Goshujin-sama to Yuku Isekai Survival! (WN)

Chapter 434 – Master and Family

Chapter 434 – Master and Family

Thanks toLostandFound for the Ko-Fi and this chapter! Join our Patreon to get more chapters~

Well, this is the end of our journey for this novel. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Thank you for your support until now, without your support I might not have been able to complete this translation to the end. See you next time, I hope you are always healthy and see you in another novel. Cheers~

Chapter 434 – Master and Family

“They were doing their own thing over there, you know?”

“I see.”

After spending the night with my children and grandchildren, I returned to Omicrule and reported to Sylphy and the others who were waiting for me.

“Ix will be able to have some freedom once he completes his term as king. I think it would be a good idea to bring him here when that happens.”

“There are many areas here that have yet to be explored. I’m sure Ix, who loves adventure, will be overjoyed.”

Isla nodded her head as she listened to Sylphy’s words, her stomach growing. This is the eighth time I’ve seen Isla like this, and no matter how often I see her, I always worry if her little body will be able to handle it… Although she herself seems to have no problem with it.

“How have our children been?”

“As far as I can tell, they’re all fine. It was impossible to keep track of all of them, though.”

“I guess that’s the way it is, isn’t it?”

Melty put her hand to her cheek and made a troubled face. The first child I had with her was born as a normal sheep beastman, so he’s passed away now. But he raised a solid family of his own, got a lovely wife, and showed us his adorable grandchildren. Those grandchildren produced great-grandchildren, those great-grandchildren produced great-great-grandchildren, and the descendants of Melty and I have taken root in various parts of the Kingdom of Merinard.

“Father, how is my family?”

A fox-beastman girl approached me and said. She is my beautiful daughter with golden fox ears and five tails. Her name is Hikari. She is a daughter born between me and Byaku, a fox-eared beastman, and she is a demon species just like Melty.

 It is the same as Melty’s. But it seems that many of them are still working around Merinesburg. I’ve heard that many of them work in the castle, just like Byaku.”

“I see… I’d like to visit them again when things are a little more settled here.”

“You can go anytime you want.”

The reason I went there this time was to check on the children and to get some things that are hard to get over here. I can do most things with my abilities, but there are limits to what I can do.

To be more specific, I can’t make paintings or artwork with my abilities, and I can make books with pretty covers, but I can’t do anything with the contents. I’ve been working with this ability for a long time, and it seems to be flexible, but there are also some areas where it doesn’t work well.

“How was it over here?”

“It was peaceful here. We had the usual two attacks, but the golems took care of them as well, so there was no room for us to act.”

“How can it be peaceful when there have been attacks?”

Over here in Omicrule, there are threats to people like us. Well, they are the same monsters we have on the other side, but they are much greater in number and variety. When we first arrived here, we had to fight the monsters for about two weeks. If I hadn’t prepared a lot of golem soldiers, weapons, ammunition, and various materials, it would have been close. It was really hard because we didn’t know how to get back to the other side, and there were no signs of people because of all the monsters.

The population structures in Omicrule are all in ruins and have become a den of monsters. And if we tried to fly, we would be shot down by a swarm of flying monsters, but if we tried to go through the thick forest, we would be attacked by a swarm of monsters… It was really hard when we first came here.

After a lot of hardship, we found a community of people who had survived here and asked them how to deal with the monsters here, and then we went around destroying nests to ensure the safety of the area, and we helped the community to expand the human population bit by bit. After all, what we’re doing here and there hasn’t changed. Well, in many ways, it is easier than over there because we are basically dealing with monsters that cannot be interacted with.

“It’s peaceful compared to the past, isn’t it? I still dream about the first two weeks or so after I got here.”

“It was hard back then, wasn’t it?”

“I still dream about it, too.”

Sylphy huddled with a cup of mead in her hand, and Melty and Hikari smiled wryly. Isla nodded her head as well, so the first two weeks after arriving here must have been a bit traumatic for her as well. But that was a long time ago.

“By the way, where are Shumel and the others? Seraphita and the others don’t seem to be here either.”

“Ah, there was a little trouble in the eastern section after Kosuke went back there. It wasn’t much trouble, but Mother and Dri-neesama said they couldn’t leave it alone, so they went with Shumel and the others to sort it out. Also, Grande wandered off somewhere after Kosuke went over there yesterday. Well, now that Kosuke is back, I’m sure she’ll be back soon.”

 “If and Aqua is holed up in the underground storeroom found in the western section. I’m sure they’ll grow mold one day.”

“You say that. Without the eighth person, Isla would have joined them.”

“Still, I’ll be there when Kosuke comes home. I’m a capable woman.”

Saying that Isla puffed out her chest, but her chest remained as modest as ever. In fact, Isla really does not show any signs of aging. No, this is not only true for Isla but for all long-lived races.

“I see. But what about the problems?”

“A dispute between Kosuke’s faction and Mother’s faction.”

“A-ah… was Seraphita okay with that?”

“It’s probably just a small misunderstanding, and Mother’s faction will definitely listen to her, so it should be fine.”

“Can’t you do something about that thing?”

“It’s out of control.”

“Nothing can be done about it.”

“It’s hopeless.”

“I see…”

I’m puzzled by their answers.

What is the dispute between my faction and Seraphita’s faction, you ask? In other words, it is a war between the two factions to see who is more suitable to be the main god. In other words, it is a nomination war. They are fighting over who is more suitable for the center.

“They really don’t listen to us when we tell them that we are neither gods nor anything else.

“Well… what can we do about it?”

“Many of these people are short-lived…”

“It can’t be helped that we seem transcendent in their eyes since we live unchanged for generations.”

There were human races in Omicrule as well. However, they were all very short-lived. Their average lifespan was only five years, and the longest they lived was about ten years. They grew rapidly to adulthood within a year of birth, had children within two years, and began to grow old around the age of four. At first, I didn’t know how to deal with them, but now I have managed to establish a successful relationship with them. No, it worked so well that they treated me like gods who had descended to this world.

“After all, we haven’t found a way to deal with their short lives yet…”

“I hope we can find something in the underground archives in the western section.”


The people here are short-lived; in other words, they have a very short life cycle. I found out that they have evolved or changed in this direction. There are still many unknowns, such as how the civilization that existed in Omicrule died out, but as a result of studying the materials found, it is known that the civilization collapsed a long time ago due to an overpopulation of monsters or something like that.

After that, the survivors sought various survival strategies, and as a result, those who survived were those who adopted the strategy of speeding up the cycle as a species and producing a large number of fast workers in a short period of time instead of having a short lifespan.

“There may be other survivors, but it’s hard to get to them, isn’t it?”

“We can’t rush into anything, can we? Fortunately, we still have time. We should just take it slow. If you want, Ix and the others can help you, or you can leave it to them.”

“No matter how long Kosuke lives, he will never get rid of his habit of rushing into life.”

“That’s just like Kosuke.”

“Father always seems to be busy, doesn’t he?”

Not only my wives but even my daughter told me that. It can’t be helped, can it? It is said that the soul of a three-year-old child is the same even at the age of one hundred. It’s no different when a hundred becomes two hundred.

“But back to the point, you don’t understand. If I am the Creator God, then Sylphy is the Master.”

“You’re bringing that up now… it’s been more than a hundred and fifty years.”

Saying that, Sylphy smiles bitterly. The only person who ever put a collar on me and dragged me around was Sylphy. How could I forget that so easily?

“That means Sylphy will always be my master.”

I poured mead from the bottle I took from my inventory into Sylphy’s cup, who smiled ironically. Well, I’ve known this mead for a long time, since we first met.

“Then, as Kosuke’s master, I order you to do the same. I’m in the mood for a dish that Kosuke has prepared today. Something that doesn’t require your crafting abilities.”

“Oh, that’s right. I wonder what ingredients are available.”

In response to Sylphy’s recklessness, I began to examine the contents of my inventory. I remembered something from the past, so I’ll make a messy taco-like dish after a long time. Since that’s not enough, I’ll also have to make some soup and cook some meat… Yeah, I don’t have enough hands. I’ll let Hikari help me.

“Okay, I think I can do it. As you wish then, Master.”

“Mm, no hard feelings.”

We had a great exchange and laughed at each other.

It has been almost 200 years since I came into this world. I’m still going to live through it. I’ll continue to live with my dear master and my family members.

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