Garbage Brave : Isekai Ni Shoukan Sare Suterareta Yuusha (LN)

Vol 1 Chapter 9 Part 2

Vol 1 Chapter 9 Part 2

Here’s last part in the volume 1, next will be an EX chapter, and we’ll come to Vol 2 after that. Evasion Healer and Strongest Blacksmith’s chapters is still on my editor, I’ll post it as soon as he’s done with it.

Please enjoy the chapter~

Translator: NyX

Editor: Onihikage

TLN: Changed Hideo Kujou’s job from Sword Saint ⇒ Holy Knight.

Chapter 9 Part 2

Let’s back up to three days after Tsukuru and the heroes were summoned, and join them at the Imperial capital of the Rade-Crude Empire, Axe Red Rade, (T/N: Not sure about the name tbh, I’m kinda bad with it, katakana is アクセ・レド・ラーデ) which was also the location of the temple where the heroes were summoned and auctioned.

In the center of the Imperial capital, a fantastic huge chalk castle towered over the surroundings, and adjacent to the castle was a training ground where the heroes won by the Rade-Crude empire gathered. The audience with the Emperor was held on the first day, a welcoming party was held for the heroes on the second, and today, the heroes’ training would begin.

“You will spend about a month on this combat training to get you accustomed to weapons. After that, you will actually have to fight the monsters, so I want you heroes to brace yourselves and focus on this training.”

That was commander Dale Stack, who was in charge of the Rade-Crude Empire’s chivalric order.

“Do you mean it when you say we’ll be able to fight monsters in only one month?”

The Rade-Crude Empire was a world-renowned power, and the knights were clearly displeased with the hero that spoke to their esteemed Knight Commander so disrespectfully. However, the man himself ignored it, so the knights kept it to themselves.

“It will be fine for you heroes, but I want you to stay alert.”

“So what kind of training are we gonna do?”

Another hero asked a question.

The knights were strictly disciplined and weren’t allowed to speak, but many of them looked with disdain upon the heroes who spoke or asked questions. However, it was their own sense of values, and there were still more than a few who recognized that their customs didn’t necessarily apply to the heroes since they came from another world.

“First of all, I’ll have you wear this armor. This is metal armor worn by vanguards, and it’s very heavy, but you’re trusting your life to this armor, and the heavier it is, the tougher it is, so get used to it.”

The heroes understood that armor was necessary since they had to fight, but there was one person who didn’t hide his displeasure.

“I know the armor is heavy, but can you even fight with such heavy armor on?”

Takashima Kouga stood out among the heroes, with his brown hair and sloppy uniform, compared to everyone else having black hair and being neatly dressed.

Dale Stack just smiled at this question.

“If you can’t move, you’re just going to die. Any other questions?”

This response, treating death as if it wasn’t a big deal, made every single hero visibly nervous, Takashima Kouga included.

“If there are no more questions, start training!”

The knights and magicians behind the knight commander moved in and started instructing the heroes in short order. The heroes seemed to be training in three teams, divided into roles of vanguard, rear-guard, and those with Holy jobs.

There were five heroes with Holy jobs, and the central figure was the Holy Knight, Hideo Kujou. He was originally a student council president, so he showed leadership and brought the heroes together amidst their anxiety about the situation.

Since the [Holy Knight] is such a core job of the heroes, he was treated very favorably compared to the heroes without Holy jobs. He was personally trained by two instructors in how to wear armor, how to handle swords, and how to handle magic. Starting now, he and his instructors would act as a group of three until he could move smoothly in full equipment.

“What kind of training do the others do?”

“Please rest assured, the other Heroes will have their instructors, too.”

He said that, but there was a clear difference between those with Holy jobs and those without. Each hero with a Holy job such as Hideo Kujou had one or two instructors, while the other heroes only had a handful of instructors for a whole group.

There was a clear distinction in treatment between the “Holy” heroes who took individual lessons and the heroes who took group lessons. This differentiation was made especially because in the Rade-Crude Empire — no, in this world — Holy jobs were seen as something very important.

The different treatment even went to the level of room allocations. Hideo Kujou and the other Holy heroes were given private rooms about 12 square meters in size, while other heroes had to double up in 9 square meter rooms. Even if it was big enough for a double room, it was natural for jealousy to appear toward the Holy heroes.

Dale Stack and the others wanted them to feel ambitious and grow up with a hero’s mentality, but since these heroes were originally just high school students in a peaceful Japan, they weren’t used to such discrimination. These matters complicated thoughts and feelings throughout the days of training.


We now move to the capital city of the Luk Sandale Kingdom, at sunset. Luk Sandale Kingdom was one of the permanent members of the delegation country and the second largest country after the Rade-Crude Empire.

There were heroes in this country as well, among them Suzuno Ichinose. Her job was [Saintess], and although she wasn’t very good at attacking, her job was excellent for recovery and support.

She also received training, but the training was terrible. If the vanguard heroes were injured in training, she would heal them, and the Luk Sandale Kingdom had no means of healing them other than her [Recovery Magic]. In other words, she carried the very lives of the heroes on her shoulders, remaining under such heavy pressure every day until she ran out of mana and fell over.

“Suzuno, are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.”

“Don’t overdo it.”

That was Miki Hayama speaking so gently to Suzuno. They were in the same class before, so Miki worried about her. They were very close in Japan, so seeing Suzuno work to the point of falling over every single day made her worry.

“There’s dark circles around your eyes. It’s ruining your beauty, you know?”

“Huh…? Dark circles?”

“Geez, it’s obvious even from a distance.”

Miki was poking fun at Suzuno to break her out of her depression.

“Let’s get rid of those dark circles before you meet him!”

“Sure… But I wonder when I can meet him…”

It was clear from what they were saying that “him” was someone Suzuno liked. The men who were listening were obviously discouraged, and the girls started gossiping! The cafeteria was noisy for quite a while about who Suzuno’s number one favorite boy could be.

《Vol 1 END》

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