Fate Online: Shadow

Chapter 440: A Ruse

Chapter 440: A Ruse

“W-what are you doing?! Ahcck!!”

The stifling anger inside Olivia finally exploded like a volcano when she came face to face with her ex-husband, and so she suddenly charged forward as she pounced like a tigress towards the man that was too shocked to move due to her unexpected actions, and only when he fell on the ground with Olivia on top of him did he manage to snap out of it!

Unfortunately for him, it was already second too late since Olivia’s fist is already coming down on him like a hammer of justice!

“Did you..”


“Know how”




“I was when I heard that my daughter got kidnapped, haa!?”

Pow! Pow! Pow!

“Stoph phit!”

With a hand grabbing on his collar, Olivia started punching her ex-husband’s face with her free hand, while the Police Captain just watched on the side with no intention of stopping her as he was also busy observing their surroundings.

On the other hand, the civilians around them were too shocked to move from their positions when they saw the scene happening before their eyes.

“S-stop her or she’s going to kill the man!” Someone finally regained their senses after a few seconds and immediately started shouting, which was quickly followed by a couple of men who hurriedly ran towards Olivia and pulled her away from the bloodied man on the ground.

“Everyone move out of your positions and immediately depart for Hilton Hotel!! Move! Move! Move! Hurry your ass up!”

Realizing that Olivia’s ex-husband seemed to have really come by himself, the police captain immediately radioed his men as the sense of unease he had been getting earlier had intensified when he saw how they easily “rescued” Summer from her father.

“Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t! It seems this kidnapping was really just a ruse for their real purpose!”

The police captain was almost going crazy from thinking how they had been duped! He should have just followed his guts!

And while he was lost in his own thoughts, the crowd had finally broken Olivia away from her ex-husband and with Summer already hugging her legs with her eyes shining in amazement while looking at her now beaten up biological father.

She might be young for her age, but she already had an inkling that her own father had taken her away just from the fact that he forcefully took her somewhere without her mom’s permission.

After all, before Randy got into the picture, their father would always ask their mom for visitation rights or more commonly known as parenting time, and Olivia had already warned her kids, especially Summer that her father could be planning to take them away from her if she didn’t give him permission to spend with his kids.

Olivia finally snapped out of her anger and remembered the child hugging her thigh, and immediately picked her up and hugged her tight, “Are you okay baby? Did he hurt you?”

With a smile on her face, Summer said, “I’m okay mom, they didn’t do anything to me, but mom! I didn’t know you were a boxer!? That guy didn’t even hold a candle against you!”

Olivia was already walking away from the chaotic scene behind her when Summer said those words, so she couldn’t help but laugh while wondering whom she learned those words from, “Hey now, don’t be like that baby, he’s still you father”

With a pout that made her really cute, Summer replied, “But Dad fights well though”

Olivia stopped in her tracks when she heard that, and with an eyebrow raised, she looked at the little angel in her arms and asked a series of questions in surprise, “Dad? Who are you referring to? Are you talking about Randy? Since when did you start calling him dad?”

Summer looked at her surprised mother, and with a hand on her mouth, she giggled mischievously, “Hehe, I’m not sure mom, probably…when he defeated those bad guys who were bullying Cathy when we went to get food at Burger Queen? He was so cool mom! He defeated them with pow pow pow! And, and, and, all of them started sleeping on the ground mom, they were so weird! They weren’t scared of getting cold sleeping on the floor!”

Olivia was laughing as she listened to her story, and while she was listening to her daughter talk as they walked, she finally noticed that the police captain had disappeared, probably in the ensuing chaos earlier, and was now only being escorted by a lone female police officer.

“Where did the captain go?” asked Olivia to the officer as she slowed down.

The female officer looked at her and replied with a slight smile, “They responded to another place ma’am”

“What happened?”

“I’m not too sure about happened, but I’m guessing that your daughter’s kidnapping was just a means of a distraction for the authorities while those people went after their real goal, and for convenience, your ex-husband was used as a scap-”


They just walked past the boundary of the park when the sound of a loud bang rang in the sky, startling every person on the street, some even thought it was just thunder and isn’t bothered about it, but when it was followed by another loud bang, then another, followed by another three more bangs did they figure out that something was wrong!

“Kyaaa! Someone is dead!”

Especially when someone screamed and yelled those words, chaos ensued as everyone finally realized that it wasn’t thunder, but the sound of gunshots!

People started running everywhere, some quick witted people immediately ran inside the buildings near them for cover, a few hid behind or inside their cars, while most were running around like headless flies, and the few calm people who witnessed the death of people before their eyes was calmly calling the authorities while hiding behind anything that could protect from whoever was shooting on the street.

[We need back up! We’ve got shooters at 86th street in front of Brinton Hotel! G-goddammit! W-we’re outgunned! A lot of them are armed with military grade weapons!]

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