God's Eyes

Chapter 292 - Vanishing

"Hey Jason, it's good to see that you're fine! Sorry that it took so long, but I had to dispose of some trash before coming."

Hearing this, both Till and Jason frowned because they could already imagine what this could mean.

Additionally, there were tiny bloodstains on Shane's clothes, that spoke more than 1000 words and Jason couldn't help but to ask himself what happened during the last few hours, they were underground.

However, before he could ask something, Till rushed forward with Seron on his back as he asked.

"What happened?!? Did you encounter the two Drake family sovereign ranks?.... Please don't tell me…"

Smiling lightly, Shane didn't answer Till's question but it seemed obvious what happened, even if Jason and Till were not there.

Without thinking too much about Till, Jason noticed that his master seemed to be sad or frustrated, which was not something he expected to see right now.

Frowning slightly, he could only imagine what happened, when Shane averted his attention to him as he said

"I'll explain everything but you don't have to be afraid of being pursued anymore...At least for now.."

Looking at Till, Shane felt slightly uneasy as he asked himself if Till would also betray him and Jason.

Maybe he would expose them later!

It was not important for him to be exposed as Old Drake's murderer, but it was something else if Jason were to be implicated in the mess he caused thanks to his anger outburst.

As such, Shane couldn't help but sigh as he cursed his bad emotional control when it came to Dalia and apparently also Jason because he completely disregarded the plan he and Dalia made.

Rushing straight to Old Drake might have been naive and stupid but Shane wanted to figure out why his old acquaintance betrayed the two of them, only for him to notice that Jason's talent was the reason.

It might have been a shallow reason for others, but Shane was fully aware of his disciple's talent which forced him to execute Old Drake after he rejected a harsher soul contract.

However, right now, it was still something different to execute Till just like that because he never betrayed them, and rather than that, Shane figured out that he helped them a lot.

Sighing deeply, Shane understood that he should have rather waited for Jason to arrive on the surface before bringing him away.

However, in the end, this would be a waste of precious time because Till could easily comprehend that he was Old Drake's murderer either way.

Explaining everything that happened to Till and Jason, while Seron was still unconscious, Shane underlined Old Drake's reason for his betrayal in order to show Till what exactly the reason for everything was.

Hearing that Shane killed Old Drake, both Till and Jason's eyes widened in shock, even if they roughly estimated that this happened.

Jason's emotions were not really affected by that and he was only shocked about his master's decisiveness, while Till couldn't help but tremble for a short moment before he tried to regain his senses.

Looking at Shane, he was unsure what to say as his mouth opened and clothes several times only to blurted out with a sigh.

"That's bad…." Till just said after some time, and looking at Shane with a firm expression, he just expressed what he was currently thinking.

"Soo, by telling me this, you probably want me to remain silent about this incident? Because I know that the two of you are in a master-disciple relationship would allow me to conclude that you killed Old Drake either way, right? Once Jason disappeared, this would turn even more suspicious and Jason would also be persecuted by some big families….Well, maybe not because there are only a few big families that loath you enough to pursued you through the islands if you were to appear ever again….In the end, the Drake family is most likely the big family that hates you the most by now.

If they were to find out that Jason became your disciple, the Drake family would probably send out spies or envoys through the islands to search for him because nurturing someone while hiding is unlikely to happen and furthermore extremely difficult.

Concluding everything, it would only be a matter of time until Jason would be found and where the disciple is, a master can't be far away…"

Carefully listening to Till, Jason was astonished that he could comprehend all of that just like that in such a short amount of time.

However, in the end, what his former teacher said was certainly true and Jason felt that everything became much more complicated than it was before.

Even if his short-term issues were eradicated, the long-term problems caused by Shane might as well be worse.

TIll was still shocked that Old Drake, which he knew since he was a small kid, was dead and that Shane was the murderer.

He heard many heroic stories about the two of them, their might and friendship, that turned into rivalry, only to end up in a bloodbath after more than two centuries.

Shane could only hope that Till was reasonable and that he also liked Jason, which might be helpful to persuade the young heir to remain silent.

Not knowing what exactly he should think of the whole situation, Till's mood soured and his eyes turned sad.

Yet, even if Old Drake's death was tragic, Till couldn't help but think that Old Drake overestimated his capabilities and that his greed overwhelmed him when he figured out how precious Jason was.

Old Drake was definitely aware of the dangers because he also knew that Shane, who eliminated a whole big family in order to rescue his wife, was his master, which indicated that Jason was important to him.

Disregarding this meant that he was fully aware of the dangers, yet he chose to act how he did and he reaped what he sowed.

It was harsh, but Till would have also tried his best to help out Jason and they were not even in a master-disciple relationship or something even remotely close to that.

In the end, he would have only acted in order to assure that his own and Seron's clans wouldn't receive any disadvantages through this while his amity towards Jason played a huge role too.

Furthermore, Till hated how the Drake family treated their prodigies comparable to slaves which would have been the final reason for him to help out Jason.

As such, he could only sigh and think that he wouldn't do anything to help the Drake family, whom he didn't favor a tiny bit.

It was tragic that two sovereign ranks and Old Drake died, but in the end, Till didn't receive any disadvantages through this and rather than that, it might benefit his family, who was already anxious about the Drake family's sudden advancement in powerful sovereign ranks.

Nodding his head, Till looked straight into Shane's eyes before he sighed deeply

"I won't tell the Drake family anything about your and Jason's relationship, and I never saw you here….Jason just parted ways with us when we arrived at the surface and I don't know any suspect that might have something to do with Old Drake's death….that should be enough, right?"

Jason was still overwhelmed by everything that happened right now and he couldn't even speak at all because Shane and Till started to make up a simple story in order to reassure his safety.

Seeing this, he felt warm around his heart, but since Old Drake betrayed them, Jason felt as if a small clump manifested around his heart, preventing him from trusting anyone except his masters' who demonstrated their trust to him more than enough.

Only a few minutes, Shane and Till finished their conversation as Shane approached Jason, telling him that it was time to part ways with Till.

Bidding farewell, Jason felt a little bit sad because Seron was still unconscious but there was nothing he could do about that.

There was no time to waste and Shane couldn't say for sure how long it would take for reinforcement to arrive while it would also be bad if someone sighted them.

As such, Shane grasped Jason's shoulder firmly, as he manifested a spatial portal behind them, through with he jumped.

Jason could only see Till waving at him with an uneasy expression as they finally parted their ways.

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