God's Eyes

Chapter 1001 Return of the Lost one!

Chapter 1001 Return of the Lost one!

Jason's mind and body froze in place when he sensed a particular soul connection while hearing a particular voice that was not supposed to exist anymore.

He was sure about this because he was most certainly dead….

How could he ever forget that painful day when he had witnessed his death…the sacrifice of his dear soulbond, who had died to protect the foolish youth he had been.

However, at this very moment, he couldn't care about the 0% possibility that the voice he was hearing in his mind was real.

Right now, Jason's only thought was that he could sense Scorpio's soul connection and hear his voice.

He didn't care if that was just an illusion, but even the slightest possibility that his mind wasn't playing tricks with him and that everything was really caused him to grit his teeth as he tried to control his emotions.

At this moment, the Celestia aura of Jason was retracted in an instant.

His aura was changing, influenced by the tumult of emotions that raged within Jason's body as he was not even sure if he was going insane or imagining things.

Taking deep breaths in order to calm down, Jason noticed real quick that neither was the case.

The bond he felt with Scorpio was still there, and the emotions he had locked down in the depths of his heart for over a decade were resurfacing.

Thus, a single tear trickled down his cheeks as he opened his eyes that glimmered in an emerald color before he cast a glance towards the sky.

It was covered by his Soul world that was far more vast than he had imagined, and Jason knew that it was still growing.

After all, the true potential of his soul was currently unleashed.

Because his soul was a single entity that didn't differentiate between the bloodlines that coursed through his body, the process of unleashing affected both his soul world core and the Celestia bloodline simultaneously.

However, even though both sides were influenced, every single step in the elaborate procedure of the True Soul awakening happened in or around the Soul world, including the Soul awakening of his Celestia bloodline.

As such, his Soul world was affected twice while it continued to grow, only to be retracted into his body when Jason felt the urge to do so.

Even then he could feel that numerous changes were occurring to his soul world, changing the entire place in terms of size, landscape while affecting every being that was connected to him.

And this included the Dragon mother's mark that had barely left remnants of her soul and will into his soul world, along with the Golden Mark of Scorpio that was filled with its entire Soul and the will to protect Jason by all means!

At this very moment, something miraculous happened.

The twitching golden mark of Scorpio began to move, as Jason's eyes gleamed in anticipation, as the entire mark turned blurry.

This made Jason's heart skip a beat and his focus on the soul world core wavered a little bit, but what he saw later made him doubt himself as the outlines of an armored claw protruded out of the blurred golden mark.

What Jason was currently seeing were the semi-transparent claws of a Scorpion with fine golden lines that were clearly outlining them.

His breath hitched and Jason felt as if he was in a trance while he forgot everything else for the time being. His entire attention was on the soul world core.

He even momentarily forgot that he was undergoing the Double True Soul awakening that continued without him actively doing anything.

It didn't bother him even the slightest as to what was going on with the awakening, as his eyes bulged like saucers, disbelief was plainly written across his face.


He couldn't believe what was going on, and his voice trembled.

Staggering back in shock, he tripped and fell to the ground of his soul world, only to see the second claw emerging from the blurred golden mark.

Tearing the mark further, only a few seconds passed before a heart protruded out of it.

These few seconds had felt like an eternity to Jason, who was currently sitting in front of the soul world core as tears streamed down his face freely and a bright smile appeared on his face.

At this moment, Artemis, Petri, Solaris and the other soulbonds had appeared next to Jason.

They had sensed Jason's nervous excitement, which had made them come over in an instant.

Yet, when Artemis, Petri and Solaris saw the exact same thing as Jason, they involuntarily let out various voices, while Solaris' flame erupted in utter dumbfounding.

The following seconds turned into millennia as Jason imprinted every single detail his eyes perceived into his mind, fearing that everything was but a dream and he was hoping too much.

However, deep within he knew that he was not dreaming, but that everything was for real.

Unbeknownst to himself, Jason had already gotten up from the ground, and was slowly approaching the wandering soul that had just been birthed for a second time…undergoing a rebirth…just to return to the place he belonged to.

"Scorpio!!" Jason shouted out, still thinking that all of this was nothing more than his wishful thinking.

But when the wandering soul heard his name, and turned towards Jason, before emitting a loud screech of joy.

Lifting his two pincers and the stinger, Scorpio greeted everyone with his highly infectious joy before rushing toward them.

At this moment, Scorpio disappeared from his location, only to reappear right in front of Jason, bumping into him with his head first.

This flung Jason to the ground and nearly knocked him off his breath.

However, he couldn't care even the slightest about this as he laughed out in pure joy, reaching out to Scorpio's head with tears still trickling down his cheeks.

"Finally…you are back!!"

Jason had never expected to see Scorpio again, but he was momentarily left speechless.

And, instead of trying to find words to express his joy as he caressed the materialized form of Scorpio's wandering soul.

The Lost one had finally returned, overcoming death itself, just to stay by Jason's side, and to continue protecting him, until eternity!

However, this had only been possible owing to the fact that Scorpio's body, soul and will had been devoured by the soul world core only a short time after it had died.

Over the course of more than a century, the remnants of Scorpio's soul had been repaired, and passively nurtured by absorbing Jason's soul energy.

By cultivating the soul that was fully integrated with the soul world core, the wandering soul was slowly being formed and created.

He made use of Jason's growth and underwent all the strengthening that Jason had initiated and undergone, including his bloodline awakenings, and Solaris' baptisms!

Finally, after more than a century had passed, the True Soul awakening occurred, acting as the final and missing piece to complete Scorpio's rebirth, and return.

While Jason was busy caressing Scorpio's head and struggling to find words to express himself, Artemis, Petri and Solaris pounced on Solaris, greeting the return of the wandering soul in an emotional manner.

Artemis seemed to be the most affected as she couldn't stop screeching out anymore.

Even a tear trickled down her plumage, landing on the golden outlines of Scorpio's body.

Scorpio and Artemis had always fought against each other when they were younger.

But even then, they had never hated each other and it could be close to what Jason could call sibling rivalry.

Their bond had been quite deep as they were the first two soulbonds of Jason.

As such, after Scorpio's death, Artemis felt a huge responsibility weighing her down, preventing her from showing her true emotions to Jason, who had been an emotional wreck at that time.

The period of and after Scorpio's death had been chaotic.

Jason's masters had died not long after, and the Great Argos war had simply continued, wreaking havoc on Argos.

It had forced Jason to grow up and not allow his emotions to affect him, even less as he was not allowed to turn into an Infernal Celestia.

As such, currently everyone was overjoyed, feeling at ease, as their reunion and emotional meltdown followed by subsequent euphoria continued to last for hours.

Meanwhile, the True Soul awakening was continuing and was about to reach its peak, forcing Jason to avert his focus on it again.

Even if he didn't want to divert his attention from Scorpio, it was a necessity.

After all, his entire body was changing owing to the Double True Soul awakening!

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