Heart Protection

Chapter 53


Yan Hui felt like the wait for the overseer of intel to arrive was agonizing.

A thought slipped through her mind. If genuine fox lust fragrance needed the blood of a nine-tailed fox demon to be refined, and the nine-tailed fox demon princess had disappeared for such a long time....... Although Qinq Qiu was located in the southwest, that didn't mean they didn't have any influence in Central Plains. Yet they with all their influence couldn't located the whereabouts of the princess.......

Could it be that Su Ying had captured the fox demon princess? Furthermore, could it be that Su Ying had removed the princess's neidan and used the blood to refine?!

If that was the case, then the nine-tailed fox demon clan, who greatly valued blood relations, would bound to be extremely wrathful. The relationship between cultivators and demons had temporarily stabilized with great difficulty. Who knows, perhaps this might incite a great conflict.......

The more Yan Hui thought about it, the more it frightened her. Fifty years ago, the cultivation clans and the demon clans fought. Although Yan Hui wasn't part of it, just hearing what was circulated by others was enough to scare her.

Even though the cultivation clans were able to hold onto Central Plains in the end and push out the demon clans, the chaos of the conflict created refugees everywhere. It was a deplorable situation. Both demons and humans faced retribution in the aftermath.

The world took several decades of hard effort to restore order. If Su Ying's own selfishness wrecked that, then that really is.......

Yan Hui agonized over it and became more unsettled. In comparison to her anxiousness, Tian Yao calmly sipped tea besides her.

A short period later, a foul-mouthed man was heard along with a muddle of footsteps that burst into the room: "I said letting the attendants always deal with customers is enough! Who cares about some important customer that insist on me attending them! I'm busy!"

With those words, a thick eyebrowed and large eyed, burly man drunkenly walked in with a jar of wine. Without looking around the room, the man lifted his robes and sat muttering in a chair. The chair bore his weight, but it let out several ominous creaks. The man didn't care. He just tilted back his head, thrust his feet out, and stretched out on the chair. Then he started to snore.

Yan Hui was stunned by the sight. Tian Yao also slightly narrowed his eyes.

The shopkeeper rushed into the room from behind and stood in front of the beggar-like man. The shopkeeper still kept his smiling demeanor: "Honored guests, this is our store's intel overseer. His temperament is a bit strange, but he has some skill. The information you want to know......."

The shopkeeper hadn't finished speaking when the seemingly asleep burly man suddenly woke up. The burly man was indignant and kicked the shopkeeper's butt, causing the shopkeeper to stagger and fall in Tian Yao and Yan Hui's direction. The two moved out of the way, and the shopkeeper's head hit the seat. He clutched his nose and didn't get up for awhile.

"Rubbish!" The drunk man yelled. "I know it all! What do you mean some skill?! I have great skill! From those that fly to those that crawl, I.......belch, I know it all!"

Tian Yao immediately took over the man's words: "Good sir, since you are so skilled, I don't know whether or not sir perhaps knows what information I want."

"I said I'm Know-It-All. I know it all!"

Yan Hui deeply felt like this man was raving mad and completely unreliable. She interrupted and said without thinking: "Do you know who I am?"

Know-It-All drunkenly sized up Yan Hui through unfocused eyes: "A girl from Chen Xing Mountain, rash behavior that doesn't abide by the rules. You must be that recently expelled female disciple, Yan......"

"Shut up!" Yan Hui yelled. Know-It-All's body jolted. His mouth flapped twice: "What.....what the hell are you yelling for! Scared me to death."

When Know-It-All shouted those words, the sharp-eyed shopkeeper saw the situation clearly. Yan Hui didn't want him to hear the conversation. Thus the shopkeeper, still clutching his nose, did a small bow and pitifully said: "Honored guests, I sill have some business to attend to. I will be leaving first."

No one paid him any attention. Thus, the crushed shopkeeper left the room.

Yan Hui was amazed. If that had happened earlier and Know-It-All could tell from one glance that she studied Chen Xing Mountain's heart techniques, then that wouldn't have been strange. But recently she learned the nine-tailed fox demon's heart techniques from Tian Yao to fight against Feng Ming. Her aura was extremely muddled. That's why Zi Chen scolded her earlier when he saw her.

But under this situation, a complete stranger could unexpectedly discern her aura. His cultivation was bound to be leaps above hers. Moreover, he was also able to accurately guess her name.......

Looks like this "Know-It-All" wasn't full of hot air.

Yan Hui's thoughts spun and another consideration came to mind. She pointed at Tian Yao and asked Know-It-All: "Do you know who he is?"

Know-It-All opened his drunken, unfocused eyes again and looked Tian Yao up and down. He looked for some time. Then, he rubbed his eyes and sat up a little straighter. His time he narrowed his eyes and stared at Tian Yao: "Huh?" Know-It-All stood up. It seemed like he had shaken off some drunkenness, "That's not right....." He grumbled some words and then clapped his hands: "You're wearing an anosmia sachet aren't you?" He rushed toward Tian Yao. "Take off the sachet. Then I"ll know who you are."

Know-It-All stretched out a hand to touch Tian Yao. Tian Yao took a sharp step back. Know-It-All clutched only air. However, he didn't give up and tried to grab Tian Yao again. Out of nowhere, a hand suddenly grabbed Know-It-All's thick arm.

Yan Hui's hand seemed slender and small when compared to his arm, but she had no hesitation nor fear: "I captured that person. Don't touch him."

Tian Yao heard her words. He stood diagonally behind her and looked at her profile with a light look. He saw her pinning Know-It-All with an intimidating glare. Her body overflowed with aggressive protectiveness.

It really was like.......he was being treated as a small chick to be protected......

Know-It-All glanced at Yan Hui. Although he had a burning thirst to know, he didn't want to clash with Yan Hui. He resentfully withdrew his hand and pouted: "You people who ask questions but won't give answers are the most annoying kind." He tilted back his head and took a gulp of wine. Still pouting, he sat back down: "Speak. What exactly do you want to know? When you're done, I want to go back to drinking."

Now Yan Hui and Tian Yao also sat back down. Yan Hui didn't make a sound. She listened to Tian Yao's deep voice ask: "The country of Qing Qiu lost a nine-tailed fox demon princess. I want to ask, do you know the whereabouts of the princess?"

"I know."

Yan Hui's eyes brightened, and she anxiously listened in. Know-It-All unhurriedly took another gulp of wine. He smacked his lips and lolled his head back. He sat like that for awhile before wiping his mouth and spitting out: "More than one year ago in the southwest, she crossed Scarlet Sun Mountain and snuck into Central Plains. She continued north and arrived in a small town. Seems like she is with a scholar or something like that. There's been no other movement. I also have no interest in a demon's matters."

Yan Hui mulled over what was heard. According to what Know-It-All said, the princess was still somewhere in Central Plains. Why were Qing Qiu's people.......

Tian Yao lightly tapped the table: "How old is this information?"

"Last time I heard about the nine-tailed fox demon princess was two or three months ago. Or three or four months. I drink daily. It blurs my sense of time."

Yan Hui curled her lip: "And you have no shame in admitting it........"

Tian Yao frowned and pressed: "Do you know the name of the scholar with the princess?"

"I know." Know-It-All's head lolled around for a bit. "He's called Lu Mu Sheng. Very handsome. Skin whiter than ivory."

His words were funny, but Yan Hui wasn't in the mood to laugh.

If she didn't remember wrong, the scholar by Zhenren Su Ying's side was also called Lu Mu Sheng. It just so happened three or four months ago Zhenren Su Ying found Lu Mu Sheng. Then the nine-tailed fox demon princess disappeared. Then Lu Mu Sheng was brought to Chen Xing Mountain. Then the fox lust fragrance.......

In a flash, it seemed like all of the clues started to come together. Yan Hui felt a headache starting to come.

"The nine-tailed fox demon princess......do you know where she is now?" When Yan Hui asked, she realized her voice was slightly shaking.

"This I truly don't know........" Know-It-All heavily set down the wine jar on the table and somewhat angrily huffed. "Fuck, talking about this infuriates me! My skill is so great! If that Feng Qian Shuo promoted me so I was in control of Qi Jue Group's intel, then I absolutely wouldn't let it get to its current shitty state. He's just scared I'm too competent, and my reputation will exceed his. That's why he won't promote me. I'm so unlucky."

Tian Yao shot Know-It-All a look and lightly said: "Perhaps he doesn't want Qi Jue Group to know too much."

Know-It-All didn't hear those words. Soaking in his angry thoughts, he noisily gulped down the rest of the wine. He wiped his mouth and burped: "However, I know that the handsome scholar is in Zhenren Su Ying's clutches. Two woman fighting over a man. If it's not to the death, then to injury. Since there is no news of the princess, I reckon she is either dead or captured by Zhenren Su Ying. Feng Ming was refining fox lust fragrance a couple days ago. I think it's possible Zhenren Su Ying captured the princess to refine the fragrance too."

Yan Hui suddenly remembered the first time Tian Yao and she burst into Heavenly Fragrance and accidentally encountered Su Ying. Yan Hui used the magic Tian Yao taught her to eavesdrop on Su Ying's and Feng Ming's conversation. Then she was found out.

Back then, Yan Hui didn't think there was anything strange about that conversation. Thinking about it, Feng Ming did say, "That fox demon's blood is too hard to refine. We might need to wait for 81 days......"

Linking that with her current understanding of the circumstances, Feng Ming's fox demon would be the nine-tailed fox demon princess.......

Thinking carefully, the first time Feng Qian Shuo appeared to take away Yan Hui and Tian Yao, he also asked Feng Ming to release the fox demons. His reasoning was, "Qing Qiu lost a nine-tailed fox demon princess." So when Feng Ming sold the fox demons to Feng Qian Shuo, it wasn't to give face to Feng Qian Shuo......but due to a guilty conscience.

He was seriously was scared of the fox demon clan coming to cause trouble.

Yan Hui closed her eyes and calmed herself down: "The two people just now that also asked about the nine-tailed fox demon princess, did you also tell them what you just told us?"

"What people?" Know-It-All pursed his mouth and thought for awhile. "I only met you two today."

"Can people who usually buy and sell intel obtain all of the intel you told us?"

"What a joke. My status is high. My intel is all higher-tiered, okay! How can those small fry compare with me?" Know-It-All cockily kicked out his feet. "If it wasn't for the shopkeeper insisting on me meeting you two because you were sent by the higher-ups, I wouldn't be telling you this information. Qi Jue Group's intel only travels up, not transferred down. Aside from me, no one else knows this intel."

 Qi Jue Group's intel only travels up, not transferred down.......

So that meant Feng Qian Shuo......perhaps even Xian Ge long knew about this.

Thinking about it, it made sense. Why else would Feng Qian Shuo mention there was a lost fox princess to Feng Ming. It had to be because he got some dirt on Feng Ming. It definitely would threaten Feng Ming. That's why Feng Qian Shuo said it.

It was shrewdness. Every sentence seemed straightforward with no deeper meaning. However it was only after understanding the relationship and circumstances that Yan Hui finally understood. With that one sentence, it actually implied so many sinister meanings.

For now, Yan Hui stabilized her mood. She said: "Very good." She stood up. "Then starting from now, don't tell anyone else this information."

It was rare to see Yan Hui restrain her typical nonchalant expression. Her eyes were chilly: "I have one last question. Do you know what in the jianghu most easily causes death?"

Know-It-All pursed his lips: "People just die easily in the jianghu. There's no cause nor reason."

"Today I"ll tell you the most common reason." Yan Hui fixed him with her gaze. "Because you know too much."

Know-It-All had been confident and unshakable his entire life. He had never been scared before. However now looking into Yan Hui's eyes, he suddenly felt his hairs start to prickle.

Yan Hui didn't continue and also didn't look at Tian Yao. Minding her own business, she left the room. Tian Yao was silent for a few moments. Then he also followed after Yan Hui, exiting the room.

He followed Yan Hui, who was walking faster than usual, out onto the street. He looked at Yan Hui's bowed head and called out: "Yan Hui."

Yan Hui paused and turned her head to look at him. His expression was steady. He quietly stood there and calmly looked back at her. For now, it settled Yan Hui down a little.

"The situation has nothing to do with you. There's no need to be flustered."

Saying those words, Tian Yao seemed to hear his own unyielding heart being hit by a rock. He felt a shock.


He was comforting someone.

He, of his own accord, actually.......comforting someone.

However after seeing Yan Hui's eyes flicker at his words, Tian Yao thought since he comforted someone, then so be it. There was nothing strange about it. In this kind of situation, he should be comforting Yan Hui a little........

Yan Hui drooped her head: "I know there's nothing for me to be worked up about."

But......the fox lust fragrance and Chen Xing Mountain were impossibly entangled with each other. Now with the nine-tailed fox demon princess, Chen Xing Mountain also.........probably couldn't be untangled either.

Perhaps even Ling Xiao.......

There definitely wasn't a minor relationship with the situation.

Upon implicating Ling Xiao, it was hard for Yan Hui to stay strong. She couldn't not be at a loss.

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