First Marriage, then love: wife, never divorce

Chapter 1630

Chapter 1630: Chapter 1630: Losing Your Job


“I didn’t want to know your name, ” Fang Xiao said snappily. “You were too different in school. When the people in our dorm came back to talk about you, I was forced to know your name. ”

“I was forced to know your name too. We’re the same. ” Xi Lingheng had already turned on the heater He took out two men’s clothes from the closet and threw them at her. “Go to the bathroom and change your clothes. You just fell on the snow. Now that the snow has melted, your clothes should be wet, right? ”

Xi Lingheng did not say that she did not feel it, but when she said that, there was a cold feeling on her back. It turned out that the warm clothes that could be worn on the outside were wet, and now it was so cold on her back.

She looked at the grown men’s clothes and frowned. “Don’t you have women’s clothes? You can borrow your girlfriend’s clothes too, right? I’ll wash them when I get back and return them to you. ”

“before this, I didn’t have a girlfriend, ” his tone sounded a little stiff. “Do you want to change? If you don’t want to wear them, then forget it. Just wear wet clothes like that. Anyway, I won’t be the one who gets sick and catches a cold. ”

“wear, wear, wear. ” Fang Xiao immediately stood up on one leg and jumped towards the bathroom. In her panic, she did not notice the meaning in Xi Lingheng’s words.

Xi Lingheng looked at the woman who had already walked into the bathroom. She leaned against the wall beside her and the corners of her mouth curled up into a beautiful arc. For the first time, he felt that the life of being exiled was not so bad after all.

Hearing the sound of water splashing in the bathroom, his mood actually became exceptionally good. A cell phone rang. He was slightly stunned as he walked into the bedroom to answer the call.

It was the manager of the bar who called and scolded him on the phone, saying that he was so insensible that he had offended his big client and told him not to go to work the next day. His salary for this month had also been deducted and used to compensate the client.

He listened quietly. This month was already in the middle. He had already worked for half a month, but he was actually fired just like that. Moreover, his salary had also been deducted. His already poor life would be even more miserable.

However, he was not unhappy. He only said indifferently, “I understand. Then I won’t come to work tomorrow. ”

After hanging up, he walked out of the bedroom. Fang Xiao had already used her hand to support herself against the wall and jumped out on one leg. His clothes covered her body, making her appear even more petite. Her dark wheat-colored face was set off by her white cotton shirt She looked exceptionally healthy and beautiful.

Her sparkling white feet stepped on his navy-blue carpet. Her other foot was bent in the air and held with one hand. She was like a Lotus quietly blooming in a quiet pond.

His body, which was only wearing a thin bar uniform, was originally a little cold, but now that he saw her like this, it instantly became hot. He didn’t know if it was because the room was too warm, but he felt his lower abdomen tighten uncontrollably A certain place was bloated, and his heart suddenly felt like thousands of crabs were running amok.

“Hey, didn’t you want to find some medicine to rub my sprained ankle? ” Fang Xiao saw that he was stunned and couldn’t help but call out to him, “what? Don’t you have any medicine at home? ”

“Yes, yes, yes. ” Only then did he react. He quickly went to the drawer under the wardrobe and took out a very small first aid kit to open. Then, he very quickly took out a bottle of medicinal oil.

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