Grand Ancestral Bloodlines

Chapter 172: Fluidity [Bonus Chapter]

Chapter 172: Fluidity [Bonus Chapter]

[Bonus chapter for 250 golden tickets]

Ryu's view of the world expanded and slowed.

Breath of Earth. It was a State of Meditation many individuals felt they could only luck into and not seek. Within such a state, the difficult became simple and the fast became slow. Even though there were nine total States of Meditation, entering the second as Ryu had done was seen as such a lofty goal that others never bothered to aim higher.

However, after the first time he touched upon its barrier, Ryu always felt that he could enter Breath of Earth on a whim. He never really thought about why that was, nor did it particularly matter to him in his first life. Because he was unable to cultivate, sustaining Breath of Earth with his practically non-existent Mental Realm was nigh impossible. And, even if he could enter it, there was little point to do so considering it wasn't as though he had techniques to learn or cultivation stages to master.

This life, though, things were very different. The ability Ryu had had even during his first life had become one of his sharpest tools… It intrigued him.

The gaps in Ryu's defense narrowed as his spears became more fluid.

Ailsa smiled lightly to herself. Of course she knew the reason Ryu could enter these impossible states, he had nothing else to thank other than his Heavenly Pupils. While Ryu believed he had only touched two abilities, [Third Perspective] and [Insight], the truth was that there was a third – [Focus].

Ryu's Heavenly Pupils could see into the Mysteries of Heaven and Earth and even witness the Stars of Fate that dictated the lives of all who existed. Grasping the quintessence of a State of Meditation was a simple task when these matters are put into perspective.

Even within Breath of Earth, Ryu was still lacking. He had avoided numerous cuts thanks to his Ice Worm Silk garments, but his black robes were in tatters. And, though his defensive garments protected him, every strike that landed made him feel as though his inner organs were being knocked loose.

Still, Ryu's face was serene. 'With a single weapon used with a single arm, five percent of my strength is still my limit. When I continue to two and enter Breath of Earth, I can bring out between thirty and forty percent… But, should I be practicing dual wielding in this way? Or should I be focusing on increasing my percentage strength with just one weapon?'

Ryu legitimately did not know. He didn't bring out his second weapon because he had an answer, he did so because restricting himself to a twentieth of his strength would be asking for death in this situation. But, at the same time, he didn't want to give up this perfect opportunity to temper his martial path.

In the end, Ryu's eyes sharpened with resolve. If he didn't push himself here and now, when would he get another opportunity?

'Huuu… Breath of Heaven.' Ryu's eyes glowed with a fierce light, so fierce in fact that the Eighth Order Ancestor unconsciously retreated. She felt danger.

Ryu's spears whipped out from himself, their flat blades cutting through the air with a satisfying metallic sound.

His body seemed to steam, a golden fog wafting with Essence collecting around his body. If the elders weren't certain before, they were certain now… Somehow, Ryu had entered a deep enough State of Meditation to call upon Essence!

God Emperor. The Birthed Phenomenon of the Tatsuya Clan's Saintly Spear went by this name. A man of honor and war, but a man of cunning and intelligence at that same time. This was the true essence of his Clan's spear. Layered and calculated attacks that slowly pushed one's enemy into a corner.

'More calculating…' The light in Ryu's eyes grew fiercer. His bone structure was known for its flexibility and balance, it was the reason his mother was one of the best dual weapon wielders to ever exist. He had to tap into that feeling, to break the restrictions on his body, to stop moving so rigidly.

But therein lied Ryu's problem. He had only learned the [Basic Stances], movements, attacks and defenses that couldn't have been simpler. They restricted him into strong constraints that weren't easy to break out of. But… At the same time, their simplicity gave him a freedom other techniques could not!

That feeling, that feeling he had when he used [Whipping Pierce] for the first time…

His life had been on the line, deep within the forest of Opes Kingdom. He had run into a Fourth Order Beast he had no chance of defeating. As a mere Pulse Opening Realm baby, standing before a beast two Orders above his own, no one would have blamed him if he simply keeled over and accepted death.

However, Ryu hadn't. He slipped into Breath of Heaven and tapped into a realm of fluidity he couldn't have imagined before. He stared down his opponent and bent his spear to his whim. Back then, he felt as though his weapon was truly an extension of his arm, a limb he could do anything pleased with.

Then again. When he faced Bhishak. His spear had been pared, his right arm was useless, and he was facing a veteran of ten thousand battles. He felt that feeling once more, that feeling of control, of fluidity, of grasping the world in one's palm.

Ryu's Mental Realm trembled. Others, after experiencing a virtuoso, would forget that feeling. They'd reach the pinnacle for a moment, but never be able to grasp it again. However, Ryu was different. This time, it wasn't because of his Heavenly Pupils, but because of his Origin Flame.

Every moment he had ever lived through in his life could be brought before him with incredible clarity. That day that he managed to survive and run from a Fourth Order beast, that split moment when his spear had become his arm, it was right before him once more. All he needed to do was reach out and…

Ryu's arms seemed to blur. The elders watched in astonishment as their Ancestor, a valiant white-clad Valkyrie who had just been shredding Ryu to pieces, got pushed backward.

His wrists flickered and his arms twisted, applying strength in angles that would have shattered the bones of anyone else.

It was the picture of absolute beauty. For a split moment, a painting of unfathomable depth was born.

'This is it Ryu, this feeling of fluidity, grasp it. This is your Northern Heavenly Wind!' Ailsa's voice rang.

In that instant, something stunning occurred.

A gentle beauty appeared to Ryu's back, wearing a smile that could soothe the hearts of the masses. Though she was slightly illusory, she had a presence that made her existence undeniable and an aura that made the skies themselves tremble.

Ryu was enveloped by a golden-green wind. He felt that the Heavens were bowing to him.

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