the first time he felt that his empty heart seemed to be filled with something.

The days that followed were fulfilling and happy, and the family gradually became lively. The Bai Yuehu who pretended to be a vixen, Dang Kang who was being raised as a pig, the group of chickens with extremely powerful fighting abilities in the yard, the bees and the female ghost in the backyard.

Yin Xun was addicted to this seemingly ordinary life. He never knew that this small corner that he used to think of as a prison could be so fun.

For the first time, Yin Xun no longer longed to leave here as before. Although he was occasionally afraid of Lu Qingjiu leaving, the pain in his heart that had lasted for many years was miraculously healed.

A barren grave was still a barren grave, but the crow sitting on it had stopped crowing, because the person he called for had returned.

As for Bai Yuehu and Lu Qingjiu’s falling in love, Yin Xun had been in a state of trepidation. He received the inheritance from previous generations of Mountain Gods, so in his memory, terrifying creatures like Dragons should have been extinct long ago. Looking at Bai Yuehu’s high energy now, if he could, he would just want to be thousands of miles away from Bai Yuehu. After all, for such a terrifying creature as a Dragon, in his eyes, he was nothing more than a food reserve to fill his teeth. But Lu Qingjiu was indifferent to the terrifying aura of the Dragon Clan, and even… fell in love with a Dragon.

When he first learned about this, Yin Xun was almost stunned. His first reaction was that Lu Qingjiu was going to be eaten by the Dragon. But later he found out that Bai Yuehu had no such intention, and he started to worry again about something else.

The origin of this worry was due to a certain movie on the computer.

It was a sad accident. Both he and Lu Qingjiu saw the content of the film and were instantly shocked by the wonders of human body science.

“Do you think it’s feasible?” Yin Xun asked his friend in a trembling voice, “Isn’t this too scary?”

Lu Qingjiu: “It’s okay, I will be gentler to him!”

Yin Xun: “…” He was silent for three seconds, deciding not to break Lu Qingjiu’s beautiful delusion. Although Bai Yuehu looked beautiful, no matter how he thought about it, he would never be the person below.

Then, as Yin Xun expected, Lu Qingjiu disappeared one morning and did not appear in the living room until the next afternoon and with him was Bai Yuehu with a satisfied look on his face. A tear of sympathy fell from the corner of Yin Xun’s eyes, but he still pretended to be shocked and said, “Jiu’er, why are you limping?”

Lu Qingjiu gritted his teeth and said that it was nothing, he just accidentally fell on his own and told Yin Xun not to worry.

Yin Xun stared at Bai Yuehu’s unkind gaze and vaguely understood something in his heart. He didn’t dare to ask any more questions and quickly changed the subject.

But from then on, this incident became a thorn in Yin Xun’s heart. He began to think, could two men really be happy together? Just judging from the video images, this kind of behavior looked painful no matter how you looked at it.

This problem troubled Yin Xun for many years until he and Shaohao became friends.

The relationship between Yin Xun and Shaohao developed by leaps and bounds after Lu Qingjiu’s accident. When the two worlds merged, Shuifu Village no longer needed the Mountain God. Yin Xun could finally realize his wish and leave Shuifu Village.

But when the long-awaited thing finally became a reality, Yin Xun found that he was not as happy as he had imagined. He saw the scenery outside and tasted the food outside, but what he always remembered was about the dilapidated old house at home and his friend’s amazing cooking skills.

Although he went to many places, Yin Xun would return to Shuifu Village every once in a while to help Xiaohua and Xiaohei with the housework at home that they couldn’t do by themselves clean the room and the yard, and keep the home as it was when Lu Qingjiu left.

Shaohao knew that Yin Xun was back, so he sent him a message and invited him to his home for dinner.

Originally, Yin Xun was a little afraid of Shaohao. After all, the last time they met, Shaohao looked like he was salivating over his body. But Yin Xun recalled that time when the giant beast couldn’t almost survive when it had just eaten half of his body, and felt that he wasn’t that weak, at least he wouldn’t be eaten completely.

Besides, Shaohao was an old acquaintance of Lu Qingjiu, so there was no harm in meeting him.

With this thought in mind, Yin Xun went to the appointment.

Shaohao prepared a large table of delicious food for Yin Xun and invited Yin Xun to sit down and stared at him with a smile.

Yin Xun was a little creeped out by being stared at. He carefully took a bite of the food on the table and said, “What can I do for you?”

Shaohao: “Nothing, I just wanted to chat with you.”

Yin Xun: “Oh.”

Shaohao suddenly asked: “Do you get diarrhea from eating yourself?”

Yin Xun blinked: “No.”

Shaohao: “So only other people will get diarrhea if they eat you?”

Yin Xun nodded obediently.

Shaohao however, became interested, his gaze almost frozen on Yin Xun’s body, his voice slowing down, “I want to give it a try.”

Just when Yin Xun was about to ask Shaohao what he wanted to try, the man sitting next to him grabbed his chin, and then a gentle kiss fell. Yin Xun’s eyes widened and tried to retreat, but Shaohao held him down by the back of his head to deepen the kiss.

“Breathe.” He didn’t know how long the kiss lasted. When even Yin Xun, who was not human, felt a lack of oxygen, the man in front of him backed away slightly and said this word with a smile in his tone.

“You, you, you -” Yin Xun was so frightened that he almost fell to the ground in his shock and it took him a while to recover. His whole face was flushed and he was struck dumb. Although he and Lu Qingjiu talked about wanting to fall in love every day when they were in Shuifu Village, in his mind, love was only with girls. Although there were examples like Lu Qingjiu and Bai Yuehu, how dare Yin Xun compare himself with a Dragon.

Shaohao laughed. He was already handsome, and the tattoo on his chin now bloomed slightly along with his smile, but it brought a kind of charm that people could not take their eyes off of, his finger heavily rubbed on Yin Xun’s lips as he said in a low voice, “It seems to be fine.”

Yin Xun quickly stood up and took a few steps back. His face was extremely frightened, and he finally said: “What are you doing, how can you mess with a loved one! Loved ones should be responsible!”

Shaohao said calmly: “Of course I can take responsibility.”

Yin Xun: “…”

Shaohao added: “It seems there is nothing wrong with kissing.” At least there was no stomach pain.

Yin Xun’s cheeks were almost on fire from being stared at by Shaohao. He mustered up his courage and gave the other man an angry look: “How could you do such a thing without my consent!”

Shaohao looked innocent: “Sorry, I couldn’t hold it back for a while. I will definitely ask you first next time.”

Yin Xun wanted to say something more, but under Shaohao’s frank gaze, he was actually uncharacteristically weak-minded, mumbling for a long time without saying anything with sense. However, Shaohao saw his embarrassed look and helped him gently. He pulled up the stool again and motioned for him to sit down.

“Have you ever been in love?” Shaohao asked.

Yin Xun shook his head.

Shaohao: “Want to try it?”

Yin Xun looked at Shaohao warily: “Although I want to give it a try, it’s definitely not with you.” He remembered how this man coveted his body, and he had to cut off one of his fingers to preserve his chastity.

It was okay not to mention it, but once it was mentioned, Shaohao’s expression twisted. He obviously remembered the scene when he had diarrhea and almost died in the toilet. At that time, he even thought that Yin Xun was messing with him on purpose, but after a careful observation, he realized that this little Mountain God was really stupid.

The more he observed, the more interesting the other party became. After getting a lot of information about Yin Xun from Zhu Rong, Shaohao still didn’t understand what was going on with him, but he became more and more interested in Yin Xun.

Shaohao didn’t mind Yin Xun’s rejection at all, and said warmly: “In case you think it’s also good, you can try it first, and ……” He deliberately tried to build suspense and baited the other party.

“And what?” Yin Xun took the bait as expected.

“Moreover, you’ve never been in love before, in case you meet someone you like in the future you won’t know how to chase after them.” Shaohao blinked his eyes and seduced the ignorant little Mountain God in front of him with an innocent look, “Let’s try first.”

Yin Xun looked at Shaohao suspiciously: “How to try?”

Shaohao replied: “Don’t you want to go out and travel around? I’ll accompany you.”

Yin Xun: “Are you really going to accompany me?” To be honest, if Shaohao had proposed other methods, Yin Xun would have refused immediately. However with this method, Yin Xun hesitated just a bit, although traveling alone was his spontaneous decision, it would be a bit lonely in the end, and it was naturally the best thing if someone accompanied him, but ……

“You don’t care about your bird garden?” Yin Xun asked.

Shaohao: “The passage between the two realms has been blocked, and non-human beings who could threaten the birds can’t get through. It’s a waste of time for me to stay here, it’s better to travel around.” His tone was very sincere, “Besides, the Human World has indeed changed tremendously in recent years. It’s time to get to know it again.”

Yin Xun was still hesitant.

Shaohao however, had already thrown out a bigger bargaining chip, saying that he knew foreign countries well and had no difficulty with the language. If Yin Xun was willing, he could help him get a passport and the two of them could go to other countries together.

Yin Xun was finally moved by Shaohao’s offer, but he still maintained his last sense of reason and made a pact with Shaohao, saying that Shaohao could not force himself on him during the trip, but had to respect each other and so on and on.

Shaohao agreed, with a gentlemanly look on his face. If he hadn’t forcefully kissed Yin Xun just now, Yin Xun might have really believed it.

The journey began like this. Yin Xun thought that the journey would end when Lu Qingjiu came back, but he did not expect that the end point for himself and Shaohao would be the end of their lives.

——– END OF NOVEL ——–

Ela ~~ When I was thinking about a novel to translate, FF was not at the top of my list at all. But I read comments and saw that readers were requesting this book a lot. I read the initial translation and was really hooked by the story line – the characters pulled me in – it was fun, it was supernatural, there was yummy food – everything pulled me and I wanted to read more.

And the book needed a translator, so I decided to pick it up. The best decision ever.

I am so glad I could complete Lu Qingjiu’s and Bai Yuehu’s journey with you all.

Even though there were only 25 chaps left to finish the translation, each chap was 6k! It was really difficult some days. But my beautiful editor Zaki always had my back.

Your lovely comments helped me as well. Some days I was even disappointed when I would not get any comments and those days Zaki would remind me why I started translating this particular novel.

I am glad I am done with this novel – I hope everyone enjoyed the translation as well. Thank you for joining this journey with me

I have started a new novel – When the Wolf goes out and enters the Escape Game – I hope you will join me there – it’s a short infinite flow novel.

Thank you everyone!

Zaki~~I’m sorry, although I had to read from the start to get the general flow of the story so I could give justice to it when editing, I really couldn’t say anything about Jiu’er and Yuehu’s love story… as the only thing that had registered in my mind during those times were the food, the food and the food… I spent most of my time googling those foods… and it kept me going through the 6k+ words per chapter, until I noticed that this was the last chapter.

Thank you everyone for joining us in getting hungry every chapter. I am so happy that you suffered from drooling with us, and ordering take-aways or cooking midnight snacks ( as I always did).

Thank you all to those who supported this novel and I hope to see you all again in Ela’s new project (as I’m also stuck to her) and of course in Love the Villain, where she’s also a Co-TL.

Happy Reading Guys!!! Love you all!!

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