God Emperor

Chapter 1144 - Set Off With One Touch

Chapter 1144: Set Off With One Touch

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

Han Qiu had summoned her army from the netherworld. It was formed by Half-Saint dead souls. Their Death Qi hovered in the air, forming grayish-black clouds.

If there were only a few Half-Saints or a dozen Wuchangs and Corpse Kings, the competitors present could fend them off. However, this was an entire army with thousands of Wuchangs and Corpse Kings. They crushed forward, intimidating even the top-tier figures.

“She can actually summon a dead soul army. Is she some sovereign from the netherworld?”

“This woman has a unique power. It gives me a horribly evil feeling.”

All the competitors gasped and retreated slowly.

Only Sun Dadi, still in his mode of fury, didn’t retreat. His huge eyes were like lanterns. Firelight poured out as he stared at the approaching Han Qiu. “Traitor,” he roared. “You finally appeared! Let’s see if I can kill you.”

Zhang Ruochen had only told Murong Yue that Han Qiu had left the Sacred Sect. When Sun Dadi learned of this later, he hated Han Qiu. He felt that she was ungrateful.

Boom, boom.

Sun Dadi rushed out quickly. He waved his metal staff, cutting down, sweeping to the side, or striking. The Wuchangs and Corpse Kings all exploded into ghostly fog or bone dust.

Han Qiu rolled her eyes in disdain. “You?”

She reached out, fingers moving. A black vortex appeared in her palm. It grew bigger and bigger until the space above Saint Mountain started spinning too.

The black vortex swept Sun Dadi in. The powerful force quickly made him lose control of his body.


Han Qiu snapped her fingers and the black vortex shattered. Sun Dadi transformed into a streak of light. He flew out, hitting the side of Saint Mountain. A large portion of the wall caved in.

“Zhang Ruochen, you better control your followers. If you dare offend me again, I’ll squeeze his head in.”

Han Qiu had a sharp aura. She jutted out her snow-white chin and stared straight at Zhang Ruochen.

Everyone present was shocked. Earlier, they’d witnessed how strong Sun Dadi was. He was even stronger than the typical top-tier figure, but he was like a child against this woman clad in black. He couldn’t even fight back.

This woman in black with evil Qi was probably similar to a super-top-tier figure.

“Was she once Zhang Ruochen’s follower?”

“Such a powerful figure would never submit to anyone. She would definitely betray.”

“Zhang Ruochen really has a lot of talents beside him. Each one has the abilities to become a Saint King.”

Zhang Ruochen had Sikong Two dig Sun Dadi out of the mud. Sun Dadi was very strong. He only had some scratches, but it was fine.

Zhang Ruochen’s eyes fell upon Han Qiu with an odd gaze. Even with his cultivation, he couldn’t see Han Qiu’s level clearly. The Form of Darkness and Dark Way truly became stranger and stranger.

The four saint flowers had all been taken by Han Qiu. No super-top-tier figure attacked this entire time. No one wished to offend a strong enemy at this critical point.

Han Qiu collected the four saint flowers. She looked at Zhang Ruochen arrogantly, wanting to find regret in his face. However, Zhang Ruochen was as indifferent as ever. He didn’t think Han Qiu snatching the four saint flowers was anything special.

Zhang Ruochen! Zhang Ruochen! Han Qiu thought. Huang Yanchen will only drag you down. She can’t help you at all, but you chose her. You are destined to be a failure.

At that moment, Huang Yanchen, Qing Mo, Blackie and Princess White Li climbed Saint Mountain, grouping with Zhang Ruochen and the others.

The once-lively capital below the mountain was now a sea of fire. Scalding lava swallowed the entire ancient city. The cracks on the ground grew bigger. It was hard to find another living creature.

“We put some of the natives into the scroll world, but most of them died tragically. We tried our best.”

Huang Yanchen handed the Universe Spiritual Map to Zhang Ruochen and immediately sensed two gazes filled with animosity. They came from Han Qiu, standing above the bone dragon’s head, and Princess Moran behind Zhang Ruochen.

Han Qiu bit her lip, cold light emitting from her eyes. With her current cultivation, she was confident in defeating Huang Yanchen and erasing her past humiliation. She could make Zhang Ruochen see who was qualified to become the crown princess.

Princess Moran wasn’t only staring at Huang Yanchen with animosity. Her eyes were also locked onto the Universe Spiritual Map. Earlier, she’d personally seen Huang Yanchen and the others send many natives into it. It was strange, but she was also curious.

It was only a map scroll. How could it fit so many people? Could it be a spatial treasure like the Gold Light Ribbon? But living beings couldn’t survive inside spatial treasures at all. They would die quickly.

After hypothesizing, Princess Moran suspected that they collected the cultivators of the Blue Dragon Dynasty to collect their blood and souls. As an elite of the Blue Dragon Dynasty, Princess Moran was naturally furious. She couldn’t control her emotions.

Sikong One felt the animosity from her and quickly explained, “Amitabha! Princess, please do not worry. We are saving them. They’re living happily in another world now.”

Princess Moran smiled thinly and stiffly. It was clear that she didn’t believe him.

Huang Yanchen was curious. “Who is she?”

Sikong One’s heart jumped. He felt that his chance had finally come, so he quickly said before Zhang Ruochen could speak, “This is Princess Moran of the Blue Dragon Dynasty. I think that her talent is extraordinary, so I wish to take her as a disciple and teach her Buddhist techniques. However…Senior Uncle seems to be interested in her.”

After speaking, Sikong One quickly turned around. He didn’t dare meet Zhang Ruochen’s eyes.

“I see!”

Smiling, Huang Yanchen walked to Princess Moran. She studied the princess from her face to her feet, not missing a single detail.

Princess Moran held her breath, extremely nervous. Huang Yanchen’s eyes were penetrative. Standing before her, Princess Moran was practically transparent and couldn’t hide any secrets.

“Not bad,” Huang Yanchen said to Zhang Ruochen. “She truly is a beauty. You have quite good taste.”

As she spoke, she also used Spiritual Power to send a message to Zhang Ruochen. This woman has problems. She definitely isn’t a regular person. Her abilities might even be above yours. Be careful.

Zhang Ruochen also used Spiritual Power to send a secret message. Indeed, she definitely isn’t a princess. She’ll probably reveal herself when the World Spirit appears.

Since Zhang Ruochen was being careful, Huang Yanchen didn’t say anything else.

“Qing Mo,” Huang Yanchen said. “Watch her. If she dares to do anything, suppress her immediately.”

Right now, Sun Dadi and Sikong One both guarded Princess Moran. Zhang Ruochen and Huang Yanchen couldn’t attack at all. If they did, they might cause an internal conflict. This was disadvantageous toward competing for the World Spirit.


As the Saint Mountain shook violently, more saint flowers flew out of the ground. The seventh saint flower carried the Grade Seven Saintly Source Spring. It was like a black lotus and dozens of feet long. A huge beast carried the lotus and flew into the distance.

The eighth saint flower carried the Grade Eight Saintly Source Spring. It shone with golden light. Two spiritual cranes carried it and flew into the sky.

These two saint flowers both had shocking value. A large portion of top-tier figures went out to fight for them.

The savage beasts had their eyes on the seventh saint flower. The Rosefinch Fairy and Kun Prince led dozens of Taigu Remains forward and sent the other competitors flying.

There was another group of mutants that were also interested in the seventh flower. They became the savage beasts’ biggest competitors.

The humans aimed for the eighth saint flower. Monk Lidi, Chi Wansui, and Qi Feiyu led them. The group formed by a dozen top-tier figures and Pre-Saints followed close behind.

Three crown princes and many strong cultivators of the Immortal Vampires started fighting with the humans.

This time, Han Qiu didn’t act impulsively. The competition was very intense. Dozens of top-tier figures were fighting on the two battlefields. Even though she had the dead soul army, she wouldn’t be in a good spot either.

Zhang Ruochen stopped Sikong One and Two from joining the fight. “The World Spirit will probably appear with the ninth saint flower. Don’t join. Prepare for the battle. We must take the World Spirit no matter what.”

When the eighth saint flower had appeared, Zhang Ruochen had sensed the faint aura of the World Spirit. That was why he’d made this guess.

Blackie lay down and pressed its ear to the ground. Listening closely with serious eyes, it added, “The World Spirit will indeed appear at the same time as the ninth saint flower.”

Qitian Crown Prince, the Sky-Swallowing Demonic Dragon, Xue Wuye, Emperor Tianming, Qiu Yu, and the four eight-dragon Martial Saints of the Blue Dragon Void World all had that feeling.

Their eyes sharpened and their auras were completely different from before. They were like a sword about to be unsheathed.


Qitian Crown Prince shone with blood-red light. The three pairs of blood wings flapped at once. With a whoosh, he rushed toward the ground in a streak of light.

“Stop him!” Wang Huanzhen, Heir of the Blue Dragon Void World, roared.

A humongous force of the Saintly Way poured out of him. It transformed into eight long blue dragon shadows. These eight were much stronger than the dragons of other eight-dragon Martial Saints. They seemed to be made out of bronze. When they flew, there were metallic clangs and many sparks.

Clearly, Wang Huanzhen was even stronger than super-top-tier figures. After all, they hadn’t reached the Saint Realm, while Wang Huanzhen had.

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