Harem Tales of a Reincarnated Elf Prince

Volume 6 Chapter 10

Chapter 10 - Algarde Alliance

The day after the 'exciting' celebration of the success of my campaign.

We have confirmed that the Demons have retreated, then left the city.

Of course, Glinnis and Beatrice are with us.

"Is it really fine to leave your country just like that?"

On our way back home, I asked Beatrice.

"Don't worry about it. In the first place, I didn't do much. Plus I have subordinates who are good in their heads so it will be fine"

"Is that so? It's kind of hard for me to believe, now that I'm becoming king and all"

"The Demons are originally a strong race. Even if they settle disputes in battle, they don't do it without permission"

She said, then leaned against a wall.

She intended to go to sleep.

"Hmm, that's kind of envious"

I grew up under the firm guidance of my father.

Even if I succeed him, the quantity of work I'll inherit is high.

"Allan-sama, I'll keep my eyes on you so that you won't slack off. Okay?"

Did Cecil hear me? She gave me resolute warning.

Her eyes don't seem to really trust me.

"Hey, don't look at me like that. We haven't officially decided anything yet"

I tried to ignore her piercing gaze and made a gesture of going to sleep.

It's not like I want to receive her scolding, it's just that I want to relax now that I have achieved my purpose.

After that we returned to Arinheim, retracing the paths that we have traveled past.

When I arrived safely in the castle of my hometown, We were greatly welcomed.

Surprise was present in their eyes as they don't think I would achieve it in just a year.

After I took a break in the castle, father summoned me.

I confirmed that all the branches are complete, then went to see him.

As I opened the doors to the throne, my father was sitting on the end.

It feels the same as my departure, but now it's lighter.

"Allan, you came back well"

"Thank you Father. I'm also relieved to see your limbs in good health"

Then, father made an unpleasant face to me.

He has told me that I'm on my own, in case something went wrong.

That's why I went a bit sarcastic, to revenge myself a little bit.

"We haven't met for a long time and that is what you say to me? I think my son grew in the opposite direction"

"I think it's a good thing though? It's better rather than a leader with no backbone"

I retaliated him once again. Father gave me a wry smile.

"Kukuku, yes, you have to be tough enough if you want to be a king"

It seems that he has recognized my growth.

"And now that you came back, I presume you've already gathered the branches of the King Tree?"

"Of course. Take a look"

I approached the throne and took out the branches from my breast-pocket.

Then, my father used magic to create a pedestal, in which I lined them up.

Though I haven't seen it much, but looking at it closely, my father's magic is amazing.

It's one of the things you would expect of an active participant of the previous war.

His use of magic is more flawless than me, who is just starting.

"What, do you have something to say?"

"Nothing. I just thought your skills in magic is good. You see, I also learned magic from my spirit companion"

When I said that, father made a surprised look.

"Hohou, you can also use magic now? I see, I see"

Was he deeply impressed by me? Father nodded several times.

"but your skills still have a long way to go. I have learned the magic of the Spirit King personally"

"Seriously? That's unfair"

The Spirit King possessed a terrifying magic even for an outsider like me. And that person is the one who taught father? No way……

I knew they were like comrades-in-arms in the past!

Though I'm still envious of him, I moved the topic forward.

"I would like to confirm something. Does father understand which branch came from which country?"

"I saw every King Tree outside of this country during the war with the Demons, but it was already a long time ago"

"Then how can you verify it?"

All will be invalid if he can't confirm which is which, after all I've done up to this point……

Then, father raised his hand, urging me to calm down.

"In order to form an alliance for the sake of peace, it's necessary to gather the Kings of each country. We will confirm this on the spot"

"Then, should we send a messenger for each one of them?"

Well, if it's an Elven messenger who has higher physical abilities, it won't take long.

The only problem is the way each King will respond.

"Hmm, another problem is that no one wants to go to the Country of Demons……"

"Then there's no problem then"

"Hm? What exactly d you mean by that?"

So even my clever father has things he couldn't predict. He tilted his head in confusion.

It feels good to outsmart him at least once.

"You don't have to send a messenger to the Demons. The Demon Lord Beatrice is here with me"

"Wh-what did you say!?"

Father who heard my words opened his eyes wide in surprise.

I guess this should be expected, for finding out that the boss of your previous enemies is now inside your castle.

"……What exactly is going on, Allan?"

But as expected once again, father has been working as a King for many years already. He immediately noticed something.

After getting his calmness back, he asked me for details.

"Well, you see, to tell you the truth, she was a really beautiful woman, and I was able to seduce her somehow"

"Wait, did you say you seduced the Demon Lord just now?"

"Did father already know that I am a ladies' man?"

"Well, yeah, but this is the Demon Lord you know……"

Father repeated himself, still not believing in me.

However, his obligation as the King brought his sanity back.

After he took my words to heart, he then said to me.

"I want to talk to the Demon Lord. Call her here.”

"Got it. But, don't fight just because she's a Demon, alright?"

Though my father is a little past his prime, his magic is still alive and well.

If he starts fighting with Beatrice, then it would surely lead to a catastrophe.

"Of course. I won't drag my old bones to the past again"

After he said that, I felt relieved.

When I was about to leave the room, the called me again.


"What is it?"

"you have done well on this difficult journey. I'm glad to see you grow into a great man"

"……I'm glad too, that I was able to support my father's back"

After exchanging our feelings to each other, I left the room.

After that, Father met with Beatrice and then sent information to each country to hold a conference.

A month later, I accompanied my father to Bivnaheim.

After the conference, negotiations went smoothly and the Alliance was brought to a conclusion.

I was also relieved that Beatrice, whom I thought was the biggest issue, also tried to negotiate with them properly.

"We were able to gain the consent of the participating countries. With this, the Algarde Alliance is now concluded"

At the words of my father who became the chairperson, the rulers raised their voices in favor.

The alliance was then decided, and as proof, a tree will be planted in the center of the continent.

I was elected as the representative since I was recognized as the one that have the most achievements.

Then, after receiving the sapling from my father, I carefully planted it in the soil.

With this, peace was formally brought to this world.

"Allan-sama, Congratulations!"

Cecil greeted me from the side.

"Thank you, Cecil. I'm really grateful for your help"

"Nay, I just played my part."

She replied in modesty.

"Don't look down at yourself too much. When I become the King, I'll first make you my Queen"

“Eh? A-Allan-sama……but I'm just a mere attendant……"

Cecil became confused upon being hit by then unexpected situation.

I enjoyed her surprised expression, which is normally calm and stiff, for a bit, lightly tapped her shoulders, then started walking.

"Well, let's go back to our country first. I really want to relax right now"

"Ah……Y-yes sir!"

Then as Cecil regained her sanity, she hurriedly followed my back.

We have finally settled the case now. It felt good.

I want to enjoy this dream-like life in this now-peaceful world.

TN: Three more chapters left for the main story (plus 20 more for the extra stories)

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