Heart Protection

Chapter 104


 They set out to return to Qing Qiu. Tian Yao brought the nine-headed snake's neidan with him to seek out Qing Qiu's king. Yan Hui also went with him. She didn't have any other purpose than wanting to ask the king a question.

"Since Tian Yao can refine the snake king's neidan, then can Tian Yao and I switch neidan's?"

On the way back, Yan Hui hadn't brought up the neidan matter. It wasn't until this moment than Tian Yao heard her thoughts. He somewhat blankly looked at her. 

"I'll return Tian Yao's neidan to him and use the snake's neidan to maintain my life," said Yan Hui. "Isn't that the best of both worlds?"

"No." Tian Yao immediately solemnly declined. "It's dangerous."

Yan Hui continued to debate with Tian Yao. The Qing Qiu King cut in: "The nine-headed snake is naturally vicious and did many evil deeds in its life. It also cultivated using evil methods, and its body is covered in poison. Even if you successfully use its neidan, you'll always have poison circulating in your body. Not to mention, the snake's neidan isn't enough to maintain one's life. A dragon demon's neidan is the most valuable treasure in the world. There is no easy replacement for such a precious thing."

Qing Qiu's king had just finished speaking when Tian Yao emphasized his point: "Don't think about this matter again."

Yan Hui was silent for a moment: "Then what about you?" She continued, "The nine-headed snake's neidan is filled with toxin, so what about you? Are you really going to put that kind of thing in your body?"

"I can still live without a neidan," said Tian Yao. "I just need it to gain an edge over Qing Guang in battle, but I don't require it."

Yan Hui pressed her lips together. Tian Yao didn't give Yan Hui a chance to argue back and turned towards Qing Qiu's king: "I can here to ask a question. You fought against Qing Guang 50 years ago. Do you know of a weakness?"

The Qing Qiu King's gaze slightly grew grave: "Time."

Tian Yao quietly waited for further words, but it turns out Yan Hui was the one who spoke: "Next month on the 27th is when he is at his weakest."

Tian Yao was a little surprised by Yan Hui's words. Although Yan Hui wasn't happy with Tian Yao's strong refusal, she still spoke: "Zi Yue fled from Chen Xing Mountain to Qing Qiu. She brought with her Ling Xiao's records of the past 20 years when Qing Guang needed large amounts of neidan to boost his cultivation. He is always at his weakest the day before absorbing the neidan. If we make a move at that time, we might be able to kill him."

Tian Yao gaze grew sharper: "Then I won't tarry here any longer. After placing the neidan in my body, there's still a period of adjustment that's needed."

He was just about to turn to leave when Qing Qiu's king suddenly spoke: "You should carefully study the 'Demon Bestowal' book that Yan Hui has."

Tian Yao looked back. Yan Hui was also clueless.

"Qing Guang cultivates using the 'Demon Bestowal' method."

Tian Yao and Yan Hui were shocked by those words. Yan Hui suddenly recalled that day where they fought by the enormous tree. Qing Guang did subtly mention her cultivating via 'Demon Bestowal'. Turns out........

Zhenren Qing Guang lived at Chen Xing Mountain, but he wasn't cultivating the xian method! It was actually the demon method!

And the demon method he was actually......the same as hers!

This piece of news was too shocking. Yan Hui was so stunned that a long time passed before she spoke again: "So it's like this.....then why is the 'Demon Bestowal' scroll in Qing Qiu? And.....will I also need to absorb neidan later? Before I was able to cultivate the usual way."

"The 'Demon Bestowal' you have stops at the ninth level. In that range, 'Demon Bestowal' has the same cultivation methods as the usual methods. But if you go beyond that level, then it'll be like what Qing Guang does....."

Tian Yao frowned: "How many more levels are there?"

"The 12th level is the peak."

Tian Yao frowned even harder at those words. Yan Hui still remembered when Tian Yao flipped throw 'Demon Bestowal', he said it wasn't finished. However he estimated that it would only reach 11 levels. Turns out there are actually 12 levels.......

The pair silently listened to the rest of the Qing Qiu King's words. "The further you advance, the hard it is to cultivate. 50 years ago, Qing Guang wanted my neidan. He needed a strong neidan to break through to the 12th level. 20 years ago, he wanted Tian Yao's neidan for the same reason. Til now, he still hasn't cultivated to the last level."

It was already formidable that Qing Guang reached the 11th level. If Qing Guang finished through the entire scroll, then there might not be anyone in the land who could oppose him......

Silence filled the palace for a long time. Finally it was Tian Yao who broke the silence: "How do you know so much about 'Demon Bestowal'?"

The king didn't immediately respond and remained quiet. Yan Hui was starting to think he wouldn't reply when the king suddenly said: "It was written by my beloved wife who has now passed away."

The Qing Qiu King's wife........

Is it the rumored king's true love, a mortal woman? The one who was dying of old age, danced one last dance, and vanished into thin air........

But wasn't she just a mortal, ordinary woman......

The king lightly remarked when he saw Yan Hui's startled expression: "The first time I met Nei Zi, she wasn't an ordinary, mortal woman. She was the same as Qing Guang, stuck cultivating the 11th level of Demon Bestowal and unable to breakthrough. When she met me, she wanted to take my neidan. Later on, she was willing to give up her lifetime of cultivation and turn into an ordinary mortal for me. She lived for 100 years and then turned into dust, returning to heaven and earth."

In those few sentences, the king narrated the beginning to end of their story. Perhaps there were a few emotion only the king could experience, but it wasn't hard to imagine what kind of person his wife was. She gave up so much for him. No wonder why the king still called her "beloved wife" when recalling her after so many years.

"Qing Guang was Nei Zi's disciple. The year that Nei Zi gave up her cultivation, Qing Guang still wanted to cultivate. He was obsessed with "Demon Bestowal" and didn't want to give it up. Thus, he stole the last three levels and when to Chen Xing Mountain to cultivate. He had a deep loathing towards the demon clans and vowed to eradicate them. 50 years ago, his magic was very strong. I managed to stop him and split the world into two halves. Xian and demons held this temporary peace. And now Qing Guang wants to create chaos again. According to custom, since he is Nei Zi's disciple, I ought to join you in your fight......"

The Qing Qiu King paused and slightly raised his hand. Under the beams of sunlight, his hand seemed slightly transparent.

"But there is a fixed number in the reincarnation cycle. Although I'm seen as the country's kind, I haven't become an immortal. Destiny awaits. The time heaven has granted me on this earth is near its end. The magic within me is gradually returning to heaven, earth, and living things. Now that this body is but an empty shell, I will pass on within the next few days."

Qing Qiu's king........

was near the end of his life.......

Yan Hui was stunned. She started to think back to Qing Qiu's activities in the past few days. Its king really wasn't in the midst of things. Most of the efforts were led by the heir. Under the current circumstances, if the king died, the demon clans' morale would take a large hit. This news needed to be covered up.

"Dragon demon Tian Yao." The king's voice slightly lowered. "The demon clans can only rely on you now."

Yan Hui clenched her first and looked at Tian Yao. His gaze was grave, and his expression was also solemn. 

Even though they seldom met Qing Qiu's king after arriving at Qing Qiu, all the demon clansmen treated the two of them with the utmost respect. They lacked nothing in terms of treatment and provided quarters, food, etc. The king had to be behind all of that. He had to have known one day there would be a situation like this.......

That was why the king questioned Tian Yao if he had retrieve his entire body back. There was a reason behind that.

"My sons and I have already clarified the arrangements. If you can defeat Qing Guang, save the demon clans from the turmoil, then the Qing Qiu's king position will be abdicated to you."

Make Tian Yao a demon king?

Tian Yao frowned at those words: "I don't need to be king." Saying that, he slightly looked towards Yan Hui, "I will fight against Qing Guang. Not for the demon clans nor for the position of king. I fight to protected a person's heart."

For a moment, Yan Hui's heart felt warm. The warmth coursed out of her heart and flowed throughout her entire body.

"For this period of time, I'll adjust to the neidan and study "Demon Bestowal". I may come to you to discuss some aspects. I hope the king will overlook any annoyance I cause." Saying that, Tian Yao nodded towards the king and left.

Yan Hui looked at the king on this throne. She saw hidden worry in his normally cold gaze. She tensed but didn't let it show on her face. Yan Hui just bade the king goodbye and turned to follow Tian Yao out.

Outside of the palace, Tian Yao continued to walk ahead. Yan Hui silently followed behind. They silently walked like this until they left the mountain and almost reached the cold springs. That's when Tian Yao suddenly spoke up: "Yan Hui, don't make anymore plans about the neidan in your heart."

He finally turned to look back at her: "That is your life." He continued, "And it's also mine."

Yan Hui just continued to keep her silence.

When they reached their residence, Yan Hui handed over "Demon Bestowal" to Tian Yao. He said, "I'll  transcribe it. You keep this it and continue to cultivate. Even though it's only a short amount of time until next month, being able to reach another level and protect yourself will still be a good thing."

Yan Hui agreed with that.

Tian Yao finished copying "Demon Bestowal" in the afternoon and took it away. When night make, Tian Yao said he was going to meld with the neidan, so he wouldn't be back to eat dinner with her. Thus Yan Hui called Zi Yue and planned to chat with her about what has happened at Chen Xing Mountain.

But the two of them once had grudges with each other. They only said a few things and were still trying to adjust the mood when Huan Xiao Yan joyfully bounded in. Her smile disappeared when she saw Zi Yue and sensed the xian aura. Huan Xiao Yan somewhat timidly hid by Yan Hui's side.

"This is my senior disciple," said Yan Hui automatically. "Don't be scared."

Zi Yue pressed her lips together and didn't say anything. She merely took another bite of food.

Huan Xiao Yan made a sound and then softly said to Yan Hui: "Master, I just understood the illusion formation that Su Ying cast on you and Tian Yao."

Yan Hui was a little startled by Su Ying's name. She said, "What about it?"

"The illusion formation Su Ying cast on you two. I comprehend it! My magic went super high! You want to see?"

Huan Xian Yan was still talking when Zhu Li hurriedly ran inside. "Yan Hui, there were sudden huge movement near the cold springs. It's around where Tian Yao was. We don't dare get close. Can you......."

Yan Hu put down her chopsticks when she heard it was about Tian Yao. She rushed away before anyone could call out.

Huan Xiao Yan's fingertips had just illuminated with magic when Yan Hui ran out. The illusion demon immediately angrily yelled at Zhu Li: "What's wrong with you! I was just about to show off! Then you rushed in and ruined it!"

Zhu Li was also anxious and yelled back: "What can your crappy illusion magic do anyways!" The contempt in his voice made Huan Xiao Yan swell up with anger. When Zhu Li turned to leave, Huan Xiao Yan swatted the back of his head. She yelled: "From now on, you're my servant! You will be obediant and obey me!"

Zhu Li's eyes stared into the distance, and he stood in place. Then his eyes dulled. He turned back to Huan Xiao Yan and said: "Yes, Master."

Zi Yue's grip on her chopsticks slightly loosened as she watched what was happening. She stared at the two demons in stunned silence.

Huan Xiao Yan smiled proudly at Zhu Li's actions. She patted his head: "Good. Now, I'm tired of walking. Carry me."

"Yes, Master."

Once on Zhu Li's back, Huan Xiao Yan looked back at the open-mouthed Zi Yue: "Tomorrow I'll let this silly kid wake up from my spell. Remember to keep this our secret."

Zi Yue just nodded. Huan Xiao Yan yelled "mush" and then "go forth", and Zhu Li carried her away.

Zi Yue came back to her senses once the demons left. The longer she stayed here, the more she felt that what the shifus taught at Chen Xing Mountain about how "demons and monsters were evil" was extremely inaccurate.

How could a race be so simply defined with good or evil. It was merely if one was advantageous or disadvantages towards oneself.

 Looking back at the xian sects' beliefs, they really were ignorant.

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