Goshujin-sama to Yuku Isekai Survival! (WN)

Chapter 431 – Something or Other

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Chapter 431 – Something or Other

“I did it.”

“Huh? What?”

“A baby.

On the evening of the day Bertha’s pregnancy was discovered, Isla, who had been visiting my craft room, suddenly told me a shocking fact.


“Hmm, I’m sure. I confirmed it myself.”

Saying this, Isla stroked and rubbed her small hand around the area below her own navel.

“O-oh… what is this today? Are you trying to make me ascend in happiness?”

“Maybe by accident.”

I said, kneeling down in front of Isla, and then put my ear to her small belly. Of course I couldn’t hear anything yet. I couldn’t help it. I couldn’t deny the feeling that I had finally made it. When I think of the new life in this tiny body of Isla, I have a strong feeling that I’ve done something extraordinarily wrong. Even though she is small, she is older than I am, and she is an adult woman in terms of her race.

“Are you happy?”

“I’m already more than happy.”

But this is the fifth person… or not even the fifth person if I include the harpies. I guess this is the fifth person I’ve counted. I can’t say anything more about this one, even if they call me the “Heavenly Seed Man” or something like that. Oh, I have a feeling that for the first time in a long time, the achievement will be released… I don’t see it. I won’t look at it.

“But they keep coming up… You may have heard that Bertha reported the same pregnancy during the day.”

“Hmm, I heard. So I checked my belly, and it was done.”

“Check your own belly.”

“By magic. Pregnancy changes the flow of magic in the body, so a mage can tell immediately.”

“I see.”

Even at such a time, Isla was calm. I was also inspired by her, and my excited mind seemed to calm down, but right after that, something happened that immediately disturbed my mind.

“Kosuke-san! A baby! I’m having a baby too!”


Melty, looking excited, rushed in and kicked the door of the craft room half open.

But Melty, who was about to burst in with the same momentum as before, stopped as if she had hit a wall. Seeing Isla pointing her index finger at Melty, it seemed that she had stopped Melty’s charge with magic.

“Isla? I can’t move.”

“I’m afraid so. Kosuke, me and the baby are fragile, so it would be dangerous for you to charge at us with such force.”

“The baby in your belly?”

“Hmm, I’m pregnant too.”

As Isla says this, she makes peace with her left hand, her face blank. Melty also seems surprised by Isla’s confession. Of course, it is surprising. Since Bertha’s case is already known, this means that three pregnancies have been discovered in one day.

“Three pregnancies in one day is too many to be a coincidence, isn’t it?”

“I don’t think it’s a coincidence.”

I think it is, but when I think about the being who appeared before, the one who talked to me after stopping time, I can’t say it’s a coincidence. If he can even stop time and talk to me, he’s probably capable of a trick like this.

“Just to be sure, can I have Shumel and Grande, as well as Seraphita-san and Driada, checked out as well?” [T/n: I don’t know if the author forgot or not, but I’m sure Shumel and the others were already pregnant].

“Hmm, no problem.”

“I understand. But first, please bless my case.”

“Of course.”

After that, until dinner time, I continued to send them compliments, thanks, and blessings. I was really too happy to do anything about it.


As it turned out, all the women I had relationships with during the time I entrusted my work to Seraphita-san and Driada and spent morning to night making out with them were all pregnant. The success rate was an amazing 100%.

“This is definitely influenced by my skills…”

Giving up, I opened the status menu and checked my achievements. Before I knew it, there were many more achievements I didn’t know about, but I found one that looked like this at the end of the list.

・Stud Horse Bastard――: Procreate a child with a total of ten members of the opposite sex. Greatly increases the “hit rate.” Be fruitful, multiply, and fill the world.

This is definitely it. Ellen and Amalie, plus the harpies who bore my children, plus Sylphy, make ten. Then began those days from morning to night… No, perhaps the achievement was released when I was sent to the Dragonis Mountain Kingdom as an institution.

“It’s a happy thing, but I can’t be too happy about it…”

Sylphy, who has understood the situation herself, has an indescribable expression on her face. The women who have become pregnant this time are all women who are close to the center of the nation’s leadership. In other words, even if the current situation is still good, future changes in their health could paralyze the central functions of the nation if things go wrong. 

“I’ll think of a way to deal with it.”

“The lack of human resources is our weak point, you know…”

It seems that Isla and Melty are planning something, but it’s not something that can be done overnight. Well, it is not as if there is no time to spare, as it is not today or tomorrow that a major change will come to their physical condition.

“It seems to me that we should start promoting talented people like Mono as soon as possible.

“Ah, was he the one-eyed tribe you met when you built a pioneer village in the west? Yes, if he is excellent and trustworthy, I would like to have him.”

“Then I should go there myself.”

Mono didn’t seem to have much intention of leaving the pioneer village. If we’re going to persuade him, it would be more successful if I, who knows him, went there.

“What about getting the Adol Nostalgic Faction to send some men to help us? Aren’t priests basically intellectuals?”

“That’s true, but I don’t think it’s a good idea to let too many Adol priests into the heart of the country…”

“I see.”

Sylphy made a reluctant face, so I meekly backed away. If push comes to shove, I suppose we’ll have to rely on them, but we don’t want to rely on them as much as possible. Well, considering what has happened so far, this may indeed be a sensitive point in terms of public sentiment.

“It would be good if we could recruit from among the refugees fleeing the Holy Kingdom.”

“I have already given my support to promote those who seem to have potential as lower-level officials. However, it won’t work in this case.”

“That is true.”

Isla agrees with Melty. It is certainly dangerous to place refugees who have fled the Holy Kingdom near the center of government. I don’t think hiring locally is subtly dangerous either, but there are some things that can’t be done on our backs… There are so few people who can read, write, and do math in the Merinard Kingdom right now.

“It’s not a new thing, but it’s important to develop human resources…”

“It’s just that it takes time to see results.”

It’s not like the fields I’ve built, which produce results in a week or so. I wonder if it is possible to build something useful in this direction. Something like a learning machine. It’s impossible. I’d rather make a tool that dramatically improves my daily work. For starters, it might be a good idea to set up something like a high-speed transmission pipe that can transport documents within Merinesburg Castle or a voice transmission pipe like the one used in the magic airship.

“Ah, so much to do…”

“It’s not bloody content, is it? It’s called hard-won peaceful annoyance.”

“That’s true. Well, we’ll manage.”

“Yes, we’ll manage.”

Sylphy smiles at me, and I smile back. Well, we’ll just have to manage somehow. It’s going to be hard from now on, but we’ll make it.

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