Goblin Kingdom



The small northern country of Orphen was known for two things.

One was the Ivory Tower and the other was the living legend of Oron.

Whenever Orphen is mentioned, the first things to come to mind were these.

The small country of Orphen was enclosed in a land of ice and snow, so it was difficult to invade. Because of that interest in it mainly revolved around these two things.

Oron was an adventurer so famed that he has been praised as a living legend. Minstrels could often be heard singing tales of his adventures, the most famous of which was his feat of subjugating a dungeon alone.

As the story goes, wielding one of the few God Class weapons, the Flame King’s Eye, Marcosius, he went to a small dungeon by himself and subjugated it.

Because of him even the Holy Shushunu Kingdom can’t ignore the small country of Orphen.

As for the Ivory Tower, it was home to all those who pursued knowledge, and was the so-called treasure house of knowledge. As a structure, it is a giant milky-white tower equipped with some divine mechanism that allows it to regulate its temperature.

Many countries send their most brilliant youths to the tower to have them reared into excellent bureaucrats.

This is another reason why the neighboring countries won’t lay a hand on the small country.

Business aimed at the overseas students in the small country is also always flourishing regardless of the wars outside.

Also, because the Ivory Tower understands the necessity of peace in the small country for their continued pursuit of knowledge, they often lend their knowledge.

The Ivory Tower is divided into three towers: the white tower, the red tower, and the blue tower. What knowledge and how much can be shared is decided through a meeting between these three towers.

In one sense, it could be said that these towers are the ones making the decisions in the Ivory Tower. And the meeting between them could be attended by the elders – the leader of each tower – and the various faction leaders under them.

That meeting was currently in the midst of a storm because of Reshia’s proposal.

Ordinary bureaucrats could also attend the meeting, so when they heard Reshia’s proposal to give more rights to human-likes, they were shocked.

“Ridiculous! You want us to give more rights to the likes of demihumans and elves!?”

“I beg to differ. We have long passed the stage where we could prosper with our strength alone. I believe the time has come for us to coexist with other races.”

It was a student of the red tower who so vehemently opposed Reshia’s proposal such that veins could be seen sticking out on his forehead.

“Coexistence!? Hah, we are currently coexisting with them, are we not?”

“What I mean is not a relationship of master and slave but that of friends.”

Contrast the student of the red tower, who was like raging flames in his anger, Reshia was as still as tranquil waters.

“Are you suggesting that we make those savages our equals?”

“By what right do you call them savages? History makes it clear that these people were only tricked, their homes taken, and then themselves driven to the very borders of the world by none other than us ‘humans’.”

“We rule these lands with the rightful blessing of the gods. Moreover, our so-called ‘trickery’ extends to nothing more than what war permits. They have no one else to blame for their loss but themselves!”

The other people of the red tower began criticizing Reshia. As they did, the student from before took that as encouragement and his mouth slipped.

“Hmph, have you began to feel for the monsters after being kidnapped? You’re a disgrace to the title of ‘saint’!”

A faint ripple appeared on that ever emotionless face of Reshia’s as a hint of anger appeared in her eyes, but just when she was about to say something, the sound of bells reached her ears. That was the signal the elder of the white tower, Tanya Fedran, used to indicated she was about to say something.

As an over 70 year-old woman, she was ill-fitted for arguments. But while that may seem to be the case from her appearance, one word from her could destroy a bureaucrat’s career forever.

“I would advise everyone to refrain from such remarks. That is both an insult to the carved seal of the Goddess of Healing and a challenge to the three towers’ authority.”

At that, the gathered people stirred.

The words of the most influential person in the Ivory Tower, Tanya Fedran, caused the student from the Red Tower, who was happily criticizing Reshia, to pale.

“To speak ill of the saint, is to speak ill of the Ivory Tower’s will,” a beautiful young man said as he agreed with the elder of the white tower.

As young as he seemed to be on the onset, he was actually already over 120 years-old. He was the elder of the blue tower, a man rumored to be an ageless magician.

“…Still, I do believe it may be too rash to give more rights to the human-likes,” an old man with deep wrinkles said as he covered for the students from his tower.

He was Serion Harlon, the archbishop of the church of the Ancestor God Who Birthed Nations, Ativ, the greatest god of the many gods.

If the people arguing until now could be said to have been rabid dogs, the people who spoke now were elephants.

As silence filled the room, not a student from any faction willing to open his mouth, Reshia spoke.

“I beg to differ. If anything we have taken far too long, and at this rate, I fear it may be too late.”

When Reshia said that, the student that had been openly criticizing her before looked at her with blank amazement.

Students from every tower gulped as they watched her.

“Late?” The red elder looked sharply at Reshia.

Everyone else but Reshia herself drew cold sweat.

“If the people who have been driven into a corner were to unite, humanity is sure to receive a crippling counterattack. When that time comes, it will be too late to mend relations, and the prosperity that humanity has built until now will vanish like blown dust as they swallow one nation after another.”

Reshia said that without even the slightest tension.

Being at the center of attention while everyone was as quiet as mutes was sure to have been nerve-racking, but she acted like it was nothing at all.

“Pu, …Ku ha ha ha! I give, as expected of the saint! You certainly do have guts! There’s no doubting Lord Tanya has taught you indeed!”

The elder of the blue tower finally couldn’t hold it in and he guffawed out loud, causing the white elder to chuckle, while the red elder wryly smiled.

“Hey, kids… Can you face the bigwigs and propose a plan to help the country like this? As future bureaucrats who are meant to help your respective countries, this is the first thing you need to learn!”

The students looked liked they had their souls sucked out of them as they powerlessly nodded to the blue elder’s words.

That advice was meant for the bureaucrat candidates. There wasn’t anyone in the room who didn’t understand what those words meant.

“Saint Reshia Fel Zeal, that is indeed a novel proposal, if I say so myself. Unfortunately, it isn’t so easy to increase the rights of the human-likes,” the blue elder said.

Reshia calmly replied. “But why? Shouldn’t we make a move now while there’s still room for negotiations?”

“Of course, but giving them more rights to avoid bloodshed isn’t something easy for the majority to accept. Surely, you are aware of our history.” The red elder said in place of the blue elder.

Humanity has paid a grave price to stand where they are today, and many of those who stand at the helm of the country have lost an acquaintance in those wars.

The price to gain ‘privilege’ was paid with blood itself, and the price was even higher when the enemy was a fellow human.

Sometimes one would have to face against the king, sometimes the aristocrats… Regardless, it was in a similar way that the Ivory Tower made others acknowledge it.

The price paid is also what gave value to the so-called ‘privilege’.

Because of that there aren’t many people who would agree to just give demihumans their rights.

“That’s… true, but…”

“It is worthy of consideration, yes, but implementing it right away is impossible,” the white elder said.

Reshia nodded. The white elder was both her benefactor and her greatest backer. She had no choice but to back off now that she’s spoken.

“Hmm… Tell me, saint, what is it that you fear so much? What did you see in the west?” The blue elder asked.

Reshia closed her eyes. She believed it was not fear that filled her heart.

Would it be fine to speak of the Goblin King here? Not as a saint, but as Reshia?

Reshia spoke. “…Are the goblins truly depraved creatures? Somehow, I’m not so sure anymore.”

At those words, silenced filled the room once more.

This was not a silence on the level of her earlier suggestion.

After all, this was a question regarding creatures that have been nothing more than enemies until now.

When the elders heard her question, they fell into silence.

If Reshia had asked her question to royalty or knights or adventurers, they would have surely laughed in response.

They would surely say, ‘Are you drunk? Of course, they’re enemies!’

But the silence of the three elders, who were well learned and full of experience, was grave. That silence filled the meeting room.

The students did not understand either, but they did not have the courage to break the silence. No one was fool enough to say anything.

The silence was finally broken when the blue elder sighed.

“I guess it’s true what they say about seeing things when you live long enough… Who would’ve thought I would hear such words from a less than 20 years-old girl, but… I suppose that’s why you’re the saint.”

The distant gaze of the blue elder was filled with a deep sadness.

“This meeting has gone too long for these old bones of mine. Let us end here,” the white elder said with a sigh.

10 days after the Goblin King declared the founding of a new country, word has already spread to the neighboring nations. The people who fled the western capital had spoken wantonly about the subject. After all, the goblin army intentionally allowed them to flee to the main capital.

“Let those who wish to leave leave. In fact, send them off courteously.”

At the Goblin King’s behest, whenever the patrolling goblins happened upon a human seeking to flee, they would give them food and let them go their way.

This treatment did not apply to those who tried to invade the western capital, however. In their case, they were properly arrested.

During the night, Gi Ji Arsil’s assassin squad were the ones in charge of the patrols, while the harpies and the Paradua were in charge during the day.

The monster army led by Gi Gi Orudo moved as a detached force and created a free zone east of the western capital. Its scope was vast, so much so that almost the whole area except for the road leading to the capital was covered.

The beasts under Gi Gi originally lived in the forest; hence, they were much stronger than the beasts living in the plains. The beasts that proved most problematic to the humans had already been hunted, so only the relatively less threatening beasts were left.

Beasts from the forest came pouring out in droves, so the beasts on the plains had no choice but to either be driven away or be eaten. As the ecosystem within the plains was altered, Gi Gi created the free zone and returned his monster army to the wild, allowing them to increase their numbers.

The villages to the west have already mostly come under the rule of the goblins. This was mostly due to Shumea and the elves’ efforts as they promised the villagers that they would be able to continue living as they have until now.

In fact, their lives under the goblin rule was actually better than when they were under Gowen. After all, the goblins only demanded a yearly tax of 30% of food produced.

The villages varied in sizes, but because the biggest city, the western capital itself, had fallen, none of them tried to rebel.

The humans left in the western capital numbered approximately 700.

Considering how almost 10,000 lived in the western capital before, it could be seen just how much the goblins were feared and how well Gowen was able to lead his people away.

The only people left were homeless children, old people who could no longer move, and slaves.

“If the children want, they can become warriors. If not, then give them land and have them produce food.”

At the king’s behest, food was first given to them, then the siblings, Shumea and Yoshu, talked to the children. A person was considered an adult upon reaching 15. Until then, the children would have to do as they were told.

“I didn’t think there would be these many children at this age here,” Shumea grumbled with a wry smile as she took care of the children.

The slaves were taken care of by Yoshu. The Goblin King had suggested to see if they could be used in the war, so Yoshu tried various things out to see what he could do with them.

The Goblin King also decided to hand out rewards to his subordinates. An ‘Eight-Flags’ meeting was held at the plains near the forest, and it was decided that the area around the western capital near the humans would be given to the goblins.

However, the Goblin King forbade touching the humans under his rule, as they were an important resource necessary for the production of food. Human farmers were something that the Goblin King had been wanting for some time now.

The humans that stayed behind could keep their land, while the lands that have been abandoned would be given to the elves and the demihumans.

Looking at it one way, it seemed as if all the dangerous territories were given to the goblins, but whatever complaints may have risen from that were quickly suppressed by the king.

The Goblin King knew more than anyone else just how much blood needed to be shed to grasp his sought-after hegemony. He would much rather rely on the goblins than the few demihumans they had.

At Gi Go’s request, the Goblin King also gave a small territory to Yustia and her Yugushiva who fought with them in the battle. After all, the yugushiva, who were referred to as savages in the north, had always yearned for the warmth that the southern lands had.

Of course, while Gi Go Amatsuki may have suggested it to the king, Yustia still had to thank the Goblin King himself.

“Thank you, King of Goblins,” Yustia said as she offered her sword to him while kneeling.

She swore vassalage to the king with the deepest respect she could give.

After receiving a land with warmth situated in the borders of the forest and the plains, Yustia immediately set off on her way back to the mountains of the snow god.


“Come, Gi Ba!”

The king hadn’t forgotten to give names to those who had evolved.

“Yes, my liege!”

Gi Ba, a goblin who has received the divine protection of the one-eyed black snake, struck his sword into the ground and knelt before the king. The hate his kind felt for the humans could not be healed; so, the king gave them the land situated to the east, the area closest to the humans from that direction.

“I name you, Gi Ba Hagar. Keep a tight leash on your hate until the day to let it loose comes.”

“As the king commands, so shall I obey!”

The Goblin King noticed Gi Ba’s fists curled tightly and shaking, but he didn’t say anything.

The next goblins that appeared before him were those that evolved into a rare class.

The naming ceremony was held with the available noble goblins circled around them.

When Zu Vet, the goblin under Gi Zu Ruo, saw the main force of the Goblin King’s army, he was shocked.

He’d always believed that Gi Zu was exceptionally strong, but as it turns out, Gi Zu was actually just one of many powerful goblins.

He had no choice but to realize just how much of a frog in a well he was.

Gi Zu once told him that he would understand the king’s greatness once he met him. Apparently, he wasn’t exaggerating.

The Goblin King was endowed with a giant stature, out of which emanated the aura of a king, and on his body were various equipment fitting that of an old hero. When all that was coupled with his valiant image as he wielded his great sword, it was enough to make it feel as if he was something more than just a goblin… something divine.

Seeing the king, Gi Zu actually found it understandable that he would be able to slay an ogre. On top of that, the goblins that served by his side were not normal either.

“Hey, pops… Who is that?” Zu Vet asked.

“Lord Gi Ga Rax, the warrior I respect the most,” Gi Zu said as with much pride.

Gi Ga Rax’s body was covered in scars, but it did not give him the image of a weakling, instead the scars served as medals that honored his valor in battle. He was missing an arm and a leg, but even then, he did not seem weak at all.

Zu Vet did not judge him wrongly. He believed that if he were to fight him, 10 times out of 10, he would surely lose.

“What about that big one?”

“That’s Lord Rashka from the tribes.”

Zu Vet did not mind that Gi Zu replied so curtly, instead he observed the goblin.

He boasted a stature even greater than that of the king’s. He had a long tail that seemed durable, and the tone of his skin was a dark gray that was almost black. He had a lone horn that reached for the heavens and some terrifying fangs could be seen peeking out of his mouth.

His overwhelming muscles made it seem like he could crush anything in this world with brute strength alone, and the way he tapped his shoulder with his club made him look like a demon. He could probably crush anyone given one opening.

When Rashka glared at Zu Vet, he immediately imagined himself being crushed by that club of his and his whole body shook.

That goblin looked no different from an evil demon who would laugh as he smashed someone into hell. Zu Vet couldn’t help but wonder if a mistake had occurred somewhere and the demon accidentally found himself among goblins.

“Pops, what about that one?”

“That is Lord Gi Go Amatsuki. He is perhaps the most skilled swordsman among the goblins.”

Although the goblins around him all had sharp gazes, Gi Go’s eyes were a league sharper. It was such that they could be described as razor-sharp.

His skin was also gray in tone, but his body was slender for a goblin. Be that as it may, he was not at all weak, for a closer inspection would reveal that his muscles were packed tightly into his smaller frame.

It was almost as if all the unnecessary parts have been shaved away, leaving only a body that was sharp like a sword. The atmosphere around him gave Zu Vet the impression he would be cut if he were to touch him, causing him much fear.

Gi Go seemed to have felt Vet looking at him, as he turned and met his eyes. It happened only for a moment, but Zu Vet felt a chill running up his spine that he would never forget for the rest of his life. For a moment, he thought he would be cut, and he retreated one step.

They were so far from each other that such a thing was clearly impossible, but the difference in strength still made Zu Vet feel that way.

Inadvertently, Zu Vet closed his eyes.

Everything happened for but an instant, but his body wouldn’t stop sweating.

He thought Rashka was a monster, but so was Gi Go.

Gi Go had already turned away from him by the time he opened his eyes again and was looking at the goblin being named.

“Pops… would ya mind if I went back home?”

When Gi Zu saw Vet blanched with fear, he laughed and beat his chest. “Don’t misunderstand, Zu Vet. Not one of these goblins were strong right from the start. Every one of them is where they are today because they fought through death and conquered a powerful adversary.”

As Gi Zu happily said that, he compared himself to the three goblins, excluding the king.

“One day, we’ll catch up to them. One day… Right, Vet?”

“…I’m glad I decided to follow ya, pops. I’ll follow ya for life.”

As Zu Vet laughed with Gi Zu, he watched the naming ceremony continue.

Tl Note: Erm… Just this chapter today. I said two parts, but let’s try that tomorrow instead. Also, if you’re still confused about the duke => baron part, make sure to check out the lost history intermission chapter that was previously translated, as that explains it.. Basically, Gi Go changed evolution paths.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.