God's Eyes

Chapter 75 - Quickly Over

Jason had never fought against anyone with an affinity except the wind bull but that wasn't a real fight if one had to be honest.

Leo shouted arrogantly "HAHA… it's better to be my errand boy than pissing me of… don′t you think so, little maiden?"

Jason was astonished that he was called maiden.. I know I'm handsome but bro… I'm a boy..or maybe I′m also beautiful? Ahh, nevermind that!!`

If he was honest, Jason was extremely narcissistic since he awoke his eyes.

However, previously he wasn't confident in his own body which was now different.

Jason thought he was extremely good-looking but beautiful?

The fight started and Jason was taken off guard, as he was still thinking about his handsomeness.

This caused him to be unaware of the earth spikes that suddenly shot out of the platform, surrounding him as they pierced into his calves without giving him the chance to react.

Crying out in pain, he couldn't even break out of the earth spikes when Leo Heart appeared above him, with a devilish smile on his face as mana encased his gauntlet, causing them to shine brightly.

Mr.Greil was about to end the battle when he saw something particular in Jason′s eyes that caused him to hesitate for a second

`F**K… don′t die little one!`

He was a moment too late to save Jason as he saw Jason's eyes piercing into Leo′s eyes which were fierce and full of anger before they suddenly turned blank.

Leo collapsed on the ground, laying there as if he was knocked out by Jason, without him doing anything and the whole combat arena turned silent.

Nobody knew what happened and one could only see Jason struggling to stay firmly on the ground while blood began to ooze out of his eyes like a small stream.

*Seconds before*

Leo didn't want to kill Jason and he was suer of the fact that their teacher would prevent him in killing Jason, so he just attacked with all the anger he had stored inside him.

Even if it wasn′t accumulated from Jason, he needed a punching bag right now and in front of him was the perfect victim.

Jason noticed that something was off when the teacher didn't stop the attack as Leo Hearts mana enhanced gauntlets were only some distance away from him.

Using his fully stored mana and the amount accumulated within his eyes, he released the whole vast amount of mana at once through his eyes, while staring at Leo.

Leo gazed into Jason's eyes that seemed to tell him he was an ant in front of him when Jason′s eyes turned gigantic enveloping his whole existence.

While they grew in size, Leo's senses were completely sealed off as he felt like he was falling into a eerie and frightful darkness that seemed to be unlimited behind the golden luster of Jason′s eyes.

It seemed as if he was imprisoned within the abyss and it was extremely frightening.

This short moment felt like an eternity to Leo as he suddenly shuttered when he saw something particular gazing at him.

He began to sweat heavily and he was forced to stumble backward with heavy steps before his eyes turned wet with fear spreading through his whole body.

Suddenly the abyss in his mind vanished, releasing Leo back into reality when his brain registered the eternity that passed inside his mind within a millisecond.

It couldn't handle the shock and Leo collapsed in front of Jason on the ground.

Jason didn′t know what exactly happened to Leo but he knew what his eyes were able to do, at least to a certain degree because the same happened when he was sparring with Greg.

One time Jason was so annoyed by Greg, that he used up a small amount of mana inside his eyes while fighting with Greg.

Suddenly Greg′s moves were somewhat slowed down and restricted.

After a second, Greg was freed but that wasn′t the main fact.

When that happened, Greg looked at Jason with shock when he told him that Jason′s eyes enveloped him somehow, welcoming him to an uncanny darkness, like an abyss.

Greg didn't want to experiment with this ability with him ever again, because the abyss, they named it, was too eerie.

Jason wanted to test this ability with his whole amount of mana but there was no one to test it at.

Now while fighting with Leo, he couldn't think of a different way out of the sudden incident, and he was forced to use the [abyssal effect], he names it to end the whole battle before it even began.

Jason was still standing but only due to the support of the earth spikes inside his calves.

Otherwise, he would also collapse on the ground, as his mind felt sluggish.

Mr. Greil shattered the earth spikes immediately and transported both of them close to his soulbond wolf that radiated the white light with its healing characteristics.

Not only was their teacher shocked about what happened, but the whole class was also completely silent.

It took everyone a few minutes to digest the whole battle before some of them gossiped with each other.

Nobody asked a question, but everyone had the same one in their mind

`What happened? `

Looking at their teacher, they noticed a similar confused expression telling them, that not even he knew what was going on.

As such they remained silent, waiting for their teacher to do something.

Once ge checked Jason′s injuries and Leo′s mind, he declared the outcome of the battle.

"This battle was a tie. Next one please"

Normally Jason would have won this fight as he was still standing when Leo was already unconscious lying on the bottom but this would mean Jason′s rank would change to the 4th, while Leo′s would decrease to the 224th.

After changing the ranking like this, Jason would be probably tormented and bullied once he as a teacher wasn't there, which he wanted to avoid.

In the end, he decided to declare the fight as a tie.

Jason was just too weak right now, even if his combat prowess seemed to be extremely strong for a new advanced 6th Novice rank.

The fights continued but not many rankings changed and the whole class ranking battle ended with only a few slightly injured youths, while Jason lost his consciousness.

Leo was also unconscious and the two of them seemed to have sustained the most serious injuries compared to the rest.

Leo′s mind seemed to work fine and only sleep would be required to heal his psyche, while Mr. Greil thought the same about Jason′s case.

Because of that, they were both brought to the infirmary..


It was already afternoon when Jason woke up in an unknown room.

Trying to stand up, he was astonished to notice, that his calves weren't hurting or even numb.

Next to his bed was another bed and Leo was sleeping on it with a stupid facial expression.

If Jason was honest to himself, he didn′t know what to think about Leo.

`Did he really want to kill me or was it an accident? Why didn′t Mr.Greil save me?`

These thoughts ran through his head when the infirmary door opened with Mr.Greil walking inside, with a nurse following behind him.

They noticed that Jason was already awake and standing firmly as Mr.Greil came closer.

"Jason, I think I′ve to apologize. I hesitated for a slight moment to save you, when I saw your eyes shining and it ended up in a mess because of me...

Luckily nobody is heavily injured and I hope you won't hold a grudge." He said sincerely.

Jason noticed his genuity and accepted the apology.

He didn't hold a grudge because everything ended up somewhat fine, without him getting severely injured.

Even if he would hold a grudge, to whom should he complain? His teacher was extremely strong and had probably an extremely high authority within Astrix.

After accepting the apology, Jason decided to go home, as he had nothing to do within the school anymore.

He even forgot to change his clothes when he called a shuttle as Jason was running around with his Jeans that were ripped at the calves.

It was probably looking extremely funny, except for the bloodstains, one could see.

When the shuttle arrived, he entered it and went inside the soul world in order to practice the Heaven's Hell technique diligently.

Because of his breakthrough in his mana core rank, his soul energy reached 6.7 and Jason was happily leading around the shapeless energy, injecting it inside the soul world core within 25 minutes.

The shuttle arrived right when Jason finished his practice and he decided to practice the Heaven′s Hell technique everytime within the Shuttle, as it was a tranquil place while the timing seemed to fit perfectly.

Entering the small house, he was now living with the Fler′s, Gabriella was the first one to see him as she greeted him with a smile.

"Hello Jason, why are you so late… how was your d-dAYYYY?" The last words were almost shrieked when she saw how Jason looked like.

He wasn't wearing his uniform, because they were stained by impurities and right now, Jason′s lower body looked like he had survived a massacre.

The part below high tights was almost completely littered with blood and Gabriella noticed the holes inside his pants.

She hurriedly ran over to him in order to inspect him for Injuries, when Jason told her that there was a small class ranking battle.

"SMALL? You look like you went to the warzones??!?!?" She shouted and Jason was grateful for her worry but she was extremely loud, attracting the attention of the other family members who got curious about the dispute.

When they saw Jason′s look, Greg and Malia immediately hurried over to inspect him neatly, before they noticed that he was fine.

Jason was embarrassed about getting touched by multiple hands like that as he asked all of them if they could sit down to let him explain everything.

As such they sat down before Jason began talking about the things that happened over the whole day, beginning with the lessons and his breakthrough.

"WHAT!! You already broke into the 6th Novice rank!?!!" Greg cried out and Malia urged him to consolidate his mana core before ranking up, when Jason continued explaining, that he already consolidated his mana core after his breakthrough.

"WHAT?!?!!" Now it was Malia to cry out loud and she looked as shocked as everyone else.

Even if the 6th Novice rank was nothing special, especially for his age but consolidating his mana core within two hours was more than a little bit fast…

He finished the reproduction about the day neatly when he saw Gabriella and Malia fuming with anger

"What kind of teacher is that, to neglect his student on the first day!!! I should call the principal and complain about him" Gabriella said and she was already opening her quantum bracelet when Jason calmed her down.

Greg was quiet and feeling a little bit weird when he heard about Jason releasing his whole mana pool inside his eyes to activate the [Abyssal effect].

Being reminded about this, caused him to shutter in fright as he tried to change his thoughts.

Jason wanted to go upside to wash his clothes when he was reminded about his Holy white baruci fruit which used up to much space as he turned to the Fler′s that were like a family to him.

"Can I loan some credits from someone, please? I want to contract another soulbond" Jason innocently said while everyone looked a little bit confused


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