Fantasy Farm

Chapter Ch40.1 - Troublesome matter

Chapter Ch40.1 - Troublesome matter

translator: baumkuchen  editor: ellabells

Knowing that there was a monster lying atop his own body, Pang Ziqi’s expression really wasn’t good. But the main point wasn’t about him but about the Rain Master’s Concubine. Upon hearing the full story, Lu Qingjiu didn’t know what to do for a long time. It’s not like he could run to Shandong and dig up the Rain Master’s Concubine’s grave. Besides, by the time he reached there, Pang Ziqi’s body probably would’ve already gone cold.

The superior that Pang Ziqi mentioned came unexpectedly quick, arriving at the hospital at about six pm, just in time to bump into Lu Qingjiu and Yin Xun who were just about to leave.

The man was dressed in the garb of a Taoist priest, even holding a horsetail whisk in his hand and with a long goatee on his face. He looked like the very picture of a sage.

However, when Pang Ziqi saw him, his mood clearly became worse. He asked, “Why is it you?”

“Aiya, little friend, what do you mean by those words,” The Taoist priest spoke in a genteel manner, “This one has travelled thousands of li just to come and pay you a visit, how can you have this kind of attitude?”

“Damn it, Wan Yuquan, I’m already about to die, can’t you just talk properly?” When Pang Ziqi heard the way his co-worker spoke, he instantly exploded with rage.

Wan Yuquan shook his head wordlessly, the image of “Pang Ziqi’s beyond help”. Standing off to the side, Lu Qingjiu strongly suspected that if not for the fact that Pang Ziqi’s legs were injured, he would have stood up and attacked this Taoist priest called Wan Yuquan by now.

“Then you guys take your time and talk, I’ll be going first.” Seeing that the situation wasn’t good, Lu Qingjiu grabbed Yin Xun, turned around and slipped out.

Sure enough, they had slipped away just in time because right after they stepped out of the ward, a fierce argument erupted in the ward behind them, even accompanied by the sound of things being thrown.

Lu Qingjiu and Yin Xun got onto the pickup truck and slowly lumbered back home.

After getting home, they told Bai Yuehu about what had happened at the hospital. Bai Yuehu didn’t express any opinions on the matter after hearing about it, only saying a vague line of, “The stuff in Tanggu is delicious.”

Lu Qingjiu, “…Are you talking about Shandong’s regional specialities?”

Bai Yuehu blinked. “Probably?”

Lu Qingjiu, “…” Alright then, they were definitely talking about two different things.

“I don’t know if they’ll be able to deal with the Rain Master’s Concubine’s corpse.” Yin Xun was very worried about Pang Ziqi’s situation. “If they can’t, then Pang Ziqi will probably be done for.”

Hearing this, Lu Qingjiu didn’t speak, just reaching out a hand and touching his back. He really didn’t want to be followed by that woman. If he hadn’t been able to see her, that would have been fine, but the problem was that he could see her perfectly clear. Also, she followed so closely, when he showered, wouldn’t it be incredibly embarrassing to be stared at so closely by a woman?

Bai Yuehu looked at the sky, then spoke, “It might rain over there tomorrow. I’ll go there the day after tomorrow.”

Lu Qingjiu hadn’t thought that Bai Yuehu would actually be willing to act. But besides the pleasant surprise, there was some slight worry. “Didn’t you say it would be very troublesome?”

Bai Yuehu, “……It is very troublesome.” He thought for a moment. “It’ll be fine if you go with me.”

Lu Qingjiu asked, “Go where?”

Bai Yuehu, “The tomb.”

Before Lu Qingjiu could reply, Yin Xun who was next to him slapped a hand on his thigh excitedly, saying that he thought Lu Qingjiu’s life was a farming story, but in the end, there was an unexpected mystery hidden within. After this battle, Lu Qingjiu would surely make a name for himself on this path and go on to live the exciting, thrilling life of a tomb robber.

Lu Qingjiu gave Yin Xun a look and said matter-of-factly, “Anyone who steals from or digs up ancient cultural sites or ancient tombs of historical, artistic or scientific value shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of no less than three years and no more than ten years.”

Yin Xun, “……”

Lu Qingjiu, “Buddy, wake up. We’re currently living in a society with a legal system and legal institutions.”

Yin Xun finally cried, saying that he wasn’t listening, he wasn’t listening, this wasn’t like the plot he’d written. Lu Qingjiu just wanted to give his head a few whacks after hearing this —— This Yin Xun who made trouble without reason was really becoming more and more like a bear child.

After the tantrum was over, and each said their goodbyes and went back home. Lu Qingjiu went to bed and slept until dawn.

Even though Bai Yuehu had said it would rain in Shandong today, it was a bright and sunny day where they were. Lu Qingjiu placed the seeds he had bought a few days ago into salt water to soak and gave them to Bai Yuehu to prepare to go to the fields for planting.

The weather at the beginning of September had already gradually turned cold. The osmanthus trees planted in the courtyard were also budding tiny flowers. Even standing far away, one would be able to smell the elegant fragrance of osmanthus.

Once the osmanthus flowers bloomed, Lu Qingjiu wanted to pick a few flowers to make osmanthus cake. The osmanthus cake made by his grandma was especially delicious; fragrant, chewy, soft and sweet, both not overly sweet and with the unique taste of osmanthus. It was one of Lu Qingjiu’s favourite desserts from his memories.

Fortunately or unfortunately, Zhu Miaomiao, who hadn’t contacted them in a long time, gave Lu Qingjiu a call, saying that the lakes had opened up a few days ago and she had gotten a batch of high-quality Yangcheng Lake hairy crabs, and asked Lu Qingjiu if he wanted any.

Lu Qingjiu was currently pulling weeds in the courtyard. Using his shoulder to keep his phone against his ear, he said, “Okay, I’ll send you an address, you can send them there.”

Zhu Miaomiao said then she would find a time to mail them over so he would be able to eat them earlier and to not let them die, because it would be too much of a waste.

Lu Qingjiu nodded, saying okay.

After hanging up, Lu Qingjiu asked Yin Xun and Bai Yuehu if they liked crab and if they liked them steamed or in chili.

“Crab?” Yin Xun scratched his head. “I’ve never had it before.” There was little water in Shuifu village and it was far away from any lake. There were practically no aquatic products here. Of course, this wasn’t the main reason why he had never had crab, it was because of his lack of money —— Poverty made it so that Yin Xun had no mortal desires.

Bai Yuehu replied, “I’ve seen them, never eaten them. They look like they don’t taste good.”

Hearing this, a great pity for the both of them immediately burst forth from Lu Qingjiu’s heart. Crabs were good things. One could just steam them, and if one disdained steamed crabs for being too bland, making them into chili crab was also a very good option. Every year, Lu Qingjiu would buy ten or so crabs to have a good meal. This year, he had been quite busy, so he’d forgotten.

As Lu Qingjiu thought about how he was going to cook the crabs, next to him, Yin Xun was a little dissatisfied, saying, “Jiu-er ah, you’ll be going to the tomb tomorrow, aren’t you going to do something for it today?”

Lu Qingjiu, “…What do I need to do before going to the tomb?”

Yin Xun, “Prepare some equipment, like Luoyang shovels?”

Lu Qingjiu looked at Yin Xun, doubtful, “Where did you learn about this? It’s not from reading novels, is it?”

Yin Xun smiled sheepishly.

“I don’t think that I need to prepare anything,” Lu Qingjiu said, “Anyways, I’m just there to join in on the action.” The main thing was that they still need to see what Bai Yuehu says.

Yin Xun had an expression full of unwillingness but didn’t dare say it in front of Bai Yuehu. Bai Yuehu didn’t oppose what Lu Qingjiu had said. After getting a silent agreement, Lu Qingjiu went off to make some soy sauce.

Even though they had decided to deal with this matter tomorrow, things on Pang Ziqi’s end weren’t looking very optimistic. Hu Shu called to say that another incident had occurred the night before. Air had inexplicably appeared in his IV. If not for a nurse noticing in time, he might have already been done for.

And the worst thing was that even though the higher-ups knew about this situation and had sent people over, if they really were to deal with it, it might still need ten or so days. And with Pang Ziqi’s current state where he might lose his life at any time, he would definitely be unable to last until then.

Lu Qingjiu thought about it, but in the end, he still didn’t tell Hu Shu that he and Bai Yuehu would also be making a trip over. After all, this was something he was doing in secret. And if one considered carefully, it was illegal and Hu Shu was still a police officer…

Just like that, a day went by peacefully. It was now the morning of the third day.

Bai Yuehu had decided on a time in advance with Lu Qingjiu, saying that they would set out after breakfast. Lu Qingjiu asked how they were going to go over there and if he needed to book the plane tickets in advance. Bai Yuehu shook his head, telling Lu Qingjiu not to worry about that. As long as he followed him, it would be fine.

So after breakfast, under Yin Xun’s expectant and envious gaze, Lu Qingjiu left the house with Bai Yuehu.

“Go early and come back early.” Yin Xun reluctantly waved to them in the courtyard. “Be safe.”

“En,” Lu Qingjiu said, “Watch the pot as it cooks, don’t let it turn to paste, we’ll be back really soon.”

Yin Xun said, “Relax, I’ll obediently watch the house, it’s not like I’m a three year old.” After saying this, he felt like the atmosphere was strange. After reflecting on it for a while, he finally realised what wasn’t right. “Lu Qingjiu, why do you sound so much like my grandpa?”

Lu Qingjiu, “Stupid Yin Xun, I’m not your grandpa.”

Yin Xun, “…”

Lu Qingjiu, “I’m your dad.”

Yin Xun picked up the broom lying at the side of the courtyard and tried to attack Lu Qingjiu. Seeing the situation wasn’t good, Lu Qingjiu rushed off.

As for how exactly they were going to get to Shandong, Lu Qingjiu was still really curious about it. But Bai Yuehu didn’t have any plans to explain, just leading Lu Qingjiu up the mountain. When they reached the peak of the desolate mountain, Bai Yuehu suddenly reached his hand out to Lu Qingjiu, signalling him to take a hold of his hand.

This wasn’t the first time they held hands, so Lu QIngjiu didn’t feel awkward about it at all.

The warmth of Bai Yuehu’s hand was a little cooler than the average person, slightly icy. As Lu Qingjiu held his hand, he saw a thick black fog rise up around them. This thick fog wrapped both of their bodies up within it. Following that, Lu Qingjiu’s vision went dark, losing consciousness for a few seconds. When he came to again, the surrounding fog was slowly dissipating… they had arrived at a completely unfamiliar place.

This place was a desolate countryside, with overgrown weeds as far as the eye could see, and no hints of human civilization.

“Where’s the tomb?” Lu Qingjiu asked frantically.

Bai Yuehu pointed to the ground below their feet.

Below them was solid soil. Lu Qingjiu glance down, then turned to look at Bai Yuehu with helpless eyes. “Then how are we going to get in?”

Bai Yuehu thought for a moment. “We should probably be a little more polite.”

Lu Qingjiu, “En?”

Bai Yuehu, “Knock on the door before entering.”

Lu Qingjiu, “…”

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