Harem Tales of a Reincarnated Elf Prince

ex1 Chapter 7

Chapter 7 - Dinner at the Inn

While carrying the fainted Helena, I went back to the inn.

The sun is setting too, so Cecil and the others might have returned by now.

"Fuu, that was really exhausting……"

I managed to reach the inn, but it was more tiring than expected so I plopped down just like that.

Helena is not that heavy but I have to keep her from slipping off as I carry her.

The problem is, I am not currently in shape to carry someone over.

To the extent that I almost made her fall every time I advance.

I even had to focus my mind more than usual or else she's going to fall from my hands.

Moreover, Helena began breathing asleep in the middle, making me even more determined in this action.

"Finally, the inn at last"

I took a breather after reaching the entrance, then moved my legs again as I head to our room.

It was on the second floor, and looks like there are people inside already.

"I knew they'd be back home"

I found relief not having to search for them again.

I knocked on the door. Cecil's voice ran inside.

"Coming,……Ah, Allan-sama!"

"I'm home, Cecil. Are you the only one here?"

"Nay, Fran-san is here too"

"Is that so? Then good. Please help me carry Helena to the bed"

I showed her my back.

“Ara, she looks so comfy. She must have got tired from playing"

"Ahahahaha, well somewhat"

And it was an extremely radical one too.

I kept the last part inside my thoughts.

There are two bedrooms in this room that is even good for five people. I carried her to one of them.

Because both of my hands are blocked, I asked Cecil to keep the door open.

"Please, this way"


I put down Helena carefully so as not to wake her up.

And because I had a good job carrying her, she's having such a good night's rest.

"Nn…..suuu, haa……"

She breathed softly as she lay in bed.

Looks like she's in a very deep sleep.

After that, I quietly left the bedroom.

"Thanks for the hard work. It would have been hard for me to carry one person on my back"

"It's not that difficult. it was a bit stressing, but other than that it's fine."

When I went back to the living room, various dishes are arranged on the table.

That reminds me, it's now the time for dinner.

"……Oh, Prince, you came back"

From behind, Fran, appears with a tray on her hand.

There are drinking glasses on top of it. Looks like she's planning to take the break with Cecil.

"Oh Hello. I took Helena home just now. Has Effie come back yet?"

I inquired about that girl whom I parted with at that tent.

Well, she's not the type to get lost that easily.

"She came back once. However, she left again because she hasn't seen everything yet"

"I see. That's really her"

I became satisfied upon hearing Fran's answer.

It seems that Effie didn't go out so much from the forest that she used to stay.

So festivals like this might be rare for her.

I don't think she's hunting for men, but I have no choice but to believe her.

"I get it about Effie. By the way, did the two of you made these?"

I turned my eyes on the dishes on the table.

"Nay, these are the dishes I bought together with Fran-san"

Taking a closer look, I saw some that were sold at the shops we had earlier.

"Prince, are you going to have dinner? If so, I'll bring the plates over"

However, I tried to stop Fran from going at the back.

"No, it's okay. Sometimes it's good to pick at them once in a while"

That's why I took out knives and forks instead of plates.

“If the prince says so”

Fran nodded and sat down on another seat while holding another cup.

"Well, this is quite good for a change"

Cecil who normally prepares the table also agreed.

"Yeah, that's right. You have to relax once in a while."

After Cecil sat down, we started dinner, without waiting for the others.

Effie is still enjoying herself outside.

Helena wants to sleep a bit more.

Among other reasons……

"We're digging in…… by the way, what kind of meat is this?"

I reach out for the grilled meat that was in front of me.

Without any hesitation I put it in my mouth, and a savory and spicy saucy filling filled my tongue.

"It seems to be turtle meat. It lives on land and seems to be quite ferocious"

"Oh, a turtle, it's good"

I took a bite once again.

Mmmm~ it's delicious and hot at the same time.

But for some reason, Cecil's eyes looked a little strange.

It's like she's seeing something incredible.

"What's wrong?"

"……Uhm, it's a turtle you know? It's not the usual bird, deer or boar"

Apparently, Cecil is shunning them.

Not that I blame her. In the Country of Elves, birds were the main source of domestic meat. Deer and boars are acquired through hunting.

Because I have eaten soft-shelled turtles in my previous life, I have no sense of tolerance for them.

But I didn’t think the turtles in this world were so edible.

I wonder if it's in the way of cooking?

"Prince, can you give me one?"

"Of course, if it's okay with you, Fran"

I moved the dish towards her.

"I used to get food by myself before. That time I was able to put my hands on one……Mmmm~ this is quite tasty"

"I see. I wish Cecil could eat this too"

I took a bite once again. Cecil made a bitter face.

"No thank you, I am a very normal person……"

She reaches out on the nearby vegetable stir fry, and eats it with wine at the same time.

Wine seems to be well produced around here, and about five bottles were prepared in the room.

Cecil takes out one and opens it.

"I don't mind if you don't like it, but should you not drink too much?"

"I am okay, I'll control it properly!"

"Really? I'm worried……"

From the looks of it, she doesn't really want to be the odd-man-out.

She took out the wine to get out of that resentment, but that would definitely get her drunk.

It's even worse that she's releasing a difficult-to-approach aura all over the place.

"Fine, we'll also drink too"

I took the bottle and poured one to my glass.

The wine glass is not that fancy, but there is no need to worry about It breaking on the contrary.

“I don’t usually drink, but can I get a cup?"

"Okay, pour as much as you want"

I filled the glass Fran held to the brim with wine.

"P-prince, I can't drink this much……"

“What, it's okay. You can dilute it with water. I'll bring it to you now"

I said so and left to take the water.

But it was hard after that.

What can be eaten and what should not, we have plenty of discussions about them while having our meals and also consuming the liquor at the same time.

After we've gotten a bit tipsy, it became a small quarrel. The more we talk, the thirstier we became, and the more drink we consume. It's a vicious cycle.

It continued even after all the meals were cleared away.

"Kuh, I drank too much……Water, water……"

When I woke up, I realized that I had lost consciousness.

I drank up the leftover contents from a cup that was close.

I didn't confirm what the contents are, but luckily it didn't have alcohol inside.

Water enters my throat making me regain my consciousness somewhat, making me see my surroundings clearer.

Looks like I'm in the sofa of the living room.

And, sleeping while leaning over me were Cecil and Fran, sandwiching my body in between.

"Nnn……This is? Are, Allan-sama……?"

"……! No good, I, to Prince……"

They both woke up at almost the same time, then they finally realized what happened.

However, it was impossible for me to react, as my arms are being buried from the left and right of them.

I began thinking of how to slip out from this situation.

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