Heart Protection

Chapter 45


The screen disintegrated all over the floor. Tian Yao stood only one step away in front of the dragon horns. From the beginning, he was always in the dark. Su Ying's words wouldn't leave his head: "With your horns, look harder. Quickly go find the rest of your body parts. Then......"

Heart protection scale. She still wanted his heart protection scale. She still hadn't given up......Tian Yao's eyes were like snow. His hands balled up into fists.

At this moment, suddenly there was a loud sound from outside. Like a ball, Yan Hui was slammed in to the room, hitting Tian Yao's back. He staggered. Yan Hui rolled to the side. She didn't even have time to make a sound of pain. Yan Hui flipped on the spot, braced herself with her leg, and rushed back out.

In a split second, Yan Hui formed a hand seal and flipped on to the back of the Blue Luan Bird that had also followed her into the room. She grabbed onto the base of its wings. Regardless of how much the Blue Luan Bird flapped its wings and jumped around, it couldn't shake Yan Hui off its back.

Yan Hui finally got settled on the bird and was able to look at Tian Yao who was slowly getting back up. Her temper immediately flared up: "Who are you pretending to be?! Some scholar contemplating some lame story?! The dragon horns are right in front of you! Go for it! Head down and charge!

What are you standing there for?! Waiting for flowers to bloom?"

Tian Yao had been hit by Yan Hui pretty hard. He coughed twice but was snapped back to focus by Yan Hui's venting.

It didn't matter if Su Ying purposely left the dragon horns for him. It didn't even matter what plans and schemes Su Ying had next. Tian Yao had to take those horns.

They were originally part of him. They originally belonged to him. If he were to face off against Su Ying's schemes, then he had to rely on his horns. He had to take back all of him which were sealed away. Not one piece could be missing.

Tian Yao reached out his hand. His fingertips touched the tip of the floating horns.

For a brief moment, a brief warmth starting from his fingertips spread through his veins. It flowed into his heart.

The dragon horns were shuddering.

Finally returned. They were finally part of him.

Tian Yao reached out both hands. One hand touched a horn. Although he had no magic, gold light emitted from his palm. For a moment, the room was filled with spirituality. Even Yan Hui, who was fiercely battling with the Blue Luan Bird, sensed it.

Aside from the sudden abundance of spirituality, Yan Hui also sense a slight warmth. It was like a small flame lit in her chest.

Suddenly, Yan Hui felt strength fill her limbs and enter her bones. The Blue Luan Bird was still unceasingly struggling under her. Yan Hui gritted her teeth and forcefully grabbed the base of its wings. A hoarse yell was heard.

Cracking and tearing sounds were heard. The Blue Luan Bird's wings were ripped off by Yan Hui. However blood didn't spill. The ripped-off wings turned into visible and colorful spirituality. They glimmered and slowly drifted to Tian Yao's side.

The dragon horns were no longer in visible in Tian Yao's hands. However, golden light could be seen revolving around him. The Blue Luan Bird's colorful spirituality floated around his body. It was like the spirituality had been attracted over and now revolved around Tian Yao's body. It slowly gathered toward the top of his head.

When Yan Hui ripped off the bird's wings, she also ripped off what allowed her to grasp onto the bird. She leapt off and fell to the side. There was no need to fight anymore. Most of the Blue Luan Bird's strength was lost when its wings were ripped off. It merely stretched out its neck and cried out twice in its death struggle before falling motionless to the ground.

Not longer afterwards, the Blue Luan Bird's body slowly turned into colorful spirituality and also naturally drifted to Tian Yao's body. The colorful spirituality revolving around Tian Yao looked like rainbow-hued clouds. With such a backdrop, Tian Yao looked like he was a xian about to ascend and receive the Heaven's favor.

Yan Hui watched off by the side, astonished by the beautiful scene. But because she knew what Tian Yao had experienced, at the same time she felt like it would be better if this beauty was never seen.

Just when this thought passed through Yan Hui's mind, a deep shout was suddenly heard from outside: "What lowly demon dares to break in my Heavenly Fragrance?!"

This deep voice had to mean Feng Ming had returned!

Yan Hui froze. She turned to look at Tian Yao. Although she didn't exactly know what Tian Yao was doing, but it was obvious with one look that he hadn't completely absorbed the dragon horns. The surrounding auras were still circling him. It seemed like his inner breath was at a critical point in absorption into his body.

When the inner breath circulation is interrupted, it could easily damage the channels. Heavy damage could lead to a sudden death. Although Tian Yao wasn't circulating his inner breath, an interruption would probably have just as bad a result.

Feng Ming couldn't enter no matter what.

Yan Hui gritted her teeth. She recollected a nine-tailed fox demon barrier method that Tian Yao taught her. Yan Hui was still forming the barrier and had just created a wisp of it when Feng Ming attacked. He threw a flaming metal ball at Yan Hui's incomplete barrier.

The fiery ball rebounded, but Yan Hui's weak and hasty barrier also shattered.

Feng Ming arrived at the doorway: "So it's the nine-tailed fox demon clan's magic!" He glowered at Yan Hui: "I was wondering why you two were so sneaky last time. Fox demons actually dare to be pass off as Zhenren Qi Yun's disciples to steal from me......"

Finished speaking, Feng Ming glanced behind Yan Hui, but what he saw made him frown. He looked startled and also suspiciouslyl at the scene.

Yan Hui internally cursed. Feng Ming had seen Tian Yao melding with the dragon horns. Now Feng Ming really couldn't live!

Yan Hui clenched her teeth and yelled: "Hey, old man! You mercilessly slaughtered so many fox demons! Today, you and I will face off. Let's see how you measure up!" Her words were brash, but Yan Hui didn't feel confident at all. But even with no confidence, you still had to shamelessly pretend.

She didn't wait for Feng Ming to respond and preemptively lunged at Feng Ming to start the fight.

However, Yan Hui had just fought against the Blue Luan Bird. She hadn't recovered much and was using the unfamiliar nine-tailed fox demon's magic. Therefore not long afterwards, Yan Hui automatically fell to the disadvantage.

However in the end, her many years at Chen Xing Mountain swapping pointers with all the disciples prevailed. Yan Hui was able to rely on her experience and repel practically every one of Feng Ming's tricks

As time passed, Feng Ming grew frustrated. He turned his glare over at Tian Yao: "Boy, let's see how your arrogance stands up!"

He yelled out. One hand countered Yan Hui and the other hand shot magic straight toward Tian Yao. Tian Yao was still in the middle of the swirling spirituality, eyes closed. He was wholly focused on gathering it.

It was clear the fiery ball was about to smash right into Tian Yao's face.

Yan Hui's heart stuttered. There was nothing she could change. Not a moment later, she dropped in front of Tian Yao. Rapid Movement Method, a xian technique. Yan Hui controlled the fiery ball and forcefully smashed in into the ground. The force of her blow sank the entire ball into the floor.

One of Yan Hui's knees touched the ground. One hand pressed down on the ball, the other was reaching backwards to protect Tian Yao.

"Chen Xing Mountain's Flickering Image Method," whispered Feng Ming. "After all this time, turns out you're a fellow cultivator in the end."

Yan Hui stood up. Her hair was messy from the fight, but this disheveled look added to her mettle. She smirked, revealing a sharp tooth: "People who know too much tend to die an early death."

"Arrogant. You're wasting your time trying to come up with a trap." Feng Ming coldly laughed, "In front of me......"

Yan Hui moved. She no longer held back her magic and rapidly attacked Feng Ming.

Since he already knew her sect, there was no more need to hide it. Further more, she had left the sect for a long enough time. Yan Hui had no qualms using Chen Xing Mountain's magic against Feng Ming.

She only had one thought in her mind: protect herself, protect Tian Yao. Now, the only route was the kill this sinister man. Even if......

Neither side won.

Yan Hui's eyes blazed, and magic condensed around her fist. She rushed at Feng Ming in an all-out attack. Feng Ming was startled. For a moment, it seemed like he couldn't withstand the attack. The more he retreated, the more Yan Hui advanced. Feng Ming gritted his teeth: "Little brat, today you'll be carried out!"

With those words, he actually stopped fighting back. At the risk of being struck right on his heart by Yan Hui, Feng Ming launched a fist at Yan Hui's stomach.

A grunt escaped Yan Hui's mouth. However, her hand still manged to land a fierce strike on Feng Ming's heart.

Feng Ming stumbled back three steps. He felt a burst of flaming pain spreading throughout his body.

Yan Hui was also in a bad shape. She felt a pain in her stomach, like a knife twisting in. However, this was her best change to kill Feng Ming. She gritted her teeth and ignored the pain with great effort. She was just about to charge forward when suddenly the golden light behind her flared.

Yan Hui felt warmth emit from her heart and spread out to every inch of her body. She paused, unable to take another step.

Feng Ming's chest still burned in extreme pain. When he saw the golden light, a bad feeling flared in his heart. He no longer had the strength to stand. Although he didn't know what that boy was doing, Feng Ming still subconsciously sensed danger.

One against two. That wasn't good. Feng Ming took advantage of Yan Hui's sluggish moments, turned tail, and fled the room.

He still had a patron. He helped Su Ying out. She wouldn't abandon him......

Feng Ming was limping and escaped the room with difficulty. He turned the corner, planning on calling out to the xian disciples still in the courtyard. However when he looked around, the courtyard was completely deserted. Not even bugs flew around.

"Bunch of.......useless......trash."

"Uncle, who are you talking about?"

From outside came the sound of clear and measured footsteps.

Feng Qian Shuo smilingly fanned himself. He was accompanied by men and horses, who blocked Feng Ming's path.

Feng Ming looked at Feng Qian Shou's smiling face. Feng Ming opened his mouth: "Nephew, there are two people inside. One is a demon stealing xian treasure. The other is helping the demon, a cultivator betraying the Dao! They are already heavily injured. Assist the xian clans and protect my Qi Jue Group's place in the jianghu."

"What Uncle said is reasonable." Feng Qian Shuo dipped his head and brushed past Feng Ming. "I will go meet them. So then......"

Feng Qian Shuo slightly turned his head back. His mild smile suddenly had a murderous aura: "I'll have to trouble my uncle to await in Yama's palace in Hell for news."

Feng Ming's eyes widened. A sword had passed through his chest. Without a pause, the sword was pulled out, and Feng Ming's knees hit the ground. He rigidly collapsed: "Well done......" Feng Ming continued, "Well done, even more heartless than......your father."

Feng Qian Shuo unfolded his fan and fanned away the bloody smell: "In your life, aside from complimenting my looks, this is the first time you've praised me Such a rarity!" He sighed, but it was in relief.

His uncle was finally dead.

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