God of Money

Chapter 189 - Control

Chapter 189: <Control>

Suk Jinmyung clenched his teeth in pain as Choi Gichul kicked him.

Choi Gichul screamed, “Do you think you’re better than me? Is that why you’ve been ignoring my calls?”

“No, it’s not like that. I’ve been very busy.”

“Busy? That’s your excuse? Are you kidding me?”

“I’m sorry.”

“Damn it! Do you think I’m not busy myself? Do you know how much money I lost because of you? It’s an amount you will never see in your lifetime.”

Suk Jinmyung lowered his face.

Choi Gichul continued to scream, “It’s over 30 million dollars! Should I tell this to my brother?”

Suk Jinmyung continued to apologize, “I’m sorry.”

“You think apologizing is enough? Because of you, I was unable to make a purchase at the right time! How will you compensate me for this?”

Suk Jinmyung remained silent. He glared at the floor. He was furious, but he couldn’t express his anger.

He finally replied, “I was too busy with the vice president’s orders. I apologize. I will confirm the fund and transfer it to your account right away.”

“Did you not hear what I just said? Because of you, I lost my chance. Do you know how much a bitcoin is now?”

“It’s 314.40.”

“And how much was it when I asked for the funds?”

“It was 215.10.”

“So you do know. The price went up by 100 dollars. What do you think will happen when I tell the vice president? The bigger problem is that the price is continuing to rise. Even as we speak! By the time you make the transfer, it would be even more expensive. How much money do you think I would lose?”


Choi Gichul pushed Suk Jinmyung and yelled, “Are you a mute? Why can’t you answer?”

Suk Jinmyung’s face turned bright red. He trembled in anger.

Choi Gichul continued, “To make up for it, you need to transfer at least a hundred million dollars instead of 50 million dollars like my brother’s ordered. Got it?”

“Yes, sir.”

Choi Gichul left without a word. Suk Jinmyung sank into his chair. How did he get here? He stood up and grabbed his coat.


Strong whiskey burned his throat. Suk Jinmyung continued to drink fast.

“…” He sighed deeply.

He tried to figure out the situation. What should he do?

Should he continue to work for Daeyang?

Or should he leave and find another work?

Should he accept Chun Gisu’s offer and take Kang Woosung’s side?

There were so much to consider.

Suddenly, someone sat next to him.

“I heard they have a great whiskey here.”

Suk Jinmyung saw who it was and gasped.

Woosung called for a bartender and ordered, “Please get me a bottle of whatever he is having.”

“W, what the…” Suk Jinmyung stared at Woosung.

Woosung replied quickly, “We are just having a drink here.”

“I don’t think we have that kind of relationship.” Suk Jinmyung tried to stand up and leave.

Woosung replied, “No one will ever know about this meeting. There is no reason to let anyone know. I made sure of it.”

Suk Jinmyung sat down again. “I don’t have a lot of time.”

Woosung replied, “I wasn’t planning on staying long either.” Woosung turned to the bartender and ordered, “Please close down the shop.”

The bartender nodded. When Suk Jinmyung looked around, the place was empty.

Woosung said to him, “I heard a lot about you from Chun Gisu. He said you are a decent guy. Talented but happened to work for the wrong men.”

“You’re sugar-coating his words. I bet he said I’m the man who will get anything done.”

Woosung flinched and paused. That was almost exactly what Chun Gisu said.

“Well, that’s pretty close.”

“This meeting… Choi Taemin will find out, and that means it’s over for me at Daeyang.”

“Don’t worry about that. I can make sure that doesn’t happen.”

Suk Jinmyung’s eyes widened.

He asked, “How long have you had spies in Daeyang?”

“That’s not important.”

“Then what is?”

“Your life. Your future. Your decision today can change everything.”

“What do you think will happen in my future?”

Woosung emptied his glass. Suk Jinmyung did the same.

Woosung turned to him and replied, “You will go to jail.”

Suk Jinmyung stared.

What did Woosung know?

Suk Jinmyung did so many vile things in his life. Any of them could get him in prison.

Suk Jinmyung replied, “You’re being rude, sir.”

“Can you deny it?”

“… What if I cooperate with you?”

“Then I will help you as much as possible. I can give you one or two of Daeyang subsidiary companies.”

“Did you make the same promise to Chun Gisu?”

Woosung laughed, “Of course I promised him something even bigger!”

“Subsidiary companies… not bad.”

“Only because you’re worth it.”

They talked for a while. After an hour, their bottles were empty. They were both becoming drunk and dizzy.

Suk Jinmyung asked, “… can you prove you are different than Choi Taemin?”


“Unless you convince me of that, I will never work for you.”

Suk Jinmyung left.


Late night.

After returning home, Woosung looked out the window. The beautiful view of the Han river greeted him.

He was now living at a new penthouse in Seoul.


His new home cost him 4 million dollars, and he paid it full in cash. Millions of dollars didn’t feel like money anymore.

Woosung sighed, “He wants a proof…”

Was Suk Jinmyung worth the trouble?

Yes. He knew many secrets about Daeyang. Woosung needed him.

“What could I do?”

Woosung drank a bottle of energy drink and sat in front of his computer.

13,240,321 BTC.

1 BTC 357.00 dollars.

Woosung now had full control over the bitcoin price.

“Choi Gichul got in at 150 dollars and will go in further in the near future. When it reaches 1000 dollars, he will go crazy. In the end, though, his account will be 0.”

Woosung clicked a few times to put an order for automatic transactions. In about a month, the price would reach 1000 dollars.

Woosung grinned darkly.

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