God's Eyes

Chapter 68 - Dual

It was dinner time and the soulbonds got their various kinds of Mana-based food.

Jason had to wait for the others to finish feeding their soulbonds as such, he entered his soul world to practice the Heaven's Hell technique diligently like every day.

After he finished. the others were also done and the soulbonds stayed outside except the amber horned monkey that also liked to stay by Mark′s side.

Eating a delicious meal inside Jason was deep in thought about what martial arts technique he should look for.

Furthermore, he was pondering if he was even able to access a better one than the commonly known ones.

Jason sighed and he didn't notice that Greg was telling his family about Jason′s problem with his martial art technique or rather with his non-existent basic knowledge about fighting, except his natural traits like his good eyesight, reaction speed, and comprehension ability.

Greg praised these traits but he was also strict with his lacking ability and fundamental holes Jason had to fill.

If Jason knew more about the basics, he would be able to use many kinds of movements in combination with each other, rather than following the simple sequences from the Azure feisty Ape technique.

The main problem was that Jason's Azure feisty Ape technique was commonly used for close combat without weapons while he looked for the modified version which lacked many important things.

This caused the potential of the technique to be stuck at the experienced mastery which was its limit and Jason didn't know that at all.

He was frustrated that his comprehension was becoming worse and worse because he couldn't improve his proficiency of the modified Azure feisty Ape technique while he already reached the possible limits of it.

Gabriella and Mark had all kinds of Tierless foundational weapon mastery techniques bought before their kids were born because they wanted to be prepared for their tutelage.

But somehow it was useless in the end because Malia wasn't using any weapons and managed to attack with her exquisite control over the fire and water affinity she gained, while Greg was relying on his physique and crude moves, rather than any elegant technique.

They lamented about that for a long time as they purchased these techniques for a fortune but now it seems to come in handy.

Gabriella looked into her large spatial storage when she threw out one book after another.

In the beginning, Jason didn't notice that books appeared on the table but once a small mountain was formed in front of him, he was immediately distracted from his thoughts and looked up.

Looking at the manuals in front of him, he was confused.

But reading their names, he became curious.

'Fundamental dagger guide, Fundamental dual-dagger guide, Fundamental archery guide, Fundamental close combat guide....., Basic body exercises, Basic mana exercise, Basic mana manipulation guide, Basic passive mana gathering guide, Basic combat stance manual, Rookie weapon mastery, Rookie dagger mastery…..`

There were at least 50 books in front of Jason and each of them had interesting titles...

Looking at Gabriella and Mark, Gabriella nodded while Mark grumbled

"Use them"

Mark was still slightly somewhat uncomfortable around Jason but he warmed up slowly and Jason jumped up joyful thanking them sincerely with small tears in his eyes.

"Thank you, Aunt, Uncle!!...Oh...eh.I mea-...n..I'M SORRY!" Jason wasn′t aware of what he said in the beginning but noticing that he called the Fler′s, aunt, and uncle, he was immediately shocked about his stupidity.

In this Era, it was inappropriate to call someone Uncle or Aunt without being blood relatives, related by marriage or Adopted, and it was seen as very rude by most people.

Even if Jason could only think that it was rude because it was impolite and seen as an even more intimate way to call someone than by one's first name.

More important was that Jason had never called anyone intimately, except his mother as he began cursing himself.

There was a short moment of silence in the whole room until Gabriella smiled brightly, shattering the awkwardness while chuckling heartily before she told Jason

"I′ve never been called Aunt… It is nice to hear.. Just call me Aunty.. But if you want to do that you′ve to remember that you are seen as a part of our family!! Since you called us Aunt and Uncle you have to take responsibility" She said while chuckling

Mark was looking slightly frustrated at Jason before he turned to his wife with an odd gaze.

`Can't I also decide something important like that?!?! I′m also a part of this family!!!`

But Mark could only think that when Greg jumped up and hugged Jason…

"Hahahaha I always wanted to have a younger brother!! You are now my younger brother whether you like it or not!"

Even Malia who was still sitting smiled brightly showing him a piece sign as acknowledgment while the only positive thing Mark could think of was

`At least he won't pursue my precious princess! HAHA`

A few tears poured down Jason′s cheek and Gabriella got up with a tissue to wipe them away.

After she finished, she turned serious and ordered

"Now that you are a part of our family, even without a proper bond, you have certain responsibilities!! School will start in 9 days and your foundation seems to be unstable.

Today your task is to read through every manual on the table and to imprint them into your mind as well as possible.

Until the end of the week, you have to know the smallest details of these manuals!!

Decide on which weapon you want to master as your main weapon and we′ll focus on this weapon to train you properly.

We will prepare a workout for you and enough nutrition so you won't be able to excuse yourself by slacking off.

I heard you are intelligent and your theoretical exam was pretty good.. That's nice but in Cryo-city it is slightly different.

The tested questions were shallow and there were no questions that asked profound knowledge about worldly matters or even a single more in-depth question."

Listening to Gabriella, Jason found it exciting to get a tight schedule because he was slightly at a loss.

It wasn′t exactly healthy to gather mana for 24/7, only eating and practicing the Heaven's Hell technique as an exception

Previously Jason didn′t know what to do in the remaining 7+ days, because he was too weak to enter the two-star wild-zone alone and unable to improve his martial art skill.

With the books in front of him, Jason knew what he should do.

Storing them inside his bracelet he activated its special feature to scan them and display them at his holographic screen.

Jason almost forgot to thank the Fler′s once again as he was too excited to read these 50 books, even if he knew that it was hard to archive.

Gabriella smiled at the youth who ran out of the house into the backyard, while Mark opened his holographic screen

"I′ll plan his workout" he said.

Malia and Greg looked at each other and wondered if Jason would be able to read through all 50 books today as each book had at least 50+ sites with difficult technical language.

Only a few minutes later, Jason came back inside with a confused expression.... bombarding the Fler′s with questions and Malia decided to help Jason out while she would read her own manuals.

Greg would be bored alone, so he decided to read through the advanced theories of the mana breakout which was the most boring subject in his opinion.

The three of them leaned on a thick tree inside its shadow and silently read their book

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