God Emperor

Chapter 552 - Innate Embryonic Breath

Chapter 552: Innate Embryonic Breath

Translator: Transn Editor: Transn

A moment later, Zhang Ruochen pulled his fingers back. Looking at Huang Yanchen lying on the ground, he felt nothing but guilt, panic, and worry. He could not help biting his lips as he said, “It’s all my fault.”

Huang Yanchen was seriously injured. Her five internal organs, six hollow organs, meridians, and Qi Sea had all suffered incurable injuries. Her body was so badly torn that even a Saint could not help.

Unless there was a miracle, it would be almost impossible for her to come to life again.

Zhang Ruochen clenched his fists with great remorse. If he had left Huang Yanchen practicing in the Scroll World in the beginning, she would not be suffering this now.

At that time, he believed that blindly secluding herself for refining was not helpful for her practice. It was counterproductive and she would never become a real superior in this way.

Only through continuous life-and-death battles, the ups and downs of life, and the refinement of human feelings and worldly wisdom could one finally go further along the Holy Road.

Therefore, he told Huang Yanchen to come out to experience more and fight together with him to sharpen her Heart State and hone her will.

However, he never expected that this would happen.

Blackie found Ao Xinyan and Orange Star Emissary, who were seriously injured, and brought them here.

They both had passed out.

However, their physical qualities were special, and their cultivations were much stronger than Huang Yanchen’s. They had reached the Third Change in the Fish-dragon Realm, Bone Refining to Jade.

Therefore, although they were seriously injured, they could still recover as long as they took the healing pills and took time to recuperate.

“Go to the Scroll World first. ”

Zhang Ruochen took a deep breath and immediately took out the Yin Yang Wooden Graph. He opened the Scroll World and entered the space door with Huang Yanchen in his arms. Then, he arrived at the Sacred Prime Tree and put her on the ground.

The Wood Spirit Qi of the Sacred Prime Tree might be helpful to the condition of her injury.

Zhang Ruochen wiped the blood from Huang Yanchen’s mouth and took out an Auspicious Vase. Placing one hand on her back, he lifted her up, separated her lips, and slowly poured the Blood of the Wood Spirit from the vase into her mouth.

Then, Zhang Ruochen straightened Huang Yanchen up and sat behind her. He struck both hands out at the same time, mobilized the Qi of Saint Dragon in the Dragon Pearl, and continuously passed it into her body.

Half a day had passed by and Zhang Ruochen’s forehead was continuously sweating. Even his face gradually turned pale. However, the condition of Huang Yanchen’s injury showed no signs of improvement.

“No… do not be so…”

Zhang Ruochen shook his head, clenched his teeth, and continued to squeeze the power in his body.

Not only did he inject the Qi of Saint Dragon into Huang Yanchen’s body, but even his own Genuine Qi was almost exhausted. His body began to shake and he felt like he might faint at any minute.

After all, Zhang Ruochen had already suffered a serious injury in the previous battle with the Black Skeleton Flood-dragon King. The injury was suppressed by the Genuine Qi and the Divine Dragon Strength inside his body.

At this moment, he injected all of his Genuine Qi into Huang Yanchen’s body, while his own injury broke out immediately and started to backfire.


Zhang Ruochen vomited a mouthful of blood. A strong sense of weakness and pain spread throughout his body. His face was as pale as a sheet of white paper.

His body was off balance and then it fell to the left.

“No… I can’t fall… If I fall, who else can help her…”

With a strong will, Zhang Ruochen reached his palms to the ground, set his teeth, and struggled to sit up again.

Just then, when Zhang Ruochen fell, Blackie also checked on the injury of Huang Yanchen. He shook his head and said, “She was so seriously injured. Even if there was a Wood Spirit Qi of the Sacred Prime Tree to nourish her body, she would not last more than three days.”

Blackie looked at Zhang Ruochen’s face and added, “However, if we can find Xuanwu’s Holy Source, her life might be saved. What she practiced was the Xuanwu Sutra, and fusing it with Xuanwu’s Holy Source could enable her to reshape her body and bring her back to life.”

There was no need for Blackie to say anything further. Zhang Ruochen already understood that he had to get Xuanwu’s Holy Source within three days.

Needless to say, since such horrible sound waves could be sent out from Xuanwu’s abdomen, there had to be a top superior inside who was taking Xuanwu’s Holy Source.

Otherwise, he would not send sound waves to injure Huang Yanchen, Ao Xinyan, and Orange Star Emissary, preventing them from going to Xuanwu’s abdomen.

If Zhang Ruochen wanted to take Xuanwu’s Holy Source from the hands of that superior, his cultivation had to break through to the Fish-dragon Realm first.

“The Fish-dragon Realm.”

Zhang Ruochen looked serious. He took out the Auspicious Vase, drank some Wood Spirit blood, and started healing his wounds.

Then, he took out a Dragon Pearl and put it into his mouth. He was mobilizing the thin Genuine Qi in his body and began refining the Dragon Pearl to take his step toward the Fish-dragon Realm.

With his current injury condition, it was quite dangerous for him to go for the Fish-dragon Realm.

However, Zhang Ruochen had no other choice. There was not much time left for him. So, despite the danger, he had to go for a higher realm while curing himself.

After refining the first Dragon Pearl, all the Genuine Qi in Zhang Ruochen’s Qi Sea had attained perfect completeness.

However, the rushing Genuine Qi was frantically flowing through his injured body, impacting his meridians and internal organs. This made Zhang Ruochen’s injury condition even worse.

Blood was spilling from Zhang Ruochen’s mouth, but he still took the second Dragon Pearl and continued to go for the Fish-dragon Realm.

He knew that he would be more seriously injured by doing it this way, but he did not hesitate to do so.

Two days passed by and Zhang Ruochen had taken 13 Dragon Pearls in a row. His aura became stronger and stronger. His body was wrapped up with Genuine Qi, forming a huge ball with a diameter of about 100 feet.

Looking from afar, because of the expanding Genuine Qi within, Zhang Ruochen’s body was going to burst with bloody lines on its surface, like a cracked ceramic.

If Zhang Ruochen could not break through to the realm, he might burst to death at any minute.

Ao Xinyan and Orange Star Emissary woke up after two days’ treatment from Blackie.

They knew exactly why Zhang Ruochen was so desperate to break through to the realm. They also knew that Huang Yanchen was seriously injured and might not survive the day.

Ao Xinyan was not thinking about her own recovery. She was just holding her skirt tightly, worrying about Zhang Ruochen’s injury condition worsening or something bad happening while he was making the breakthrough.

Ao Xinyan wished that Zhang Ruochen would take care of himself and not try to break through to the realm until his injuries had healed.

However, it was exactly Zhang Ruochen’s special temperament that Ao Xinyan admired so much and, thus, she willingly regarded him as the Group Leader and followed his orders. She had developed some affection for him, but even she herself did not notice it.

Even Orange Star Emissary, who used to frown upon Zhang Ruochen, was now looking at him with shining eyes. At this moment, she also admired Zhang Ruochen for his charming personality.

A real man was not required to be domineering while facing the weak, but to take his due responsibilities when he was in need. A real man was expected to face up to the stronger enemies and severe challenges to protect his loved ones.


All of a sudden, the Genuine Qi surrounding Zhang Ruochen’s body exploded and turned into streams of Genuine Qi, continuously flowing toward the middle of his eyebrows.

At this moment, Zhang Ruochen finally broke through the human limit and reached the First Change in the Fish-dragon Realm, Innate Embryonic Breath.

Using the so-called Innate Embryonic Breath, one would swallow one’s Internal Qi and hold it. Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi could be used as one’s food and the Foodless Realm would be reached.

Upon reaching this realm, one would not starve to death or die from thirst, even without eating or drinking anything for a year.

“I finally made it!”

Zhang Ruochen opened his eyes and took a deep breath. Thus, the Spiritual Qi within 10 miles was immediately breathed into his body and stored in the Qi Sea.

After reaching the Fish-dragon Realm, he absorbed the Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi faster. The Genuine Qi in his body was running all the time in his meridians, forming an internal circulation. So, there was no need to worry that the Genuine Qi would run out.

Zhang Ruochen stood up, walked over to Huang Yanchen, and leaned over. He put his finger on her wrist to check on the condition of her injury.

After a while, he withdrew his hand and said softly, “Wait for me. Cough, cough!”

Zhang Ruochen’s injury was aggravated by just saying a few words. He wiped the blood from his mouth that he coughed up.

“Group Leader, let me go with you to get Xuanwu’s Holy Source.” Ao Xinyan rose and went up to Zhang Ruochen at once.

He looked at her and replied, “Stay here to recover. Let me handle this. Cough, cough!”

Zhang Ruochen took a deep breath and suppressed his injury for the time being. Then, he opened the door of the space and walked out of the Scroll World.

Two days in the Scroll World was just four hours in the external world.

Zhang Ruochen clenched his fist tightly and said, “There are only two hours left. I must get Xuanwu’s Holy Source and I surely will.”

Zhang Ruochen lifted his chest and tried to stand up straighter. He dragged the Ancient Abyss Sword to Xuanwu’s abdomen.

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