Goshujin-sama to Yuku Isekai Survival! (WN)

Chapter 424 – Her Majesty the Queen and Her Excellency the Prime Minister at Work

Thanks toShiro for the Ko-Fi and this chapter! Join our Patreon to get more chapters, enjoy~


Chapter 424 – Her Majesty the Queen and Her Excellency the Prime Minister at Work

Melty’s responsibilities as Prime Minister are many and varied. Not only the domestic economy but also diplomacy, military affairs, religion, and any other matters that come her way.

“Isn’t that a tough job?”

“I’ve managed to keep things pretty much under control.”

Saying this, Melty quickly looks through the piles and piles of documents. Most of these documents are reports, and not many of them require Melty’s approval. Still, it would have been a challenge just to go through this amount of documents.

“I have made progress in the number of officials and departments to handle petitions.”

“Until then, there were twice as many documents piled up waiting to be approved.”


It is surprising that the number of documents was so large that they had to be examined one by one to decide whether to accept or reject each one. That must have been exhausting every day.

“Anyway, the golem communicator is a huge thing, isn’t it?”

“Oh, yes. It is very helpful to receive information about events in distant cities on the same day.”

“The mobility of the air board is also great. The air boards are superior to horses in terms of speed, maneuverability, and distance traveled, and they contribute more than ever to maintaining public safety.”

“In a city of this size, we have a golem communicator, so if something happens, the fort receives an urgent report, and the soldiers are dispatched, which is a great thing.”

“Still, it doesn’t eliminate all the damage.”

The beastmen maids I was protecting were survivors of a pioneer group that was annihilated. If the soldiers were wiped out before they had time to report the incident, such a reporting and expediting system would not work effectively. Well, this was a rare case in which the entire army of the local lord who had accompanied them was wiped out.

“So, what should I do?”

“Nothing in particular, you know? Just watch me do my job.”


“I know that’s boring, so you can look at the pending documents I’ve sorted in that box over there if you like. I’ll discuss the contents with Her Majesty as soon as I’m done examining the documents in one way or another.”

“I see.”

Of course, I was too bored to look at Melty all the time, so I decided to do as Melty said. Now, what is this? This one is a document related to flood control work on a river in the north of Merinesburg. This one is about water rights issues between villages, and this one is about bandit problems in the western part of the Kingdom of Merinard.

I could easily solve all of them, but I don’t think I will. Flood control and water problems are my area of expertise, and as for bandits, if I teamed up with Grande and searched for bandit campsites from the sky, all I had to do was overwhelm them with my golem soldiers.

Oh, and then there’s the monster problem. It’s the same as the bandit problem. If I can get Grande or the harpies to locate their nests or sleeping places, I can kill them. This is the road maintenance problem. I see. I hear they are getting old. That’s my area of expertise. And over here, we’ve got a plague epidemic on the rise. I can go over there and prescribe the Cure Disease Potion. Then I’ll go around with my purification magic tool and sterilize the whole place, and if there’s a source of plague, I’ll deal with it. I can solve all these problems.

“Before you go any further, I’m not going to move you in any of these things.”


“If we rely on Kosuke for everything, the country will soon run out of options. Unless there is no other way to solve the problem, I have no intention of using Kosuke’s power.”

“If we only consider efficiency, it would be a waste to let Kosuke-san’s power go to waste. However, if I entrust everything to Kosuke-san, a project that would take dozens of people weeks or months would be completed in a few days, and that’s not good enough.”

As if to follow up on Sylphy’s stern attitude, Melty adds to Sylphy’s statement. I see. It is true that if I were to work, the flood control work would be finished in a few days after consulting with the engineer. However, if I did that, one of the public works would be destroyed.

In the current Merinard Kingdom, there are many subhumans who have just been freed from slavery. They were able to escape the harsh lash of slavery and become free, but whether that is enough to make them happy is another story. The Kingdom of Merinard intends to support the freed slaves as much as possible, but this does not mean that they will be able to live a peaceful life without working. They must work, earn money, enjoy a healthy life, and eventually pay their taxes.

“I see. But if it’s something that can be done with a day trip or a short business trip, I don’t mind working, okay?”

“I’ll think about it.”

“I’ll consider it.”

Yes, this is an answer that doesn’t mean I’m going on a business trip for a while. Well, Sylphy is pregnant, and I have the feeling that she’s going to approach me more and more… I guess she doesn’t want me to go on a business trip.

“But it’s going to be hard to cut back on this amount of work. I guess you’ll have to hire more people, won’t you?”

“Or expand the authority of the subordinates more. Maybe it’s time to consider appointing a ministerial position.”

“Appointing ministers… now that the situation is stabilizing, we might as well think about it.”

Ministerial positions, huh? In other words, appoint a person with great authority in each area. The burden on the top management will be reduced, but will it take more time to make decisions than before because the authority structure will be more complex? Even if that is the case, if it will lighten the burden on the heavily burdened Sylphy, I would like to see them go ahead with the plan. Sylphy’s body is no longer hers alone.

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