God of Music

Chapter 182

Chapter 182

Before he could even ask, KangYoon got into Min JinSeo’s car .

Min JinSeo proficiently drove the car out of the airport .

When they departed, KangYoon expressed his surprise .

“What happened? Why did you come to pick me up?”

As she was a superstar in not just Korea, but China as well, she should have been very busy, so KangYoon felt somewhat sorry that she made time for such a trivial matter .

Min JinSeo grinned and spoke about the circumstances .

“I called World because I was going to go there when I visit Korea this time, but director-unni told me that you would be coming over . So I said I’d come to pick you up . ”

“The director, huh… . Sheesh, she shouldn’t have done that . ”

KangYoon sighed .

As they crossed the Huangpu river, Min JinSeo changed topics .

“You’re staying for around two days right?”

“I plan to . I booked a residence in the city so you can just drop me off there . Oh, since you did so much for me, It would be bad-mannered of me to send you just like that . If you’re alright, I’ll treat you to some tea . ”

“Really? Wait, that won’t be easy though… . ”

Min JinSeo expressed both excitement and worry .

As she was a super popular star, just drinking tea in public wasn’t an easy thing to do .

Knowing how she felt, KangYoon told her not to worry and told her to drive to a certain location .

The place the two arrived at was a traditional pavilion in Shanghai’s Art District . Although the exterior looked shabby, this teahouse was one that many high officials and other famous people used .

“This place is…”

At the entrance that read ‘Lotus Pavilion’ .

Min JinSeo’s eyes, above her scarf, widened .

“This is a famous place . I heard from Liu Wei… I knew it, you are…”

Min JinSeo praised KangYoon .

The Lotus Pavilion was a high-class teahouse that many politicians and other famous people frequented .

Visits from the general public were extremely rare so she had heard that she would be able to relax here .

KangYoon knew this kind of place?

Her already lovestruck mind fell even deeper .

KangYoon spoke awkwardly .

“It’s a place that I have to know in order to work in China . ”

“So that’s how… I’ve only heard of this place and this is the first time I’m visiting . This place should be very expensive… This won’t do . sir, let’s just go another time . ”

She really wanted to drink tea, but she also did not want to see KangYoon spending so much on her .

However, KangYoon grabbed her hand saying that it was okay .

“Sir . ”

“It’s fine . We freeloaded at your place last time . This is nothing compared to that . ”

“That wasn’t anything difficult…”

“JinSeo, listen to me . ”

She had no choice now .

In the end, Min JinSeo was dragged into the teahouse by the hand .

‘Hehe . ’

Of course, the smile from skin contact couldn’t be helped .

‘She’s pretty alri… what am I thinking . ’

KangYoon turned around to see Min JinSeo and hurriedly looked away with a reddened face .

Unlike the shabby exterior, the interior was luxurious .

It had the high-class red-colored pillars that the Chinese people preferred and the sunlight shone through the windows . The yellow papers on the windows shimmered through the lights on the ceiling and created a luxurious atmosphere .

KangYoon led Min JinSeo to the top floor where the view of the artificial waterfall was the best .

Min JinSeo’s jaws were agape after seeing the scenery of this place while KangYoon ordered . Soon, a lady wearing a qipao (Chinese dress) approached and poured them some tea .

When KangYoon looked at the waitress dumbfoundedly, Min JinSeo poked his sides .

“Huh? What is it?”

“Sir, where are you looking?”

“The mood is so good . Don’t qipaos suit well with the mood here?”

“…Not really . ”

When Min JinSeo became pouty, KangYoon blinked his eyes several times .

“Really? Aren’t they pretty?”

“I’m not really sure . ”

Min JinSeo pouted and took off her scarf .

Then, the waitress, who was pouring the tea, suddenly widened her eyes .

It seemed that she had noticed who Min JinSeo was .

‘If you know it, then go already . ’

When Min JinSeo glanced at her with that implication without KangYoon knowing, the waitress quickly disappeared into somewhere else .

Only then did Min JinSeo appreciate the tea with a smile .

“Mm, the tea is really good . ”

“…I think the employees are doing a bad job though . ”

“Why? The tea is good . ”

KangYoon was imagining some leisurely tea ceremony style, but could not hide his disappointment when the waitress just quickly disappeared like that .

Even though service was everything in a high-class teahouse like this…

“…The tea is not as good as what Director Lee HanSeo brews though . ”

“Oh yeah . Director Lee HanSeo’s tea is the best… I should ask him for some when I visit next time . ”

Min JinSeo put down the teacup and met eyes with KangYoon .

“Are preparations going well?”

The ‘for what’ was missing, but KangYoon immediately realized what she meant . This was about her switching companies .

“I am preparing, but it’s not easy . I think it will take some time . ”

As for the budget, time will solve it .

The real problem was what would come after she switched over .

Her treatment had to be better than how MG treated her, if it became worse, then it would be better to not accept her at all . KangYoon was looking into many things due to this reason .

Min JinSeo was a little dejected but did not urge KangYoon .

“Okay . It’s you doing it so… I’ll believe you . ”

Complete faith .

This was Min JinSeo’s attitude towards KangYoon .

Her translucent pupils reflected the sunlight to him and KangYoon felt his breath catch in his throat for a moment .



When KangYoon rubbed his eyes several times, Min JinSeo looked at him strangely .

However, KangYoon waved his hand saying that it was okay .

“It’s nothing . Anyway, just be a little more patient, okay?”

“Yes . ”

Min Jinseo nodded and drank her tea again .

KangYoon also admired the tea and closed his eyes .

‘MG’s situation is looking serious . This is not the time to be raising a building…’

Just what were they thinking?

Once the budget went into something strange like construction, it was blatantly obvious that stars like Min JinSeo would have to do more work . Since he was going to do it, he wanted to do it quickly .

The two switched topics .

“Are the Eddios unnis doing well?”

“Yeah, they’re all busy . They’re quite popular after all . ”

“I see a lot of their activities through FinesTok as well . Although I can’t do it frequently since the internet connection is slow, I end up looking more into them since there are so many pretty materials . Their schedule is even on it so I can see what they’re doing . It was really easy to access . I can also see how busy they are . ”

“They’ve been resting for quite a long time now . They’re quite greedy because they weren’t able to do anything in America . ”

“Pfft, greedy, huh . Haha . ”

Min JinSeo chuckled .

Then, she seemed to have thought of something else as she clapped .

“Huh? I saw something else though . FinesTok’s announcements all had comments about how evil the president is for making them suffer . ”

“What? These people…”

“Hahahaha . ”

Min JinSeo laughed even more after seeing KangYoon’s reaction . Then she frowned a little before continuing .

“I knew it . Those people were the strange people . How dare they speak of you like that without knowing anything?”

“Uhm, JinSeo?”

“Thinking about it, it makes me a little angry . An evil president? Where else can you find a better president than you? Hah! They’re being funny . ”

When Min Jinseo became angry, KangYoon panicked instead .

“No way, they’re just saying it for a laugh . ”

“Anyway, I feel a little angry . I won’t let them be if I…”

“JinSeo, hello? JinSeo?”

KangYoon sweated as he tried to stop Min JinSeo from turning into full warrior mode (E/N: read, yandere mode) .

At the same time, KangYoon thought .

‘How cute . It would be good if I had a girlfriend like … . no, wait . What the hell am I thinking… . ’

KangYoon shook his head violently .

From Jejudo to now…No, even before that .

KangYoon finally noticed that Min JinSeo had firmly secured a place in his heart .

‘This is JinSeo we’re talking about . Get yourself together!’

However, KangYoon shook his head thinking that they were too far apart in age and also fooled himself into thinking that it would never work out .


At a street vendor near World Entertainment .

Lee HyunJi entered that place filled with salarymen going home .

“You’re here . ”

“Seonbae . ”

Professor Choi ChanYang, who had come beforehand, greeted her with a smile . A bottle of soju and some light snacks were already on the table .

Lee HyunJi ordered a set of her own food and sat down .

“Seonbae, why did you call me to a place like this?”

“Nothing really . I just thought about the old times, I guess?”

“We did drink a lot back in the day . I was weak to alcohol, so I always made the food…”

“You did . ”

Lee HyunJi toasted with him and drank a cup in one go .

A bittersweet sensation filled her body, and she started speaking about things that she usually wouldn’t .

“Is your date coming along well?”

“If you let her go on time, yes . ”

“…Do you know I’m sending her home late because I don’t want to see that? Just when did you and Miss HyeJin enter such a relationship…”

When Lee HyunJi grumbled while glaring at him, professor Choi ChanYang smiled instead .

“She’s a good person . I didn’t want to miss her…”

“Miss HyeJin, she’s a good woman . She’s good at work, she’s humble and… oh . The president doesn’t have a girlfriend either…”

Professor Choi ChanYang did not dare say ‘you too… . ’ .

He switched topics .

“This is something that came up while I talked with Miss HyeJin, but there’s a good idea . ”

“An idea?”

“These days, user-created videos are uploaded a lot on the internet, right? The interesting ones become a hot topic as well, and sometimes those people go on TV as well . Why don’t the members of World do the same?”

“A video?”

“It’s like this . Uploading a video of JiMin and HyunAh singing together, or of Mr . JaeHoon and Miss Ris doing a jam together . Or just upload one with everyone on it . ”

It was not a bad idea, but this wasn’t something she could come to a decision on by herself . This was also a type of image consumption, so she had to be cautious about it .

“I’ll have to tell the president about it . ”

“It’s not bad, is it?”

“It’s not bad . It sounds fun at least . ”

Many people would feel interested if people find a combination that is unexpected .

Lee HyunJi wrote down the things she had just heard in a memo .


After meeting with an official from China’s national TV station, CATV, KangYoon heaved a sigh .

‘The reactions don’t look that bad . ’

CATV had a lot of interest in Korean culture .

They showed a lot of interest in Eddios, a famous idol group of Korea, and they indirectly told him that they wanted Eddios’s first TV appearance on CATV if they ever do come to China . KangYoon ended the conversation on a good note rather than giving them a proper answer .

‘Rather than that though…’

The problem lay elsewhere .

KangYoon tapped on the window of a red sports car parked in the parking lot . Then, the window rolled down and a lady appeared .

“…Mmm, sir, you’re back?”

Min JinSeo seemed to have dozed off a little but smiled as she unlocked the door .

KangYoon quickly got in the car just in case anyone saw them, and the car quickly left the station .

“I told you to go since you must be tired . ”

Originally, KangYoon was going to stay alone in China . He studied Chinese because of it, and it worked pretty nicely today .

However, Min JinSeo volunteered herself as his driver and was with him everywhere…

KangYoon felt very sorry .

‘I should just reject her, but why can’t I…’

Usually, he would reject her proposal without a second thought, but he couldn’t do so this time .

Even he himself did not understand why .

Regardless, Min JinSeo spoke with a cheerful voice .

“You’re going to your residence, right?”

“Yeah . The location is…”

“Rather than that, I know a better place . ”


KangYoon’s eyes widened, but Min JinSeo proficiently drove the car to a certain location . It was a hotel nearly 100 stories high . It was a super hotel rated 5 stars .

When they neared the hotel, KangYoon tried to persuade her otherwise with a panicked voice .

“JinSeo, I don’t need this much . ”

“You’ll become my boss one day . You shouldn’t stay at a place that does not fit your status . ”

“Huh… . ”

KangYoon could not retort to that strange logic .

The car stopped at the entrance of the high-class hotel and an employee soon ran towards them .

[Welcome . ]

Min JinSeo gave the car keys to the valet and took KangYoon to the lobby . KangYoon was panicking now .

“JinSeo, you don’t have to go so far…”

KangYoon tried to beg her, but Min JinSeo dragged his hands to the hotel front without even listening to him .

‘What’s she up to?’

KangYoon, felt a wave of different emotions as he was dragged away .

[Welcome . ]

[Two rooms, please . Both suites . ]

Usually, the man would be dragging the lady, but it was the other way round right now .

Despite that, KangYoon sighed in relief after hearing that there will be two rooms .

‘What am I expecting…’

KangYoon shook his head .

“Sir, let’s go . ”

“Uh… yeah . ”

KangYoon again was dragged by her to the elevator .

‘This… I can’t even scold her or anything…’

As the elevator went higher, KangYoon’s head became messy .

If people saw the two, then it may harm her reputation . Moreover, she booked two rooms . KangYoon thought that he should pay her later for the room and decided to follow her for now .

After ups and downs, KangYoon entered the suite .


The room wasn’t called a suite for nothing .

A magnificent night view of Shanghai could be seen through the window, while the lavish facilities could be seen all throughout the room and the bath was luxurious . KangYoon was dumbfounded by the scale of the suite room that he had never been to before .

After unpacking, KangYoon went to the bathroom and washed .

He couldn’t even think about leisurely drinking wine like how they did in movies or dramas .


It felt like a storm had swept past after spending the day with her for the entire day after having just arrived in China . What was funny was not her, but KangYoon himself .

‘Why couldn’t I reject her today?’

Looking at the luxurious night view of Shanghai, KangYoon fell into contemplation .

He was already aware that Lee HyunAh and Jung MinAh had an affection for him that was different from the others . He had been wary of such things until now because he was the president of the company they were in as well as the fact that they were far apart in age .

However, what about Min JinSeo?

Strictly speaking, the field of acting was not one of KangYoon’s specialties . Despite that, he had become closer to Min JinSeo, set up a foundation for her, and above all…

Became closer to her .

‘…Fuu . ’

His mind was messy . No, to be exact .

It was filled with Min JinSeo .

‘…I don’t know what I should do . ’


Just as he was about to sit down on the bed to rest a little, the bell rang .

“I didn’t order room service, so I wonder who it is?”

KangYoon went to the door in confusion .

When he opened the door, he found Min JinSeo, with wet hair .

“I’m sorry when you must be resting . Can I… come in?”

“Huh? O, okay . ”

KangYoon replied with a bit of hesitation .

Then, she went past KangYoon while giving off a faint floral soap fragrance .

‘Nice fragrance . No, just what am I thinking…’

He hadn’t felt such a fragrance from anyone .

KangYoon shook his head several times, in order to shake off his thoughts .

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